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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

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Ep. 19:


King Yuri announces to everyone at the meeting Muhyul is his 3rd son, Prince Muhyul, but the council declares it will denounce the king if he insists on accepting the cursed prince. Muhyul turns to the council and says he will kill himself if he can't prove to them his worth. Afterwards Baegeuk says they should acknowledge Muhyul for now, and blame all the bad things from now on on the monarchy, on King Yuri and on Muhyul. Sangga tells the council from now on the council must be in one mind and if any of them acts alone he will get rid of them. Next when Yeon is summoned into the palace, Baegeuk, Anseong and Dojin watch, and Anseong critizes Muhyul for summoning in a girl right after becoming prince, while Baegeuk asks Dojin to find out more about the girl, when Dojin says he doesn't know who she is. Yeon and Muhyul talk alone and Muhyul says she must be really startled, and he knows how she must feel, because it is also hard for him to accept this. Yeon says nothing and Muhyul says now he wishes to accept his role as Goguryeo prince, despite being confused and unsure about what he is supposed to do from now on. Muhyul says the one thing he is grateful for is he can keep her by his side now, and he can protect her. Yeon speaks to say if it becomes known that she once was a Buyeo princess, her identity will bring more danger to his future, but Muhyul says he fears nothing because he's already faced death before.


Chubalso asks Maro who Yeon is because Balso remembers her as the woman who killed the Shin envoy then disappeared afterwards. Maro is reluctant to say anything and Hye-Ap is alarmed by it and asks Maro about Muhyul and Yeon's relationship, and Maro says to ask Muhyul herself. Just then Muhyul comes and asks to speak to Hye-Ap alone, while Balso continues to pester Maro about Yeon as the two walk away. Hye-Ap is shocked to find out Yeon is Taknok's daughter, and a princess of Buyeo. Muhyul says Taknok was killed for the crime of treason and afterwards Yeon escaped to Goguryeo. Muhyul says he was about to die when he was first captured by Buyeo ppl but Yeon is the person who saved his life, and from now on he wishes to protect Yeon. Hye-Ap says the palace is already full of Muhyul's enemies, and the council is keeping a tight watch on him as is, and if he brings an enemy princess in next to him, it will cause chaos. Muhyul replies that is why he needs Hye-Ap's help. Muhyul says the black shadow of Buyeo already know about Yeon being here, so he knows it's a grave task for Hye-Ap but he really needs her.


Yeon returns to Mahwang's and Mahwang asks why Prince Muhyul asked to see her and Yeon replies no reason, but Mahwang says that makes no sense and wonders if Yeon and Muhyul are of some special relationship, then laughs for sure she wouldn't say it w/ her own lips if that's the case, but Yeon remains gloomy and weary. Dojin also returns to Baegeuk's and replays in his mind about the happenings with Muhyul being acknowledged by the king as a prince. Then Baegeuk summons Dojin, and Dojin tells Baegeuk Muhyul is someone to be more feared than Haemyeong, because Muhyul is someone who has overcome the great obstacle of getting acknowledged by the very person who abandoned him, and that is something more powerful than thousands of troops put together. Baegeuk seems alarmed and wonders if he should seek King Daeso of Buyeo for help since the council alone can't get rid of Yuri. Dojin asks if the council and the Sangga would agree to joining hands with Buyeo, but Baegeuk simply says he will get rid of anyone who comes in his way. In Buyeo Daeso is shocked to learn about Muhyul's identity and the furious king asks Sagu if he's been tricked all this time by Muhyul, and Sagu says they don't know. Daeso then asks where Yeon is and Maenggwang says their mission of bring her here failed due to Muhyul's interruption and Daeso is even more angry, and orders them to bring Dojin here.


Muhyul invites Maro to drink alone and Maro comes in looking uncomfortable and addresses Muhyul as the prince. Muhyul says he can see how uncomfortable it is on Maro, but asks Maro not to treat him like this even if the world treats him differently because the two of them have gone through so many things together that is not shared by anyone else and if Maro treats him differently he will be sad by it. Maro says that's Muhyul's fault for being a prince all of a sudden. Muhyul says being prince has its good points like being able to get a table of wine and foods w/out any effort. Maro is not amused and says he prefers the old Muhyul still, and Muhyul says he wishes he could forget about it too but they can't return to their old selves and he needs Maro his most trusted person by his side, and Maro finally lights up and says he will try but he can't make any promises as he grins. At this Muhyul says for today, he will pretend like he's not a prince and they can drink to their end.


