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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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Guest malayka

I think the writers are just throwing anything they could think of to elongate (???) the drama. Some of their plots don't even make sense. It's as if they don't think the whole thing through just like that stolen design scheme. I thought that whole plot was very weak. I think they want to make it ssoooo interesting and dramatic that they just now popping up with all these plots that in the process get us all worked up, hate the characters, and yell at our tvs.... a lot. But come to think of it, it wouldn't really be a Kdrama without the annoying characters, the dragging, the nagging and stalking and evil Mil and... well you see where I'm going with that( the list is quite loong)....

I Love LJH and I love TP.. I loved TP back when a lot of people didn't like him because of his arrogance and yelling. I still do LUUUV TP, but I certainly don't agree with his behavior. Just because u love someone doesn't mean you have to agree and stick with them no matter how stupid they behave. Which is exactly why I think TP should tell YR to tell the truth about the faked pregnancy. Then again maybe he really thinks YR is pregnant. Correct me if I'm wrong but the first time they "slept" together, they were both drunk right? Maybe he's now doubting himself even though he assured YR that nothing happened. In the event that really has no doubt about what went down( and I just happened to miss that) then he should asked YR 2 questions:

1 Are you really pregnant??? and if she lies to him and persist that she is, then ...

2 Who is the father of your child???

Is he not concerned about the truth behind the lie??? HElllloooo.

OK..... let me calm down now.lol :mellow:

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YAMD 125

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Guest lantawmako

Ahoxan, thanks for the link. I just watched part 4, I just want to see how pretty SB is in the wedding gown. The way the episode ended is really stupid. The scene before that SB was yelling at HS, the next thing you know she is smiling at him when MJ came. The way Soobin still wants to get between SB and HS is more stupid....Common the writers could be a little more imaginative than this. The plot is really mediocre compared to the few kdrama that I've watched.

Edit: eekk..sorry for all the typos

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Ahoxan, thanks for the link. I just watched part 4, I just want to see how pretty SB is in the wedding gown. The way the episode ended is really stupid. The scene before that SB was yelling at HS, the next thing you know she is smiling at him when MJ came. The way Soobin still wants to get between SB and HS is more stupid....Common the writers could be a little more imaginative than this. The plot is really mediocre compared to the few kdrama that I've watched.

I quite agree this drama is driving me up a wall. I love to come on a read the posts. I didn't watch today's episode after reading some of the prior posts, I'm not sure I want to. YAMD needs to hire new writers. You can extend the drama with more realistic plots instead of just using "filler' to get to 160 episodes. How much longer are we supposed to see the self-sacrificing SB or the I still want Hosea SUB. Mean while, TP/YR are just floating through the tulips without a care in the world, as if nothing is happening around them.

DJ's business is falling apart and TP is playing kissie-face. SUB is so busy chasing after HS/SB, she doesn't have a clue what's going on in her own home. Poor HS is despondent and trying to figure out what's going on, as SB plays the martyr and CB has no control of his own household. Come on writers give us a break :tongue2: And, finally what's with DG and YS still living in the same household while the divorce is finalized.

I know you guys can't see me but I am screaming loudly :wacko::crazy: Ok rant over, just needed to vent.

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Guest lovedrama

I quite agree this drama is driving me up a wall. I love to come on a read the posts. I didn't watch today's episode after reading some of the prior posts, I'm not sure I want to. YAMD needs to hire new writers. You can extend the drama with more realistic plots instead of just using "filler' to get to 160 episodes. How much longer are we supposed to see the self-sacrificing SB or the I still want Hosea SUB. Mean while, TP/YR are just floating through the tulips without a care in the world, as if nothing is happening around them.

DJ's business is falling apart and TP is playing kissie-face. SUB is so busy chasing after HS/SB, she doesn't have a clue what's going on in her own home. Poor HS is despondent and trying to figure out what's going on, as SB plays the martyr and CB has no control of his own household. Come on writers give us a break :tongue2: And, finally what's with DG and YS still living in the same household while the divorce is finalized.

