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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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The dishes are special because YS saved them for when her daughter (NY) was going to get married and gave to SB because she thinks of her as her real daughter. The blankets YS and Granny sewed together by hand so were extra special. Some korean blankets for winter are heavy and thick with pretty coverings, kind of like duvet covers. That is probably what YS and Granny sewed by hand.

^Thanks, uni33 for clearing that up for me.

Now, about the hanbok question, anyone? :sweatingbullets:

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Translation for Preview EP 144

[Credit to Philzeta]

Hs's mom: Let's see how long you'll remain in good spirits when there's no one to take your side.

Hs's dad: Are you ok?

Hs's mom: You have 150 bunches to work on.

Yr: Your family serves my family for two generations.

Hs's mom: Knock it off.

Is MJ's intention giving SB a hard time to make her give up, leave the Kang house & eventually HS?

YR is a replica of her mother. Both of them are mean to the bones.

HS is a fool if he doesn't realize the hard life his wife is going thru living in that cold unhappy home where the people, I'd say even the father who is clueless or who chooses to ignore, are insensitive & harsh. Eating with this family is punishment. No one seems to enjoy the meal because there are always argument & complaints on the table.

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Is MJ's intention giving SB a hard time to make her give up, leave the Kang house & eventually HS?

YR is a replica of her mother. Both of them are mean to the bones.

HS is a fool if he doesn't realize the hard life his wife is going thru living in that cold unhappy home where the people, I'd say even the father who is clueless or who chooses to ignore, are insensitive & harsh. Eating with this family is punishment. No one seems to enjoy the meal because there are always argument & complaints on the table.

That's what I don't understand about MJ. What is the point of making SB's life so miserable? If she ever decided to divorce HS it would just be embarrassing socially for her family and other parents would not like having their daughters marry a divorced man (especially in Korea).

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Guest sweetheart0085


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 135

HS: Dad and Mom. Can I eat here with you ?

DJ: You come without calling.

HS: Yes, I'm afraid if I'd called, you would have to kill a chicken. Boy, look at all these food, I m a lucky guy. This pig took the place of a chicken.

YSK: Chicken, you mean you and SB are together again. (Note: In Asia, chicken is a main dish for newlyweds, birthdays, New Year, moon festival and anniversary etc.)

HS: Yes, GM, I'm hungry, can I start now. .

GM: Go and get another pair of chopsticks

HS: Give me a drink too

TP: You come with big determination, isn’t it? It's all written on your face.

HS: No, it's not big but huge

TP: This is good wine.

DJ: The situation is a bit different now. TP and YR's marriage fell apart, how can we allow this marriage.

TP: It's alright with me, go ahead, approve it.

TY: No, TP. This is not us only, we need to consider all our friends and relatives, how would they view both of our families.

HS: Please give me one more chance. I know our two families have had some unhappy experiences and I've done things that disappointed you. But my love toward SB hasn't changed; please give us your blessings. I'm not going anywhere, will stay here until I receive your approval.

TP laughs: Look at him; he plays tough when he's drunk. Hah, do you know this is a democratic family. Dad and Mom's approval is not enough. All of us has to approve too. You see GM, Dad, Mom, Oppa and me, total 5 full glasses, each represents 1 member of our family.

TY: Don't, HS's already up to his head. He's drunk.

HS: Gm, thank you....... Dad, I'll try even harder... TY Oppa, Thank you.

TY: Stop, enough...

HS: TP.... forget it.....

YSK: What are you doing to him, He's drunk.

TP: Too bad SB is working tonight; she should be here to witness this.

HS: Mom, I really love SB very much; I promise to treat her well; I beg for your approval please.

GM: SB is your child, you guys decide what to do.

DJ: Have you discussed this with SB?

HS: Yes, we vow to stay together with all our strength and might.

DJ: Well, if you two already agree, ok, go ahead

HS: Dad and Mom, thank you very much. We will have a very happy life. Thank... you...

DJ: Carry him to TP's room

YSK: You really are going to approve them?

SB: This tastes good.

MJ: It hurts my pride to tell her I'm hungry. What smell is this?

(Door knocks) SB: Madam, ready for dinner.

MJ: What are you doing, dare coming into my room, aren't you going to leave?

SB: Ok, I'll leave. Please eat some food first.

MJ: What is this, who asked you to cook this?

SB: Madam, I know you are here because of me. I feel guilty and want you to forgive me, but obviously, you can't see how sincere I'm about this.

MJ: What??

SB: On my way here, I've been telling myself to show you that I'm sincere and even if you abuse or yell at me, I will stay strong and present my good side to you.

MJ: Forget it, don't use those sweet words to con me

SB: Yes, honestly, today, I come to please you. Thinking that there are just the two of us here, you may change your opinion about me, but the way I see now, I have failed. I’m leaving now, please make sure you lock your door and have a good night.