Next, Yuri gives Muhyul a task to see the Sangga and collect overdue grains for tax. Muhyul accepts the task, but Hye-Ap looks weary, and afterwardds Guchu wonders if Yuri has given Muhyul too difficult of a task, but Yuri says he doesn't expect Muhyul to succeed but he wants to see how Muhyul will handle the task. Hye-Ap tells Muhyul as well, that she believes the king is testing him, and Maro wonders how Muhyul can succeed when the council doesn't even acknowledge him. Muhyul asks Hye-Ap if she has an idea but she replies she is not him so only he can find the answer, and orders Balso and Maro to dispath some troops to protect Muhyul. Thus, Muhyul begins to plan his strategy by studying, and finally thinks of something and goes to see Mahwang, Then afterwards he goes to see the Sangga at Biryu and announces he's come to collect the overdue grains for tax. Baegeuk says how in the world does the king expect that when the king has done nothing for their tribe or the council, and Myeong-Jin agrees they can't always sacrifice for nothing. Muhyul then turns to the two and says the king has given the Biryu tribe the rights to administer commerce in Guknae fortress which has profited the tribe greatly, but Baegeuk says that is their given right since they contributed to the founding of their nation, and at this Muhyul says no that is a right that belongs to the king, and the king can take that right away anytime he wants. Baegeuk argues if so the king will be the one who faces loss, and Muhyul says even so that will just be temporary, and Muhyul then turns to sangga and says he will give them 6 days to cough up the grains or else he will take away the rights. Muhyul leaves, and Sangga laughs aloud, then says indeed Muhyul is Yuri's son, and blood never lies. Myeong-Jin insists the king has more to lose than them, but Sangga says the issue is not so simple.


Muhyul returns to see Yuri and Yuri asks how it went. Muhyul tells him about what he did, and Yuri asks if he knows how chaotic it will be if the Biryu ppl aren't in charge of the market and Muhyul says he is already prepared and lined up a merchant to take over should it be necessary. Afterwards Guchu says to Yuri how impressive and brave the prince is when he has no experience. Yuri says Muhyul did better than he thought, but Muhyul doesn't know how difficult Sangga and Baegeuk are, but he will find out once he faces off w/ them. Hye-Ap goes to see Mahwang and asks him to send Yeon to her so she can instate her as a palace doctor. Mahwang says Yeon is not a doctor but she is his slave, and Hye-Ap offers to buy Yeon in that case, but Mahwang says she is not for sell no matter how much, and at this Hye-Ap says she will forcibly take Yeon away in that case. Mahwang gets mad and wants to see Muhyul to argue about it but Hye-Ap says she already knows about Yeon's past and promises Mahwang it is to his advantage to let Yeon go now and Mahwang is tormented. Next, Mahwang leads Hye-Ap to Yeon, and Hye-Ap tells Yeon to pack up her stuff to prepare to move to the palace. Yeon says she wants to stay put but Mahwang also says it's already decided. Yeon then asks to speak to Hye-Ap alone, and asks her if it is Muhyul's will and Hye-Ap replies yes, and Yeon then says she can't bring danger to Muhyul, but Hye-Ap says she knows Yeon is a princess but the Buyeo assasins are already on Yeon's trails so Prince Muhyul is worried and Yeon should go to the palace in order for him not to worry. Hye-Ap then says she will take care of everything else, but asks Yeon to forget about her and Muhyul's past because as the enemy nation princess, Yeon could never be with Muhyul, and Yeon should let it go for Muhyul's sake.


Hye-Ap then brings Yeon to see Muhyul in the palace and Muhyul smiles at Yeon's presence. Hye-Ap says she has arranged for Yeon to work as a doctor at the palace with the permission to treat poor civilian ppl, and Hye-Ap excuses herself afterwards, while Muhyul tells Yeon how relieved he feels seeing her here by his side. That night Dojin goes to see Yeon at Mahwang's and is startled to learn from Gong-Chan about Yeon being gone. Gong-Chan says her skills were so good that they summoned her to work in the palace but she will continue to see poor patients there so if Dojin wants to be treated he should go there instead. Dojin leaves and runs into Maenggwang who tells him Daeso wants to see him in Buyeo. Dojin replies it is too difficult for him to go to Buyeo right now but Maenggwang says that's Dojin's issue to deal with. Then Dojin goes to see Baegeuk and asks him if he still wants to work with Daeso and if so he will take him to Buyeo to see Daeso. Baegeuk says he thought Dojin was already in trouble with Daeso, but Dojin replies that is why he wants to use this opportunity to restore his ties with Buyeo, and the two set off for Buyeo.


