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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest scarletletter

shared (?)

BTS G-dragon shine a light concert (?)

is that aimee beside dara?


cute minjiyah!


pretty leadah CL-roo


credit dc2ne1

as you can see from my profile, im quite a newbie here ...so if i break any rules or whatsoever dont hesitate to call my attention ...im new to this stuff so please be kind :D

in case someone will complain, i cant see bommies goodies but then bommie is MIA in gd concert, right?? oh well, i will try to surf again for bomtaro's goodies for those bommie lovers :)

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Guest itszmaeee

I got this from DC2NE1. Apparently YG are still confirming YGF's attendance for the Dream Concert 2010. I can't seem to find the article but I'm trying to look for the link. Someone should really translate this. The article mentioned that the list that's been announced is still not final???? Artists can pull out at any time. It's just YG's side that's still not confirming whether or not they are going. There's a 50/50 chance we'll see YGF @ DC 2010, but if YG continues to be anti-social, then blah.


한국연예제작자협회(이하 연제협)측은 19일 보도자료를 통해 콘서트에 참석하는 가수들의 명단을 발표했다. 톱스타인 비와 이효리를 비롯해 미국활동에 주력해왔던 원더걸스와 국내걸그룹의 대표주자 소녀시대. 인기절정의 남자그룹 슈퍼주니어와 SS501. 2PM. 최근 두각을 나타내고 있는 걸그룹들인 애프터스쿨과 포미닛. 티아라 등 현재 가요계를 주름잡고 있는 인기스타 20팀이 총망라됐다. 하지만 빅뱅. 2NE1 등 YG엔터테인먼트 소속 가수들의 이름은 명단에서 빠져 있다.

이와 관련해 연제협측 관계자는 “발표한 명단이 최종은 아니다. 현재 YG측과 출연여부를 놓고 계속 조율중”이라고 말했다. 또 다른 관계자는 “(출연여부를)모르겠다. 출연섭외를 위해 YG측과 계속 협의중이지만 이 시기에 YG가 다른 공연이 있다고 해서 확답을 아직 안주고 있는 상태다. 못 나온다면 어쩔 수 없는 것 아니냐”는 입장을 전했다.

드림콘서트에 모든 가수가 꼭 출연해야하는 의무는 없다. 하지만 드림콘서트는 사실상 가요계의 축제다. 특히 올해는 영화배우에서 가수로 복귀한 비와 2008년 ‘유고걸’이후 다시 컴백한 이효리 등을 비롯해 소녀시대. 원더걸스 등 각 기획사를 대표하는 명실상부한 선후배가수들이 총출동하는 무대가 연출될 전망이다. 콘서트타이틀과 걸맞게 가요계의 ‘드림팀’이 총출동하는 무대가 오랜만에 펼쳐질 예정인데 YG 소속 가수들만 불참 가능성을 시사하고 있다.

YG는 그동안 빅뱅의 일본활동이나 광고주가 주최하는 콘서트에 열정을 다해왔는데 가요관계자들은 이번에도 그런 노력의 절반이라도 기울여줬으면 좋겠다는 바람을 나타내고 있다. 롯데 면세점 모델인 빅뱅은 지난달 열린 롯데 면세점 패밀리 콘서트에서 소녀시대. 2PM 등 다른 가수들과 함께 무대에 선 바있다.


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Guest lovebomvn


I hope YG Fam can join Dream Concert 2010

but the list of Dream concert is confirm that 2NE1 will not join.

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shared (?)

BTS G-dragon shine a light concert (?)

is that aimee beside dara?


cute minjiyah!


pretty leadah CL-roo


credit dc2ne1

OMO, K-Blackjacks are SUPER DUPER fast~! "Shine A Light" DVD are were just released TODAY~

and they already make the caps of the girls from the BTS clips~ AWESOME~!!

I cant wait for more, I hope there's a rehearsal clip with Baby Rin and Dara Omma

with Ji~*squel* I wanna watch all of them~!!

BTW, dont forget to check out YGL~ they are back on action

and the new layout is AWESOME~!!!

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Guest itszmaeee

YG Entertainment boycotts Dream Concert?

With the grand kpop festival Dream Concert just around the corner for many domestic fans, it seems like a certain group of stars will not be joining the event after all. On the ‘finalized’ list of appearance that was posted recently, the singers under the YG Entertainment label are nowhere to be found.

Are we facing another boycott incident?

According to production staff from Dream Concert, the answer is no.

They’ve revealed that although the YG stars are not included among the other performing artists including but not limited to Lee Hyori, Rain, and SNSD, their appearance is still very much possible. “The announced list is not finalized. We are still in discussions with YG about their participation,” said a representative.

Another source stated, “[if YG stars will appear or not,] I don’t know. We are in negotiations with YG at the moment, but they still cannot give us a clear answer due to a conflict of schedules with another upcoming YG concert. If they can’t come in the end, we can’t do anything about it.”

To say the least, YG Entertainment has always been ‘out of the line’ in the kpop industry, refusing to take the typical route.

Whatever decision that YG Entertainment makes, we’ll just have to sit back and wait.



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Guest cristina0422

sorry to cut your post.

YG Entertainment boycotts Dream Concert?

Another source stated, “[if YG stars will appear or not,] I don’t know. We are in negotiations with YG at the moment, but they still cannot give us a clear answer due to a conflict of schedules with another upcoming YG concert. If they can’t come in the end, we can’t do anything about it.”


OMO! That's what I'm thinking. If they can't join Dream Concert, a YG Family Concert would be AWESOME! It's been a long time. I want my girls to join YG Family activities. Geezzz....that would be really fine with me.