SB's phone rings SB: Yes, mom, HS is sleeping in our house? You approve,. thank you Mom. Yes... Wait just a minute... Mr. driver.

(Flash back) YH; Mom and teacher married, with a big family. You don't feel lonely, and live a happy life. Not me, I can't see my mom when I miss her.

In the kitchen

YSK: Tomorrow morning we'll make some bean- spout fish soup for HS. Do we have any more bean spout in the refrigerator?

SY: No, I don’t' think so.

YSK: Then, after you finish the dishes go to the market and get some.

SY: Yes.... Poor SY, I couldn't even cook seaweed soup for my daughter on her birthday and yet living with the in laws, I have to prepare soup for her future son in law....

YSK: What did you say?

SY: Mom, no, I was just...

YSK: Did you murmur that for me to hear, if you don't want to cook the soup, tell me straight on my face. You go, I'll finish the dishes.

SY: Mom, no, I'll do it.

YSK: No, you get out of the way.

SY: Mom, we want to move out

YSK: What? what did you say?

SY: We want to live by ourselves.

YSK: Do you have any brain? You clearly understand the situation at home, where do we get money for you to move out.?

SY: Mom, I want to live with YH... Just the thought that I cannot live with my daughter is driving me crazy.

TY: Go, let's talk first, Mom, I'm sorry.

TY: What's the matter with you? What is this moving-out stuff?

SY: What? We can't move out? We talked about this when TP was preparing his wedding.

TY: You should discuss this with me first. Did something happen to YH?

SY: A mother trying to live her daughter, just like your mom lives with her sons. Why it is not possible for me to live with my daughter? Nobody understands me in this household.

TY: Don't do that, you act like a kid.

SY: I don't know anything anymore, I'm so frustrated.... when I think of my poor YH, I feel sorry for her.....

MJ: What is the matter ? I can't even get hold of the security guard.... those workers took the heater apart and left.........none of these people pleases me. I'll get you all fired.

Door knocks. MJ: That girl..... really. (MJ opens the door) coming back now for what? (Worker shows up at the door) What do you want? Come back tomorrow. (The worker walks in). MJ: What do you want? You come back to fix the heater?

Worker: You want to talk about the heater, woman, remember what you said about me? You have a bit more money, how dare you look down on me?

MJ: Who look down on whom? Hey, you are drunk.

Worker: I tell you, is a human being more important or money is more important?

MJ: What is it that you want, I'm calling the police.

Worker: Police, report to the police (SB enters)

SB: Madam.

Worker: Where does this little girl come from?

SB: Get out, get out now!

Worker: What are you going to do to me? I'm not leaving...... no way... no... no..

SB: No, so, you are not going to leave? Is this the way you abuse us two ladies?

Worker: She looks down on me, who abused who first. Ask her to apologize, apologize.

SB: Don't get any closer, mister, you are drunk; don't do things you’d regret later. You know the consequence if I call the police, leave now, if you go, I won't call. Please just get out.

Worker: you watch out. (leaves)

SB: Madam, madam.

MJ: Po....li...c...e... report to the police. Fainted!

SB: Madam, madam

SB: Don't worry; I've locked all the windows and doors. He won't come back. It could be just a flash of anger over him; he doesn't look like a wicked person.

MJ: What are you saying, at a time like this, you are helping that pervert.... Where are you going?

SB: Just wait a moment.

MJ: Don't tell me she's angry and leave me alone by myself.... How in the world I'd got myself in this situation.... forget it, even with husband and children... they wouldn't care what happened to me today.

SB comes back

SB: Have a glass of red-wine and then go to bed. There is no taxi at this hour anyway; I'll set my bed here on the floor.

MJ: Get up to the bed. Don't get the wrong idea, this doesn't mean I like you, I just don't want you to catch a cold and HS and your parents would blame me for it later.

SB: Madam

MJ: Hurry

SB gets on to the bed.

MJ: What you just did was remarkable... so tough... even if you were dumped in a desert, you would find ways to survive.

SB: No, I was really afraid too. Because you were standing next to me, I was able to show bravery. Madam, it's not too late yet, should we go back?

MJ: You shut up, how dare you tell me what to do.

SB: I'm sorry

MJ: Let me ask you one thing.

SB: Yes, ask me anything you want.

MJ: Do you have any ideas whom your biological parents are? If you don't want to answer, forget it...

To be continued hopefully tomorrow^^

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Guest kawaiiyuki2

Just finished 142, thanks to ahoxan.

I wish, SB & HS will show at least half of the warmth Subin & NKW have for each other. The tight hug they had at this episode is nowhere close to those of the newlyweds ... Subin was particularly convincing on how she felt by the way she put her arms around NKW.

