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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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It's getting harder and harder each month. Remember when we were expecting a February comeback? Then June? until now..

Gosh, sometimes I wish that he'd read our thread so that he would be aware of our feelings. But I'm always hoping before I sleep that he'd announce the next day about 2ne1's album. Then if there's no news, I'd do it again and again..

I know you all feel the same..

Waiting.. grr...

Please, just give us any news. Please.

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Guest blackjackVip

Ugh. what do we expect?

I didn't even anticipate their comeback....

coz i know somehow it would be delayed...like whatever anymore.


good thing i didn't expect anything, coz if i did i would be so frustrated.

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Guest wonderbanger321

^^^ Well, I am getting tired too, but if Blackjacks are tired, then I don't know the words to described BB's longggg awaited comeback of 2 years...words seriously CANNOT say enough about how I feel about the wait...

However, all we can't do is wait...LOL...YG has always been like this, he's the most unexpected president of all the KPOP companies, so we just have to deal with it by waiting and waiting...<___>

Im also a VIP &i cant wait for their comeback either but the difference wid them is theyve been promoting in Japan &they have released an album/songs &they also have many interviews so its not like theyve been completely dormant.

All im saying is im kinda starting to feel a little pathetic spazzing over every little me2day update we get from Dara cuz that literally the only thing we get nowadays lol.

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Guest skylovetop

YG YG YG...you know we've been very patient bout 2ne1 absence...but this is not right anymore...i mean could you just at least give us details when will 2ne1's comeback, really...cause i think this month is the perfect timing for the girls comeback...but again and again..it was postponed, maybe it has something to do with Taeyang..but ok..im not against with taeyang new song that you will release this week...but i guess taeyang got some exposure already...dont be greedy too much....many people are expecting for the girls right now...so the question is....WHEN IS THE EXACT DATE OF 2NE1 COMEBACK???????? im really hoping that 2ne1 will blow us away with their album...my hopes are really high...so i hope you wont disappoint us blackjacks.....if you're not planning 2ne1 comeback yet this month..could you please at least send them to variety shows and let em guess on some dramas...i mean theres nothing wrong if you send them to that kind of shows..right????oh please YG kill your pride already...i really do miss 2ne1 so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Guest kamie13

well, at least we are still getting "something"...other than "nothing."

let us all be a little sane for a moment and while waiting for the album, deflect our attention on other useful things...LOL!

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Guest skylovetop

yeah we're getting somethin from them..but seriously? theyre singers not models...YG always address his artists as singers..yeah its cool that they have tons of cf deal, loads of pictorials, but 2ne1 already proved that to us, theyre so versatile in every way..hahah thats why i freakin love em,hahahha.oh damn..2ne1 2ne1...cant wait for ur comeback..waaaaa...

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August 18th: G-Dragon’s 22nd Birthday (Korean Age: 23)

August 19th: Big Bang’s 4th Anniversary, Big Show 2010 DVD, & Taeyang’s International Album w/ release of “I’ll Be There” song & music video

August 20th: 2NE1 @ Pink Play Concert

August 21st: 2010 Big Bang LOTTE Premiere Talk Show

August 22nd: SeungRi’s 1st episode of MBC “Enjoy Today” airs

August 29th: Taeyang @ Incheon Korean Music Wave 2010 concert

So I'm really depressed right now..

I'm not really upset. I expected the last week of aug or first week of sept for their release of a song. YG can be UNPREDICTABLE. For all we know, he can throw something out between aug 22nd and 29th or after the 29th. I expect something from 2NE1 the first week of September though. I'd be really surprised if they performed the same songs from 09 a the Dream Concert.

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Guest thesassygirl2

hmmm so i'm just not gonna get my hopes up about their comeback. when is 2ne1tv coming out? wasn't it pushed back to this week? is it actually going to air this time?

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Guest madbee

I don't know why some people are getting so riled up over that schedule. Obviously YG isn't going to list their comeback date on their schedule without making some kind of announcement first. YG is very unpredictable, so don't be too disappointed yet. I personally believe the girls are coming back this month. Also, Blackjacks shouldn't complain so much about waiting. Just think about VIP, Lucky Se7en, Gummy fans, 1TYM fans, etc who have waited and are still waiting for their favorites' comebacks - the wait has been much longer for those fans. I know we are all frustrated, but be fair and remember that YG does not revolve around 2NE1.


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Guest MidnightByul

Yeah, don't freak out too much.

Like others already said I doubt the girls or YGE let alone, let them perform the same old songs over again.

Just because it's not on their schedule doesn't mean it won't happen or whatever.

YGE does things differently than others.

And, you gotta expected the unexpected with the company, whether you like it or not.

I'm sure the girls will comeback soon.

And, even if they overlap with BB or whoever. That's not even a problem. Not like it will take away much from them...

I'm sure they'll back soon.

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Guest Banana Peel

I'm really really really hoping YG would release some kind of a teaser for the girls' comeback. It's been way too long of an absence, and I personally think we Blackjacks have the right to be frustrated about this even though we should be PATIENT. I think we've all been patient for MONTHS now, haha. So YG please hear our cries and give us something to spazz about until their comeback T___________T

and what the heck happened to the 2ne1 TV? -__-;

anyways, I shall continue to wait for the girls' comeback!

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Guest teenace

I don't think anyone should compare 2NE1 and other YG artists.

2NE1 just debuted last year and had ONE mini album out so far.

BB,Se7en,and Gummy have had multiple albums out and are 2NE1's sunbaes.

Plus BB and Se7en have been promoting in other countries while 2NE1 have not.

I feel for Blackjacks since they really get nothing. Really disappointed YG.

He should at least let them do something more then photoshoots and cfs.

The Nori CF is cute btw.

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Dara finally updated her me2day. ^_^


“Good mor-ning!!!2 Kekeke! Stylish Empress Dara with her Apple hair and sunglasses…I’ve been doing some random things and whatnot so I haven’t slept yet…That’s all. I’m going to sleep. It’s 5:30AM now! I’m going to have sweet dreams~ And I hope all of you have a great day!^.^!! Call?”

(Translated by: BlackjackBelle @ohdara)

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really we have been understanding with other YG artists. have come to love them and support them as well.

but im missing 2NE1 sooo much. seems like YB is gonna start concentrating about his intl fame so why cant the girls come out and perform with him at the same time? or a week after?

oh, i sure havent given up about YG surprising us with new songs on those concerts theyre attending. *crosses fingers*

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Guest NV4ever

love those new Nori pics~! the girls are soo beautiful and kute too! are they all having same hair color? lol

I want tat fone!! 2NE1 makes everything looks good~! ^^

i'll just comfort myself with these small surprises like Dara's me2day updates, endorsements and magazine pics~~

untill the day our girls comeback~~

Dara new metoo~~is she having insomnia again? i hope they're not working too hard and tired themselves out, they need proper rest, stay healthy girls~! and comeback to us soon ^^

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Guest MidnightByul


Something about SEPTEMBER 9TH! I think It's their OFFICAL COMEBACK! PLEASE TELL ME I'M RIGHT! ;_______; 0-0

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