@nurika, that's fine really. i just want to share stuffs here and you can use it in any way you want. :)

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I knew it~ my feeling wont just lie to me~ i dont know but now I just have this strong feeling

we gonna have YG Family concert again~!! and look what this article just said~

BTW cristina0422 I just took ur collage and post it back at the YGL~

of course I credit you~ :) hope u dont mind~!

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ummmmm...the article didnt say theres a YG CONCERT. it basically said that there was another performance that could conflict with the day of the concert. didnt say which team had the performance. and def. didnt say it was a yg family concert.

please translate correctly.....

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3

^^^ THanks for the clarificatioN!

As much as I'm anticipating or want a YG Family Concert, I think we would've known about it already and not wait until now a Dream Concert rep say it instread of YG rep, or himself...<___>

I wonder what is the schedule that no YG artists is coming at all...I mean, they should at least have Gummy to go since she'll be promoting...I know BB is gonna preparing for their Japan stuff & solo stuff, so that's okay...why not 2NE1 (?)

EDIT: @itszmaeee, I know right? YG artists aint anti-social...I think some people need to check their sources again...cuz if are, GD wouldn't be hanging out with 2PM....it's just that its not on-screen for people to see it....

And I've forgotten about Florida's concert...so it makes sense...XD

Anyways, whatever it is, I'm sure YG knows what he is doing...If he didn't, he wouldn't be YG and there won't be YG artists who we love and appreciate!

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Guest tazanya

I hate that YGE always gets a bad wrap, like they don't want to play along with people. I am sure they are not the only artists that have had to forgoe dream concert due to other activities, particularly since they have not promoted any artists all year. so geez to call it a boycott is a bit much from the media. I smell shock journalism.

Anyway whether they are at a YG Concert or the Dream Concert or the gym I will be glad to see 2ne1 in any venue. <3

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I hate that YGE always gets a bad wrap, like they don't want to play along with people. I am sure they are not the only artists that have had to forgoe dream concert due to other activities, particularly since they have not promoted any artists all year. so geez to call it a boycott is a bit much from the media. I smell shock journalism.

Anyway whether they are at a YG Concert or the Dream Concert or the gym I will be glad to see 2ne1 in any venue. <3

agree. maybe yg is playing "politics"...who knows. but either way, dont understand what the big deal is. artists have a choice as to performing at the dream concert or not. they could have no schedule that day and still not go. the article makes it as if its a mandatory...almost nationalistic concert.

last years was yg's first time (in a long time) sending artists out..both bigbang and 2ne1's first time. and i know for sure a lot of vips were not too happy that the boys were performing. for 2ne1..not to sure. yea, it was a great stage and all...but still. nothing that will help them as artists. and a lot of it has to do with the fact that its an opportunity for fans to go at each other (if we all can remember the "blackout" incident) rather than a space for artists to perform their music and enjoy it with their fans. id actually rather NOT see any yg artists perform at such a low quality concert.

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Guest itszmaeee

LMAO. People are funny this days, seriously. They want YG Family to go to the Dream Concert 2010 because they want them to see YGF interacting and making friends with other artists. The only interactions that artists will ever do is when they do the closing and the opening ceremony, and/or backstage, which fans will not be able to see, if ever. I don't get why people are making such a fuss over YGF not attending because 'they won't be able to see them interacting with others and because they are anti-social'. BS! My main reason why I seriously want Big Bang, Se7en, 2NE1, or Gummy attending DC2010 is because THEY HAVE BEEN ON A FREAKING HIATUS LONGER THAN OTHER ARTISTS HAS. I mean come on! The artists and groups that are going have been in the kpop scene on and off, but you don't see any YGF attending any. Just cause you don't see any pictures of them smiling, or hanging out with other groups doesn't mean they're anti-social.

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I wonder what is the schedule that no YG artists is coming at all...I mean, they should at least have Gummy to go since she'll be promoting...I know BB is gonna preparing for their Japan stuff & solo stuff, so that's okay...why not 2NE1 (?)

I heard GD's feature in FLO RIDA's concert is the same exact day.

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Guest babymodz

Dream Concert 'controversy'

i can't help but LOL at this whole issue

i've been to other forums &

people are calling YGF names & stuff...


let's make sense of this simple reason

as to why YGF most probably won't be coming...

1. GD's opening Flo Rida's concert on the same say

(if i am not wrong abt the date)

so there ... the reason why GD/BB won't be attending

2. the concert is on May 22...

& at that time, other than Gummy

none of the other YGF will be making their comebacks

you don't expect Se7en to perform songs from like ... a few years ago

or 2NE1 to sing IDC/Fire again right?

sure fans will like it, but haters will find fault with it

wait - haters are going to hate either way.

so even if they're not attending,

i guess this is the most logical reason that Papa YG probably thought of


but i won't mind if they make YG CONCERT lol!

& abt the whole not interacting with other artistes...

why are the other fans so bothered abt interactions on TV?

we all know they're friends with other artistes,

& there shouldn't be any reason why they need to televise it for the whole world to see

if they're really friends.

so let's just chill, & wait for YG's response to this issue.

people can call YGF whatever they want,

but they're not the fans - we are.

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Guest scarletletter

Bean Pole Scan Solo Pic

spurty Leadah Cl-roo


fresh 4D dara


lovely bomtaro


nerdy maknae minjiyah


and last but definitely not the least the undeniable new 2ne1 member the fashionable jscott ....(XD kekekeke)



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