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[drama 2008] War Of Flowers / Tazza 타짜

Guest huangsy

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o-cha, the reason I'm tuned into KMJ's mien and smile is that this has to be at least the fourth drama I've seen him in. He always turns in a good performance! ;)

Am I the only one who likes more KMJ's dark facial expressions? KMJ has his own atmosphere. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't need to act. Himself is something! For me, he is more brilliant in eccentric or dark characters like the ones in Ireland and in the movie 'love.' I watched half of 'Dr Bong Dal Hee' and 'Someday' but couldn't finish them. I love his eye expressions. :rolleyes:

More thoughts on Ep. 9.

The reason I like that they've given Goni more "meat" in this episode, is that, as I've said before, I felt something was missing. Goni is supposed to be our protagonist, our hero...but naive and simple. I wasn't liking how it almost seemed as if the writers had forgotten about his flaws for a while. That's also why I didn't enjoy the bubble gum GoNan scenes as much as others. :blush: I just didn't feel the pull to be invested in their relationship (I know I'm in the minority, so please bear with me ;)). To me, theirs is a tragic romance, and it seemed as though it was being too sugar-coated. :unsure: You just know that they're not going to live happily ever after together in a small Swiss town the way NS believes they will.

Against Dae Ho's pleading, as well as PGJ's warnings, Goni decides to take revenge.

PGJ tells Dae Ho that Goni's hwatu style is much more like A-Gui's than Dae Ho's.

This, I agree with. I also think that YM is more like Dae Ho (in his approach to hwatu) than A-Gui. Now, doesn't that make things interesting? :phew:

This is why I said earlier that I don't consider Goni "pure" - he's hell bent on revenge, saying that A-Gui was the one who killed his father, made his mother lose her money that she back-breakingly worked hard for, and made him live through hell for the last three years. Yes, A-Gui is EVIL. But what Goni fails to do is self-reflect upon what his own part in the latter two was. It was his own naivete and inability to quit the game that greased the wheels of fate. :rolleyes:

Goni departs from PGJ's teachings - he's walking a dangerous line....(reminds me of Yoda's "Fear leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark side" :lol:) He's blinded by his hatred.

I'm with Yoo Ra when she said to call submission [to hwatu/gambling], submission and revenge, revenge.

Don't mistake one for the other. :ph34r:

That said, I do like where things are going from now on. I felt like this episode was the real turning point, not just for the story, but for the true unraveling of the characters.

Thanks for bearing with my rant. :)

Still haven't watched ep 9 yet so can't comment much on that episode...but after reading hjkomo's post I find myself agreeing with one thing.

Phyun Gyung Jang saying that Goni's hwatu style is more like A-Gui...

I can see it....Goni has that fire in him..he could be ruthless... as seen by him ruthlessly taking out Kye Dong Choon's 'countryside hwatu hall'. In reality he doesn't need to take all of the gambling house's money. If he really just wants to get his money back he could've stopped when he had enough money. Yet he continued to play (and cheat…Gasp!) until he wiped out pretty much all of that gambling place's money. Now if that's not A-Gui like…then I don't know what is.

Thankfully though Goni realized his own mistake and admitted it to PGJ.

I'm sure Phyung Gyung Jang felt betrayed by Goni at that instance but he realized that the more important task at hand was to make sure Goni does not turn out like A-Gui. He's had a lost sheep before in A-Gui…he will make sure Goni doesn't go down the same path.

However having said all that I still think Goni is a good guy. I still think back of when he was asked by A-Gui to take out the amateur waay back in Pusan and Goni refused to do so. This shows that Goni unlike A-Gui still has a soul and a conscience. For Goni he is ruthless only to those he wants to take revenge on. It still doesn't make it right but at least there's a sense of justice there.

About GoNan scene..I do like their scenes together..but I still think there aren't enough deep emotions between the two yet. Some of the scenes are nice but yeah like hjkomo I find some of them a bit lacking. I don't know what..it just lacks that certain intensity. Maybe we'll get to see more of this when Goni finds out Nan Sook works for A-Gui.