Meanwhile, Yeon starts her new life in the palace and on occasion feeds some tonic to the ppl who came for help and the palace doctor asks what she's doing, to which she replies tough the ppl have gotten the cure for the poison they are still weak and the tonic will help restore their heath. Just then King Yuri comes and sees Yeon, asking her where she learned her medical skills if she was a slave before. Muhyul who is behind the king, and Yeon are both caught off guard by the question but Hye-Ap who is with them replies Yeon's father used to be a doctor in Jolbon. Yuri then asks how she became a slave, and Yeon replies she lost her father in a war. Yuri who is happy about her helping the poor tells her if she should ever need something she can come ask him for it. Muhyul looks at Yeon as he walks away with Yuri, and Yeon looks his way after he passes by. Afterwards Muhyul tells Hye-Ap he can't keep Yeon's identity a secret from the king forever, and he wishes to tell the king the truth now, but Hye-Ap says he can't. Muhyul says even though Yeon used to be a princess in Buyeo she's already left Buyeo and now she's working in Goguryeo to help Goguryeo ppl so there shouldn't be any trouble, but Hye-Ap insists the time isn't ripe yet due to the prince being in a precarious position still.


Baegeuk and Dojin have arrived in Buyeo, and Dojin tells Baegeuk to wait while he goes to meet head minister Sagu first. Baegeuk shows Dojin a bottle of poison and states if Dojin doesn't return before sunset he will understand it as Dojin failed, and he will then eat the poison and kill himself instead of being captured and tortured to death. Dojin assures Baegeuk that will not happen. Dojin comes before Daeso and apologizes for failure to kill Muhyul. Daeso is mad, but Dojin promises he will get rid of Muhyul w/ his own hands soon and asks the king to be patient, and Daeso says not to test his patience anymore. Dojin says he is prepared to give up his life for Daeso anytime, but for now he wants the king to meet Baegeuk, and Daeso is surprised that Baegeuk is in Buyeo. Meanwhile, in Goguryeo the Sangga tells Myeong-Jin according to the Jolbon governor, Baegeuk never went to Jolbon like Baegeuk claimed, and Sangga asks Myeong-Jin where the heck Baegeuk went to. In Buyeo, Dojin brings Sagu with him to Baegeuk and escorts Baegeuk to see Daeso. Daeso seems happy to see Baegeuk, and invites him to sit and drink with him. Baegeuk says before he can take the drink, he wants to tell Daeso he's not here to promise his loyalty to Daeso. Daeso asks what then, and Baegeuk says he came because he shared the same enemy with Daeso, and he wants to attack King Yuri with the help of Daeso, and if Daeso doesn't share the same sentitment then he should just kill him right now. Daeso looks at Baegeuk for a while then grins, and laughs, saying indeed Baegeuk is impressive, and pours wine for Baegeuk who accepts. In Goguryeo palace, Yeojin watches as Muhyul practices his martial skills and Muhyul notices Yeojin watching and looks to his way but Yeojin quickly hides behind a wall. Muhyul approaches Yeojin, and Yeojin gathers his courage and comes out to address Muhyul as 'older brother' and asks him to teach him how to fight. Muhyul smiles and thanks Yeojin for opening his heart, and Muhyul states from this moment forward he will be Prince Yeojin's older brother. Yeojin smiles back and says that's what he wants too. Muhyul then lowers his speech and says before he took it easy on Yeojin because of their status difference, but today since he's Yeojin's older brother he will not be easy on him. Yeojin smilingly replies okay.


Seryu comes and watches as the two brothers fight, and when Yeojin falls to a bloody wound on his hand, Muhyul is concerned as is Seryu who rushes to him saying he should go see the doctor, but Yeojin is still giddy and says he's fine, asking Muhyul if he will really accept him as his younger brother, to which Muhyul smiles and nods yes, while Seryu smiles as well. Just then Maro and Balso come to say Sagu has come as the Buyeo envoy. Sagu is met by Guchu who welcomes him, and Yeojin who asks about Daeso's health. Then Sagu introduces himself to Prince Muhyul who says welcome, and Sagu is led to King Yuri who asks why he's here. Sagu says King Daeso wants to forget about their past mishaps and mend their relationship, and Daeso has invited Goguryeo to an upcoming festival in Goguryeo. When Sagu leaves, Yeon passes by and is startled to see Sagu. Yeon turns away in order to avoid being seen by Sagu. Meanwhile, Yeojin asks Yuri if Daeso is scheming something with the excuse of festival, and Yuri says the festivals are always held and attended by both nations since the time of deceased king Jumong. Yuri instructs Yeojin to attend this time, and Muhyul asks to be sent instead but Yuri says no because he doesn't want to tick Daeso off.


