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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Guest dramaok

Yes you shouldn't skip your study again selva ^^ *talking to my self :P I watch eps 13 in the office hour :P*

I like the scene when Geoyu jealously looking Seryu with Dojin while they were fighting ^^ and chubalsu teasing him :lol: also I like Yeojin & Yeonha pair ^^ they look cute together :P

yes the light-hearted couples are sweet. but chubalso needs someone...

Oooh... that is all I could manage to say after watching today's episode. I think the story is about to get very interesting. I think

Muhyul and Maro are double agents now, lol. I think Muhyul is going to make it up to Yuri for misunderstanding him regarding Haemyung's death.

yup! and Dojin too. he seems like a

double agent too. appearing to work for biryu and goguryeo but actually for buyeo.

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Guest selvaspeedy

the last scene






source: DCininside KOTW gallery

ok I loved tonight's episode :wub: but of course there were some parts that confused me... so definitely I'll watch it again... and of course I can't wait for dramaok's summary :D (you're right, poor balso needs a gf :P )

omo... Muhyul and Yeon's scenes are so :wub: . I can watch them forever :blush:

and I think Dojin has gone insane :huh::mellow:

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Guest tateboe


finished download and watched!

awaiting for Dramaok

What is in the box Dojin bring in?

King Daeso's head?

Want to know Muhyul and Yeon's coversation in the end.

Can't wait it.......

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Guest dramaok

ep. 14:


Muhyul and Maro find the scrolls with the imprint 'deer' which means Buyeo, and the two return to the assasin corridors. The chief assasin begins a search for who among the assasins set the library on fire, but he gets distracted by the revelation that Maenggwang is missing. The assasins begin to search for Maenggwang instead. Meanwhile Dojin is still thinking about Yeon and her words about Muhyul avenging for her. When the chief assasin finds Maenggwang and starts to beat him, Muhyul and Maro watch and Muhyul tells Maro they should go kill King Daeso next. Maro is frightened by it and says he was only joking to Goeyu when he bragged about getting Daeso's head, but Muhyul says it's time they return their swords to Daeso who gave them to them. During the beating of Maenggwang, Sagu comes and puts a halt to it saying Maenggwang is his man. Muhyul and the rest of the assasins are assigned a secret task of protecting King Daeso during an envoy but Sagu won't tell them the details just that it's their task and they will find out their job in the last minute.

Back in Goguryeo, Guchu informs King Yuri about the tribe leads meeting, and Guchu fears they will be planning a revolt, but Yuri says he wishes they would, so he can seize the chance to get rid of them for good, since it's time they seek revenge for Haemyeong's death. During the meeting the Hanna tribe leader doesn't show up and Baegeuk is angry that the Hanna man is scared of yuri, but Sangga says they have to be weary of Yuri and his true motive before doing anything rash. Baegeuk goes home and he's angry that everyone's scared of Yuri, and he airs out his frustration at Dojin, who tells him he has an idea to scare Yuri without actually going to war with him. Dojin says he will go to Kisan tribe and bring back the new chief's head. At the palace, Lady Miyu gets a visit from her brother who says things are chaotic between the king and the tribe leads, and he fears something might happen before Yeojin gets named crown prince. Lady Miyu gets upset by it too and her brother tells her to go and ask the king to summon for his help. However, on the way there, Dojin kills the two men and takes a detour to go to Buyeo before heading off to Kisan for the task.


Maro and Muhyul meet with Hye-Ap, Balso and Goeyu as agreed previously in their secret location, and Muhyul hands Hye-Ap the stolen secret scrolls. Hye-Aps says they did great and they should go back to Goguryeo now, but Muhyul says he wants to stay and kill King Daeso since an opportunity has presented itself. Goeyu says not to act recklessly and Balso says Muhyul is nuts, but Muhyul says it's the only chance and Hye-Ap reluctantly agrees, however after she leaves she gets a bad vibe and decides to go back to protect Muhyul. Muhyul and Maro head back to the assasin camp, but their movement is being watched by Maenggwang who tips off to Sagu about it. Next, King Daeso is about to go out to the streets as a disguised merchant to see what the ppl are saying about their country, and the assassins are assigned the task of protecting the king, with the exception of Muhyul and Maro who are ordered to stay at the palace by Sagu. Muhyul complains but Sagu shuts him up and the king goes out with the entourage, all disguised as merchants.


