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Your 1st Date (memorable Or Disastrous)

Guest Green Tea -3

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Guest skye.

How was your first date ? It was okay. It wasn't like omg fun, but it wasn't super boring.

What did you on the date ? We watched a scary movie and went to the mall. Scary was bolded cause you know how when you go to the movies with a guy you like and it's a scary movie, you end up getting close to a guy ? Yeah. Haha.

Did you dress up or go casual ? It was a casual thing. Movies & mall. Can't really dress up for that.

Are you still with this person as of now ? Sadly, no. I still like him though.

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Guest missbvang

How was your first date ?

Um.. lets see... Scary but very Memorable.

What did you on the date ?

Went to his cousin b/day party amd met his whole

side of the family..( that was the scary part..)

Did you dress up or go casual ?

semi casual

Are you still with this person as of now ?

yes, i am.. for five yrs 1 month and 20 days now and going strong..


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Guest spfork

first date...

typical movies and stuff.

freaking boring movie and halfway through he decided to stick his tongue down my throat.


but it was memorable... I guess.

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Guest crystallizedtear

Does this count as a date, cause he paid for me, it was on Christmas? I liked him but I'm not sure he liked me. We were very close friends.

# How was your first date ?

It was cute, I kept pushing my elbow into him. We watched a romantic comedy, and we sat in the front row cause all the seats were taken.

# What did you on the date ?

Christmas. My parents weren't home, I was bored, he was bored.. both lonely souls haha. He asked if I wanted to go see a movie and I said ...but wait you live too far. He said he would come down to meet me.

# Did you dress up or go casual ?

I wore a really fat grey jacket that used to be the renter dude's jacket...passed down to me. LMAO. I find it funny I wore it to the 'date'... and he even commented that 'You look like a kid...'

# Are you still with this person as of now ?

No, we never really 'got together'. But I never forgot this 'first date' of mine, I was around 15/16 years old?

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How was your first date ?

-memorable :w00t: we still laugh about it now

What did you on the date ?

-met up at the block with a friend (blind date), was supposed to watch the butterfly effect but ditched, drove to the beach and walked an hour looking for the pier but never found it cause he parked 4 miles down from downtown HB then we went to albertsons to shop (during the union strike... and got yelled at by the strikers) then went to eat at wendys (which was disastrous)

Did you dress up or go casual ?

-casual.. jeans and tank top with a light bubble jacket

Are you still with this person as of now ?

-of course... he was going to get with me then break up in a week, but... we're still together after... 4 years :lol:

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Guest fio209js2

Ah.. I remember my first day with my BF ^^;

How was your first date ?

Very awkward(?).. only because I was so nervous (he was too) and we were super shy towards eachother. xD

What did you on the date ?

Typical first date. ^^ Went to the movies. Then we went to his house to watch even more movies and played games. :D

Did you dress up or go casual ?

Casual. Was just the movies afterall. :)

Are you still with this person as of now ?

Yups. :) Almost 2 years (15 more days! eEK ^^) and going stronger than ever.. <3


Is this for you VERY first date? or like first date regardless if it was your first date over all or just the memorable one ? ^^;

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Guest Cakee`

* How was your first date ? memorable.

* What did you on the date ? we just went to the mall.

* Did you dress up or go casual ? casual

* Are you still with this person as of now ? nope.

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Guest ohmylollipop

How was your first date? memorable

What did you on the date? i'm not sure if it counts as a first date.. it was supposed to be, but his friend and my siblings decided to tag along :P we went movies, then we just walked around to wherever lol; a bit embarrassing ><

Did you dress up or go casual? casual; he didn't mind being with my siblings ^____^

Are you still with this person as of now? nope, but i can say that we're now friends

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Guest loveamii

i dont think i've ever been on a real date... :(

all i've ever been on were group dates... kind of :/

some of them were pretty fun though, but i didnt really talk to him much

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Guest AzNdAyDrEaMeR

# How was your first date ?

surprisingly terrific!

# What did you on the date ?

we went to six flags and spent the whole day at the amusement park

got there at lunch and got some snacks to eat then walked around riding coaster rides

played at the carnival games won 3 giant stuffed animals and 2 other average sized ones

during the long waits in line we played kid games like slap and had thumb wars and made jokes reading funny signs all around

gf got past her fear of coaster rides because of me =]

we saw some marine life and touched a stingray =O

watched a couple shows and road one last coaster ride before getting funnel cake

then we held hands and she fell asleep on me on the way home

# Did you dress up or go casual ?

casually dressed

Tshirt over dress shirt over tank with jeans and kix

# Are you still with this person as of now ?

its our 8 months tomorrow =]

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Guest Koii

How was your first date ? It was fine...kinda awkward because his dad had to drive us .__. and i drank a lot of soda at dinner, so i was pretty much about to pop during the movie xD all i could think about was how bad i needed to pee! forget the guy, get me a toilet lol

What did you on the date ? Japanese resturaunt and movie theares --> watched Silent Hill

Did you dress up or go casual ? casual but cute ^^

Are you still with this person as of now ? hail no

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Guest kellyalster

How was your first date ?