Lady Miyu is upset about Yeojin's mission because it is dangerous and goes to see King Yuri to send Muhyul instead since Yeojin has no faults. Yuri says it's not about who is at fault and just then Muhyul arrives and asks to be sent instead as well because he fears it will put Yeojin in danger, and he needs the opporunity to show the council. Miyu gets what she wants but when she returns to her chamber she begins to feel upset and tells her brother Anseong it was as if her son Yeojin got pushed over by Muhyul. Anseong asks her to help him go with Muhyul, and he will bring Baegeuk with him and the two of them will get rid of Muhyul. Next, Yeon talks to Muhyul by the river alone and Yeon asks Muhyul why he puts himself in such danger and Muhyul says nothing but looks out to the river. Yeon says the patients she sees always show her where their pain and wounds are, but Muhyul doesn't show anything. Muhyul says from now on he will show her how he feels, and tell her if he's scared or in pain. Muhyul says he is afraid and nervous about what Daeso is up to, but he still wants to go for his own good, in order to stand proudly before the world. Muhyul says he will come back safely so she shouldn't worry. Next, Muhyul takes off for Buyeo, accompanied by Balso, Goeuy, Maro and Hye-Ap, and a group of soldiers, as well as Anseong and Baegeuk, along with Mahwang and Gongchang with their goods. When they arrive in Buyeo, Muhyul bows to Daeso, and Daeso says it's been a long time and promises Muhyul he will be guarded by Buyeo guards while in Buyeo, and though he has no intention to harm Muhyul, he cannot guarantee what his faithfuls might do against Muhyul. Muhyul looks at Daeso straight and says he wouldn't have came if he didnt' trust Daeso, and Muhyul thanks Daeso for the promise of protection. Afterwards Daeso is hysteric about Muhyul being so proud and Daeso's minister offers to kill Muhyul but Daeso scolds him and says they can't act recklessly.


Maro tells Muhyul they are being tightly watched and Balso says the so-called protection is more like spying and confinement, and Goeyu says they should go back to Goguryeo. Hye-Ap asks Muhyul if he really trusts Daeso, and Muhyul says he is scared too but they must never show it. Muhyul says he's here to find out what's really going on with Daeso, because the old Daeso would not sit idle like this when faced with the person who tried to kill him, and Muhyul says something else must be going on and he suspects Daeso may be preparing a war against Goguryeo in secret and he wants to get to the bottom of it. Hye-Ap says that is too dangerous, but Muhyul goes to see Daeso alone that night, and asks Daeso for a request. Daeso asks what and Muhyul says he wishes to see the shrine of Habaek, which means tomb of Lady Yoohwa, and Daeso laughs and states at first he couldnt' believe Muhyul could be Yuri's son, but now he sees that he is indeed Jumong's offspring and he is full of tricks like Jumong. Muhyul replies indeed he is Jumong's blood and just like Jumong who was a big threat to Buyeo, he too will be Buyeo's big threat and Muhyul warns Daeso to be careful. At this Sagu draws his sword on Muhyul's neck for daring to say such thing to Daeso.


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Guest Brown_Eyes_Beauty

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to know if there is MP3 Versions of the OST for the drama I'm in Love with track number 3...please let me know if there is thank

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Guest tateboe

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to know if there is MP3 Versions of the OST for the drama I'm in Love with track number 3...please let me know if there is thank

Do you check omo-omo.com? They have both mp3 and wav ost links. :rolleyes:

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On Preview of episode 20.

Did they find out about Yeon is the one who tried to poison the King Yuri last time?

I think they tried to poison MH. Well, i guess he will be alright coz he get used to the poison already :P

Dear frenz in here,

Thx for explanation about Jumong. Love this thread lol :P we are so like family here :blush:

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Guest ardentfrias

Dear frenz in here,

Thx for explanation about Jumong. Love this thread lol :P we are so like family here :blush:

But there's one thing that separate SIGERS, we are not one in liking his leading ladies. Split opinions. Hope this will not affect the family. So sad.

