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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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Guest TaiTsuki

Ri In must be very happy since Gold is her favorite color!!!!

Red and Gold hah. Harry Potter anyone?

The writing of that "seductive" Shot is coming well ^^

I can't wait to post it Khehe.

I was so bored in Econ class today and I was did bubble letters of the word SUYIN.

*sigh* Suyin is my anti drug ^^

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i cut post again!!! sorry TT^TT

thank you for these pictures~

now all i need is the story. rawr!

KIM JUNSU - i don't see an R here

JANG RIIN - but i do here.

anyway, i forgot to answer the scrapbook/hardbound thing...

then i read lilcece's fic, (The Last Angel) and by chance noticed the book Riin was holding~

that looks good, so i go for the hardbound and scrapbook. yay!

and i still haven't started any wallie (because i'm using a different computer) so any of you CHOCOPHINS (oooh, love it~) care to spam me with those pictures from the Timeless photoshoot? as in everything you've got while i go over and look for some myself... HQs are love~

asdfghj my microsoft word won't open and i can't do any fanfic reading and writing! X_X

oh and i have another request since this is killing my curiosity:

^credits to

dang, i can't find the signature anymore!!! T^T

anyway, i think it's an airport picture or whatever, which basically highlights junsu and riin. riin was behind junsu.. i think of them were wearing caps~ gaaah~ i can't find it anymore!! i've been backtracking fanfic and suyin threads for it. TT^TT unless i'm blind of some sort...

is it an original picture? if so, can any kind soul post it here for me? if PS-ed (which i think the effects are), again, can anyone post the original one? thank you in advance!!!

another long post with nothing to share... gaah~ i will make it up to you guys, i promise!



read that Riin's official fanclub color is GOLD. way to go~ (and that cap junsu's wearinf has R in gold. lol. omg i'm on SUYIN high again)

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Waa, this thread jumped so many pages~

We're definitely reaching 200 ~ ^^

Lynn Dongsaeng~ You're doing a great job in subbing for Carmen! Thanks for the beautiful and clear screen caps of our lovely couple~ ^__^ Teehee.

Awww, Junsu was wearing his R cap even at home? I wonder if his umma knows what it represents. Keke.

He's seriously really adorable. To show his love for Ri In by wearing the R cap, thinking that WE won't know his hidden meaning ;)

Teehee. SuYin sisters are like detectives :D

Li Yin's official color is GOLD. YAY. Her favorite color! I'm glad she got the color she wanted~

I wonder if Junsu will be wearing more gold from now on ;) Teehee.

Junsu's "R" Cap, the R was gold as well! BIG COINCIDENCE~~ ;)

*Sigh I should go do my Amer. Dem. homework..

See how distracting Soompi is? Not to mention SUYIN!

Currently listening to Triangle, DBSK FT. JANG RI IN

I love her voice in this song, so amazing. It's so powerful~

Gives me chills when I listen to it =)

I wonder how her Triangle appearances went, were there any SuYin moments backstage ;)

I found it a coincidence that right after Timeless, Why Have I Fallen For You played. =))

Timeless was when love began, and now he's thinking about putting a move on her before it's too late~ Teehee.

Thanks everyone for the pictures and links!

Timeless Love

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

I know this is kind of stupid but I just thought of this.

Romeo and Juliet.

Ri In and Junsu! Although they are totally switch roles, and definitely the ending here is a happy one haha

Not start cross lovers, but timeless love couple

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Guest liljdazngal06

I know this is kind of stupid but I just thought of this.

Romeo and Juliet.

Ri In and Junsu! Although they are totally switch roles, and definitely the ending here is a happy one haha

Not start cross lovers, but timeless love couple

aww thats cute i think they would make a great romeo and juliet........hm how about also the butterfly lovers since ri in likes the song and if anyone doesn't kno it is the chinese version of romeo and juliet........ahhh that would be cute

ok i have something that is botherin me i can't help it when i look i just don't really understand but r we competing with the Taesu thread cuz everytime isee that we jumped a few pages they would also jump a few pages i kno i am a crazy person and sorry for bringing it up i am not against them or anything but i was just cutious and was wondering if anyone else finds it weird and kinda suspicious

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

haha I don't mind them being Butterfly Lovers, but right now there is a remake out, and I love that pairing WuSa haha.


is there a korean romeo and juliet story?? Suyin could be that

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Guest Mrs.Lonely


Hehe,just dropping by before I go to school.