When you love someone, it's easy to hold hands with locked palms ... SB holds on to HS by the wrist ... HS does the same. <_<

I believe when they went on their little trip they held hands. but for some strange reason maybe they went back to the way it was before? :sweatingbullets: It also looks like the writers are trying to add more sb and hs moments now that they are married. i still believe that they would make a believable couple if they were given more screen time together. I still have hope for them.

Is MJ's intention giving SB a hard time to make her give up, leave the Kang house & eventually HS?

YR is a replica of her mother. Both of them are mean to the bones.

HS is a fool if he doesn't realize the hard life his wife is going thru living in that cold unhappy home where the people, I'd say even the father who is clueless or who chooses to ignore, are insensitive & harsh. Eating with this family is punishment. No one seems to enjoy the meal because there are always argument & complaints on the table.

I believe if you watch 143 we see that hs does know what is happening to sb. I believe in 142 sb also told him that she could handle it and not to interfere because mj wouldn't like it. He agreed but as we can see in 143 he stood up to his mother when he asked her about the missing bedding that ys made for sb and he brought it back into the house. Also earlier in 142 when yr picked that fight with sb about her mom abandoning her. hs came in and scold her saying that she should be more respectful to sb. Then he told his mom that she needs to hire a new maid because sb can't handle everything by herself.

So hs knows what's going on. He sometimes doesn't say it because sb told him not to interfere but i believe he is keeping a close eye on everything.

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Guest dbart001

I believe if you watch 143 we see that hs does know what is happening to sb. I believe in 142 sb also told him that she could handle it and not to interfere because mj wouldn't like it. He agreed but as we can see in 143 he stood up to his mother when he asked her about the missing bedding that ys made for sb and he brought it back into the house. Also earlier in 142 when yr picked that fight with sb about her mom abandoning her. hs came in and scold her saying that she should be more respectful to sb. Then he told his mom that she needs to hire a new maid because sb can't handle everything by herself.

So hs knows what's going on. He sometimes doesn't say it because sb told him not to interfere but i believe he is keeping a close eye on everything.

I applause HS for taking SB's side and I believe too that he knows what's going on but I think he should be man enough to leave the Kang household and live on their own. SB can only take so much abuse from YR and MJ, strike 3 and they should be out of that house...

I wonder when would be the cat fight between MJ and SB's bio mom???I wonder who would win?...hmmmmm.... <_<

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Guest lantawmako

Thank you ahoxan, aseo, pckor7, skyeler

I second the motion. Also thanks to Uni33, sweetheart and all the posters.

On Yoona, is she a lot thinner than when the drama first started? Thanks

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Guest Banana Peel

It's probably just me, but I'm not really enjoying SB&HS's marriage life.

Now that MJ is practically all around SB, all I see is trouble after trouble.


As for the preview on SB & YR throwing vegetables, MJ is obviously going to blame SB for EVERYTHING. :/

I hope that the drama still show more romance between SB & HS, because from my point of view, when a couple in drama gets married, the drama kinda fade away their love life and goes more into the 'family's life'


Thanks for all the people who translated the preview! :)

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Guest kbmoon87

you think if you were MJ, you just be exhausted for treating someone so cruelly. personally I would be completely exhausted at this point and give in. gotta give props to MJ for having that much persistence in the matter.

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Anyong all YAMD chingus

Yup lantawmako, I too notice that Yoona is much thinner now compared to the first episode. It is indeed very tiring to film each day. They are actually do the filming each day, right? Anyway I am not sure about that. Even So Young's daughter is also much slimmer compared to her first chubby look.

Have a wonderful weekend all chingus!


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It was wrong of Saebyuk (or was it sujin or something)'s mom to lie about who she really was.

Why couldn't she be more honest? It's better to find out that your mom abandoned you, RATHER THAN finding out your mom abandoned you, came back to you, and LIED (hence, put on an ACT). -.-

Alot of "Family life" going on. It dosen't really fit the title much. I want more "Love story" going on! ><

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Guest sweetheart0085

Translation Continuation for EP 135

Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 135

YS: I need to find out if KCL left the country. He’s is an international con-artist criminal. He cheated me of my money and skipped town. Hello, hello... (hangs up on the phone) Maybe, Africa is a lie, he took my money and hidden somewhere in the country.

DG: Honey, my YS...

YS: What do you want?

DG: My sleeping beauty, sleeping beauty... At a time like this after your beauty sleep, let me serve you...

YS: This sun must have risen from the west, or a wicked evil man trying to do good before he dies

DG: Don't say that, eat something. You haven't eaten anything since last night, you should be hungry.

YS: Forget it, don’t fake an act like you care, just treat me the same usual way.

DG: Can't even be nice to you. I put this here, it's up to you to eat or not. (He leaves)

(DG returns and opens the door): Honey, I need to declare our financial status to the government as city official. Get all our liquid and fix assets information together, ok.

YS: What am I going to do? The house is mortgaged and I cancelled all our time-deposit accounts. It means all these are going to be exposed... Oh, KDG...