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Guest selvaspeedy

thanks Mic e19334.gif

and thanks shenny for the episode :D

Next, Yuri gives Muhyul a task to see the Sangga and collect overdue grains for tax. Muhyul accepts the task, but Hye-Ap looks weary

a biggy task from the king... wondering why he did that right now?!

was he trying to distract the council from the shocking revelation of Muhyul's identity by this tax collection?!

but doesn't he know that Muhyul being responsible for this exact task will make them even more angry :mellow:

Hye-Ap then says she will take care of everything else, but asks Yeon to forget about her and Muhyul's past because as the enemy nation princess, Yeon could never be with Muhyul, and Yeon should let it go for Muhyul's sake.

WTH :crazy: yes hye-ap... you're so worried about Muhyul right now <_< (although I know she should say this -_- )

Muhyul tells Hye-Ap he can't keep Yeon's identity a secret from the king forever, and he wishes to tell the king the truth now, but Hye-Ap says he can't. Muhyul says even though Yeon used to be a princess in Buyeo, she's already left Buyeo and now she's working in Goguryeo to help Goguryeo ppl so there shouldn't be any trouble, but Hye-Ap insists the time isn't ripe yet due to the prince being in a precarious position still.

:tears::tears: it really hurts me to hear him says this... so sad... it's like he's really thinking that he can live w/ yeon happily ever after :tears:

Daeso is mad, but Dojin promises he will get rid of Muhyul w/ his own hands soon and asks the king to be patient, and Daeso says not to test his patience anymore.

:mellow::mellow: w/ your own hands Dojin :mellow: ...................................... :crazy:

Yeojin smiles back and says that's what he wants too. Muhyul then lowers his speech and says before he took it easy on Yeojin because of their status difference, but today since he's Yeojin's older brother he will not be easy on him. Yeojin smilingly replies okay.

Seryu comes and watches as the two brothers fight, and when Yeojin falls to a bloody wound on his hand, Muhyul is concerned as is Seryu who rushes to him saying he should go see the doctor, but Yeojin is still giddy and says he's fine, asking Muhyul if he will really accept him as his younger brother, to which Muhyul smiles and nods yes, while Seryu smiles as well.

I loved this scene :wub: I love the three of them :wub:

Yuri instructs Yeojin to attend this time, and Muhyul asks to be sent instead but Yuri says no because he doesn't want to tick Daeso off.

I loved the fact that he chose Yeojin to go to Buyeo... I thought he will chose Muhyul (because he's the hero of this drama :P ) but when he chose Yeojin first, it means he wants Yeojin to be tougher and stronger and be responsible for big things as well (and also he doesn't want to tick Daeso off :P )

Yeon says the patients she sees always show her where their pain and wounds are, but Muhyul doesn't show anything.

I think he showed you many times where does it hurt :rolleyes::P

Muhyul looks at Daeso straight and says he wouldn't have came if he didnt' trust Daeso, and Muhyul thanks Daeso for the promise of protection.

e19366.gif Daeso the big loser :P

Muhyul goes to see Daeso alone that night, and asks Daeso for a request. Daeso asks what and Muhyul says he wishes to see the shrine of Habaek, which means tomb of Lady Yoohwa, and Daeso laughs and states at first he couldnt' believe Muhyul could be Yuri's son, but now he sees that he is indeed Jumong's offspring and he is full of tricks like Jumong. Muhyul replies indeed he is Jumong's blood and just like Jumong who was a big threat to Buyeo, he too will be Buyeo's big threat and Muhyul warns Daeso to be careful. At this Sagu draws his sword on Muhyul's neck for daring to say such thing to Daeso.

why did he say that to Daeso :crazy: he was obviously intending to tease him :crazy:

I think they tried to poison MH. Well, i guess he will be alright coz he get used to the poison already :P

Dear frenz in here,

Thx for explanation about Jumong. Love this thread lol :P we are so like family here :blush:

I also think they are trying to poison him... I can't wait to see their faces expressions when he stands there safe and sound like nothing happened :P

(what was that magician name who wasn't affected by poisons?!!! Houdini!!! e19376.gif ) I think Muhyul will become another Houdini :P

yes, one big happy family :P


Park Gun Hyun suffered a 10cm cut near his eye after being accidentally slashed by a knife during his KOTW site filming.



credits to Daum and yeohweping.