Wow~Already page 185!!Jia You/Fighting,SuYin sisters aka Chocophins aka Red Chocolate.(Haha,so many names)

Everybody talks about gifts a few pages back.Just need to say that I like the bear talking idea.I think it's really cute!

I remembered some of you stated ur age.I'm 14 this 22nd!Hehe,September..Lucky month!Unfortunately SuYin is on the 9th,right?One of friend is on the 9th.So lucky~

Got nothing to share. :sweatingbullets:

BTW,congratz to JoongBoXiahJang for SuYin-ed this page!15 pages to go!!Jia You!

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Guest celena8899

Come on sisters, we are almost there.

Just 15 more pages, and this page is almost finish, just post 3-4 more! haha

I love the Romeo and Juliet, Butterfly lovers, etc.

How about happier characters. I think I can see a Cinderella haha. snow white with a kiss ooo la la.

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Guest sky_view

LOL, actually I only can think of...

Rory & Jess = Gilmore Girls

Rose & Jack = Titantic

Romeo & Juliet

and now who else?

Junsu and Ri In are perfect for each other.


I was bored, so I wrote this little fic of SuYin. It's not good because it's kind of odd and I just practiced my English. :sweatingbullets:

Everyday you hang out at my cafe with your usual book, but you don't bring your family, friends, or even your girlfriend. You just come in my cafe and you usually sit at the same table - the one you sit at a small round table by the window. I cannot help but notice that you always come to my cafe at exactly 9:00 in the morning and drink my favorite hot drink - it was a skinny vanilla latte. But how come you said you hated a skinny vanilla latte when my brother asked you what kind of drink do you like? Why are you drinking my favorite hot drink all of a sudden? My brother never recommend.

But for today, it's my turn to take your order because my brother said you wanted me to take your order.

I hate when I feel my legs are shaking on the inside when I attempt to walk over to your table. You don't look up at me until you realize I am standing by your table. You immediately smile at me and it makes my heart skip a beat, but I ignore it. I am always like that when I see many cute guys are smiling at me.

Even though my heart didn't pound when they were smiling, they merely made me shy.

But you, you make my heart pound. Not only your smile, but also, when I caught you looking at me, it makes my heart flutter. I hate when you gave me a smirk because you made me clumsy. And you made my brother embarrass me - he told me to stop looking at a cute guy. He actually said that out loud. I assume you can heard it clearly because you laughed. When you laughed - you have a nice laugh - my embarrassment was slowly wearing off as every minute passed.

I take a deep breath before taking your order - but he immediately asks me something that makes me surprised.

"Hi, you must be Zhang Li Yin." I love how you pronounce my name in Chinese.

I don't say anything but to stare at you in disbelief. You laugh, nodding as if you understand my reaction. You continue saying to me - you introduce yourself. "I'm Kim Jun Su, you probably didn't notice me, but I am your next door neighbour and also, I go to the same university as you. In fact, I am not in the same class as you, but I've always seen you hanging out at the library alone."

Did you stalk me?

"No." You laugh. "I didn't stalk you. I always hang out at the library too, but I didn't notice you at first."

So then you started to notice me since you saw me working at my cafe?

"The reason I came was because I wanted to..." I follow your eyes and I find that you're looking at my brother who look at us. He doesn't look concerned, but he gives you a nod as if he encourages you to say something to me, so I am waiting for you to say. You hesitantly say. "I would like to ask you out."

I practically drop my golden pen and notepad as I am surprised to hear his last words. I am not hallucinating?

"I really like you. Since the first time I saw you. When I found out that you were my next door neighbour and I was excited, but didn't have a chance to see or talk to you because you always left your house so quickly before me. But when I found out that you went to my university, I was excited, but I knew I would not able to talk to you because you...completely ignored me. You seemed like you were not interested in me."

That is not true. I was shy because you had many girls to hang out with you, so I can't interrupt your moment and tried to ignore you as soon as I can, but failed.

You continues talking. "I met your brother when I visited my cousin's work. He told me everything about you, actually I didn't ask but my cousin wanted to know about you. It was really interesting information." Your last comment make me giggle, but still not saying anything as you continue speaking. "I was too shy to ask your brother if you have a boyfriend..."

I laugh at his timidity before asking you what kind of hot drink do you want and you look....very disappointed that I don't answer your question. You then chuckles, embarrassedly, you try to ignore the subject.

"Iced caramel, please."

I frown at your voice - you sound mad - but what happened to a skinny vanilla latte?

But I still smile. "Okay, anything else?"