I know you guys can't see me but I am screaming loudly :wacko::crazy: Ok rant over, just needed to vent.

Why are we so surpise. :crazy: Isn't most of Korean's drama are like this.

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Guest kawaiiyuki2

I quite agree this drama is driving me up a wall. I love to come on a read the posts. I didn't watch today's episode after reading some of the prior posts, I'm not sure I want to. YAMD needs to hire new writers. You can extend the drama with more realistic plots instead of just using "filler' to get to 160 episodes. How much longer are we supposed to see the self-sacrificing SB or the I still want Hosea SUB. Mean while, TP/YR are just floating through the tulips without a care in the world, as if nothing is happening around them.

DJ's business is falling apart and TP is playing kissie-face. SUB is so busy chasing after HS/SB, she doesn't have a clue what's going on in her own home. Poor HS is despondent and trying to figure out what's going on, as SB plays the martyr and CB has no control of his own household. Come on writers give us a break :tongue2: And, finally what's with DG and YS still living in the same household while the divorce is finalized.

I know you guys can't see me but I am screaming loudly :wacko::crazy: Ok rant over, just needed to vent.

What are the writers thinking...?? they really need to stop with this hs/sb relationship and start pulling it all together. I mean i know they want to make it last tell 160 or something but come on.... I agree with all of you. It's also driving me crazy and why is soobin annoyed in the episode?

And once again they stopped it at the most important part... what happened between hs and sb at the church? What did she say to him?

MJ messed up things again! :angry:

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Guest baka007

My first message, I'm moved! Anyway, about the drama, i discovered it a week ago. I was like everybody, not tempt to watch a drama who had to last 125 episodes. But I've still tried it and I don't regret. It's very good, very touching. I'm not proud of it because, it makes of me a lazy girl but I have to admit than I have seen 100 hundred episodes in one week. Yes I didn't sleep a lot!!! But I took the rythm. And now, no more episode on Mysoju. I don't know what will I become. People who can watch the other episode without subtitle are so lucky. I'm compel to wait for the sequel which is very disturbing!

Also, don't mind if you see that I make some faults, I'm french so, it's not easy to me to talk english! Merci!

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YR did not make a mistake, she lied, there is a clear difference. Everything that YR has done is to her benefit and no one else's. She made a cold, calculated plan to not only get together with TP but to force her parents to allow her to be with him-not just date him, but marry him. She purposely ruined her own reputation by telling the blind date about her illicit photos and where to find them on the Web and posted her picture with TP to say that she was going to marry him. You could say that she did this so that her mother would stop setting her up with blind dates, but this just shows that she is selfish and immature. She doesn't think or care about the consequences of her actions. She is living for the moment and the "me" and in this moment and for "me" the answer is TP.

TP is just as selfish, in addition to all of the reasons given by other posters, he has shown himself to do things for his benefit. He has at his age not worked a real job to assist in the financial status of the Kims. He refused to get a job even though they paid for him to go to college. Instead, he said that he did not want to work for Lohas. In one episode, he stated that perhaps he should have taken the position with Lohas, but quickly dismissed this because he saw himself as running a company with a big office. Yet, he has done nothing to make this happen and Lohas is obviously not the only company in Seoul.

In the episode where he met up with his friends and the women (when he wore TY's shirt from SY), they even commented on the fact that he should get over his issues with HS, instead he pretty much lied to the women to make himself look better since all his friends were successful.

His only dislike/hatred of HS is that HS is rich, likewise YR's only dislike/hatred of SB is that she is a poor, orphan. Come to think of it perhaps TP and YR do deserve each other.

TP is does not have a sense of high self-respect. If he did, then he would never go along with such a scheme. SB on the otherhand does and works hard to get what she wants.


