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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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Guest Kiddo214

Do you advertise/recommend SuYin to the people around you?

yeaup ^^i advertise them as much as i can and bash ppl that say taesu is better

That's really dedicated and how should I say it? Very "mature" of you? :blink:

Don't get me wrong. Suyin is cute. Other couples are cute too. You have your own preference. Others have theirs. Why can't you learn to respect others' taste and commit to your own ideal couple without the need for such immaturity and hate?

In case others jump down my throat, I am NOT bashing Suyin so I believe I do have my say in this thread?

Fanmade couples are just for fun. Learn to take a chill pill. Now unless Junsu admits he IS dating Jang Ri In, I'll go in here and cheer - congratulate all of you and wish the couple good luck. Until then, keep the hate toward other couples to a lowdown please.

Suyin are cute. Junsu and Ri In are nice - talented people but their fans are not very... You know the rest.

I'm sure I'll get bashed but then I care less about it. People should learn to have rationality and mature reasoning.

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Guest Jessica Nguyen

Do you advertise/recommend SuYin to the people around you?

yeaup ^^i advertise them as much as i can and bash ppl that say taesu is better

we're all suyin fans here, but i still think you shouldn't be bashing other couples.

i mean we wouldn't like it if other people bashed suyin, so i don't think suyin fans should bash other couples.

it's kinda mean. it just gives suyin a bad image if we go around bashing other couples.

even i admit i'm a taesu fan as well.

so i feel like each side should just ignore snide comments and support their own couple.

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

Actually we are mature fans. and I will not bash you and I am SURE we SUYIN sisters will not bash you!

Girls don't make me eat my words haha JK

Anyway, well each person have their own views and we certainly love Suyin. You look like a newbie so welcome to Soompi!!

As for your comment, I think we have keep down about other couple quite alot, but for you to come in here to just pick that line to comment about it makes its it hard for fans not to comment back! But I do hope you will come back this thread in the future and be apart of our Suyin sisters!

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Guest Jessica Nguyen

Actually we are mature fans. and I will not bash you and I am SURE we SUYIN sisters will not bash you!

Girls don't make me eat my words haha JK

LOL, we won't make you eat your words! mature fans, that's us!

suyin sisters has a nice ring to it, i just thought i'd say so.

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

well with that over, I think we should talk about happier things!!

Well, I am missing these two together, I heard Ri In is heading back to Korea, I hope DBSK are too!

Somehow when Suyin are together, they look the best, dress the best, and on their best!

I hope they are together more often!

I heard before Sm have winter SM things?? I hope this year also!

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OH, I didn't quite catch that part on the thread. I guess I didn't read everything slowly (sorry in a rush to read things fast during work time).

I hope we can repect others in this thread. Others have the right to support what they want and we have no control of that.

Please do try to keep it low on comments, negative comments towards others here.

Kiddo214 - We will not bash you here. We want to keep this thread peacefully.

There are a few people who might just went over. I do apologize for that.

edit. Oh, yes, heard Liyin will go back to Korea before the Shanghai concert. That means she should be practicing there and also heading to the concert with the SM Town family. So excited about the concert.

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

yeah, if they practiced in Korea, maybe when they do catch the plane to china they sit with eachother haha!

It would be awesome if they have a camera on board and show where each are sitting, but I am sure they cover cover haha.

Well, I always read fast also, mostly the last 4 comments. when you guys do quote that is when I read the quote too haha

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Not gonna bash you because well your entitled to say what you want depending on what you need to say.

I just want to point out that you say your gonna get bash yet you care less about it...lends to my question if you assume you were gonna get bash to begin with why did you bother to post?

You didn't need to have that comment in your post...

My problem is that you called Jaejoong_love33 out for answering a question truthfully...there's no need to call her out on it in the forum..if you have a problem with it take it to her personally, you can pm her or leave a comment on her shoutbox not bring it in the suyin thread.

& don't generalize all suyin sisters as not being "mature"...not saying you are just wanted to point that out to whoever else feels the need to call out someone in here.

This is to EVERYONE!!

If you wanna call out someone for something you feel they did wrong go pm the person don't post it in here because your just asking for others to reply back to you. When we all can just continue on with the suyin love.