King Daeso then arrives at a inn in an area that's suffering financially, and Daeso buys drinks for everyone at the inn, saying he's happy because he just sold all his silk from Shin nation. A man says Daeso is lucky, unlike him who had to sell his own daughter today in order to make a living, and he's a lucky one not like his neighbor who not only sold his children he's about to sell himself too in order to stay alive. Daeso says surely things aren't that bad, but the man is outraged and ridicultes King Daeso and his policies that are starving the ppl of Buyeo. The man goes on to say things are better in Goguryeo, because their king won't let his citizens starve. Sagu is angered by the remark and he's about to kill the man, when King Daeso stops him and says these are the things he came out to hear. Daeso then prepares to return to the palace, when Muhyul and Maro arrive and prepare their attack on the king. Not far away, Dojin is arriving in the gates of Buyeo as well. Muhyul waits for the right timing and shoots an arrow toward King Daeso, piercing Daeso's heart. The king's men are startled and the assasins begin searching for the shooter. Maenggwang finds Muhyul and Maro, who are soon fighting for their lives against the assasins, and Dojin arrives as well, wearing a mask and fighting against Muhyul. Maro gets injured and Muhyul quickly escapes with him by slashing down ropes and lowering an awning on top of the assasins. Then, Muhyul and Maro are able to escape when Hye-Ap, Goeyu and Balso arrive with horses for Muhyul and Maro to ride out.


King Daeso is unconscious and Sagu is told by the doctor that he can't guarantee the king will live. Sagu gets furious and threatens the doctor he must save the king, that without King Daeso there's no Buyeo. The Buyeo ministers are all worried about what's happened and Sagu warns them not to rumor around about a possible death. Dojin comes to Daeso's bed, and Dojin remembers the king's mission for him, for Dojin to go to Goguryeo and become a Goguryeo person, a mission that is top secret, only known to Daeso and Dojin. Dojin remembers how Daeso promised him if Dojin completes his mission he could become the next heir to the Buyeo throne. Dojin stands there watching Daeso, and Dojin asks King Daeso to hurry and awake, to fill his empty cup and erase his pains. Daeso remains unconscious, and Dojin vows he will now return to Goguryeo and return Daeso's pain to those who caused it. As Dojin leaves, Sagu is surprised to see him and says Dojin should've at least told him about going to Goguryeo in the first place, but Dojin replies the King said so himself that one needs to fool himself in order to fool the enemy.


Meanwhile, Hye-Ap stops by the river and treats Maro's wounds with Maro yelping. Hye-Ap then goes up to Muhyul and Muhyul calls her 'chief painter' and Hye-Ap says she likes the way he calls her because it reminds her of the times when there were no troubles when Prince Haemyeong was still alive. Muhyul says he thought if he stabbed Daeso's heart his torment would disappear but now he still feels frustrated and suffocated. Next, Hye-Ap and the group return to Goguryeo and King Yuri talks to Hye-Ap, who tells Yuri about Daeso getting badly injured and possibly dead. Hye-Ap then says it's all due to Prince Muhyul's great deed, and that Muhyul even got ahold of the secret scrolls that they've been trying to get for years and years. Hye-Ap urges King Yuri to summon the prince and reward him, but Yuri says nothing about it and dismisses her.


