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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest itszmaeee

I don't understand how people can say CL looks really beautiful in those pictures when you can barely see her face in it, i mean you just see her face in an angle and on both of them her eyes are closed... <_<

Everyone have different opinions and unfortunately not everyone agrees with you. IMO, CL loooks gorgeous in those pictures. Her face angled is even more beautiful. Though her eyes are close, you can still see the beauty within her with the cute hat, accessories and her clothes. Am I talking too much? No. Just trying to get some sense out of you my friend.

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Guest NV4ever

CL IS BEAUTIFUL~!! Inside and out!! look at how sweet and caring she is towards her members and others~~she is not only talented but also a great leader for 2NE1 and BlackJacks, one and only Leahah Rin!! everyone have their own opinions but i rather tat if you doesnt have anything nice to say than just keep it to yourself, since this is a thread for 2NE1!! we love all 4 of them equally.

sorrie for my ranting, but i just had to get tat out after seeing tat post >.<

anhoo, loving all the Etude pics of the girls....they're totally having fun on the shoot. Lols park sisters and ChaeDa being dorky ^.^ it's kinda funny that Minzy is the magnae but we dont see her fooling around much as compare to her unnies :lol:


another translation of the first me2day

역시나 예상했던대로 씨에루특유의 젠틀함이 나타났다! 뱅기가 흔들린다 싶으면 이런저런 얘기로 다른 생각을 하게 만들고 뱅기가 많이 흔들리자 역시나 손을 꼬옥 잡아주며 믿음이가는 목소리로 “괜찮아요!괜찮아요! 괜찮아졌죠?” 라며 안심시켜주었다. 그런데!!!…

As I expected CL-roo appeared to be uniquely gentle! When the plane started shaking she would talk to me about different things like this or that to ease my mind. And when the plane shook a lot more she held my hand tightly and reassured me by saying in a trustworthy voice, "It's ok! It's alright! Are you ok now? but!!...

Translated by ciel @ SDK

sorrie to cut ur post~~but Baby Rin is sooo sweet!! aww...it's ok Dara, ur hubby is always there to comfort you :lol:

i think 90% of Dara me2days contains CL-roo in it hahaha, these two just love each other too much keke CHAEDA FTW!

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Guest nega_kui-yop-ji

Haven't posted here in awhile, but I have pictures to share. (:

More pictures from the Etude blog!


















Source: http://blog.naver.com/etudeblog

Reupload: ju!ceb0x@YGLADIES.com

Oh wow Dara looks really beautiful in these pictures... no need for SUNGLASSES or HATS. Especailly when she looks STRAIGHT ON to the camera. Thanks for sharing them! :D

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Guest blackjackVip

oh wow!

This is actually the first time i think CL looks pretty! those me2day pics with her hat on, for some reason she looks so cute and pretty! i actually almost didn't recognize her....

she looks good in hats :D

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Guest polka_dotts

Oh wow Dara looks really beautiful in these pictures... no need for SUNGLASSES or HATS. Especailly when she looks STRAIGHT ON to the camera. Thanks for sharing them! :D

You comment on how confused you are that CL fans think she is beautiful and criticize her and then you try to SUBTLY albeit unsuccessfully compliment Dara while simultaneously bashing CL. What the john tesh is your problem, seriously? EVERY GIRL IN 2NE1 IS BEAUTIFUL, and it's a damn shame that you can't handle that. You apparently can't stand to see Dara's group mate (someone who is SO kind and loving towards her, at that) be complimented and called beautiful to the point that you have to come in here and bring all this negativity and hatred with you. Contrary to popular belief, Dara is not the only beautiful one in 2NE1.

Shallow, ignorant, hating fans like you give Dara fans a bad name.

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Guest jA_sEeyUm

some people are just very hard to understand..

you try to ignore them but still

it hurts you as a Fan..

being a biased doesn't mean that you would just love that specific person & then bash others so you could make your nonesense point..

stop bashing other...

because you cannot stop us on suPporting & Loving 2NE1 as a whole :)

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Guest itszmaeee

Okay first off, I don't care if everyone have their own biases, but don't come around here straight up criticizing a 2NE1 member that IS NOT your bias and then come again showing love for your bias. THIS IS A 2NE1 THREAD FOR CHRIST SAKE! I used to argue with people how everyone just have their own biases, but posting a unnecessary comment is straight up bs. If ever, keep your biases to yourself. It's fine that you go ahead and praise your biased member, but please don't criticize the rest just because you don't like them or they just don't appeal your style. 2NE1 girls are equally talented. They all have distinct characters that matches and blend in with the group. I wouldn't say perfectly, but just about right. They love each other and care for each like sisters, so why can't we all get along? ONCE AGAIN, THIS IS A 2NE1 THREAD.