You shake your head, forcing a smile. "No, thank you."

Before I turn to leave, I look over my shoulder. "Don't be mad."


Without looking back, I smile. "Pick me up at 6:00PM. Don't be late or I'll ditch you."

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

Love the fic! I just love reading each of yours idea.

You guys have awesome imaginations!

how about Jack & Jill. Junsu and Jang Ri In haha.

There is so many J's haha

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Guest lilcece



these are my favorite GIFs as well. only because any caption fits the pictures perfectly ^^


what are you talking about? I feel like I'M the oldest xD


wahhh!~~~ beautiful poster! I like it =)


Rory and Jess! another JR initial!




but I have nothing to share T_____________________________T

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Guest liljdazngal06



these are my favorite GIFs as well. only because any caption fits the pictures perfectly ^^


what are you talking about? I feel like I'M the oldest xD


wahhh!~~~ beautiful poster! I like it =)


Rory and Jess! another JR initial!




but I have nothing to share T_____________________________T

lol congrates lilcece and its ok if u have nothing to share just glad that u helped us get to page 186 thanks and yay only 14 more pages in 7 days we so got it go us suyin sisters <3

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Guest lovehyuksu

7 more days! I seriously can't wait. =DDD

All of you are so amazing! I can leave for

a couple of days & come back to find that

the thread has jumped so many pages! <3

I love all of those banners, pictures, & gifs

that you posted. The little stories that were

written are so good as well! This thread &

the people in it always brighten up my day.


14 more pages everyone! We'll make it for

sure. (:

I love how when I entered the thread, SuYin's

part in LET'S GO ON A TRIP! played.


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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

yeah, another page awesome!

Keep writing Suyin sisters, we are almost there, 14 more pages!

Don't you just love it when you suyin a page!

Suyin fightin'

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Guest stayfreemymisery__`

Love the fic! I just love reading each of yours idea.

You guys have awesome imaginations!

how about Jack & Jill. Junsu and Jang Ri In haha.

There is so many J's haha

LOL yup they're meant to be~

7 more days! I seriously can't wait. =DDD

All of you are so amazing! I can leave for

a couple of days & come back to find that

the thread has jumped so many pages! <3

I love all of those banners, pictures, & gifs

that you posted. The little stories that were

written are so good as well! This thread &

the people in it always brighten up my day.


14 more pages everyone! We'll make it for

sure. (:

I love how when I entered the thread, SuYin's

part in LET'S GO ON A TRIP! played.


LOL, I only play that song to hear their part and then I skip to the next... aah so close to 200 pages! ^.^

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

Suyin sister, I got to go, but talk to you guys tomorrow!

I still can't believe we wrote so many pages. I was like how are we going to do that, but I guess anything is possible with Suyin!

Anymore posters of Suyin anyone would like to share?

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Guest liljdazngal06

yeah, another page awesome!

Keep writing Suyin sisters, we are almost there, 14 more pages!

Don't you just love it when you suyin a page!

Suyin fightin'

yes just keep posting hehehe and i do i love it when people suyin a page it makes me smile because it shows how much love there is for them ehehheheheehehehhe i am such a dork anyways hmmm just thinking of some questions maybe we can answer again lol

1 if u were to get suyin a gift, what would u get them?

hmmm there are way too many things that i can think of gettin but i like the idea of hats heheheh a red one with a J for ri in and well since junsu has one with a gold R already i don't kno hehehehe

2. we all love timeless but what if they did have a chance to do a duet again what song would u want them to sing together....??


lol i really like this song maybe they can do a korean remake of it hehehehe

plus if u read the lyrics of this song it resembles timeless love also hehehehehhe love it

3. what if one day in the future u would have a chance to talk to LSM the head of SM what would u say to him?

first please give us another suyin duet and second please promote ri in better i kno its because she has a visa but still she needs more promos in korean ehheheheheh

4. if u could meet junsu or ri in who would u meet and what would be the three things u would ask them ?

i would want to meetjunsu and

first i would be like how r u, oppa ? *blush* lol

second how is ri in? hehehehehehhehehehe

third why do u have a R hat....... what does that R stand for lol? *wink wink* we all kno wat it stands for hehehehe

and then i would scream saranghae hehehhehe

sorry my question are lame if u don't want to answer its ok i was just sharing with u all hehehehe

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Just came back from school and this thread moved 3 pages!

Keep it going Suyin sisters!

Times seems to fly and Timeless anniversary is coming soon!!

And also the SM concert!


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