Then again Tazza wasn't supposed to be romantic so I can see how this romantic angle is just sort of inserted in.

By the way..I didn't notice any ep 9 summary….anyone willing to do it? Jill? *wink..wink..nudge nudge*

Thanks for the deep discussions on the characters and relationships. I really enjoyed reading your conversations. Let me add my thoughts to them.

What I understand about Pyung Gyung Jang's words is not Goni could be ruthless like Agui. Pyung Gyung Jang said Goni has a good 'chok' (natural sense). In playing games, his body senses things first than his brain like Agui, which may allude Goni is a born gambler. When he picked up the ace card, he was sure NanSook is there. When he stared at the dealer of the Bang-gye-pan gamling place, he said his chok says the dealer has a key to the way to raid the gambling house. Likewise, Agui keeps talking about what would happen next as if he knew everything. Sometimes I couldn't help but laugh at Agui because he behaves as if he is God. Agui seems portrayed as by able to sense the following happenings.

But in characters Goni and Agui are totally different. Although Goni is naive, simple and responsive to stimuli, he is a warm-hearted person. He has a soul and a conscience as o-cha said. At the us.military base casino, Goni couldn't help intervening the gambling table where an old guy was cheated by coplayers. So he broke his teacher's rule of not playing games during the training to help the guy get the money back.

When it comes to the revenge issue, it could be different. Goni has a characteristic of pursuing something to the end. Child Goni stayed long under the water to win over the rich boy. He stayed up late night to look for missing marbles. As a matter of fact that characteristic made him vulnerable to addiction of gambling 3 years ago, I think. When he found out he was cheated by the tazza from Seoul, Kye Dong Choon, and saw his mom being kicked out by landlady, the only target he could ascribe the mishap to besides himself, from his angles, was the tazza, Kye Dong Choon. Goni knew all the things happened to him and his mom was most of all caused by him Goni. Such perception of his was a bit revealed in the conversation between Goni and YoungMin of episode 8. When Young Min asked if Goni became engaged in hwatoo because of him, Goni replied, no, everything is on him(goni). He must know his mom would forgive him for whatever he does, but he must not be able to bear himself. A loser. Indignity to him. You know a wise man would not behave like Goni, of course not. A wiseman would just repent what he did and ask forgiveness. But Goni, then, was just 19 year old and hot-blooded boy. Before forgiving himself, he must want to get his dignity back. This is what I understand about his motivation. He sought revenge to take his dignity back. Indeed, although Goni definitely did something wrong and unwise, that did not exempt Kye Dong Choon (and Agui) from his wrongdoing to Goni.

When Goni planned to raid the Bang-gye-pan gambling place Gye Dong Choon took charge of, he wanted Gye Dong Choon to be stamped down by his boss (Agui). Goni knows that's the best way to take revenge to Kye Dong Choon. Demoted in hierarchy. Indignity to him. So I think Goni did not stop until he took a noticeable amount of money from the gambling place, which actually generated Agui's furor. Goni also expected Gye Dong Choon to call him to take the money back. Goni called for Go-stop game to remind Kye Dong Choon of the 3 years ago and realize who he (Goni) is, with the same pattern of gaming and same pharases he used 3 years ago. Yes, Goni's punches were a bit ruthless, but I believe they are intended as kind of fan service to viewers who expected to see the strong revenge scene. I, as a viewer, found the scene so fascinating.

What actually baffled me is the determination process of the second revenge. For me, the pacing is too speedy for Goni to be determined to take revenge to Agui for his father. He just finished his long journey and trial. During the past 3 years, he should learn something out of experiences and hardships. When he heard about the relationship between his father, dae ho ajjussi and Agui, he at least should think twice. I know it's too hard to bear with the fact his dad was killed by someone (Agui). Even after he takes some time, he cannot stand it, who would blame him on his taking revenge for his father. Seems to me, Goni of 19 year old and Goni of 22-23 year old are the same. Still spontaneously responsive to the stimulus.

