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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest kellyyy


thankyou very much for the spoilers!!!

i just finished watching ep 21,

and now dying for next week's ep XD

anyway, does anyone know the link to download BOF OST part 2 and 2.5 ???

pleaseee, and thanks in advance~ (:

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Guest lilazndreamer

I think it depends on whose looking cuz judgements like these are very subjective. Among the three that you mentioned, GHS is still the prettiest for me. Barbie Hsu is pretty but her ears are kind of too big for her face and whenever there is a close up of her face, her ears are the first thing that catches my attention. Before I watched BOF, Yoon Eun Hye was also my first choice as Jandi, but now I'm glad that the producer chose GHS. I can no longer imagine any one else who can replace her.

^ i agree =) i watched MARS which featured her and while i havnt seen meteor garden yet, I don't think she's prettier than GHS. there was somethign that turned me off barbie x.x i even wished vic zhou wouldve ended up with megan lai [that was her right?] in MARS T.T as for YEH. i love her! but i think if they picked her, it wouldve reminded me too much of goong. i mean BOF and Goong already have similar things, so if they picked YEH it wouldve been too odd.

anywhoo. hi everybody =DD i just started watching BOF earlier this week and i literally devoured it x.x its so good<3 i havent seen any version, but even then, i'd still probably pick BOF<3 i love junpyo and as much as i feel bad for jihoo and jaekyung. i still want jandi and junpyo to be together<3 and as for yisung! i hope he gets together with gaeul!! ahh! i cant wait till everything finishes, well nto really cuz ill miss it so much x.x

ALSO. for any DBSK fans, did anyone notice that jihoo is wearing the same earrings as yunho?? sorry if someone's already posted about this x.x




=) it've been cuter if it was jaejoong's earrings seeing as how the pair are bestfriends<3

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Guest tofumui


After looking at the pictures, does anyone think that JD isn't at the wedding because JK took her somewhere else?

At the very last minute when she rejects the wedding, she tells him that JD is in danger (somewhere) and this is where we see flying JP (running at the dock). When he gets on the boat, he sees JD and realises that JK has given them a farewell gift.


SPECULATION: I think she saw or was informed by Mama Kang that JD won't be coming to the ceremony because her minions were holding JD captive so she can't interfere with the wedding. That is why JK looks more scared and anxious in the bride's room. JK knows that JD won't stop the wedding because she "gave" her consent at the bench scene. JK then sends Chen out to rescue JD and get her somewhere safe, the yacht.

No way, uh unh. JK was dead serious. She told JD that she would not give up JP and looked right at JP and told him they were going to be husband and wife tomorrow at that very place they stood. If this was playing around, then with friends like that, why need enemies.

What I think that changes her mind is Mama Kang's pure evil actions toward JD. Her friendship to JD overrode her love for JP when she realizes what MK has done. It snapped her out of the cloud she was on. Maybe it made her see the picture clearer. So she objects to the wedding to get back at MK.

omg i think you're both onto something.. i hope JaeKyung will redeem herself and help the couple reunite.. and i can totally see JunPyo upon hearing that JanDi is in danger that he will race to her rescue, which totally reminds me of the time she was on the mountain.. he just stopped in front of a truck and didn't even care for his own life.. ahhh i can't wait to see what happens

thanks blue_angel_1004 for spoiler part 3.. nooo the person in the vegetative state can't be JunPyo's dad, is it? i would've thought JunPyo would have seen his dad when he flew away cuz wasn't that why he left before the date with JanDi???

thanks funkindagirl for the extra spoiler details..

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Guest Raine.

Gaahhhh...I see the spoilers above, and I AM JUST SO TEMPTED TO FRIGGIN READ IT!

[No...must control myself....!]


Now, I shall give me rant on episode 21 now [WARNING! Spoilers!!!].


I am sorry, but someone needs to knock some serious sense intothat girl, 'cause while I was watching this episode, I just wanted to slap my monitor's screen whenever she comes on.