Secretary of DG: Manager, these are the financial statements for you, your wife and your daughter. They reflect changes from last year's statements.

DG: Check them and make sure nothing is missing like those previous years. ok.

Secretary: Yes, however there are differences of liquid and fix assets compared from last year. Your wife withdrew $130,000.00 from the time deposit accounts and she mortgaged your house for $170,000.00.

DG: What? ok, let me see. you go out first. YS, $300,000.00? You'd even borrowed from the bank. Why? looks like she's in trouble. She gave $300,000.00 to that cheater. YS, you stupid, confused fool.

YS: That scum cheater con my $300,000.00, Lohas is responsible to pay me back...This is purely a business investment, nothing to be ashamed of. Frankly, we didn't even hold hands, no, we did when we dance. So what?

BJ: Who is it'?

YS: Is Mr. KCL home? This is in regards to Mr. KCL; I need to speak to his elders.

BJ: He doesn't live here anymore and all the elders are not here.

YS: Poor manner, I haven't even finished asking. (Phone rings). What?

DG: YS, what have you done? Your mortgaged our house and gave $300,000.00 to that con-man. Is that why you cried?

YS: Well... KDG, I took my money to invest, it's none of your business.(hangs up the phone) I'll get my money, they would have to pay back my hard earned, sweated money... that KDG, is not going to leave me alone...What to do????

HS: Mom, these tastes really good. Can I have another bowl please?

YSK: Of course, there is plenty, here, have a bit more.

GM: I like this young man. Your family is rich, I'm sure you have a lot of good food at home.

TP: Hey, don't overdo it,

TY: Cool it TP, there is an old saying "love covers all". I'm sure that how he feels now.

HS: I remember when I was little, Mom used to make pumpkin cookies. They were really delicious.

YSK: you'd still remembered that

HS: Of course, I thoughts about that when I was in the states, Take an old pumpkin, sun-dry them and steam until it turns yellow, is that right?

DJ: When you have time, make some pumpkin cookies for him.

YSK: Yes, it's not hard at all. When I make them I'll give to SB for you.

HS: Thank you, mom

TY: Mom, this is not fair. When we want something, we have to ask at least 8 to 10 times.... TP, you feel the same, right, here, HS asks only 1 time and he gets it.

YSK: I need to make a trip to the market. This is for the cookies; wash some rice first, ok. Also outside, I have the wheat sweet candies, after it's cooled put it in the refrigerator. They are for a very important person, understand?

SY: Mom is too much, she doesn’t even mention a word about us moving out and yet her future SIL mentions about cookies, she jumps all over for it. Hack, wants me to make pumpkin cookies?

SY: I can't take this anymore. TY, you go and tell them we're moving out.

TY: I thought we would reconsider this issue. Why don't we wait a bit, let TP's incidence cool off first and after I get my job confirmation from the school, we'll talk again. ok?

SY: Then, I want to stay with YH before her final exam. This is the least I can do for her.

TY: Ok, then. I'll go tell my parents. I feel sorry to you that I couldn't take care of YH.

SY: I'm sorry I'd got angry with you.

YR: Dad! Oppa, you are here too.

CB: What's the matter?

YR: Dad, I'm your only daughter, please give me some pocket money. My account is in the freezer for too long, I can't even afford to pay for my facial cream. I'm ashamed to mention I'm the daughter of Lohas.

CB: You are a grown lady, don't rely on your parents to give you money, come to work here and earn your own money... (turns to HS) anyway, HS, you get ready, I will meet with SB's parents today to discuss about your marriage. Ok.

YR: Dad, what are you saying, you let Oppa and SB get married?

SB: Madam, are you ok?

MJ: You are still here at this hour? Don’t you have to go to work?

SB: I'm leaving now, I told them I'll take half a day off today. I'll go now, have a good breakfast. If you see anyone looks suspicious, just yell and shout. I'll go the neighbors and make sure they are alert and also the security guard is coming to work this afternoon. He's already checkout from the hospital.

MJ: Don't be such a busy body, leave now.

SB: I'll be back.

MJ: Che..... you think I'm going to change my mind.... (phone rings) What?

YR: Mom, trouble, mom. Something big is going to happen.

MJ: What something big?

YR: Looks like Dad is going to arrange the marriage without you. Today, he'll meet with SB's parents and discuss the arrangement for marriage.

MJ: What did you say?

YSK, Oh heavens look. What is going on? She's half way thru the dishes, and gone? She didn't wash the rice and the wheat sweet candies are still here. They are made for YH.

DJ: Honey, get ready we need to go now.

YSK: To where?

DJ: Lohas CB calls and wants to discuss SB's marriage.

YSK: Really.

HS: SB, you come to my office later, alright.

MJ walks in: Where is your dad?