I totally agreed with hjkomo about the difference in Goni and Young Min. Goni started out in naivete and simplicity and Young Min did in complexity. Young Min grew up matured even before becoming an adult. His environment possibly made him a more mature person. In contrast, Goni grew up as a simple and lighthearted person even under single mom. As a matter of fact, Goni's environment was just a little bit better than Young Min, and I don't think that difference was not that significant in deciding their different personality. Simplicity, spontaneity, and bravery (which I think are connected) are Goni's natural personality. In contrast, Young Min has calmness, self-control, and complicity. Sometimes it's hard to read Young Min's mind. I am not sure if Young Min's character was environmentally coined or naturally born like that.

For me, Goni's behaviors have been understandable by his characteristics, I would say his behaviors were quite coherent so far. So I did not feel something is missing in his character because I admitted that's the way Goni exists. But when I watched ep9, as I said above, the fact Goni is again hell-bent on revenge, as hjkomo put nicely, bugged me. We viewers want our protagonists to become more mature and have more legitimate motives for behaviors people out there admit publicly. Yeah..he is not that type of protagonist. In Goni's case, the drama did not allow viewers to reflect on Goni's situation and think about what Goni'd better do. For Goni acted before viewers formed any idea. He is a type of person who sees only one thing at one time, which makes things dangerous. Fortunately, he has other virtues which can cover his drawbacks.

I would say, the character of Goni is not the typical protagonist for dramas, but rather close to a hero for adventure comic books. A hero of adventure comic books generally sustains the same characteristics from the beginning to the end. Rather than character development, the storyline seeks achievement of adventure. (Personally I feel sorry for Jang Hyuk, who has to act on the character, sometimes requiring him to express the one single, very simple and intense feeling like the one in the scene where Goni went to Dae Ho Ajjussi to confirm the cause of his dad's death on ep9. I am not sure if I fully express my feeling..)

As for GoNan couple, I love their relationship although their relationship development wasn't well narrated especially on ep9. Goni and NanSook are alike. Just as Goni is simple and transparent, so is NanSook. If more complicated people develop that kind of love GoNan couple have, that love may not be that believable. GoNan couple are bonded by unconditional trust, which I admit sounds unrealistic. But..again...Goni and NanSook are very rare people to find in reality. Haha..(actually they remind me of the drama Dae Mang where Jae Young (Jang Hyuk) and Yuh Jin (Lee Yo Won) were a paired couple. Their love was viewed unbelievable to many viewers as well.) I keep thinking about NanSook's character. She continued to ask Madame Jung if she would be released after the project, which makes me believe how naive she is. She went to the emigration office to proceed her plan. Huh..

For me, GoNan couple scenes were like sunshines in the tazza's world where conspiracies and tensions prevail all the time. I could smile by looking at them. But...on ep 9, I did not see any development of their relationship. They just stayed there, which makes me feel bored a bit about their scenes. Those scenes seemed designed to reveal Goni's complex feelings only at the expense of NanSook's character. However, from ep 10, i expect their relationship to go to a different stage.

For Young Min-NanSook couple, the underlying mood is so sad. I can see what NanSook has meant to Young Min for the years. NanSook must be a sunshine to Young Min who started a new life in the dark world under Agui. She must grow on Young Min. She must be the only one he wants to protect forever. I like the scene where Young Min and NanSook played blackjack on ep 9. That scene was well executed with subtlety and nuances. I love the way Young Min expressed his mind by using blackjack. His eyes are so heartbreaking.

Jill, I would actually rather they keep the focus on the interrelationships, too. It's so much more interesting to me than the romance. ;)

o-cha, I still think Goni is a good guy, and I hope he remains so. But right now, he's got this cockiness about him (that he will defeat A-Gui without hurting anyone else) which is quite dangerous. He already admitted that he will never be able to leave this life [of hwatu] behind, now.