Hye-Ap goes out and runs into Lady Miyu's brother, who says with a crazy woman like her in a general position, no wonder Goguryeo is so pathetic. Princess Seryu comes and scolds him for belittling Hye-Ap. Seryu then asks Hye-Ap to go find out more about the man called Dojin who is among the Biryu soldiers. Guchu tells King Yuri something's happened in Buyeo, and King Daeso has not been seen. King Yuri says he already knows about it from Hye-Ap. Yuri then sends Guchu on a mission to Shin nation and Yangmaek nation to deliver some important messages. Meanwhile, Maro and Muhyul are shown their place to live, and Maro is upset that they don't get to stay in the palace. Chubalso says it's pathetic that they get this kind of low treatment from the king after doing something so great, but Goeyu says it's for safety reason and tells the two not to get upset about it. Hye-Ap comes and tells Maro and Muhyul the king will acknowledge their contribution in a grand way, however Hye-Ap seems heavy-hearted and she tells the two to rest for now, and not to go outside.

Yeon goes to see Mahwang and asks for a favor, of allowing her to treat poor citizens in the streets, but Mahwang says she should just treat the nobles, and Yeon gives him a sweet smile and Mahwang melts and allows it right away. Mahwang's man Gongchang says Mahwang is treating Yeon too good, and Mahwang says when Yeon gives him a glance he can't seem to control himself. In the palace, Prince Yeojin goes to see Princess Seryu because he's bored from not being allowed outside the palace. Seryu says they are just protecting him, and Yeojin then notices the necklace Seryu is holding, and Seryu tells Yeojin he has an older brother who died as soon as he was born. Yeojin says he never heard of such, and Seryu says indeed the world has forgotten about him, and the necklace was the last present she gave to the baby. Yeojin asks why she has the nedklace then, and Seryu says she doesn't know either.


Afterwards Yeojin tells Yeonhwa about his brother who died as a baby, and Yeojin wonders if it's the fate of a Goguryeo prince to meet death. Yeonhwa says not to say such and reminds him not to sneak outside of the palace either. Just then Balso passes by, and Yeojin calls him and tells him how bored he is w/out him. Balso sighs and says from now on no matter what he's never going outside w/ the prince. Yeojin asks about the men who kidnapped him, and Balso says he knows nothing but Yeojin can tell he's lying and insists he wants to meet them. Balso asks why he'd want to see him, and Yeojin says he holds no grudge to them he just wants to meet them. Yeonhwa complains he shouldn't go see such scary ppl, and Balso says they are not scary. Then Yeojin insists on Balso taking him to go see them, as an order from the prince.


Meanwhile, Maro brings delicious pig feet to share with Muhyul who seems restless. Maro says Muhyul must be missing Yeon, and Maro tells Muhyul to go and visit her, while he covers for him. Muhyul happily goes, and Maro is left to enjoy the food alone, even citing the famous song of yellow bird written by King Yuri, that a pair of orioles are showing each other love through play but he is alone and going home alone. Yeon starts to treat the poor ppl on the streets and she asks the next patient where his pain is but when she looks up she's shocked to see it's Muhyul staring at her with a grin. Yeon smiles and asks again where his pain is and Muhyul touches his heart and says 'here'... and the two smile at each other more.


Prince Yeojin comes to visit Muhyul and Maro, and Maro begs for forgiveness and Yeojin smiles as he says he's already forgiven them. Yeojin asks where the other man is and Maro says Muhyul isn't here. Yeojin says the name Muhyul is quite peculiar, meaning no blood and no heart. Chubalso says Hye-Ap told them not to leave and Maro begs him not to tell her about it. Hye-Ap and Goeyu stand outside of the Biryu corridors and watch as Dojin goes in. Dojin returns with Kisan chief's head, and Baegeuk says he did well. Dojin says he lost the men who went with him and apologizes, but Baegeuk says that's only a small sacrifice for a great mission. Dojin then decides to go visit Yeon next.