HS: Mom

MJ: Where? I ask you where does your Dad meet with the Kim’s family.

HS: I beg you, mom, please allow us to get married.

MJ: Even if don't approve your marriage, I am still your mother. How can you marry behind my back? Tell me now!

Female TL: I'm tired of the food in the cafeteria.

Male TM: I think we should bring our lunch from home and eat in the office.

SUB: No, we can't allow food in the office, it smells.

HS: Mom

SUB: What is going on?

CB: Sorry to invite you out abruptly. I don't want to push off and delay HS and SB's marriage anymore.

DJ: Yesterday, we've already given them our approval,

YSK: Looks like Madam hasn't agreed. I feel burdened with just your approval only.

CB: I will gradually convince my wife. In the mean time, let's talk about the wedding arrangements.

(MJ walks in)

MJ: This is the treatment I get from you. Arrange the wedding behind my back without me?

CB: I know you are on your way here anyway.

MJ: What?

CB: I know I couldn't convince you to come even if I show up in the Villa. So, I used YR as my mouth piece to let you know we are meeting today. You will for sure run over here.

MJ: Are you making a fool out of me?

HS: Mom.

MJ to SB: Tell me, when you visited me at the Villa, you'd already known about this meeting? Is this the way to fool me and kidnap my son?

SB: No, madam, I don't know, it's not like that.

MJ: HS, you tell me, is SB more important than your mom whom raises and gives birth to you?

HS: Mother, I'm sorry. You can't depart from me; likewise, I can't depart from SB. I beg for your approval please.

SB: I'm sorry, I'll obey your commends all my life and I'll love HS more than I love myself.

CB: Honey.

MJ: You guys, you guys, are too much. How can? How can you treat me like this? You, HS, you bad boy, how can you treat me like this?

CB: Honey, if you insist to remain stubborn, I won't listen to you anymore. Please consider the kids, we'll go in and we'll abide to everything you say... Ok

YSK: its 30 minutes passed. Madam is still gun-hold on her decision.

DJ: Yes, it seems that way, the wedding is going to fall flat.

After everybody comes in and sits down

DJ: I don't want to waste any more of our efforts pushing for this marriage, this is not something to be forced.......

MJ: Let me speak first! Ok,.. The marriage, I approve.

YSK: What, you approve the marriage?

MJ: Yes, let them get married I agree.


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Guest anomaka

Translation Continuation for EP 135

Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 135

SB: I'm sorry, I'll obey your commends all my life and I'll love HS more than I love myself.

CB: Honey.

MJ: You guys, you guys, are too much. How can? How can you treat me like this? You, HS, you bad boy, how can you treat me like this?

CB: Honey, if you insist to remain stubborn, I won't listen to you anymore. Please consider the kids, we'll go in and we'll abide to everything you say... Ok

In other words they'll all be slaves to MJ. She'll be sure to remind them every time they try to go against something she wants. What a life!

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Guest sweetheart0085


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 136

YSK: What? You approve their marriage? [MJ: Yes, let them get married, I approve the marriage!] HS: Oh, mother. [sB: Madam] CB: Honey.

MJ: Too many things have happened to our families lately. Yes, we both say to cut all ties from each other. But, finally we end up as in laws.

YSK: Isn't that right, we both say never drink the water from this fountain, but on our way back because of thirst, we still return to the same fountain for water. When it comes to our children, it is not up to us to direct our paths.

DJ: Nevertheless, thank you very much for accepting my daughter.

CB: Oh, no, don't say that. I ought to be the one say thank you for giving us such a beautiful, up-right and strong daughter.

MJ: Now that I accept SB into my family, let's clear up something first. Before the wedding, I need to know who her biological parents are, Her genealogical blood line info, complete physical exam report and all the school academic and performance records. I know she grows up in the orphanage, investigate deeper into her parents where about. I don't want to deal with blood-line problems in the future. Likewise, I'll submit HS's same to your house.

YSK: Madam...

MJ: Even when you get a dog into the house, you would like to find out the breed first. My future DIL, also plays the role of my grandchildren's mother, what I ask for is not out of the line.

YSK: Understand, we'll try our best to satisfy you.

MJ: The wedding is set for this month. I'll let you know about the date, wedding hall, newlywed's room etc.

CB: Honey

SB: Thank you for your permission.

HS: Thank you, I will honor you the rest of my days.

CB: Honey, good job. I'd just know you'll approve their marriage.

MJ: Listen well, even though I say yes, I have no choice but, from now on, I have the last word on the wedding arrangement. Don't you say a word to interfere my decision...

CB: Yes, honey, please don't be too harsh on the Kim’s family. We are in laws after all, why run into any confrontation before the wedding..

MJ: Why can't I give them a hard time? I raise my boy in a golden bowl; you think I will let them off easy, no way, over my dead body.

YR: Mom, you let them get married, how can you give in?

