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Harry Potter Or Twilight?


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Guest cloud9artypants

As much as I would like to say both....

My vote would go to Harry Potter ^^

Why?? Because as much as I like twilight, I like harry potter more; I have Read harry potter so many times I have replaced about 5 of the books from damage done to them by over reading (hahaa the books fell apart ^_^)

Although both last books were a let down, twilight AND harry Potter :'(

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Guest meychunpo

harry potter forever, i love the books.

i reaaaly dont like Twilight even i love vampires,but...em....no.

So def. Harry potter, im so addicted and i love read the books, again and again and again i never get tiredo of Harry :D

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Guest Leopoldine

Even though there are two completely different books I choose

Harry Potter without hesitation.

I enjoyed reading Twilight, but Harry Potter is still best.

I felt like there wasn't any real plot in Twilight. It was always Edward here, Edward there, Edward is unbelievable gorgeous etc.... Yeah Bella, I got that.

I love vampires but there wasn't a lot of fight. When I first hear about the book I didn't think it was a romantic novel (I hear about the book when the movie came out hahaha)

The thing I dislike the most: vampires sparkles...

I was at first very reluctant at reading HP. I tried to read the first chapter, hated it. I forced myself to continue and don't regret it. You see the evolution of all the characters, the story is great, Voldemort is a real meanie and I loved how the story went darker and darker. I hated the ending though.

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I choose Harry Potter definitely.

Like everyone else keeps saying, the world that J.K. Rowling created is amazing. She must have one heck of an imagination. It's nice that the storyline doesn't only focus on the lovey dovey stuff. There's more depth and although the story is about a magical world, the characters are more realistic and face internal demons that we can all relate to. A boy losing his loved ones, friends fighting to protect each other, etc. I did have a problem with the movie, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Maybe they were trying to make it more like Twilight but the plot strayed way too much from the book. They didn't focus on what was important and kept emphasizing the romantic aspect. I just expected more. I hope the next movie focuses on staying true to the book.

Twilight on the other hand annoys me a lot. I will admit that I read all the books and most of them in one sitting. I did enjoy the books and was looking forward to the movies. But once the movies came out, I started hating the series. I hated the talentless actors and the horrible plot/dialogue/directing. Then the crazy teen obsession with it made me hate it more. I guess I just expected more out of the movie but ended up being severely disappointed. I just can't see how people can say that the twilight movies are better than any other movie they've seen. I feel like most people are so obsessed with the movie because it's the reenactment of this "great love story" but I wish they would be sensible enough to realize how flawed the movie really is. I also have a problem with the story of how a girl becomes so obsessed with a guy, she can't function properly without him. The books add a little more depth to the overall story and how they fall in love but in the movies, it just seems as if bella and edward fall in love way too quickly without much interaction between them. So when she goes through her suicidal phase and basically becomes a living zombie when he leaves in the second movie, it just seems way too overdramatic and out of place.

So yea that's my assessment. Harry Potter for the win.

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Guest iPhets

HP!!! how can you compare it to twilight...thats just... <_<

but i have to agree that the HP movies weren't as good as it could've been.

i thought the earlier ones were good, and the latest ones were just..idk, could've been better.

as for twi..i watched the movie.. and... :tears: i wasted $12!!!!! (got dragged there ok)

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Guest dodici

HP! Better books, better movies. I did like Twilight before the entire fandom hit and I think the fame went into Stephanie Meyers head and she kept on writing and it ended up being crap and I just hated it. I'll stick to my wizards.

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Guest soogerlips

There really is no competition between these books.........

It's harry Potter, hands down.

In the twilight series, the writing is too bland and doesn't really stand out.

To me, stephanie myers isn't that great of a writer.

She has good ideas and such, but the writing...ehh.

Oh, FYI. Edward isn't a vampire.

He's a fairy.

I liked you better as Cedric.

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Guest moa.lovefuwa

if we are choosing it technically...... of course Harry Potter win for its creativity, originality sci-fi fantasy and bringing a world that make it magical.... whilst Twilight hit fangirls who are crazing after a romance with a male vampire with a ridiculously laughable theory of shining vampires. i'm sure that those who kept complaining about harry potter going downhill will said the very same thing for twilight year after.....