(omo omo poor PGH :tears: )

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thanks Dramaok for the summary ^ ^ anyway, though it's too scary for Moohyul yet since he was just reinstated as a prince, its nice to see that he is willing to beat all odds that think ill of him and prove himself that he is worth to be Yuri's son, and break of the curse that is shadowing over him, and quite glad about what he did for Yeon to protect her by any cost but eventually their fates will be in a complicated situation when the truth comes out, and also MH shows his support for Yeojin, as one happy Royal Family..

anyway can't wait on how MH will deal with Daeso, with that special request that MH asked, seems like Deaso is already flustered with anger, that Moohyul is really Yuri's son ^ ^

thanks selva for the screencaps and news, I should watch Episode 19 now ^^, I hope Park Geun-hyung is doing ok now after the accident while filming

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Guest selvaspeedy

ahem...Muhyul grew up :crazy: :crazy: WTH... when did that happen :crazy:

gahhhhhhh :tears: my super crappy streaming :tears: if it was a human being I would kill him :crazy:

there were lot of conversations and arguments today that need exact translation and not guessing :D

I was lost most of the episode becuse of the buffering <_< (every 2 seconds literally :crazy: ) when I dl the episode I'll watch it again (but will be waiting for MU link -_- )

I'm so useless today :P :P sorry :D

please SOS :D does anybody know a better site for watching KBS 2 online please please help SOS :D

there were few scenes (I managed to watch clearly :D )... one of them is this: I think they threw Yeon to prison and when Dojin went to see her, I think he said it's Muhyul's fault for bringing her to the palace -_- but Yeon didn't agree w/ him... so, of course, Dojin became crazy and yelled at her -_-

but one good thing... my prince is back ^_^ in the moustache and the beard ^_^

I'm screaming right now :tears: crappy streaming :crazy:

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Guest Aquajoh1986

:blush: OMG....OMG the buffering sucked but at the end.... time must have past because muhyul HAD..... THE BEARD.... then the scence that we saw from the preview of muhyul battling dojin at the battlefield happens nest episode. My God... he looked sooooo good in that purple garment... I tell you. Man...

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Guest selvaspeedy

:blush: OMG....OMG the buffering sucked but at the end.... time must have past because muhyul HAD..... THE BEARD.... then the scence that we saw from the preview of muhyul battling dojin at the battlefield happens nest episode. My God... he looked sooooo good in that purple garment... I tell you. Man...

yes the streaming was awful... never have been like this before

but yes... the beard and the moustache..

but so sad... I'm gonna miss my clean-shaved prince :P

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Phew! finally finish watching eps 19 :P love the relation between Muhyul and Yeojin ^^ he (Yeojin) such a baby :P very cute when he smiled ^^

Just like Selva, I always comments what a handsome prince with that outfit :lol: just love it :wub: seems like Muhyul just cut his front hair :lol:

Anyway... can't wait to read selva post+caps and dramaok summary on eps 20 ^^

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Guest Aquajoh1986

I have to say that I liked that Dojin finally snapped. Now yeon will be wary of him.... no more affectionate older brother now.... he has become the guy in the mask.... Hehehe.... I wonder what happened to her after he LEFT HER IN JAIL.... So want to see the next episode with the battle and Muhyul yelling ATTACK....nostalgia from Jumong... well...6 days and counting

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Guest selvaspeedy

Just like Selva, I always comments what a handsome prince with that outfit :lol: just love it :wub: seems like Muhyul just cut his front hair :lol:

see :blush: :blush: he looked so freaking hot :P

and man the beard is soooooooooooooooooooo :blush: reminds me of Yeum Moon :wub:

I have to say that I liked that Dojin finally snapped. Now yeon will be wary of him.... no more affectionate older brother now.... he has become the guy in the mask.... Hehehe.... I wonder what happened to her after he LEFT HER IN JAIL.... So want to see the next episode with the battle and Muhyul yelling ATTACK....nostalgia from Jumong... well...6 days and counting

awwww me toooooo I'm screaming right now e19366.gife19366.gif

BTW... the part at the festival wasn't clear... Balso and Maro got caught and he fought w/ the man and then closed his eyes :huh: what really happened SOS :D

scratch that thought... I think what he drank made him dizzy... so he closed his eyes and concentrated on hearing and that's how he defeated Sagu :D

tetaobo where are you :tears:

gotta go :D

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