Look these questions that were asked were meant to be answered truthfully..& we did.

We answered them the way we truthfully wanted to answer them. So I see nothing wrong with that.

but if your gonna mention others that have nothing to do with suyin then just highlight it out...don't make it visible for others to see because some will get offended by it.

Any who....to bring the Suyin Love back up.

I love the picture of Ri In w/ the cassies in the background because it sorta shows that Cassies aren't bothered by her being there. They are just doing there own thing...sorta makes it seem the Cassies accept her.

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Guest xtehdeb

hm i haven't really been here for awhile.. well i've been stalking this thread but not commenting xD;

sigh school for me tomorrow ):<


1. if u were to get suyin a gift, what would u get them?

couple tshirts or towels lol XD or two bears w/ their names?

2. we all love timeless but what if they did have a chance to do a duet again what song would u want them to sing together....??

hmm not sure haha but maybe a new song

3. what if one day in the future u would have a chance to talk to LSM the head of SM what would u say to him?

i would tell him to promote ri in more..& make her comeback to korea D:!

4. if u could meet junsu or ri in who would u meet and what would be the three things u would ask them ?

i want to meet junsu haha.

1. are you dating anyone? is it ri in? D:?

2. could you get me jaejoong's autograph?

3. can i take a pic with you & ri in? D:

^lol i don't know it i would actually say that XD;

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Guest TaiTsuki

SISTER SISTERS SISTERS! Just another reminder

Please STOP bashing other couples or threads.

I am seriously sick of all this.

I dont want to remind you guys OVER and OVER again that we are so much better then that.

They HAVE a right to like another couple.

And you, being a PERSON, should respect that.

I don't care if you don't like the other couples or whatever

but DON'T bring down the Suyin Sister name with you.

I can't stop you from bashing or whatnot.

I DON'T want to see it or hear it in this thread.

Please, sisters, I ask again that we be MATURE and RESPECTFUL

Like what Suyin sisters should be.

Kiddo214: I understand where you are coming from.

But next time you have something to say to someone that said something you disagree with....

PM them. I don't care if I sound rude or what not.

But your post is causing problems on the thread, personally I overlooked her saying that she bash Taesu

Please, just PM the person you disagree with next time.

TO lighten the mood after my lecture...

Here is another preview to the One Shot I am posting on the Anniversary....

And Junsu couldn’t breathe anymore.

Damn him and his damn hormones.

Most of all, damn that seducing goddess that is stepping closer to him.

Jang Ri In smirked as she saw Junsu’s adams apple move up and down as he gulped. Yoochun Oppa was right when he said that this dare will make Junsu blush. And that thought excite her for some reason. And with each step she takes, she made sure to sway her hips.

And his breathing became hallow.

She stood in front of him as she looked up with a pair of innocent looking eyes and Junsu held his breathe. Her hand went to touch his chest as the droplets of water ran down her bare arms.


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Carmen Unnie's online :vicx:

lol... but should I still post?

Ehhh.. oh wells she told me I'm posting lol

Just came home from a long day.. so I'm kinda tired

but 3 PAGES!?!? wow.. that's too much for me to backtrack

lol but do thanks everyone for the lovely pictures/gifs =D

anyways.. now the daily HQ Timeless performance by our suyin angels =D

On 17th September 2006, Jang Ri In and Kim Junsu had their 3rs performance together on SBS Inkigayo again! ^^

17.09.2006 Zhang Li Yin feat Kim Junsu - Timeless 3rd Performance


I just love how they made a little TIMELESS stand for junsu~ so cute =D hehe


^ Our TIMELESS Angels! <3






^ First Chorus.


^ Junsu looked at her, but she didn't! xDDD *2nd Chorus*



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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

I need to go in a few moment!

Anyway, here is my answers haha

1. I would totally get them two rings!

2. If they get to duet again, I would love to here them sing Beautiful Soul. or the themesong for Mask of Zorro. haha it would be cute if they sing the Titanic song too

3. You should promote RiIn more, and let Suyin duet again!

4. Can you date eachother??

What are your upcoming projects?

Can i have both of you in a picture??

Can you guys sing Timeless anytime soon?

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Totally agree with you Tiff.