CB: I say this one more time, I would not tolerate and forgive you if you interfere with my plan or stand on SB' side and not on my side.

YR: Why, why do you allow them to marry? No way, I refuse to let SB as my SIL. I can't stand it.

YSK: Fine, physical exam report I can understand. But, is this a job employment, why does she need school records? Also knowing we are not SB's biological parent, why in the world she asks us to find her bio-parents? Wedding and newlywed room are all arranged by her and then inform us? I can smell SB is going to suffer big-time once she marries to that family.

GM: You mean Lohas' madam finally gives her permission?

DJ: Yes, mom. SB won't be here long with us. TP, are you ok with it?

TP: Yes, my heart feels a bit uneasy, I'll miss her.

GM: True, like it or not, we already have a relationship between us.

HS: Yes, SB and HS

SB: Are you so happy?

HS: Of course. You know I've been thru hell these days. As a pay-back, I make sure we are going to be happy a hundred times, a thousand times over. (yelling to the public inside his car) Howdy, we are getting married!! Everyone, SB & HS are finally getting married. Give us your blessings....

SB: HS, you are driving, careful... HS

HS: Please give us your blessings..

SUB: SB, you only apply for a half day off, this is already late afternoon. How can you do this?

SB: I'm sorry, something urgent happens. I apologize.

Female TM: You say something urgent; does it have anything to do with HS running after his mom in the hallway?

HS: It's my fault SB is late, sorry.

SUB: KHS, you come to our office to give her an excuse?

HS: Yes, sorry. Do you have any time this week, everybody? I want to treat dinner. Also, I have an announcement to make; SB and I are getting married this month.

Male TM: You say married?

Male TL: SB, congratulation.

Female TM: Bingo, finally.....

SB: Thank you for all your encouragement and support.

SUB: Congrats, but we have to work over-time tonight; we'll pick another time to celebrate and congratulate you both.

YS: It's better to use my $300,000.00 as toilet papers than to let you bum ran with my money. I'm not going to let CL get away with this. They have to pay me back.

DG: YS, you have no brain, mortgaged the house for that bum.

YS: That ... is... Hey, the house and the savings accounts are all my money, it's none of your business.

DG is really angry.

YS: Oh, what to do, he is really angry, even his eyes roll over.

DG: Come in, come in first and we'll talk.

YS: What for?

DG: Come in , we'll talk.

YS: KDG is mad, he's on fire, get the hell out of here.

DG: Stop, hold it right there.

YS: YS, you stupid fool

DG: You think you can get out of my sight, how far can you run?

YS: SIL mom.

GM: This is my YS, you are here.

YS: How are you! mom, how is your health, are you well?

GM: Are there some dogs chasing after you?

YSK: It's a bit cold, SIL, come into the house.

(phone rings)

GM: Are you going to answer?

YS: It's DG, (put the phone at GM's ear) How are......

DG: YS, where are you? you come back here, when I talk to you nicely...

GM: You,....

DG: Mom,

GM: Who are you yelling at? Your wife lives with you all her life ,how could you scream and yell at her.

DG: Yes, mom, I understand.

GM: Now I know why YS wants a divorce from you. Just this screaming and yelling alone, I could tell the way she puts up with you. Come over here. Swear in front me that you don't treat YS that way anymore.

YS: Mom.

GM: You’ve heard what I said, come, come into the house, when DG comes, I 'll give him a piece of my mind. Don't worry.

YS: How could you ask him to come, I really have to find a place to hide now.

YSK: When I heard you are fighting with DG? I worry about the two of you. Thank you for forgiving him, SIL.

GM: Of course, our YS is not that kind of a person, couples fight all the time, they don't get divorced that easily.

YSK: But, SIL, HS and SB, we have approved.

YS: Approve, what does approve mean?

GM: They are so much in love with each other, couldn't even break them apart. But, when I think of SUB, I don't want to give them my blessings.

YSK: Parents cannot win over their kids.

YS: So, at last, they are getting married, I don't care, this is your concern not mine.

My SUB dumps Lohas, and is now dating someone. You don't have a heater here, how come this place is so cold.

YSK: That SY, she is not here at all

SY: That kid, no calls, where is she.? (phone rings) YH, it's mom.

YSK: Where are you, I'd asked you to wash rice for the pastries. When are you coming back?

SY: I'm at home now.

YSK: Why are you home? Did something happened?

SY: Mom, tomorrow YH has a final exam, I want to spend some time here and take care of her while she is preparing for her exam.

YSK: You should have at least told me before you left.

SY: I was afraid if I'd told you, you wouldn't let me go. TY said he is going to tell you.

YSK: Forget it, you think I don't know your intention. You want to move out...fine with me. Stay there from now on, don't come back...that girl, I even make the wheat sweet candies for her daughter. Afraid I wouldn't let her go, so she didn't tell me..

TY: I'm back.

