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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest tappity

What's the beanpole AR thing about? It looks like this.. really cool piece of.. cardboard (?!).. but how do all those images and sounds pop out from it? And how do you get that it? Like spend 100 bucks in Beanpole stores or something? Haha

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Guest Zelle


ive just been lurking lately but seeing these pix now...


Bom sure looks happy! :D

guess they performed Fire, I Dont Care, Let's Go Party, and Try To Follow Me

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Guest NV4ever

yayyy for pics~!!! the girls always looks soo energetic and happy on stage! ^__^

they performed TTFM too!! cant wait for fancams...bommie looks really relax, and her hair is soo long!!!!

CL and Bomtaro in matching tops, while CL and minzy have matching shoes kekeke :lol:

they're like dresses from head to toe in JS hahaha~ no others can rocks JS like 2NE1 can!

thx for sharing the pics....keep it coming blackjacks ;)

Edit: The stage looks really kool! It's like a 2NE1 Concert there~~ ahh...someone pls ship me to SK now!

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Guest babymodz

^ sryche: they ARE wearing makeup, honey if you look closely. just not as thick as the one they had on for the Etude CF.

ooh - they look good!

& wow the stage is HUGE

so they performed TTFM, Fire & IDC, right?

now i can't wait for fancams

thanks for uploading all the photos

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Guest ejjapay2ne1BOMtori


don't do that!! Atleast 2ne1 showed up! so be thankful! even without make up they still look pretty!! even they are tired they save time to be with their fans to show that they care for them- for us!!

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Guest 2neblaq


Is CL's pants torn? I saw a hole in this picture. She sits down right? I think i saw a torn in the center.

@ejjapay2ne1BOMtori: Oh i see....lols...silly me. Scares me to death when i thought i saw a hole in the pants. XD

I saw someone took a photo of Bom's butt in one of the picture when they are near the audience. I wish Bom would wear a pants. It's kinda weird seeing her butt facing to the audience and not only that, a person was taking a photo of it.

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Guest vulgarchic

Hahaha 2NE1's performance photo's never fail to amuse me. Their facial expressions are always cracktastic especially Bom's xD and their body contourtions while dancing are hilarious as well. They love moving around and being free on stage which you can totally see from the pictures, they don't care how they look like they just have fun and I love it ^_^

They have sooooo much energy it's crazy. They must be exhausted from a long flight from LA but they don't even look the least bit tired.

but OMG I can't stop laughing at Bommie's expressions hahahahahahaha I love her so much xD Wish I could rip those glasses off of CL though, I love seeing her eyes when she performs but oh well. They would have done me a favor if they had just fallen off (in one of the pics it looks they're about to xD)

I'm excited to see the fancams as well :D :D

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Guest cristina0422




























credit as tagged

phew! that's alot of pics. seems they're the first to perform? and i can see alot of bommies solos...perv cameramen. kekeke.

no fancams yet. maybe kblackjacks are still enjoying the concert.

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Guest simplykylie

i love the pictures from the event but I'm longing for more... i hope someone will upload the video later (fancam)... :P

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