Before, his character was more black and white, but now, he's entered the grey zone, and it's this grey area that is most interesting to me. YM started out in the grey, so I'm glad to see Goni has joined him. I love the complexity! :D

I can see YM, with his level-headedness, having the capacity to walk away if given the chance (not that the story would go down this road - I'm only speaking of potential ability), but I don't see that Goni would be able to. :unsure:

Btw, do we know exactly why Dae Ho quit hwatu? Was it only because he beat A-Gui all those years ago and had to go into hiding? Or is there more to the story? :huh:

Hoping wils will be able to watch and catch up soon. :)

As for a cute moment in Ep. 9, watch for Jang Hyuk saying, "well-bing (well-being) shi dae" - the age of well-being, when he's cleaning out one of A-Gui's houses. :lol: His Engrish - so cute! :P

Hehe...I finally caught up with you guys.

I think when Goni said he will never be able to leave the hwatoo world behind, he did not mean to admit it. Instead, he said so in a self-mocking way. He wanted to leave the world behind, but had to return to take revenge for his father. I think he understood in his brain what Pyung Kyung Jang said: revenge calls for another revenge, lie calls for another lie, but cannot accept it right now until he achieves the goal of revenge. It looks like that's the first moment at which Goni started to have complex feelings about his decision. That's why I thought he responded to Go Kwang Reol by saying that and Go Kwang Reol responded with bitterness about their fate.

The drama hasn't shown any clear clue to why Dae Ho quitted hwatoo. But once Pyung Kyung Jang mentioned that because he taught Agui and Dae Ho how to make a lie only, Augi became a monster and Dae Ho left the world behind. I guess as Dae Ho got fed up with the tazza's world (espcially, Agui's inexorable behaviors), he reported the illegal gambling to the police, and then Agui got arrested and Dae Ho hid himself from Agui. From several conversations, the reporting the illegal gambling to the police seems to be often used as a way of defeating the opposition.

I missed that Engrish...was trying to write a summary and went quickly through the episode. Exactly how far in was that? I need to see that! :)

I felt sorry for YM here. During the conversation he says, Hit me. But the card takes him to 22. He's over. A little obvious symbolism? Maybe, but I rather liked it. And his expression and tone were spot on. As hjkomo said, her last words, spoken quietly are, Sorry, Young Min. And she walks out.

In an emotional scene, Goni tells Ah Gui he's going to pay for what he did and Dae Ho urges Goni not to do it. Maybe just a little too much emoting here from JH, but he can get away with it more than most actors (because we love him and cut him a little slack now and then, LOL…but I think the director should have toned him down a little?).

NS and MJ in a car, MJ driving. Not sure what MJ said to her.

Since I don't know the hwatu game, not sure what the cards at the end of the scene meant. Goni didn't have the winning hand? Anyone?? Next the scene capped by hjkomo. Goni standing on the bridge. He remembers when he and YM escaped by jumping off the building into the truck years ago.

YM is still sitting at the table, despondent. DC comes over and rubs salt in his wounds (DC is so evil and has that squeaky voice…)

Thank you so much for this wonderful summary. Let me add some to your question marks.

As for the blackjack scene. I thought so too. His card "2" has a symbolic meaning. I like it too.

About the emotional feeling, I also had a question of why Jang Hyuk oozed out too much emotion in that scene. I know even if he is a good actor he has a drawback. The drawback I found in him is he has a limited volume of voice. So when he has to shout loudly, he sometimes looks overacting even if he did not mean to. But the scene in question doesn't seem the case. Either Jang Hyuk interpreted the scene as full of intense emotions, or the director wanted him to intensify the scene by pulling out the extreme emotion.

As for the NS and MJ scene, they were talking about the fake account book. NanSook concerned about the case things would go wrong, asked MJ if that would affect her promise to let NanSook go after the project. MJ replied, it depends on how it turns out to be. If you are that worried about it, why don't you make another contribution?

In the hwatoo scene, Goni chose 'die' even if he had the best cards ("3-light"+"8-light") to win over YM. After picking up the cards Goni left, YM looked surprised. The same to Kye Dong Choon. He said, this time Goni gave way to you intentionally, is the next turn on you?

Huh...Sometimes I become very wordy. I think that is today. Thanks for reading and bearing with my ramblings.

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Guest Jill4675

:lol: :lol: I would like to express my shallow disappointment for the kissing scene too. Kind of felt weird shouting that out, but I thought it wasn't executed well by the director.

