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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest ml_87

sry 4 cutting short ur post..

so-- jihoo seems to be the husband..

n jun pyo the soulmate..

previous ep. they said 2 men. 1 soulmate, 1 husband..

does it mean,,, junpyo makes it too late than jandi marries ji hoo

god forbid. :o

(*fingers crossed its a good ending with junpyo + jandi*)

i'm happy that JH proposes to JD. he should show her his feeling. and of course, JD will refuse. so we dont feel sorry for JH so much. the problem here is that JD doesnt love him.

i have been so confused becauz JH hasnt confessed to JD. now he does. :lol:

i guess: JP and JD break up again. JD comes back to the fishing village <_< (stupid scipt) . Jh and JP come to take her. but JP get accident on the way. while Jh comes first, he proposed to JD. she's very confused. at the same time, she hears about Jp's accident and rushes to him :D

stupid script when Jp and JD break up!

btw, let's forget what happens in episode 23, just enjoy episode 22 :D

but so JD wont know why JP ignored her, right? poor JP!

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Guest totallyblu

AAArrrrggggghhhh reading preview episode 23 make me want to break my comp off (but i still remember that it's expensive and I can't afford it he3) o come on mr PD man...it's already episode 23 and there is still no a happiness for them <_<;) not cool....really not cool....and if i'm not wrong in the manga/MG the zoo date is ways back in the early episode...so just 2 more episode left and the story still nowhere hmmmm...i think you will rush the ending...totally not cool....

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sry 4 cutting short ur post..

so-- jihoo seems to be the husband..

n jun pyo the soulmate..

previous ep. they said 2 men. 1 soulmate, 1 husband..

does it mean,,, junpyo makes it too late than jandi marries ji hoo

god forbid. :o

(*fingers crossed its a good ending with junpyo + jandi*)

Well, I dun think so....even if he proposed, I'm sure JD won't accept......like the PD expect JH's fans haven't seen him suffered enuf!!!

Anyway, if I remember correctly from MG2, it was DMS who proposed to the other girl he fall in luv with while he's in his amnesia phase. However JH's character got to kiss Sanchai (JD) but eventually when JP got his memory back, JD n JP got back together again.....

Honestly, I'm a JanHoon shipper, but even so if JD is to marry JH, it shud be becos she wants to and not becos she has no choice or alternative...becos it'll be more pitiful for JH for him to know that he's only the 2nd best/choice in JD's heart...

Since I'm JHJD supporter, how I wish the story is not a predictable one.....I mean ever since JD dreamt of a soulmate and a husband in New Caledonia, everyone has predicted/ sure that JH is the soulmate while JP is the husband......but imagine if there's a twist that actually it is JP who is the soulmate while JH is the husband, how interesting the show wud be....bet Joodi fans will ran amok....hahaha

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Guest Mariposa28

does someone has f4 picture in ep 21 when the picture takes all of them from the side? it was the scene that all of them are looking to the sea. aish i'm so bad at explaining. ;p

thanks before :]


thanks to credit

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sry 4 cutting short ur post..

so-- jihoo seems to be the husband..

n jun pyo the soulmate..

previous ep. they said 2 men. 1 soulmate, 1 husband..

does it mean,,, junpyo makes it too late than jandi marries ji hoo

god forbid. :o

(*fingers crossed its a good ending with junpyo + jandi*)

No ,

i think JH is JD soulmate and JP is JD husband :)

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After looking at the pictures, does anyone think that JD isn't at the wedding because JK took her somewhere else?

At the very last minute when she rejects the wedding, she tells him that JD is in danger (somewhere) and this is where we see flying JP (running at the dock). When he gets on the boat, he sees JD and realises that JK has given them a farewell gift.


I'm hoping your speculation is true because that would be a very nice way to end this whole Fiance-fiasco.

I seriously think that JK was just playing around with them, not in an evil, manipulative way but sort of just waiting for JD and JP to finally admit their love.

I have a feeling that she really respects JP and JD's relationship and was just waiting for the perfect moment to bring the 2 together.

That's how I'd like to see it. I've had enough of JK the selfish fiance. Now that this arc is over, I want to see her from a better light.

One more thing! Bring MinJi back!!! I want to see her again. I want her to help Jandi with Mama Kang.

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Guest F4fan


After looking at the pictures, does anyone think that JD isn't at the wedding because JK took her somewhere else? At the very last minute when she rejects the wedding, she tells him that JD is in danger (somewhere) and this is where we see flying JP (running at the dock). When he gets on the boat, he sees JD and realises that JK has given them a farewell gift.

SPECULATION: I think she saw or was informed by Mama Kang that JD won't be coming to the ceremony because her minions were holding JD captive so she can't interfere with the wedding. That is why JK looks more scared and anxious in the bride's room. JK knows that JD won't stop the wedding because she "gave" her consent at the bench scene. JK then sends Chen out to rescue JD and get her somewhere safe, the yacht.

I seriously think that JK was just playing around with them, not in an evil, manipulative way but sort of just waiting for JD and JP to finally admit their love.

No way, uh unh. JK was dead serious. She told JD that she would not give up JP and looked right at JP and told him they were going to be husband and wife tomorrow at that very place they stood. If this was playing around, then with friends like that, why need enemies.

What I think that changes her mind is Mama Kang's pure evil actions toward JD. Her friendship to JD overrode her love for JP when she realizes what MK has done. It snapped her out of the cloud she was on. Maybe it made her see the picture clearer. So she objects to the wedding to get back at MK.

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Guest kiwi18

Those last batch of pictures make me happy to absolutely no end. Jan Di's bridesmaid dress is very pretty. I really like it. Very simple and elegant. Just like her.