Seriously though, she must be a really nice girl (if she wasn't so obsessed with GJP all the time), but she is just stupid.


What was she talking about when she was like, "I've only loved two people in my life...Gu Jun Pyo and Geum Jan Di..."?


She practically had NO interaction with him in the whole drama, and now she's pretending that she's known him all her life? What about Geum Jan Di? Is she your best friend from elementary school, huh, huh? DID YOU EVEN KNOW THAT THEY EXISTED BEFORE MEETING THEM IN MACAU?!?! YOU'VE ONLY KNOWN THEM FOR WHAT...A MONTH?

And this is not all (oooohhh no)...



GJP even friggin TOLD her that he'll "always love Geum Jan Di" until he dies, so--

Ha Jaekyung, please tell me what is the effin' point of your stubborn existence? And WTF is your point of marrying GJP anyways, if the only thing you're gonna get out of this is a cold, unloving hubby who still shall forever mourn the life that YOU'VE RUNINED.

Oh, yeah, one last thing.

Whatever the lady's name is that plays Jun Pyo's evil momma--

I swear, she's an uberly awsm actor.

So good, that, if I meet her one day (in real life, that is), I effin' swear that I'll knock her little self outta those heels,

and be like,


*Hahhahahh...* (Heechul's wicked chuckle in the end of "Sorry Sorry").


*And then smoothly walk off....*


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Guest kimngoc266

This is my speculation after reading spoilers:

I guess after JP run to JD following the cancellation of the wedding, madam is going after JD' friend, so JD has no choice but to make a deal with madam Kang and breaks up with JP.

The next scene is the break up between JP and JD, and then JP chase JD on the bus scene.

When JD goes the the fishing village, she is taking care of a patient in a vegetable state, I don't think this is JP's dad. I think this is someone powerful that later on will help Shinhwa group. This person will make a deal with madam Kang that in order to help Shinhwa group, JD and JP has to be together. Madam Kang finally has to accept JD. This story is the same as Japanese version.

Thank you every one for posting the spoiler.

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Guest 4everlovingyou

I have a question.

The song Cellogic by Kim Young Min

I dunno if it's me, but like I think I heard the song in Goong before.

I'm not sure, maybe it's just me....

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Guest EYN514

the taiwanese actress is much prettier than the one in the korean version. korean f4 however is hotter than taiwanese f4. i wish korean version chose a prettier jan di....like actress Yoon Eun Hye .... it'd be much more perfect.

This thread is for fans to discuss about the DRAMA not about which actress should play GJD. We don't want this thread to close again, so please pay more attention to your statement or replies.

I like Jan Di!! I think she's a very good actress and despite of what people think she looks very young for her age. She's not EVEN that old!!

Back to the drama, I'm sooo excited!! I don't think I could wait till Monday to watch episode 22. GOO JP!!! You better run after JD!!

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Guest XiahxTiffany


not even that

this was a discussion like a month or two ago

really we discussed this

so stop bringing it up !!!

GHS is really pretty in a way :P

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Nevermind, JP does briefly end up in jail for breaking a toy machine... That thing that JP tried during the double date.

OMIGOSH!!! I can just imagine how hilariously funny this scene would be with LMH's awesome acting. Jun Pyo totally hated that machine during the double date, when he couldn't win any toys, he'll finally get his revenge. :lol:

Thank You for all your great spoiler 'blue_angel_1004' . You make my weekend really really @ ease. I'm feeling sooo happy from all the Jun Pyo & Jandi sweet moments.