I did like the Madam Jung-Young Min scene, there was something so broken but beautiful in it.

I'm just reading through wils comments...notice how this thread comes back to life when she starts posting???!!! ;) I agree with almost all of what she says. You'll notice I didn't really voice many opinions when I wrote my (let's face it) rather straightforward summary.

As to the kiss scene, it really was a disappointment (which is why, in my summary, I simply said "they kiss." I couldn't muster up any enthusiasm for the scene) because we all know he's capable of better (let's all fondly recall Robbers...). I just find this type of scene so unrealistic (okay, dramas often aren't realistic, I know that), but it's 2008 and we expect more and we deserve more.

As to the MJ/YM scene, I still like it, so I'm with imogene_af. And yes, wils, I really love all aspects of YM as protrayed by KMJ, including the dark side. :wub: I talk about his smile because it really is so attractive. I loved him in Someday (because he looked so handsome!! :lol:), although that was an absolutely terrible drama and his skills were totally wasted. I won't take time to discuss it as this is not the thread for that but my biggest problem with that drama, aside from the ridiculous story, was that the male lead, Lee Jin Wook, is a poor actor and was an unconvincing rival to KMJ. LJW was also in Air City, another atrocity, and he was extremely bad in that. He can't act. Period.

Now, about GoNan...well, I like wils remark that there's been no development. That's true and that contributes to our boredom or at least disinterest. And even though I adore JH, Goni is not looking like a romantic character to me yet...which is a bit odd. Whereas, the character of YM is extremely romantic; let's face it, YM is sexy.

Well, I want to read through everything again, and I'm sure I'll have another opinion or two. Thanks a million for your comments, wils, because you are going to stimulate the rest of us. I know o-cha will have something to say!!! Actually, I am so happy to see a comment from imogene_af...I wish you'd post your comments more often!!! They'd add a lot and we'd all love to see more action on this thread! :)

Note to wils: we need to see comments both positive AND negative, so don't hold back AND the more wordy, the better!! And special thanks for the explanations of the hwatu hand, the MJ/NS conversation, et cetera!! You're the best!! ;)


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Yay, wils, you're all caught up! Keep the thoughts coming! We love reading them. :D

imogene_af, we know you're quite busy in another thread, but it would be great to hear some of your great ramblings, too. :D

Yeah, we all know JH can give us better kiss scenes. :wub:

And yes, wils, I really love all aspects of YM as protrayed by KMJ, including the dark side. :wub: I talk about his smile because it really is so attractive. I loved him in Someday (because he looked so handsome!! :lol:), although that was an absolutely terrible drama and his skills were totally wasted.

Jill, I totally agree with you on Someday. I loved his character in it (and he was so sultry and smexy there, too :wub:)....until the story wasted him and went down the toilet. <_<

I have yet to see his movie with Joo Jin Moo - I think his character would scare me :crazy: but would be intriguing to watch.

KMJ is so underappreciated. :(

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Guest Jill4675

Jill, I totaly agree with you on Someday. I loved his character in it (and he was so sultry and smexy there, too :wub:)....until the story wasted him and went down the toilet. <_<

Yes, indeed, hjkomo, we are certainly on the same page where KMJ is concerned!! :lol: He's so underappreciated... :( doesn't appeal to the teeny bopper crowd who prefer the younger metrosexual types? Whatever!

Am I the only one not yet seeing a truly romantic aspect to the character of Goni? :huh: To repeat, I adore JH and he's so entertaining as Goni...but...not feeling the romance yet...Seven more episodes could change that...I really hope they do, because then things will be more interesting... I need more dramatic tension, please!!! :o


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I finally finished episode 9...took me 3 days o finish 1 episode since I never found eough time to watch it in one sitting.

wils my dear...glad to see you back posting comments...

Jill : thank you for the summary...keep them 'papers' coming...hahahaha

KST CICHLID : Thanks for the subs!