YSK: You let your wife go home?

TY: Yes, I did. sorry, mom, I should have told you earlier.

YSK: As the oldest DIL , how dare she runs home & uses that as a threat for me let you guys move out. So immature!

TY: Mom, frankly speaking, even since SY moves into our home, she has not done anything for YR, is it wrong for a mother to take care of her daughter during her exam?

YSK: Who said we wouldn't let her go? I've even made wheat sweet candies for YR and also starting to make some pastries too. She skipped out while I was out... obviously, our family has too much work for her, alright, you guys move out and live happily ever after.

TY: Mom.mom

SB: Oppa, please understand Mom. She is really sensitive because of my marriage

TY: Yes, I've heard. HS's mom approves too, right? Sorry, didn't mean to let you see all this.

SB: No, Oppa, Mom makes the candies and pastries for YH, why don't we let SIL and mom reconcile?

TY: What do we do?

SB: Let me do the dishes, mom.

YSK: No, you go change.

SB: Mom, I'd forgot how I live thru life before I met you, how I sleep, eat, go to school

YSK: I have goose -bumps.....

SB: Come to think of it, YH must be very lonely too. After 20 years living with her mom, and get neglected after her mom married

YSK: 20 years old is a big girl age.

SB: SIL probably is pretty sad too. I'm sure she worries about YH like you worry about me.

YSK: You think I don't understand how your SIL feels. She is the one doesn't know my heart, runs away without saying a word.

SB: Mom, why don’t we invite YH over for dinner with us and make things right, ok?

DG: YS, you are here.

GM: How can you treat your wife like this, come into my room.

DG: Sorry, Mom. Don't you hide behind my mom and think everything is ok. I'll get to the bottom of the $300,000.00 and investigate all your wrongs.

GM: Are you coming in or not?

DG: Yes, I'm coming.

GM: Many times I'd told DG to treat your wife better, change your tone of voice.

DG: Yes,

GM: Before you come in, I heard something about borrowing money or something. If you are talking about the $30,000.00 loan to your brother, don't worry about that money, I'll pay you back ASAP. I even get a part-time job.

DG: Mom, what part-time job? We are talking about the $300,000.00. Oh...No, the reason she comes is to say that $30,000.00 to Oppa is a gift, don't have to pay back to her. YS, didn't you say someone donates some $300,000.00 to a stranger. So, what is $30,000.00.

YS: Well, that, honey...

DG: Honey, thank you for caring so much of my Oppa's family.

GM: Yea, my DIL, I'm embarrassed to see you, so grateful toward you.

YS: How dare you, give $30,000.00 to your brother

DG: What about you give $300,000.00 to that scum?

YS: That is an investment to a cotton farm, it produces income.

DG: What do you know about investment? What do you know about trading? Did he give you a receipt for the money he received? You have copies of the project planning proposal.

YS: I believe him. I say, KDG, this is none of your business. This is my house, my savings. You move out as soon as we divorce.

DG: Don't count on it, no way I'm going to divorce you, if you want a divorce, go get that $300,000.00 back first.

YS: Don't you worry, I'll get the $300,000.00 back plus all the investment income.

TP: Soft to-fu, spinach, carrots, orange, cucumber. Gee, how can we invite guest over with just vegetables dishes.

SB: Experts say vegetarian dishes are best suitable for student taking exams. Should we get some meat too?

TP: Meat?

SB: Oppa, please get some meat from that refrigerator, make sure they are lean meat.

YR: Look at the happy face, are you that happy?

SB: How do you do YR?

YR: I'm not good at all, TP and I become in laws, how good can it be?

SB: I don't want to fight with you, we should get alone better.

YR: Silly, do you know SIL and SIL relations can be as hot as this pepper. Once you married into our family, I'm going to torture you, wait you see. Prepare yourself.

YR: I didn't follow you Oppa, I come here to shop too.

TP: fine, we are going to be in laws, I don't want to remember those unhappy pass experience anymore.

YR: Oppa, are you saying because we are in laws, we are finished and you don't have any feeling for me anymore.

TP: Who are you going to blame? You get what you ask for.. If by any chance, you torture SB after she married into your family, I'm going to kill you.

YR: Boy, you talk like an in law.

SY: You know how worried I'm today; you didn't answer your phone, where did you go?

YR: Why are you here?

SY: I want to stay with you during the exam week. I'll sleep here tonight and take you to exam center tomorrow morning

YH: Am I a kid? I don't need you take me to the exam center. Go home, don't give me any pressure.

SY: YH, where are you going again? (phone rings) Yes, SB, what TY, got hurt?


YH: Teacher

TY: Where are you going?

YH: No, just take a walk.

TY: YH, teacher has a favor to ask, can you go some place with me.

YH: Where to?

YH: Here is.

SY: TY, YH, how come you are here? TY did you get hurt, where?

