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Now that you mention it, yes I am a friend of all the Korean bands that I mention on this site. I have a photo site where I post pictures of them in performance and hanging out with me before/after the show. It's very easy for me to walk up to them and talk with them any time I want. Pretty often they tell me about their shows directly and ask me to bring my camera.

That is the difference between underground and mainstream music. It's also the difference between underground and mainstream fans/supporters/whatever you call them.

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Guest A180585

quadshock – you’re saying I'M the one typing paragraphs of bull? Did you look at what you wrote? Dude, if you haven't actually looked back at the stuff written before then you really shouldn’t be replying when all the things you complain about is already settled.

Bad music? There is no such thing as “bad music”, it is purely in the minds of the people listening to the music. You may like an artist and say they make “dope” music but others will say its “crap” music all the same. So the dictionary ain’t gonna give you a meaning of something that isn’t there. Bad or not, it’s in the minds of those who listen to it. You might think certain artists are not worth your time, but dude, quite a number of people might beg to differ on your view.

And please, don’t even go through the whole thing about “fans”. You accuse me of writing paragraphs of “stupid” arguments then what the hell was that about fans and supporters. A fan is a supporter but a supporter doesn’t need to be a fan. That’s like saying an orange is like an orange but hey, it doesn’t have to be round. <_< Dude, there are different categories of fans so stop generalising. You have the “fans” that appreciate music and the quality of music and the fans that mindlessly follow. All are fans, don’t create a new meaning of the word “fan” when in reality it comes down pretty much to being a person who likes certain music groups or actors etc etc…

And higher quality of music when they’re not limited to labels and marketing schemes? Oh brother, did we not go into the whole underground and mainstream thing already? And what is good and what is bad? So you’re saying people like Boyz II Men and that who are btw within a label and DO have marketing activities produce lower quality music? Stop generalising. That’s what’s annoying me, you assume and generalise way too much and have no respect for music artists and their fans.

“Fangirls” isn’t used to insult? Really? Ask RACETRAITOR what he was saying about fangirls being pretty much the same thing as ‘teeny boppers’….now look and see if you’re called a teeny bopper and whether that’s an insult or not.

Oh and btw, I’m not here purely to defend 1TYM, if you had bothered to read the pages before, you’ll see this argument went way beyond 1TYM. And why am I responding? Because being accused of being a ‘teeny bopper’ or a ‘fangirl’ calls for defence. Do you REALLY think we’re gonna sit here and let youse attack us? Come on, please tell me you’re kidding. You’re not that naive are you?

Lastly, i wasn't here to tackle everyone, i left this thread alone but some people just couldn't help but bring it up again. Don't expect someone to sit and leave you guys to say what you want to say. And the last few pages, i was only arguing against one guy in a legit debate. I doubt the mods will close this down when it's not personal bashing but purely a debate.

RACETRAITOR - one person knowing underground groups does not mean the whole underground group of fans know them. You guys are pretty much still fans. I know artists that are not in the limelight and not signed to a label too but I'm still considered their "fan" even if i know them more than other fans do.

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In the Korean punk scene, almost everyone knows how to play an instrument, and they're always starting bands. The people who don't start bands do other things to support them, such as take photos, make zines, design posters, do tattoos, design clothes, sell merch, etc. Not many people are doing nothing, and those that do nothing don't keep coming to shows.

And everyone drinks together. Of the people who go to shows regularly, all of them know the members of the band and have gotten drunk with a good number of them (except the straight-edge guys of course).

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Guest quadshock

how can you manage to pull one or two words out of our replies and make an argument against nothing? That whole argument about me saying anything mainstream is mini cooper is non-existent. I do like certain mainstream music, i john teshing said in general and I cannot see anything more true, especially in these past five years. I argue one thing then you attack something in my reply that I don't care about... I don't think I'm going to bother. This is going nowhere but I suppose it's addicting to reject everything anyone says. That is essentially what you've been doing in the last two pages. You don't even read them, you just reject them. It's funny

The "bad music" argument... is also nonexistent. Read my posts more clearly. Somehow it's always impossible to say anything in large forums because people don't read before they talk. I guess that's just how it is?

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Guest A180585

quadshock....if you really have nothing to say against what i say than don't even bother. You're the one not reading and then you say I'm not reading your posts? Dude...i wouldn't be able to write anything if i didn't read your posts. So stop making it out to seem like i only reject and never agree. It's simple why i don't, it's cause we have different views about things.

You seem to be only annoyed at the fact that i argue against what you say. You might not take what you say seriously or care but some do. I'm not rejecting, I'm defending. Oh and this thread was over until some people walked back in here to once again BASH. I was fine when it got back onto the right track where people are discussing underground music.

Enough said.

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Guest quadshock

no... i'm annoyed by the fact you DON'T argue with what I say. You completely miss the point and argue about something insignificant. Look... you did it again. That is precisely why I will fulfill your wish and stay away from Soompi for a while. I only came back, after all, to see if it's gotten more interesting and it hasn't

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Guest A180585

^ dude u know what? Let's leave it at this. Cause i have no idea what you're going on about. I look and read your thread and do counter arguments to issues i don't agree with. So i have no idea what you mean about me not arguing with what u say. Your insignificant matters may be significant to others by the way. Oh and whether you think soompi is interesting or not has nothing to do with me.

Thing is, this is getting boring.

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