It is nice to hear, you like episode 9. For me, while episode 8 was splendid, episode 9 was just so-so. (Hope it's just me.) Actually I feel like some scenes were a bit awkward. Goni's determination to take revenge for his father was too rushed, GoNan couple stayed still, Madame Jung and Young Min's scene was all of sudden too melodramatic, NanSook's plan to emigrate to Swiss looked too unrealistic, etc. Sorry for these complaints. Although I have complaints, I don't think they are big flaws in the storyline. Just I feel like those scenes should be executed with more sophistication and subtlety.

I love the scenes where NanSook and Young Min played blackjack, Goni started to sweep out Agui's houses, and Goni & Youngmin met first on the gambling table. Nicely done!

For the kiss scene, at first I was disappointed at the low level. hehe (we all know Jang Hyuk could be a good kisser~) The scene wasn't well executed either. If the director wanted to show a light kiss, he should have made the scene stop at the moment they kissed each other first, instead of showing different facades, which made the kiss scene awful. However, Goni and NanSook's reactions to their kiss were interesting. I bet that's their first kiss for each. Goni, now 22 or 23 years old, but with no experience of kissing a woman, felt abash after kissing his girl, pretending calm after the kiss. NanSook showed a typical response for a girl after kissing his man. Looked happy and felt more love to his man. Her gesture, leaning on Goni's shoulder and Goni's subsequent feeling of relief(?) closed the scene nicely.

(hehe..after seeing their kiss scene, it occurred to me a cliched scene where a woman and a man slept together last night, next morning they woke up, the guy feeling unnatural about the situation tried not to look at the girl, but the girl smiled at him, with more love.)

I think the GoNan kiss scene and YoungMin-Madame Jung scene were well parallel-edited together: something in common; women embraced men.

wils : I'm totally in the same boat as you on this one. I love episode 8 but episode 9 was just 'ehhhh'... it didn't get exciting until Young Min and Goni's encounter at the House.

The kiss...ughhhhhhh....I share the same sentiment as everybody here. WTH was that? That was a bad scene.....timing and execution...horrid.

I have to complain more on the kiss...where is the passion? We know Jang Hyuk is a great on-screen kisser (see 'Robbers' kiss scenes..now those are real kiss scenes)...so it's such a waste that GoNan kiss is far from great..terrible actually.

I like Mdm Jung-Yeong Min's scenes. I think it is actually very appropriate given what just happened to them before that. Mdm Jung just 'sold herself again and clearly after having done that many times before she was still sad and disgusted about it. Her eyes after she slept with the general just showed that she has regrets over what she is now. And for Young Min he just went through an emotional experience with Goni. Young Min knew he could never think of Goni as a friend anymore. He is also reminded of what a scum he is now working for A-Gui.

Though both Mdm Jung and Yeong Min denied regretting their decisions...we all know those are lies. They both regretted being in their current situations and found themselves helpless.

The great scene of the episode though was Goni and Yeong Min's encounter at the House. Goni finding out the truth about Young Min and knowing that from now on they could never be friends.. Great chemistry between Jang Hyuk and Kim Min Joon.. they are very different from one another both in appearance and actions that they make such a great contrast of images. Love that scene...poignant and significant.

When Goni gave up and Young Min found out later that Gon had the better hand...I really like Young Min's expression. It's a bit of a disbelief that his 'friend' did him one last favor....ahh beautiful...and of course the shot of Goni looking up covering his face from the sun is a money shot. I don't think it is relevant to the story..but any excuse for a beautiful close up shot of Jang Hyuk is okay with me :lol:

Now...chemistry.... sighh..yes I think by now sadly we'll have to give in to the facts that GoNan has no chemistry at all as adults. As highschoolers I thought they had great chemistry but unfortunately 3 years later that chemistry fizzled. I don't know whose fault this is...I'm more inclined to believe it's because we do not see any development on their storyline. We see very little of the two that it's hard to feel for their relationship.

I find myself rooting for Young Min-Nan Sook now since well to tell the truth I'm more invested in their storyline than GoNan's..or even Mdm Jung-Young Min..now that for me is actually even more interesting than Young Min-Nan Sook.

