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[drama 2009] Triple 트리플

Guest MWshin

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I'm still not watching today episode... but from the preview look like Haru start accepting PongHo... The have many happy time together and Hwal and SuIn gonna have some problem... I think it about their 1st wedding anniversary...

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Guest piano4112000

The end of episode 11 was definitely bittersweet. I enjoyed their little date because for the first time they seem happy and relax and it was cute too bad it had to end.

Next episode looks like HY and KH are together again, they look cute together and Hwal and Soo-In's marriage is not going well.

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Here a little snap from preview...


When it come to cheat and betrayal... How hard we try to fix it we still can't go back like before...

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Guest piano4112000

I love that little scene where Hwal and Haru are both trying to figure out what they should wear, I thought that was very telling in Hwal since he was actually worried about what he should wear. :)

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Guest Bamidele

You know a drama is good when you cannot predict what is going to happen next. Honestly this drama could end a number of ways and I have no idea what to expect which is frustrating and great at the same time.

I don't know how Hwal and Haru would end up together even though I would like that. I mean they could do a time jump but who knows. If Hwal really sits down and thinks about it he isn't himself with Su In. When I see him smile when he is with Haru I kind of get stunned for a moment and its like he is a different person.

Everything he is or isn't feeling with Haru is what should be happening with Su In but it is not because in their situation you can't really fix what was/is broken, you can only try and make it look close to the same again but once broken it will never be what it was.

I feel bad for Su In because on the surface she wants to repair her marriage but if she thinks about it is it really worth repairing. She is living in the past memories of their marriage and not focusing on who they are now. Honestly I think they rushed into marriage and eventually it would have cracked sooner or later it just happened to be sooner.

There just doesn't seem to be substance in their marriage and I just think they(Hwal) should man up to a lot of things and stop running away. Everyone is trying to fight but Hwal just keeps running away and I want him to stop running and start fighting. But first he needs to figure out what he wants, because he doesn't seem to know or more likely doesn't want to admit it to us the viewers or to himself or to the people effected by him.

So many thoughts running in my head when it comes to this drama and the dynamics of each character and how it all intertwines.

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Guest piano4112000

You know a drama is good when you cannot predict what is going to happen next. Honestly this drama could end a number of ways and I have no idea what to expect which is frustrating and great at the same time.

I don't know how Hwal and Haru would end up together even though I would like that. I mean they could do a time jump but who knows. If Hwal really sits down and thinks about it he isn't himself with Su In. When I see him smile when he is with Haru I kind of get stunned for a moment and its like he is a different person.

Everything he is or isn't feeling with Haru is what should be happening with Su In but it is not because in their situation you can't really fix what was broken, you can only try and make it look close to the same again but once broken it will never be what it was.

I feel bad for Su In because on the surface she wants to repair her marriage but if she thinks about it is it really worth repairing. She is living in the past memories of their marriage and not focusing on who they are now. Honestly I think they rushed into marriage and eventually it would have cracked sooner or later it just happened to be sooner.

There just doesn't seem to be substance in their marriage and I just think they(Hwal) should man up to a lot of things and stop running away. Everyone is trying to fight but Hwal justs keeps running away and I want him to stop running and start fighting. But first he needs to figure out what he wants, because he doesn't seem to know or more likely doesn't want to admit it to us the viewers or to himself or to the people effected by him.

So many thoughts running in my head when it comes to this drama and the dynamics of each character and how it all intertwines.

Your absolutely right he is running but that is the only thing he knows how to do :) . Look at most people on this board who pretty much condemn Haru and Hwal's relationship, it can't be easy for him to admit to his feelings without others judging him. I want him to fight as well, everyone is doing that but him. Of course his situation is a lot more difficult but only when we stop running can we truly see the light and reflect. :)

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Guest danick

The end of episode 11 was definitely bittersweet. I enjoyed their little date because for the first time they seem happy and relax and it was cute too bad it had to end.

Next episode looks like HY and KH are together again, they look cute together and Hwal and Soo-In's marriage is not going well.

Huge THANKS! At least I am no longer wondering what took place in Episode 11. You just dont know how that tidbit of info made all the Triple Addicts very happy especially those who were not able to catch it live streaming.

From what you shared, I think the reason why Hwal and Su In are having problems is because the reconciliation was too rushed. Why am I not surprise? Their marriage was also kinda rushed or somesort of whirlwind romance, correct me if I am mistaken about it because from what I remember it happened during his vacation in Canada.

The date, I wanna see and If there will be no direct love line in this story then I hope they wrap this series in such a way that everyone will be happy. I love happy endings so even if I am rooting for a Hwal and Haru ending and it does not happen, so be it. I just hope the PD will make sure that when this drama ends, it will give us all a feel-good vibe.

Can they also give Hyun Tae a new girl? He is too sweet to be wasted on Su In! :P

Thanks again!

