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Ulzzang America!


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Lol, I like scene people ^^

or more like.. their hair.

I saw kiki Kannibal in the Racoon Mullet thread on soompi x]

Her name is funny. Kannibal.. LMAAAO XD

Sorry T_T'

Izzy Hilton's cover "boobs" shot was funny.

Honestly, I saw some of them on facebook =/ LOL.

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LMAO DUHHH KIDDS. these are scene kids


idk i just thought it would be funny

i think they are all cute.

well most of them

and those who havent heard of them, i guess u need to be 'scene' or at least live in a place where there are alot of scene kids around to know about them

hanabeth and audrey kithcing and jeffree star were on mtv

they all do have pretty faces

well some

they dont need to win contests to be famous

they are famous for being pretty

just my thought

yes they do need to win a contest to be an uhljjang

UHLJJANG is a korean thing.

They can be NET IDOLS, but not uhljjangs unless somehow

the win the contest, which i bet they don't know about.

All the other threads are also not uhljjang threads but net idol.

Please understand why are people so negative.

There is not such thing as an Uhljjang America or w/e

But net idols yes, since they get famous from the net.

Such as Tila Tequila.

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You should change the thread name to "SCENE KIDS"


because they are the farthest things from Ulzzangs.


This is actually really insulting to Koreans.

(and yes, i am actually insulted right now.)

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Guest mangchilo

Wow, what...interesting....choice of fashion. No, really! It is interesting. It's just also a bit scary and kind of ugly in many cases in my opinion. Not that I'm really a fan of the huge eyes and doll-like Asian net idol look, either.

It's not so much the ulzzang part of the title I care about (people should just chill out about it now that it's been argued over so much already, sheesh) but the "English American" part. Sorry if it sounds like I'm picking on you, but it gets to me a little sometimes that Asians on this forum are very, very sensitive about their nationalities and racial background--which is fine--but then do weird things like your title.

1) Most Americans of any race speak English.

2) The most common ancestry in White Americans is actually German, not English. White, English-speaking American != English American.

Why not just say "American" and leave it at that? It's not like every single one of them was even full white.

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Guest dorkafied!

OHH! i see the girl that was posted on on

the "racoon" hairstyle thread ! 8] she's

quite pretty =D ergh i thought izzy hilton

was a chick at first =_= their hair is

awesome man ._.

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Guest Miss Vivienne

The whole scenester look sorta died out, but so have internet ulzzangs.

But yes, American ulzzangs are Scenesters. D:

They don't near anything to Koreans Ulzzangs but they ARE famous for their looks.

I do think of them as Ulzzangs. Probably not the type I like though. Ahaha.

People, the definition of Ulzzangs have changed nowadays. It used to mean people

who win beauty contests for their "Best Face" but now it's just people who are

famous on the net for their LOOKS/IMAGE. :P

You people... -_-

I'm not insulted by them. Probably just not very interested.

EDIT: Somebody quote me to the first post or else people will still be posting

ignorant comments. -shakes fist angrily- XD

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they're hairstyles are very cool and all alike....

but they don't remind me of ulzzang...

some of them are hawt tou

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Guest yurikah

their style looks like they just mushed everything together; punk, goth, skater, etc.

i call those hairstyles the skunk hair... don't like them one bit.

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Guest xiaochingu.

wow i actually heard of some of them ._.

didn't that one girl.... forbidden girl or something

make it on tv? would she count as an american ulzzang/net idol? w/e o_o


personally i'm not a fan of scene...or of their style haha...

but some people on this thread are just so rude >.>

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Dude, Jeffree Star & Audrey are artists anyways.

Scene Kids: probably the worst fad to ever hit this generation.

Because the kids nowadays think they're scene, but they're just fake posers. Took it to the extreme wayy too far.

I give you props for making this thread. ;D

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Guest motherducker

That izzy hilton guy reminds me of Bou of EX-An cafe >___<

But of course Bou is cuter ^^

I really like their hair and makeup, a little extreme, but I still like =D

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Guest Lindoodoo

Scene Kids: probably the worst fad to ever hit this generation.


They have pretty faces, but they ruin it with the gross looking hair and make-up.

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Guest hotmonkey

seriously ya they look like those japanese rock star that ya idolize ....so I am suprise that you guys don;t like these "scene" kids

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Guest Vivskies

Scene Kids: probably the worst fad to ever hit this generation.

Quoted For Emphasis.

and what is that pink stuff coming out of that guys mouth?

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Guest mangchilo

seriously ya they look like those japanese rock star that ya idolize ....so I am suprise that you guys don;t like these "scene" kids

Yeah, what's up with the people with Visual Kei avatars who think the American people with actually pretty similar fashion are gross? :lol: Amusing.

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Guest emceej


i only know audrey kitching.she's my friend on myspace lmao ^^

their not ulzzangs though. more like scenesters.

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