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Guest MyLovelyBlondie

Totally not comparable. We should all know that Harry Potter is epic and those who dont know are stupid ignorant weird. :D

Twilight is about a girl who is in love with a vampire. Harry Potter is about a young wizard facing new challenges and constant reappearances of the man who killed his parents, the most powerful dark wizard in the world.

To cut it short, Twilight is a lousy love story and Harry Potter is good VS evil.

In the second Twilight movie, New Moon, you have Jacob Black, a werewolf and friend of the main character, Bella, who is in love with mentioned girl. He is jealous of Edward, who is the vampire Bella is dating.

This is a scenario (love triangle) used in several movies, and it can become quite dull after awhile. Needless to say it was in this one. The lines were cheesy, the acting was bad with a lot of scenes that were painfully awkward to watch.

Compare this to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The relationships between Harry and Ginny and Ron and Hermione weren't overdone and you could keep focus of the great story.

You then have the actors.

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are the main actors/actresses of New Moon, while Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson are the leads in Harry Potter and THBP (The Half-Blood Prince).

The first Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) came out in 2002. The main actors/actresses were 10 and 11, yet they captured the essences of their characters wonderfully.

As for Twilight there isn't a big difference with their ages before and now, yet their acting hasn't improved. In fact, it may have sunk a few levels.

And not to mention the older actors.

In Harry Potter you have plenty of these. Alan Rickman (Severus Snape), Michael Gambon (Albus Dumbledore) and Maggie Smith (Minerva McGonagall), just to mention a few. You also have Gary Oldman (Sirius Black), Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange) and one of the most important characters; Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort. All these great actors/actresses contribute to the quality of the movies.

It might focus more on the teenagers, but at the end of the day, you need older, more experienced actors to give it the final, epic touch.

Peter Facinelli (Carlisle Cullen), Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria) and Michael Sheen (Aro) are some of the few older actors in New Moon.

The Volturi, which is a group of the highest ranked, most powerful vampires in the world, were featured in New Moon. They were the highlights of the movie... too bad their appearance lasted for 10 minutes.

Dakota Fanning had the role of Jane. She is a very young actress (only 16), but was one better actors in the movie.

If they focused more on the film itself, instead of creating bad camera mistakes that could have been easily avoided, the movie would get higher ratings.

If I made a list of all the people that played their parts well, it would be done in a heartbeat.

But a list of Harry Potter and the great actors of THBP would spend too much of my time (and more importantly, my patience).

Bella's father, Charlie, deserves a recognition though.

And then you have the audience. If you were a guy lining up to watch New Moon, people would think you were gay give you weird looks, while anyone can watch Harry Potter. Guys, girls, young people, old people, nerds, jocks. It's a movie that attracts all ages, countries, everything, while Twilight is usually for 15 year old girls and 40 year old women that are bored of their husbands and want shiny fairies and barking dogs. Really?

And that was the end of my huge summary... :D

So, my point is: Harry Potter ROCKS! :D

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Guest moa.lovefuwa

the fact that everyone seemed to be comparing these two series is probably because Robert pattinson is in both.

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Guest pinkylily.

i used to love twilight, but seriously twilight is so stupid.

it teaches you nothing, it tells girls to follow around their boyfriends,

and it's just another thing portraying left-out girls finding excitement in their lives.

what does harry potter teach you? bravery and smarts, and it brings you to a whole different world.

seriously, these two should not be compared. twilight is no where near the level harry potter is on.

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Guest iHEARTTyooh

HARRY POTTER~ use to be a huge fan of twilight but changed to a harry potter fan after reading the series and seeing the twilight movies. :D

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Guest somberskies

I would definitely pick Harry Potter, hands down.

Harry Potter was better written and developed as compared to Twilight.

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Guest sweetsukim

I can't say which I liked the most. I really loved reading Twilight and Harry potter but based on the movies I would say Harry potter. I really loved twilight movies but they are a bit to skip scenes too quickly. They should of made them long versions kinda like Lord of the rings. Hahaha.! But both are really good!!! ^^^<-- Alien face three eyes happy. :D

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