Meanwhile, Yeon and Muhyul talk alone and Yeon says she was worried but she's happy to see him, and Muhyul smiles then gives her the jade jewelry that used to belong to her father. Muhyul says he went to visit her old home which is in shambles but he found the jewelry. Yeon tears up and says because she left in a rush she had nothing to remember her father by and she thanks him. Muhyul says he avenged her grudge partly. Muhyul says he doesn't know if he's alive or dead, but he saw Daeso get shot by arrow. At this Yeon weeps silently, and Muhyul watches her, then apologizes for making her cry, and for not being sensitive to realize Buyeo was her nation and Daeso was her king, despite all the tragedy that's occurred. Yeon wipes away her tears, and says she will forget, both Buyeo and King Daeso. However Yeon tears up more and begins to weep. Muhyul watches then rests her head in his shoulder, saying he wishes he could take away her pain and vows to help her like she's helped him. Muhyul says he will tend to her wounds and pains, and Yeon weeps more. Just then Dojin arrives and sees the two embrace, and Dojin is consumed by emotions of jealousy and anger.


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Guest valmylove

hi valmylove

I think it would be much much better if you watched the 1st episodes :D

regarding your questions:

the oracle predicted that Muhyul will bring destruction to KGR and be responsible for the death of his parents, sibling and son... so Yuri gave an order to Haemyung (his elder son) to take Muhyul away from the palace... and let him grow up as a commoner. before Haemyung leaves with Muhyul, Seryu left a necklace with the baby so she can recognize him if they ever meet again.

so Haemyung took him to king Jumong's grave... and Muhyul grew up there as a wall painter in that cave... he doesn't know he's a prince.

and the reason behind Muhyul's desire for revenge is kinda complicated :D

briefly, Haemyung along with Muhyul, Goyo, Balso and Maro set a trap to kill king Daeso but they failed...

so king Daeso announced that he will attack KGR as a response to this act... Haemyung, feeling so guilty for all the chaos he created, told Yuri that he's willing to go to Buyeo and do whatever Daeso wants... of course Yuri refused... but Haemyung found a way to escape from KGR palace and he headed to Buyeo... while he was riding his horse, Muhyul and the rest of the gang saw him... they all thought that Yuri sent Haemyung to Buyeo to stop the war... that's why Muhyul wants to take revenge from Yuri.

I didn't get what you wanna say... sorry :blush:

but Daeso isn't Jumong's brother...

and Daeso doesn't have children... and Dojin isn't his son :sweatingbullets:

Selva!! thanks for the explanation...indeed I am going to watch ep 1... :sweatingbullets: :blush:

LOL, forget that... I thought that Daeso was the same one as Jumong's older half brother that prolly was in this drama too.

ep. 14:


Meanwhile, Maro brings delicious pig feet to share with Muhyul who seems restless. Maro says Muhyul must be missing Yeon, and Maro tells Muhyul to go and visit her, while he covers for him. Muhyul happily goes, and Maro is left to enjoy the food alone, even citing the famous song of yellow bird written by King Yuri, that a pair of orioles are showing each other love through play but he is alone and going home alone. Yeon starts to treat the poor ppl on the streets and she asks the next patient where his pain is but when she looks up she's shocked to see it's Muhyul staring at her with a grin. Yeon smiles and asks again where his pain is and Muhyul touches his heart and says 'here'... and the two smile at each other more.

Prince Yeojin comes to visit Muhyul and Maro, and Maro begs for forgiveness and Yeojin smiles as he says he's already forgiven them. Yeojin asks where the other man is and Maro says Muhyul isn't here. Yeojin says the name Muhyul is quite peculiar, meaning no blood and no heart. Chubalso says Hye-Ap told them not to leave and Maro begs him not to tell her about it. Hye-Ap and Goeyu stand outside of the Biryu corridors and watch as Dojin goes in. Dojin returns with Kisan chief's head, and Baegeuk says he did well. Dojin says he lost the men who went with him and apologizes, but Baegeuk says that's only a small sacrifice for a great mission. Dojin then decides to go visit Yeon next.