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I hope the writer/s take the challenge to set off & bring out the outcome of this ridiculous fake pregnancy & how far the nincompoops will go to deceive their clueless parents.

In the 126 preview translation posted by aseo, SB supposedly told the swindlers that she doesn't object their marriage. If there is an iota of decency in TP, he should ask himself how SB came up with her decision to break up with HS when he was the first person to know that SB loves HS deeply. TP knows SB well & what she went through when she decided to love HS in silence when he got engaged to Subin. If he overlooks this glaring truth, then he is a hopeless case.

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Guest anomaka

My first message, I'm moved! Anyway, about the drama, i discovered it a week ago. I was like everybody, not tempt to watch a drama who had to last 125 episodes. But I've still tried it and I don't regret. It's very good, very touching. I'm not proud of it because, it makes of me a lazy girl but I have to admit than I have seen 100 hundred episodes in one week. Yes I didn't sleep a lot!!! But I took the rythm. And now, no more episode on Mysoju. I don't know what will I become. People who can watch the other episode without subtitle are so lucky. I'm compel to wait for the sequel which is very disturbing!

Also, don't mind if you see that I make some faults, I'm french so, it's not easy to me to talk english! Merci!

Ton anglais n'est pas mal.

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Guest lantawmako

I know you guys can't see me but I am screaming loudly :wacko::crazy: Ok rant over, just needed to vent.

this drama makes me mad. i can't even stand anymore watching SB cry. :angry:

and HS?...first its cute that he is head over heels in love..but how much rejection can a guy take...its not cute anymore its degrading.. grrrr.

edit: if the writers are trying to show how deep HS love for SB, then they failed. they make the male lead star look pitifu

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Anyong all chingus :)

Oh dear, so sad that HS once again failed is his attempt to marry SB. SB is too good to be true, thats what happen in most dramatic drama as this. Kokchongmarayo chingus, at the end of YAMD, HS and SB will be together with happy ending :) hehehhehehehehhe

Are translations for EP124 and EP125 on the way? Mianhae that I can't help much in translating cos I only know few words and not fluent enough yet.



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Guest kawaiiyuki2

All i can say is that i can't believe sb agree to tp and yuri's marriage.

HS hang in there! FIGHTING!

I feel like hs needs a hug. This is his second attempt. '

I'm hoping that the third time is charm.

I can't really think of anything to say tonight cause i'm slightly disappointed at where the writers are taking hs and sb. Are they doing all this to show us that even at the mist of all th heartache and crying they are destine for each other, hence the title of the drama?

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Someone had kindly translated the preview for Episode 126 in the oldest page of the text comments section.


I followed the link and found:

URMD 126 Preview.

Sb: Can't you see that your mother will be heartbroken if you do this?

Hs's mom: My only son's been dumped by Sb before my eyes.

Hs's dad: Didn't I tell you Sb is a good girl?

Hs's mom: I am not telling you to side with Sb.

Hs: I loved you to the point I was willing to give up everything. Is this all I am to you? Tell me.

Sb: You can blame me but I am over you and so should you.

Sbin's dad: Are you serious about divorce?

Sbin's mom: Look in here carefully. There's nothing but divorce here.

Ny's ex: I think I like you.

Sbin:What're you saying you like me?

The thread feels dead... or maybe just in pain and recovering from shoulder surgery.

JBigDog... Have a speedy recovery. Our thoughts are with you.

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The thread feels dead...

IMO, most of us are just suffering from disgust and re-cycled scripts. :vicx: How many times can SB reject HS, deny her feelings and generally lie about her emotional state while crying alone? How many times can MJ arrive to end any thoughts of happiness and to heap abuse on SB? And, don't even get me started on SUB, how long can she chase after HS? It's enough to make you get a headache and then get sick on the stomach.

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Guest zaizai00

sorry... but I can't do the screencaps anymore because imageshack isn't working for me and I don't know another alternative...

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