That picture of Jun Pyo running down the stairs has my face laughing and my heart palpitating. Because I know that moment when he finds here is going to be... GAH!!!!!!!!!!! Happiness erupts in my heart when I think of it. Is it Monday yet? Because I need it to be Monday so I can watch EP 22!!!!!!! Yay for Jun Pyo and Jan Di being together... Bring it on PD. I'll take whatever you give because I believe you will give me a happy JunDi ending!!

On the other hand, I don't want it to be Monday because I don't want to be that much closer to the end of this amazing drama. Aish. I think I need a life. :)

As a side note, am I the only one who doesn't feel bad for Ji Hoo? I mean come on... the man threw himself into loving Jan Di with his eyes open. He knew her feelings for his best friend. Did he think they were going to magically change??? I don't think so. I don't pity his character because he knew what he was doing and willingly did what was needed for his friend whom he loved. This doesn't make me pity him, it makes me respect and admire him.

(Although I have to say I was relieved when Jan Di pushed his handkerchief aside... It gave me hope.)

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Guest ml_87

i'm a bit disappointed that in episdoe 22, JD wont get any action towards Jp's wedding. i know she cant say "objection" but JD, at least, u should show us that u loves JP. or when u are kidnapped , u screams to ask for going to the wedding to stop JP. dont just stay there with blank face :(

so 23 JP will lose his memory and JH proposes to JD ( why not just confess? a proposal is a bit much with their relationship). and in episode 24,JP gains his memory. then, JD and JP fight again mama kang until episode 25. finally, a happy endig for them. and an open ending for YJ-GE and JH- his 1st love (who will come back). that's perfect to me! :D

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Guest anecia

My assumption for the next ep's storyline

I think it'll be like mix anime and TW version.In the anime version Makino(Jandi)was the bridesmaid,and in the recent ep,jandi DID became the bridesmaid.And in that same ep,JK was crying when she said sth like bot JD & JP are very important to her(something like that) Soo what I'm guessing is...JD will turn up in the church.JK will be announcing that she(JK) is leaving JP ,during the "wedding" and she'll let JD take over her place,beside JP,at the alter.BUT i don't think JD will marry JP YET.. just happily attached to each other as a couple

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Guest Sango2893

I'm hoping your speculation is true because that would be a very nice way to end this whole Fiance-fiasco.

I seriously think that JK was just playing around with them, not in an evil, manipulative way but sort of just waiting for JD and JP to finally admit their love.

I have a feeling that she really respects JP and JD's relationship and was just waiting for the perfect moment to bring the 2 together.

That's how I'd like to see it. I've had enough of JK the selfish fiance. Now that this arc is over, I want to see her from a better light.

I actually think that will happen,sort of like the ice hockey scene,and the hospital scene.

JK's way may be a bit more cruel,and her acting is defitnely superb but she just wanted

them to come out and say it,and she was hoping it would make them even more strong.


I think I heard somewhere that JK objects at the wedding,then Gaeul,then F3 follows,then JK says JD is in trouble

and JP runs to the yacht (where you see ms.chen JK's version of Butler Lee) waiting for him,and JD is there,and sort of

JK's gift to them.Which is probaly the reason why she wanted them to stay there,and refused his 'apology',and by her objecting to the wedding,it wont be JP's fault,and perhaps the merger can still go on.



I don't think she's that evil,and that stupid/cruel afterall.


I do think ,JH will propose,and JD might accept?

and somehow...Idk. loool,but it does go back to the

'One will be your husband,and the other your soulmate'

and then somehow she realizes it,idk how,but she will! lool.

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Guest jenjen4

BOF really messes with your head. I love the fact that everyone has so much speculation on what will go on. I'm serious, this makes me think harder than schoolwork. I really enjoy reading everyone's reactions and prediction.

Regarding the whole, soulmate vs. husband issue.

I think regardless of which way you see it, both cases would be slightly bittersweet. I mean if it's JunPyo as the husband and Jihoo as the soulmate, it'll make alittle more sense for me since JiHoo is always there for Jandi but doesn't quite need that commitment. However, JunPyo as the soulmate also goes with the idea of soulmate in that regardless of whatever comes between, they'd still end up together. Sadly, I just don't want one to not have a lover, at least happiness for all of the characters, alittle unrealistic much? but I don't care, I think they all deserve it.

I have a feeling I'm going to be very heartbroken before the ending. Hopefully, the PD has a heart and not do something too drastic. I don't think Jihoo will marry JD, I mean, after that kiss with JP, how is that possible? She wouldn't just leave him because he forgot her. I'm puzzled especially with how they will make it a smooth ending. It seems almost impossible right now. Such a roller coaster.

No matter how teenage drama this drama is deemed as, I'd have to say it will become one of my favorites.

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Two new videos were released tonight :) .

20/3/NG & Behind The Scenes - X-file Ep 18

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?jzjztgdml3w

Online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeO77pH5R08


20/3/NG & Behind The Scenes - X-file Ep 19

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?lmd5uu2lmmw

Online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV2Ta7dWEQs


credit : youtube, dc gallery

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Guest lilgzl

How many would believe a fortune teller?

The script was made that way to make the fans go wild with imagination and speculations :)

There are 2 men.....

yeah...so what...?

If they dare to use Hana Yori Dango's tag


There is only 1 man for JD

Junpyo is her soulmate and also will be the only husband.

JH is her best friend, bcs only best friend can understand something that even a soulmate and a husband won't.

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why no happy ending for JH?

JH had been a v nice guy

I have a silent lurker for awhile. I think don't quote me but in the original Japanese version, his old girlfriend came back at the end to celebrate Christmas with him - she didn't get married after all. I was wondering why the PD has been kind of stringing us on with the JD/JH pretend wedding. I am just guessing.

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