p.s. @nega_kui-yop-ji quoting pictures are against the rules. Please take out the %7Boption%7D



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Guest scarletletter

I don't understand how people can say CL looks really beautiful in those pictures when you can barely see her face in it, i mean you just see her face in an angle and on both of them her eyes are closed... <_<

Oh wow Dara looks really beautiful in these pictures... no need for SUNGLASSES or HATS. Especailly when she looks STRAIGHT ON to the camera. Thanks for sharing them! :D

This is so LOL :P .... can't you see that this soomper is just a troublemaker? <_< ..for all i know he/she is an anti and not really a fan of Dara :rolleyes: ...ive seen this soomper around in previous posts and i could see that he/she really likes to stir arguements in here ... I know a lot of Dara fans coz I am considered as one and Im pretty sure we are not like this immature just like this soomper .... he/she cant even follow rules in here by qouting pics and saying negative comments so really this soomper is just a troublemaker <_< ... and I dont want to even mentioned her/his siggy below ... just ignore this soomper okies... real dara fans dont approve such behavior like this .... we all know just how much dara loves cl and hating or saying something bad to her even you are entitled to is NOT our doing ...but if some of you cant resist ignoring this soomper, there are moderators to clean up this one trash...

and IMO i adore CL-roo just like dara ...and Yes most of us in here think CL-roo is pretty ...may not be in your eyes but most of us do ... we just happened to have the same perception of beauty that dara had in CL ... its ok you dont like CL coz Im pretty sure Dara wont like you either <_< ....

just saying my piece~ CHAEDA/DARIN FTW! 2NE1 FTW! :D


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Guest obaachan

hmm..I don't even think this person is a Dara fan, and might just want to drag Dara's name and create antis for her.

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Guest monsterjamiez

I think CL is preeettyyyyy (: Yes she may have just a smidge more eyeliner on than I'd prefer, but hey she still works it with no sweat. Let's not get mean and attack just cause we have bias for a certain member. If the girls love each other and get along let alone live together, I'm pretty sure we as blackjacks can do the same in an online virtual fan forum.

P.S. Are the girls back in Korea then; do they have an event coming up?

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Guest HanEul_14

This is so LOL tongue.gif .... can't you see that this soomper is just a troublemaker? dry.gif ..for all i know he/she is an anti and not really a fan of Dara rolleyes.gif ...ive seen this soomper around in previous posts and i could see that he/she really likes to stir arguements in here ... I know a lot of Dara fans coz I am considered as one and Im pretty sure we are not like this immature just like this soomper .... he/she cant even follow rules in here by qouting pics and saying negative comments so really this soomper is just a troublemaker dry.gif ... and I dont want to even mentioned her/his siggy below ... just ignore this soomper okies... real dara fans dont approve such behavior like this .... we all know just how much dara loves cl and hating or saying something bad to her even you are entitled to is NOT our doing ...but if some of you cant resist ignoring this soomper, there are moderators to clean up this one trash...

Sorry to cut your post . Thank you for pointing out that @nega_kui-yop-ji is in fact, an anti. I can't believe some people are coming here just to bash one girl and praise another just to create trouble. I have seen this user before and her avatar is the 'scandalous' pic of dara from the mag where she posed before (you guys know what i mean) so that doesn't make her a dara fan (IMO), just clearing it out. and now her avatar is CL's pic?

please, can't people here just get along? true blackjacks know that all the girls are BEAUTIFUL, and dragging one member down means dragging all of them. why can't blackjacks have harmony towards one another? please guys, instead of saying hurtful things, let us all just anticipate 2ne1's comeback in peace. and nevermind the trolls..

I know you all miss them as much as i do, but patience is a virtue!!^^


i saw this news on nate: http://news.nate.com/view/20100507n10008

it basically states that a survey was made on who should be the one to play jay park's sister in his upcoming movie..

though none of the girls topped the survey, it still nice to see that dara and baby minzy was included in the choices.. (i think CL should be included there too)..^^

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Guest maxim16

for the love of 2ne1...this is so lol... :D it is okay to have biases, in fact i have my own bias but the problem is lets not point to certain group of fans since we dont even know if this person is truly a dara fan..and mind you he/she is a troll, if you check his/her comments before and the pics she posted as avatar, you would know..i may sound mean but i dont know why this thread is always chaotic..sigh.