It was awkward.

What did you on the date ?

We had our first date with a group of our friends. Not a group date. We were on a date, they were on a group outing. We separated from the group for an hour, walked around the mall, and got to know each other (because we only knew each other for about two weeks). It got kinda quiet so I asked him if he wanted to eat lunch and I called up my friends right away to meet us for lunch.

Did you dress up or go casual ?


Are you still with this person as of now ?

Nope but we dated for 2 years before we broke up. In fact, we hate each other now, and we don't speak. Haha.

He wasn't my first boyfriend, but this was my first semi-real date. My previous boyfriends just went on outings with my friends and me but I never spent one-on-one time with any of them.

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How was your first date ? Stressful, because I had to somehow find a nice way to tell him I only see him as a friend.

What did you on the date ? We saw a movie.

Did you dress up or go casual ? Casual.

Are you still with this person as of now ? No...I wasn't interested in him in that way.

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Guest cathyy_

How was your first date ?

really nice .. =)

What did you on the date ?

lunch at this nice place, movie, took pictures, bummed at a park and just got starbucks and walked around the city

Did you dress up or go casual ?

i tried to make it seem like i didnt put any effort into it but yeh it was pretty 'dressy', not something i would wear to go out randomly

Are you still with this person as of now ?

ahuh =D

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  • 1 month later...

first date wif my curent bf---

# How was your first date ?

it was good.. and it was even in a different country.. lol

# What did you on the date ?

went around shopping.. and he showed me around his home country

# Did you dress up or go casual ?

casual.. but he thought it was dressy.. cos i was wearing a dress >.<" but it was hot.. lol

# Are you still with this person as of now ?

yep ^^

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Guest artsifartsi

* How was your first date ?

Oh man, my first date was alright at best.

First, he did the no-no and started talking about his exs,

which totally turned me off. And then my parents called me looking for me because something "important" happened

so I had to go home early.... Yeah.... I have to give him credit though, he did try.

* What did you on the date ?

Bought food and went to a park to eat it and talk.

* Did you dress up or go casual ?

I was a little dressed up because I had to attend something before that. But then i took his sweat shirt because it was freezing.

* Are you still with this person as of now ?

yes :)

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Guest DiscoJox

Hey guys & gals of SOOMPI :w00t:

I've just got a couple(2+2) questions for all you lovebirds out there.

  • How was your first date ?
  • What did you on the date ?
  • Did you dress up or go casual ?
  • Are you still with this person as of now ?

Thanks for your time ALARMS1.gif

Peace, Love & Harmony heart-2.gif

- Gare Gare

-=H u G s ^ _ ^ R U L E =-

GoDspeeD to @LL !!


My first date with this guy was disaster but ended up to be really nice. We were gonna go watch a movie...**a safe date**. We agreed to watch "The Strangers" at 5pm so I left early to get the tickets. So I'm there already and I get a text message,

"srry cnt make the 5pm. How bout the 7pm??"

I'm like, "I'm already here"

And he was like, "ok, just stay there I'll be there around 5--ish"

So I sat at Barnes and Nobles until he got there which was around 5:15pm. I wasn't mad at all...I actually didn't mind. He called me on my cell and told me to come out haha. It was cute, I saw him as I came out but he didn't see me and he looked so cute trying to look for me LOL. We both were wearing casual wear, but he seemed more dressed up than I was LOL. So the movie didn't start till 7 so we decide to go eat. We talked of course...then all of a sudden,

"Do you just wanna ditch the movies and go to the park?"

LOL I was just like sure whatever. So we ditched the movies and went to the park. When we got there we just sat on the swings and talked. It seems boring but it was actually kind of relaxing and nice. Then later we met up with his soccer buddies. I kept asking him to go play but he wouldn't budge. I was just like,

"no, I don't wanna leave you by yourself"

SOOO I finally got him to go play while his (female) cousin asked me to play tennis with her for a bit. So afterwards, we finished and he took me home. NOO, sadly there was no first kiss but i preferred it that way. He was really sweet. As I got out and started walking towards my house he beeped at me. I turned around and he was waving at me LOL. I just kept walking and I noticed from the corner of my eye that he was driving along side with me as I was walking. He waited till I got inside and left....**sighs** LOL...it was awesome. We still talk now every once in a while.

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