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Guest piano4112000

Did anyone who watched episode 11 think that the scene when Haru bought Hwal an ice cream and he looked to see a note with a heart on it, that he would still have it in his pants pocket, I think that is very telling. Even though Soo-In found it and he took it from her and crumbled it up but he didn't throw it away. What is going on in Hwal's head right now? lol

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Guest budibudi

In the previews... I think Poong Ho finally figures out that it's Hwal that Haru likes and can someone confirm this for me? Did Su-In say "Do you like Haru?" or "Does Haru like you?"

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Guest beatnikbongo

I dont know why, but the aja aja link is not working for me....it keeps downloading incorrectly? does anyone else have this problem?

might there be another kind soul who can link a torrent ...i can't download clubbox for some reason. i suck ...=(

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okay. this is why i'm not for the hwal-haru relationship. it's more than... OH THEY'RE LEGALLY RELATED. I'M CONSERVATIVE LIKE THAT SO LET'S JUST BAN THE IDEA OF THEM TOGETHER.

TO ME, haru initiated getting back together with hwal with the intention of strengthening their familial bond - share the pain of losing THEIR parents, share a house they used to live as a family, etc. every "cute" and "lovable" thing she did in the beginning was regain his trust as a sister.

and then all of a sudden earning his trust shifted to earning his heart, and not in a sibling way. PERSONALLY, I feel like the writers added this cliche relationship to make this drama more commercial and that is what i'm dissatisfied with. of course it's exciting to feel the tension between two individuals who want to be together but cannot. but it isn't original (esp to kdramas) nor befitting to the initial trajectory of their relationship.

but that's just my personal thought.... i do enjoy haru bringing out the best in hwal... but i feel like it could be done without the writers sticking in a (legal) incest relationship (is there a better word for that?)

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After today's episode, Sanghee is definitely getting on my nerves.

when i began watching the drama, she was one of my favorite characters - her carefree, spunky, and jovial personality was infectious.

now, i can't help but think that her anti-marriage is somewhat selfish and inconsiderate. it's natural to be intimidated by the idea of marriage and the special bond/promise that one will share with their partners upon marriage, but her reason for avoiding marriage is so self-centered. she clearly says she doesn't like the burden of marriage b/c of its responsibilities, making promises, and mainly....

she says she doesn't like the idea of marriage b/c it makes it that much more difficult to separate when you break up with your partner. people don't get married expecting or preparing in advance for worst case scenarios. how can she plan on being in a relationship with jo gun already thinking about the possibility of breaking up? the only reason why she doesn't want to get married is b/c she doesn't want to get hurt if obstacles arise, and to me, this is incredibly unfair and selfish. not only is it selfish, but hypocritical. she says she loves jo gun and can't live without him, but since she doesn't want to have any drawbacks and enjoy the freedom of not having any formal responsibilities of a married couple, she simply rejects marriage and suggests they move in together? if she's so in love with jo gun and realizes how much he loves her, what is she so afraid of?

it seems like to her, relationships are a trial and error experience where you should always be expecting to break up and try to avoid getting hurt. to her, the only way to avoid getting hurt is to shirk any 'obligations' and always have a back up plan to move out or separate.

i understand that she did make a concession/compromise by saying that they should live together, but in fact, this isn't really a compromise at all. she wants to be with jo gun, doesn't want to get her heart broken if they end up breaking up, so she suggests an alternative where she has all the freedom to live life the way she wants to while keeping jo gun. rawr. this is probably just my opinion, but i feel as thought she is uber immature and hypocritical.

there's a certain line up to where you can be immature and stubborn. you can't always have everything you want the way you want it. the same goes for jo gun, some may question why he insists on marriage so adamantly, but the way sangee acts towards him, flirts with him, sleeps with him as lovers is clearly inviting a person to share intimate and exclusive relationship. how can she expect to have all those things, but also want jo gun to give her her space/freedom?

i apologize in advance to any Sanghee fans if I've offended you, but being once a Sanghee fan myself, I couldn't help get a little enthusiastic about what the writer is doing to her character.

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I'm having such conflict time watching Hyun Tae. It's so hard to understand - may be this character weren't made to understand...lol He so "upset" of anything that related to Su In! Look at how he react when he heard the sad news...He went traveling and take some nice pictures for her mother....He put so much effort. He was this upbeat fun guy...now he's sad eye and introspective...There need to be something between Su In and him, to make him this way! He put so much efforts and energy, he goes out of his way to do anything that related, for her. She may not reject him completely but did she actually give him a sign that she in someway like him ? All this effort, drift between friends, sadness emotion at heart and for what? Because of loved first sight and some witty/nice conversation? From what I get - correct if I'm wrong - he's in love with her at first sight and that's it.

I mean they're not emotional or physical close. He had some nice conversation with her and that's it....I think this character was poorly created. Kind of feel what they are trying to do - fighting for love despite one is married, but I don't think there are enough based, which make him ridiculous not artiste - out of ordinary kind of person and hard to understand.

People may judge that Haru and Hwal are wrong. But at least you can see where Haru coming from and the understand why Hwal is so confused. They had arguments, they had fun and joke-y moments, she cries - he's upset...ect they interact and have a place for each other in their life (where the it's romantic or not)

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Guest Bamidele

^^^^ In my eyes Hyun-Tae is lovesick..really really love sick.