Meanwhile, Yeon and Muhyul talk alone and Yeon says she was worried but she's happy to see him, and Muhyul smiles then gives her the jade jewelry that used to belong to her father. Muhyul says he went to visit her old home which is in shambles but he found the jewelry. Yeon tears up and says because she left in a rush she had nothing to remember her father by and she thanks him. Muhyul says he avenged her grudge partly. Muhyul says he doesn't know if he's alive or dead, but he saw Daeso get shot by arrow. At this Yeon weeps silently, and Muhyul watches her, then apologizes for making her cry, and for not being sensitive to realize Buyeo was her nation and Daeso was her king, despite all the tragedy that's occurred. Yeon wipes away her tears, and says she will forget, both Buyeo and King Daeso. However Yeon tears up more and begins to weep. Muhyul watches then rests her head in his shoulder, saying he wishes he could take away her pain and vows to help her like she's helped him. Muhyul says he will tend to her wounds and pains, and Yeon weeps more. Just then Dojin arrives and sees the two embrace, and Dojin is consumed by emotions of jealousy and anger.


thank you dramaok for the awesome detail summary...when it got to this part... i couldn't help but smile and giggle silly! can't wait to watch it!!

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Guest tateboe

Thank you very much Dramaok for your translation. It is superb.

I do not have any contribution here.

Only thing I can say is "Thank You" to everyone, who post the link and give us good tranlation.

Oh well.....have to wait till next week to see further episodes....

What can I say...wait, wait!

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Guest avonmarissa

The most scary person in this whole drama is not Daeso, Sagu or even Yuri - It's Dojin; you can never tell what he is up to because he is able to hide his feelings, most of them anyway, so well. He's like a CIA, FBI, KGB and Mossad agent all rolled into one, lol. The actor who plays that part is not doing a bad job at all because when I see his character, I know something bad is going down.

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Guest selvaspeedy

thank you dramaok :wub:

The most scary person in this whole drama is not Daeso, Sagu or even Yuri - It's Dojin; you can never tell what he is up to because he is able to hide his feelings, most of them anyway, so well. He's like a CIA, FBI, KGB and Mossad agent all rolled into one, lol. The actor who plays that part is not doing a bad job at all because when I see his character, I know something bad is going down.

me too... I can never tell what he's thinking... he's so mysterious... and until now I can't tell which side he's taking or who he's loyal to :sweatingbullets:

I don't really understand what's up with Dojin... so he did all this because

there was a deal between him and Daeso that he lives as a Koguryeo person


I thought he hates Daeso for all of what happened... I mean Daeso Partly was the reason for him to kill Yeon's father... doesn't he blame Daeso for that?!

or was he really disgusted :P by what Yeon father did, cause it reminded him of what his father did before :huh:

now all what he's waiting for is to be

the next heir of Buyeo throne


maybe he wants that so badly to correct what his father did before (betraying the king and all)...

and another question:

that secret mission, did Daeso decided on it from a long time, even before his right hand man assigns Dojin to that mission that would have take a year to accomplish?

... and is this the reason why Dojin killed his fellows and ran away :huh:

another question (sorry, lot of questions :blush: ) when Dojin was remembering what Yeon told him about Muhyul avenging her father's death... was he thinking that Muhyul means him (dojin) or daeso? (cause he looked really weird when he was remembering that conversation) :sweatingbullets: ... if this is the case, then surely he would hate Muhyul, cause it looks like Muhyul was playing him (pretending to be his friend and giving him his necklace) while he's actually planning to kill him :unsure:

just my thought: is there always has to be an evil queen and her evil brother in the royal palace <_<

I thought I'll never say this, but Daeso's acting is really amazing... as what Mister X called him: shakespearean :D

and Maro and Balso are just so awesome... they crack me up a lot, I wish they give them more scenes on screen :D

and omo Muhyul and Yeon's scenes are just beautiful... amazing... breath-taking :wub:

now, off the topic (not really, since CJW is our heroine her :D )