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Guest itszmaeee

On a serious note, I don't know why but I feeeeeel like doing a FIRE/IDONTCARE spaaaam. AND YAY ME FOR BEING ACTIVE AGAIN! I heard 2NE1 have another event this month? I know they are attending MTV Japan Music Awards, but how about the uni one? Anyone know?

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Guest hasuike

This is so LOL :P .... can't you see that this soomper is just a troublemaker? <_< ..for all i know he/she is an anti and not really a fan of Dara :rolleyes: ...ive seen this soomper around in previous posts and i could see that he/she really likes to stir arguements in here ... I know a lot of Dara fans coz I am considered as one and Im pretty sure we are not like this immature just like this soomper .... he/she cant even follow rules in here by qouting pics and saying negative comments so really this soomper is just a troublemaker <_< ... and I dont want to even mentioned her/his siggy below ... just ignore this soomper okies... real dara fans dont approve such behavior like this .... we all know just how much dara loves cl and hating or saying something bad to her even you are entitled to is NOT our doing ...but if some of you cant resist ignoring this soomper, there are moderators to clean up this one trash...

and IMO i adore CL-roo just like dara ...and Yes most of us in here think CL-roo is pretty ...may not be in your eyes but most of us do ... we just happened to have the same perception of beauty that dara had in CL ... its ok you dont like CL coz Im pretty sure Dara wont like you either <_< ....

I Agree with you,.. I'm a lurker here,.. almost everyday from time to time i read each post but rare to see me comment,.. and I also notice that,.. That person as what you said always starts an argument,..

If you find CL not pretty, OK,.. but do you have to say it Loud when you know it will start a fight and hurt the feelings of other fans?

Me, I don't find all 2NE1 pictures here are cute or beautiful but never you heard me saying negative things about it,.. maybe i will give a comment in a nice way if i find it not good to me,..

to me,.. CL is beautiful and charismatic,.. and in that pic CL is so CUTE,.. :D i love how Dara adores CL so much,.. :D

BTW to that soomper If you have nothing good to say you better shut your mount,.. it's just an advice,.. :D

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Guest obaachan

I have a request..could someone please post photos (screen caps) of 2ne1 during the big show concert in Japan. I just watched the fancams, and they look amazing. I especially want to see Dara's hairstyle at that time. I haven't seen her sporting that hairstyle yet. Thanks in advance! ^_^ ^_^

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Guest NV4ever

i think the girls have an Uni. Event on the 19th...and we also have the MTV Japan

on the 29th to look forward too!! But it's like a month away...haish, too long!!

wonder wat the girls are up to~~ any special plans for their upcoming Anniversary?

i want a Me2-Spam-Day from our me2queen Dara~! :lol: or better yet a fanmeeting...the girls are now almost

1year-old but never had any fanmeetings yet ^.^

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Guest itszmaeee

I have a request..could someone please post photos (screen caps) of 2ne1 during the big show concert in Japan. I just watched the fancams, and they look amazing. I especially want to see Dara's hairstyle at that time. I haven't seen her sporting that hairstyle yet. Thanks in advance! ^_^ ^_^

I believe it was Big Bang's Electric Love Tour Concert. They never broadcasted 2NE1's performances and didn't even add it on the concert dvd I think? I was hoping they'd broadcast it but they never did so it was a bummmmmer ):

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Guest sukira91

On a serious note, I don't know why but I feeeeeel like doing a FIRE/IDONTCARE spaaaam. AND YAY ME FOR BEING ACTIVE AGAIN! I heard 2NE1 have another event this month? I know they are attending MTV Japan Music Awards, but how about the uni one? Anyone know?

They'll performing at Dankook University on the 13th

Then at hongkik University, but we call it Hongdae on the 19th

Hope that helps ^^

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Guest tazanya


2NE1 love each other. Blackjacks love each other. We refuse to let haters troll here and separate us. We refuse to allow trolls to make us avoid the 2ne1 thread at soompi. In fact, the more you hate on our girls, the more we will support them, the more we will love them. The more you try and cause conflict the more we will post and point out your trollish ways. CL Dara Bom and Minzy's individual fans are loving blackjacks. Nothing you do or say here will tear us apart. Repent your trollish ways and we will welcome you with open arms, we are a forgiving fandom.

I invite you to stay, lurk this thread everyday and you will see what a wonderfully diverse, beautiful, and inspiring fandom Blackjacks, all blackjacks, really are.


cr: scarlet @ygladies


This is love


cr: me2day

So's this


This too.


cr: me2day

Let's all share pcs, gifs etc showing 2ne1's love.


cr: dc2ne1

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