TY: So you run over here fast, isn't it? you see, actually, oh, mil, you are here.

SY: Mom, how come you are here.

HR: In law calls me, say there is something urgent to discuss. What has happened?

TY: Don't stand out here, go into the house, YR, come in.

(sorry, I can't read the words on the banner)????? (maybe some encouraging words)??

SY: Oh, my goodness, TY...

YH: Teacher

TY: YH, you work hard preparing for the exam, YH, fighting

GM: You are here, in laws, welcome.

YSK: Welcome, I'm glad you are here.

DJ: So happy you are here.

YSK: TY, dinner is ready, come in to the house.

SY: Mom, you prepare all these food?

YSK: Yes, ask my DIL to wash the rice, and she flees, so I have to do everything myself, I'm real tired now.

SY: I'm sorry, I didn't know.

YH: Thank you, I'm going to enjoy these.

YSK: We are all behind you tomorrow.

TP: This is a gift for you.

SB: I have a gift too.

YH: Thank you all, I think I will do good tomorrow.

DJ: Good, we'll have another celebration again.

HR: Looks like my daughter gets into a real good family, with all the love for her and her daughter. Thank you very much.

SY: I'm sorry, mother, I was wrong, I was short-sighted

phone rings

SB: Yes, madam. now?

MJ: Heard that three weeks from today is a very good day, so, that is the day I choose.

also I'm going to let you two move out, seeing each other every day is not the best. When are you going to quit your job? You need the time to prepare the wedding, quit now so you can help me.

SB: Quit, mom. I try very hard to get this kitchen designer Job, I don't want to quit.

HS: Yes, mom, like I said before, I agree to have SB continued to work.

MJ: What?

SB: No, I understand. Let me think about this again.

YSK: Three weeks. How can she set the date one sided without our input.

DJ: Honey.

YSK: ok, understand. Tomorrow SB and I will go to chucho, take an early rest.

SB: Yes

NKW: After all the hardship and difficulties HS and SB finally get to married? Are you ok with it?

SUB: Yes, at the beginning, I am a little bit nervous. I handle it better than I thought.,

tonight is a beautiful night.

NKW: To us, this is a beautiful night, but to many others, under the lights, they are struggling thru to make ends meet, the street venders, night stores etc.. as the weather becomes colder, their nights would be even harder

SUB: Volunteers for International Medical Relief Organization. This is the organization you came back from last year, isn't it? This is a good thing, hard work though. but, how come you are reading this, don't tell me?

NKW: Can I ask you a question? It only has 2 answers. I need to go some place far away.(1). Are you willing to join me? (2) Are you willing to wait for my return?

SUB: You want to work as an volunteer overseas? For how long, 6 months, or a year?

NKW: What I said earlier is from my heart. Don't let me wait too long.

YS: Sub. goodness, isn't that physician NY's ex-boyfriend?

SUB: I'll think about it.

SUB: I'm back

YS: You are crazy, is your brain filled only with water.

SUB: Mom, what's the matter with you?

YS: I saw it. You and NY's ex-boyfriend, you two.... do all the men die and disappear, why in the world you have to pick your cousin's ex-boyfriend.

SUB: No, it's not like that.

YS: Not like that, I saw you guys kiss.. is it a kissing competition, to see who kisses longer. Don't speak non-sense, break up with him.

SUB: Mom, you don't know anything.. Actually, HS , my ex-fiancé' falls in love with SB and decided to marry. So, what is the problem, if two people love each other, past is past.

YS; What do you plan to do ? What else does that kid have aside from the fact that he is a physician? What is his background? Are both of his parents physicians? Any brother and sister? What do they do? What jobs they hold? Any family wealth?

SUB: Parents, family wealth. What do these have anything to do with it? That man has a dream. He's a nice person.

YS: Crazy, oh crazy. No, absolutely no. You have to marry to someone whose family is 1,000 times better than HS's family, so I can stand tall and proud in your uncle's house. Don't talk non-sense any more. Break up with me, understand?

TY: YH, good luck on your exam.

SY: Don't get scared and don't fall asleep either. take it easy and do your best. ok.

HR: Be sure to eat your lunch too, ok

TY: YH, fighting, YH. the best.

MJ: If people ask about HS's wedding, don't answer them. I'll take care of it.

CB: Ok, I'll go now.

MJ: When is SB going to Chucho?

HS: She is going with her parents to the orphanage for some records and info.

BJ: SB is becoming the DIL of this family. What is my relationship with her becoming to?

SK: It's me, Madam. Hey, I'm "the problem solver" "Dr. problem solver" .Up to this point, we are down to 7 people , pretty soon, I'll get them all confirmed. It's just a matter of time for me to find that lady. I'm expecting for a little more money from you. ok

YSK: Do you expect to see any of your friends at the orphanage?

SB: No, I only keep in touch with BJ.


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