I think she made an ad about a perfume or something... not sure if it's recent or what... but man she looks so beautiful :w00t:


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I don't really understand what's up with Dojin... so he did all this because

there was a deal between him and Daeso that he lives as a Koguryeo person


I thought he hates Daeso for all of what happened... I mean Daeso Partly was the reason for him to kill Yeon's father... doesn't he blame Daeso for that?!

or was he really disgusted :P by what Yeon father did, cause it reminded him of what his father did before :huh:

now all what he's waiting for is to be

the next heir of Buyeo throne


maybe he wants that so badly to correct what his father did before (betraying the king and all)...

Ok, here's my two cent ^^ I think Dojin did all this to gain Daeso trust and at the same time he'll get his "revenge" to Daeso. He'll complete his father's will to get Buyeo throne although he have to be Daeso follower and do everything Daeso orders. After he gets all then he'll do everything he wish to do without anyone telling him what to do. He is a scary person >_<

and another question:

that secret mission, did Daeso decided on it from a long time, even before his right hand man assigns Dojin to that mission that would have take a year to accomplish?

... and is this the reason why Dojin killed his fellows and ran away :huh:

another question (sorry, lot of questions :blush: ) when Dojin was remembering what Yeon told him about Muhyul avenging her father's death... was he thinking that Muhyul means him (dojin) or daeso? (cause he looked really weird when he was remembering that conversation) :sweatingbullets: ... if this is the case, then surely he would hate Muhyul, cause it looks like Muhyul was playing him (pretending to be friend with him and giving him his necklace) while he's actually planning to kill him :unsure:

Yes, I think Daeso decided the secret mission from a long time from he (Daeso) gave Dojin a 2nd chance (not killing him).

At that time maybe Dojin just surprise with the statement but I think after he realize that he heard that after he find out about Muhyul's identity, that's when he's getting something in his mind :unsure:

Anyway love the relation between Muhyul & Yeon :wub: and love the ending of eps 14 ^^ can't wait to watch the next eps. I think eps 15 is the beginning of battle between Muhyul & Dojin in love and war for their country ^^ :P

Thanks dramaok for the summary ^^

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Guest selvaspeedy

Ok, here's my two cent ^^ I think Dojin did all this to gain Daeso trust and at the same time he'll get his "revenge" to Daeso. He'll complete his father's will to get Buyeo throne although he have to be Daeso follower and do everything Daeso orders. After he gets all then he'll do everything he wish to do without anyone telling him what to do. He is a scary person >_<

good point... but I never thought that Dojin would be this rotter... I know he's not an angel or anything, but :rolleyes: I don't know :mellow:

Anyway love the relation between Muhyul & Yeon :wub: and love the ending of eps 14 ^^ can't wait to watch the next eps. I think eps 15 is the beginning of battle between Muhyul & Dojin in love and war for their country ^^ :P

yep yep me too :wub:

when Muhyul saw Yeon crying, his reaction was so :wub: ... it's like his heart was breaking by her tears :blush:

I also wonder what will happen next episode... is Dojin gonna interrupt them or just walk away w/out telling them :sweatingbullets:

BTW I really felt sorry for him... those moments between him and Yeon that we saw in the last part of the episode was so touchy :tears: and it's really a hard situation for him to see the woman he loves and his wife-to-be with someone else and hugging :tears:

love this drama :wub:

I do not have any contribution here.