To yellow and green I agree with you but not fully. Sang Hee must have her reasons for being afraid to get married. She has every right to be afraid, and that is not being selfish. I think she is being selfish in that she wants to have her cake and eat it too. She wants a relationship with JG but she doesn't want a "relationship" with JG.

Yes, JG loves her and yes he wants to marry her and do right by her, but just because he wants it doesn't mean she is obligated to marry him. It is better that she is honest than to agree with him and break his heart. JG got involved with her knowing who she is so he has to accept all of her or just end things.

I mean isn't everyone afraid of getting hurt? Don't we all put barriers up because we don't want to be hurt? Some are just higher and stronger and more complicated than others.

I'm defending SH when it comes to marriage but I will agree that she is selfish in that JG gives her his whole heart and she want to take it, but not give her whole heart in return. It is only when she has hurt him and he goes away that she decides to act differently.

YellowandGreen made some great points but I just think there are two sides to a story. We have to look at why a person acts like they do. I think a person's background has a lot to do with it too.

Okay I will end it there.

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Guest sorini

I'm having such conflict time watching Hyun Tae. It's so hard to understand - may be this character weren't made to understand...lol He so "upset" of anything that related to Su In! Look at how he react when he heard the sad news...He went traveling and take some nice pictures for her mother....He put so much effort. He was this upbeat fun guy...now he's sad eye and introspective...There need to be something between Su In and him, to make him this way! He put so much efforts and energy, he goes out of his way to do anything that related, for her. She may not reject him completely but did she actually give him a sign that she in someway like him ? All this effort, drift between friends, sadness emotion at heart and for what? Because of loved first sight and some witty/nice conversation? From what I get - correct if I'm wrong - he's in love with her at first sight and that's it.

I mean they're not emotional or physical close. He had some nice conversation with her and that's it....I think this character was poorly created. Kind of feel what they are trying to do - fighting for love despite one is married, but I don't think there are enough based, which make him ridiculous not artiste - out of ordinary kind of person and hard to understand.

People may judge that Haru and Hwal are wrong. But at least you can see where Haru coming from and the understand why Hwal is so confused. They had arguments, they had fun and joke-y moments, she cries - he's upset...ect they interact and have a place for each other in their life (where the it's romantic or not)

I do share your view about HT. I think there is a lack of character development for HT in this drama and I don't know whom to fault the writer or the actor for not letting us see or feel the depth of this character at all. We see his words and actions are cute and fun to his friends but i don't see anything deeper than that thus I am unable to relate to HT.

On the other hand, I can relate much better with LJJ character's Hwal. I can see the how his feelings for Haru developed over the course of the drama, his love for the memories he had with Su-in, his pain and his internal conflicted feelings. LJJ shows us hwal's inner feelings very well and I think he is the ony one doing that so far.

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Guest asadal


My eyes were beginning to water when Haru said “goodbye oppa” to Hwal at the end of the date. Ugh, she said that while crying too. The way she said it and the context in which she said it made it seem like they’ll never see each other again or that it’ll never be the same.

The end of episode 11 was definitely bittersweet. I enjoyed their little date because for the first time they seem happy and relax and it was cute too bad it had to end.

I know! It was sooooo bittersweet. During the end of the date, Haru playfully suggests to do it again sometime, but the sad thing is that they’ll probably never go out again. It pains Haru to know that at the end of their fantasy date, her oppa will go home to another woman. The whole ordeal hurts her too much.

Did anyone who watched episode 11 think that the scene when Haru bought Hwal an ice cream and he looked to see a note with a heart on it, that he would still have it in his pants pocket, I think that is very telling. Even though Soo-In found it and he took it from her and crumbled it up but he didn't throw it away. What is going on in Hwal's head right now? lol

I LOVED that part. Such scenes are a treat for those of us that are rooting for a Hwal and Haru ending. I like to think that Hwal kept the heart note too.

In the previews... I think Poong Ho finally figures out that it's Hwal that Haru likes and can someone confirm this for me? Did Su-In say "Do you like Haru?" or "Does Haru like you?"

Literal translation:

Poongho: “The man that Haru likes, it’s you hyungnim right?”

Su-In: “Honey, do you like Haru?”





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At first I was kind of considering whether or not to watch this. I'm glad that I went ahead & started watching. It has gotten me hooked! Patiently waiting for the next subbed episode. Thank you subbers! You've worked hard!

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Guest Caroline :)

i don't understand why haru has to always look all messy and dirty.

I mean looking young and natural I understand but the hair and dark circles gets pretty distracting

can't they just put some bobby pins in her hair and concealer under her eyes?

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Guest MWshin

What Hyun Tae does for Soo In's mum, I'm so impressed.^^




Sometimes, we consider the geniuses and artists as the madmen, we saw them do many ridiculous things because we cannot figure out the reason for their thoughts and actions. BUT I bet they do have. :P

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