& I gotta get this off my chest because it's really starting to annoy me.

I find it so annoying that others come in here & nitpick at what sisters say.

It's fine if you do but do you really feel the need to post something about that here?

If you have a problem like I said in my other post..take it them personally.

PM the person...don't post in here because all it does is cause conflict.

I'll be back to edit this post with a suyin fan art..just so this post doesn't become consider as spam.

Here's a fan made Suyin Tribute found on YT.

It's cute I like it plus it's Suyin so it's LOVE...lol


credit: to the person that created it & on YT

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

calm sister calm. Everything is okay. Look at it this way, would you like someone to write bad things about suyin in another thread. But PM is definitely better. I hope Jaejoongie don't feel hurt thought. We will support her in here right sisters!

can't believe I top the page.

Jolin: I think Ri In did look at Junsu oppa, but the camera pics didn't catch it. usually Ri In look for a very short period of time, I get what she feel if I stare into Junsu's eye for too long man... I probably don't even remember the lyrics are where I am haha

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TaiTsuki and marmar - Well said.

Let's just get this over and go back to Suyin now.

j0liN - You're doing great. Carmen is just visiting...she misses us...haha... She'll be back soon to join her Suyin sisters here!

Love the Timeless stage...but they are so far apart...

awww..the picture of Junsu looking at Liyin. Liyin seemed to be in her own world for a moment.

jessicanguyen_asdf - Just want to thank you for the support here.

xtehdeb - Glad to see you dropping by. Your last answer is funny...hehe I might ask the same too...

We need to light up our Suyin mood and not get distracted by others.

Sooo..here I present Junsu and his love for cholcolates...haha


...and Liyin's reaction?


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Guest celena8899

The page was so full of love earlier now it is so sad.

Suyin 4ever!

well, I wouldn't think of it too much suyin sisters! The more those comments come the more I know Suyin are making an impact. Althought I would perfer the Positive one, which it is also doing! We are rational people and like everyone said, we believe they are together, and we are waiting for them to come out with it. Even if they aren't together we are waiting for them to be haha.

Suyin sister you guys are one of the finest fans I have known. You all are Rational, but at the same time very good imagination to keep up the spirit. Life is like this. You get a punch you keep moving forward!

Same for Suyin. They are fighters they move on, they FIGHT their way to the top!!

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Guest donna_xD

Haha, yea. No more bashing other couples! If you really want to bash or say anything inappropriate, go talk to someone privately please. That's what I do if I want to get something off my chest or if I'm angry at my parents or something. There are plenty of suyin sisters that are willing to chat :)

... and tiff(taitsuki)


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Guest lovehyuksu

TaiTsuki and marmar - Well said.

Let's just get this over and go back to Suyin now.

j0liN - You're doing great. Carmen is just visiting...she misses us...haha... She'll be back soon to join her Suyin sisters here!

We need to light up our Suyin mood and not get distracted by others.

Sooo..here I present Junsu and his love for cholcolates...haha


...and Liyin's reaction?


Let's move on from this pointless drama please.

This has happened way too many times. T-T

But anyways, thanks for the pictures Kyosa! Ri In

& YunHo have the same reaction. Both covering

their mouths. XD

j0lin, thank you for the pictures as well! I miss all

the Timeless performances. ):

The pictures make me all nostalgic & it doesn't help

that their date is coming up fast. Haha.

TaiTsuki, Junsu's getting nervous there isn't he? ;D

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

kyosa: Love the pics. way cute!

Moreover, while we are all talking about this stuff, Suyin are probably doing something that really matters. Lets put all over effort into helping Suyin get to their goals!

Suyin fightin'

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Okay let's all drop the negativity now & let's not engross ourselves with it anymore.

What's done is done let's move forward now.

Let's not go off topic w/ mentioning of other groups & artists.

I know we suyin sisters are all friendly & happy ppl.

So let's not let one negative comment bring us down.

Trust me it happened before just ignore & continue to post & be HAPPY :D

We are all entitled to love whoever we want...so don't worry & be happy :D

& to share..i don't know if it's been posted already, probably but

here is ENGLISH subs for the suyin family picture that was shown on Star Show.

credit: to user on YT

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