Only thing I can say is "Thank You" to everyone, who post the link and give us good tranlation.

dear tateboe

you don't have to post pics or links to contribute here...

just your presence here is considered contributing :D

and I'm really happy that you love this drama

our smiley Maro :D



our couple :wub:



the last scenes in the last 14 episodes :phew:


the same situation before and after :blush:



source: DCinside KOTW gallery

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aww, i envy you guys who have seen epis 13 & 14 :tears: ! i saw only until 13.4,

viikii is currently down for a server upgrade....

just a few side comments:


"so this is always how we meet", yeon is so right on the mark here :lol: . couldn't agree

more :phew: .


yeon couldn't resist to hug our muhyul :lol: , she had to grab this opportune moment :P .


aww, our prince is so vulnerable here, i love to hug him here as well & wipe away his tears.


yeon seemed like she didn't want to leave muhyul's side. for a moment there she looked

like she didn't want to budge :lol: . oh muhyul! what have you done to this lady!

she is so into you already :lol: .


chubalso seemed like a meek dog here :lol: . so not him when he was still a gang leader.

not sure if this had been posted here yet, so forgive me if this is a repost.

for those who want a you tube link of kotw ost by wheesung & brown eyed girls....



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Guest selvaspeedy

more caps from Episode 14

(I just love those scenes :blush: )

this is when Maro told Muhyul he can go and see Yeon (so he can be with the meat alone :D )
















he almost cried because she was crying :tears:

























look at his face :sweatingbullets:


some cute stuff :D





the three musketeers :P



source: gall DCinside KOTW gallery

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Guest dramaok

I do not have any contribution here.

Only thing I can say is "Thank You" to everyone, who post the link and give us good tranlation.

Oh well.....have to wait till next week to see further episodes....

What can I say...wait, wait!

like selva said u being here is great contribution. this forum is kinda slow, but it's good to see more ppl love song il-guk.

for me i was offended by the weird twist to history in the beginning episodes, but now i think

this drama seems to have a lotta potential and the acting by SIG more than makes up for any gripes i have about script.

. but i think it's a tragedy like most historicals are, so we need to support each other when it comes time to wail.

thx for being here! feel free to comment on how hot SIG is too. heehee :blush:

thx for all the great finds.

is it just me or are muhyul's hands giant looking?

:wub: love men w/ big hands. :rolleyes:

i love the scene maro recite 'song of yellow bird' to his plate of pork on bones.

he's such a loveable teddy bear. he needs a girlfriend too...

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Guest selvaspeedy

for me i was offended by the weird twist to history in the beginning episodes, but now i think

this drama seems to have a lotta potential and the acting by SIG more than makes up for any gripes i have about script.

reading your words just made my day :blush:

now I can sleep peacefully :D

but i think it's a tragedy like most historicals are, so we need to support each other when it comes time to wail.

thx for being here! feel free to comment on how hot SIG is too. heehee :blush:

man I love reading your comments dramaok :D

ROFL at the bold lines :w00t:

I also think it's gonna be as tragic as EOTS... lots of wailing ahead of us :sweatingbullets:

is it just me or are muhyul's hands giant looking?

:wub: love men w/ big hands. :rolleyes:

1st the feet and now the hands...

I also love men w/ big hands :blush:

there are lot of cute people in this drama... I love Goyo, Balso, Maro and Yeojin... seeing them makes me forget all the other bad guys (hint hint Daeso and woboo <_< )

I want the week just to fly by so I can watch the next episode :wub:

AJA oppa... you're hot as ever :P (let me flirt w/ the guy a little bit :wub: )

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Guest avonmarissa

I know I'm getting ahead of my self, but I have a feeling that we are going to wail as dramaok says... a lot. I was reading some passages from a Korean history book and it appears that married life between Daemusin and his wife, Yeon I presume, was not easy. Their son, Hodong, apart from losing his lady love had to end up killing himself to prove his innocence when Daemusin's queen leveled false accusations against him - truly a sad life indeed.

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Guest Chianna

I know I'm getting ahead of my self, but I have a feeling that we are going to wail as dramaok says... a lot. I was reading some passages from a Korean history book and it appears that married life between Daemusin and his wife, Yeon I presume, was not easy. Their son, Hodong, apart from losing his lady love had to end up killing himself to prove his innocence when Daemusin's queen leveled false accusations against him - truly a sad life indeed.

Sorry is Daemusin Dojin later after he becomes king?

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