As for Goni...he should just ditch Nan Sook and go for Phyun Yoo Ra (Phyun Gyung Jang;s daughter)...hahahahaha...j/k....that's probably not going to happen... but even they have better chemistry than GoNan.

Chemistry wise for me it goes in this order: GoGo, Mdm Jung-Young Min, Young Min-Nan Sook, Phyun Yoo Ra-Goni , and then GoNan.

Maaaannn...the writer better do something soon to develop Goni-Nan Sook's storyline or they'll end up being forgotten by the viewers.

Buuut I have to remind myself that Tazza isn't a love story... it's supposed to be a story about tazza, hwatu, revenge and (I'm guessing later on) acceptance .....

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Guest imogene_af


:lol: Maybe we were too spoiled with "Robbers" kisses so it became anti-climatic. :lol: *rewatches that kiss*

Anyway, am I the only one who thinks that the writer is sort of waivering in Goni's characterization? One minute he's sly and cunning... then they try to draw up sympathy (over and over) by his experiences. Next minute, it seems like he reached some sort of significant maturity, and then he's gangsta again.

Because of this I find myself feeling more YM because his characterization is consistent. And I don't want that because melovey my Jang Hyuk.

I personally just want Goni to embrace the plot point of his character... nothing as wishy washy. I think we're all having a consensus here about the writing of his character. Jang Hyuk is one brilliant actor, but an actor can only do so much with a character that is waivering.

nice to see you all again, I cannot contribute much since I'm watching two dramas. :lol: So I'm leaving it to the experts... which are y'all. I do miss the Superheroes!

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Guest Jill4675

:lol: Maybe we were too spoiled with "Robbers" kisses so it became anti-climatic. :lol: *rewatches that kiss*

No maybe about it... ;) And it wasn't merely those kisses and their quality; it was also that we really believed in the relationship between those two... :)

Anyway, am I the only one who thinks that the writer is sort of waivering in Goni's characterization? One minute he's sly and cunning... then they try to draw up sympathy (over and over) by his experiences. Next minute, it seems like he reached some sort of significant maturity, and then he's gangsta again.

This does seem to be a bit of a problem. I just can't get a handle on his character and it's already been 9 episodes. I still think the drama is way better than the average, way better. <<...enters JH defense mode...>>

Because of this I find myself feeling more YM because his characterization is consistent.

That's what our comments seem to be indicating... :huh: The YM character is the textbook tragic figure, which gives him tremendous appeal (helped in no small way by KMJ).

And I don't want that because melovey my Jang Hyuk.

LOL, you and a few other people posting here!!! :rolleyes::wub:

I personally just want Goni to embrace the plot point of his character... nothing as wishy washy. I think we're all having a consensus here about the writing of his character. Jang Hyuk is one brilliant actor, but an actor can only do so much with a character that is waivering.

Will the director have it figured out soon? As you say, he can only do so much and he has to listen to the director. Here's hoping things will become more focused. At least we have plenty of eye candy while we wait to see how it goes! ;)


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Guest Jill4675

FYI ~ Ep. 10 Ental file up on MyAigoo... **downloading**

Thanks to the fabulous MyAigoo team for their attention to our needs!!! ;)

Thanks, Luv, for all the caps! :)


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Guest LuvHanYeSeul


5. Tazza <> (SBS) - 15.2%, 14.4%


6. Tazza <> (SBS) - 14.7%, 14.6%

credit to kdramafanusa

Up Up Up..

Hope Ep11 even better..

Thx for the Caps, Luv

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yayy...ratings went up..thanks for posting LuvHanYeSeul.

I'm a bit worried about next week though...with the premiere of Worlds Within..I hope Tazza doesn't get affected too much.

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Guest Jill4675

yayy...ratings went up..thanks for posting LuvHanYeSeul.

I'm a bit worried about next week though...with the premiere of Worlds Within..I hope Tazza doesn't get affected too much.

:( Not only that, there is a Worlds Within special on tomorrow (Tuesday, 21 October) that could also cause a problem... :blink:

PS, o-cha, I see you changed your sig!! ;):lol:


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