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Guest ml_87

oh, reading the spoilers of blue-angle (ths so much, dear)makes me happy. obviously, the drama follows the manga. i remember there's the bus scene in the manga, too. but it's not when they break up. what tsukasa said in the bus scene is so moved : "happiness? i want happiness and i want to make u happy, too" .

so, that JD takes care of the man in coma makes mamakang accept her. it's really great!! and JP loses his memory in the fishing village-> look like in the J-version! :D

i'm 100% sure there'll be happy ending for JP-JD. but wonder is there a wedding? ^^

so guys, let's enjoy the 2 dates next week! it has been a log time that we see Jp and JD smile(so do we?) :D

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aft reading all d spoilers...does any1 else wonder how they're gonna fit all of d amnesia, acceptance etc. into the last 4 ep??? i really hope they dont rush it though...it would totally spoil d show! :(

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Guest garnet07

the taiwanese actress is much prettier than the one in the korean version. korean f4 however is hotter than taiwanese f4. i wish korean version chose a prettier jan di....like actress Yoon Eun Hye .... it'd be much more perfect.

I'm so annoyed at these kinds of comments. It's already going to be the 22nd episode and your commenting about who should play Jandi because of her looks?!!!! WTH <_< That's just being superficial!! Goo Hye Sun is doing a wonderful job playing the role of Jandi/Makino. She doesn't overact and naturally portrays Jandi's emotions. Not that I don't like Yoon Eun Hye (I love her in Coffee Prince), but really, stop with these comparisons and talk about THE DRAMA. Not who should have been......

If anyone is still looking for all BOF OSTs, you can get them at my site by clicking on pic below.

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Btw, are hyun joong and Yunho friends?

I htought it was Jae and Hyun jonng?

I really really love his hair right now.

really reminds me of jae :)

Ohhh btw i wanted to share a funny parody i saw on youtube of this drama :)


it's pretty funny lol

Does anyone else think that Domyoji actually looks like Domyoji here?

but it's apparently played by a girl XD

BTW sound MUST be on :)

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Guest webby

JP and JD's second date (after the zoo date):

JD goes to JP and asks for a date. They go out on a picnic and JD even brings a lunchbox. Of course, JP is ecstatic at the date. During the date, JD tells JP that she loves him. The scarf kiss scene happens here. But at the end of the date, JD breaks up w/ JP.

I think the "and..." was supposed to be that JP ends up in jail (for the fight perhaps?) and Joon Hee comes to get him out... I guess this is what was meant by "self-destruct."

Really? You made my day! i'm so glad that they did not forget to include the picnic scene, i have been waiting for it since epi 12. oohh... must be a sweet one, which will make the parting even more terrible and traumatic for junpyo and for us viewers.. i also like the scarf kiss the first time jandi will initiate it with junpyo.

And i'm liking the fact that they will be showing how junpyo will self-destruct without jandi. For a while i tot they won't be including it in the drama, but i'm glad they are. Because it just shows how important jandi is in junpyo's life. Without her, he finds no reason and resorts back to his old ways, and even more furiously (as the F4 members remarked in the manga). It seems like i'm loving every bit they are packing into the last few epis. I think I can tolerate a whiny umi at this point with all these other goodies.

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After watching 21 episodes and as we near the end of our BOF journey, I can't help but think about the impact that our poor little weed (JanDi) had on the rich and wonderful F4. She has been the catalyst to change their lives forever.


1.) She made him human and humane. Did anyone notice that when Maid JanDi dropped the dish down on the table while he was reading the paper, he didn't flinch or even look up. Compare this to the JP who fired a maid because she spilled tea and there was a bee in the room.

2.) Taught him about love.

3.) Showed him that there are some things that money won't buy and in the process answered his question from episode 2/3.

4.) Taught him what it means to belong to a family.

5.) Because of her he was able to overcome his life long fear of swimming, because of his jealousy and need to be the oe to save and protect her.


1.) Most importantly, she gave him back his family. If she had not been in contact with Grandpa it's highly unlikely that he and JH would ever have gotten together.

2.) She centered him - I have never seen such a smiling Rui.

3.) JanDi brought JH out of his 4th dimensional world where he was uncomfortable being around people. Because of her he sang in front of strangers on the street and he played a harmonica in front of a room full of strangers.

4.) JanDi helped him to overcome his anxiety over driving. She, not his first love was the one to get him actually driving since he overcame his fear to protect her.


1.) Because of her relationship with JP, she was able to give YJ hope that there was such a thing as lover ever after.

2.) Through JanDi's friendship with GE she was able to reunite him with his first love and gain closure.

3.) Because of JanDi, he may have found a new love , a true love in the form of the self-sacrificing GE.


Oh my WooBin, I just don't know what she did to help him. WooBin out of all of the F4 is the least dysfunctional. Yeah, I know that he has this mobster cloud hanging over him and his hangup on younger women. But, he's just so cool and calm, with just the right amount of underlying danger. I loved how calmly he contemplated breaking JP's arm. There's not really anything she can do for him except accept him for him. Which, seems to be all that he wants anyway based upon the underdeveloped bridge scene with YJ.

All in all, the best thing that could have happened was for the F4 to give HaJae's brother the red card and for JanDi to be there to save him.

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Guest xiaomaii

1st Warning

2nd Warning

Due to excessive spamming in this thread, each member will now be limited to five posts per day.

Please also check the board & forum rules to ensure you are not violating any.

just a few reminder fellow soompiers:

--please read the forum rule/s.

--i remember before the thread was close, there's a lot of discussion comparing between the Manga, TW and HYD Versions.

--just ignore the user who tends to create certain commotion on the thread. let the mods take care of that.

--spoilers should be enclose in spoiler tags, changing the font color had no difference at all.

we don't want this thread to be close again right? so let's avoid a spam. this thread has been so hot in the eyes of the mods lately. :sweatingbullets:

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Thanks, blue angel 1004 for more spoilers!

I’m amazed. Why are K-dramas so good at giving angst? Another breakup and another separation due to JP’s memory loss? I thot a breakup is rather unnecessary initially but I figured we haven’t really seen the Witch’s full dark magic yet right? JD and family have suffered but her friends have not. I am expecting the Witch to now harm GE and the boss in the porridge shop. JP will not be spared too. Let’s see if he can continue to use his credit card :P

I can’t remember the bus-stop scene in the manga and the other two tv-adaptations but based on MG (thanks Sango2893 for the YT link to that scene), JD did stop the bus and run towards JP. I assume this will not happen in K-version right? Darn, the bus scene is beautiful because of this. Now, it is just a combination of the raining day breakup + bus scene which means sad sad sad.

And somebody tell me that the person in vegetative state is NOT JP’s dad. Can any mother (granted that she’s a witch BUT she’s still a mother) be SO evil??!! And wouldn’t JP see the body when he attended the funeral? For the time being, I’m going to assume it’s just some influential man who will help JD later on…

The kiss scene between GE and YJ sounds cute but do they have to imitate another JD/JP? Not very unique imho.

Arrgghh… I have a feeling I’m going to hate living through next week after Tuesday. Oh well, at least I know I’m going to like Monday :)

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Guest LiXuEchii

could someone give me a link of this song?

"My heart had a brain freeze" ..i want to listen to it. :)

thanks. is this part of the 2nd OST?

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Guest polaris

Many people seem to be waiting for Soeul spoilers...

But I believe I've revealed pretty much everything about Soeul in my last spoiler.

But after seeing the sign, YJ moves on and starts pottery again.

And about the almost kiss, it's not that YJ stops himself but like w/ Jundi, GE's phone rings and disrupts them.

I'm going to be so disenchanted with YJ if he does end up kissing GE somewhere along the way (messing with her feelings)only to end up not being with her in the end. (like in the other versions where YJ character and GE character have a one night stand.. * :angry: * ) I really hope they dont do that here because then i will always remember JY as a playboy scum. To YJ: If you're not serious..dont even think about it buddy...just walk away now.

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Guest xdaph♥

After watching 21 episodes and as we near the end of our BOF journey, I can't help but think about the impact that our poor little weed (JanDi) had on the rich and wonderful F4. She has been the catalyst to change their lives forever.

Goodness, you have practically typed out the main points of this drama and the reasons why I love it.

Thank you dear. (: And don't we just love Jandi's involvement in all (except Woobin) their messed up lives. *HAPPY SIGH*

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