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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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thank you for the translation of the Preview :)

Wow Aug05, i am going green with envy....the number of birthday wishes!!!!!

Thank you, more evidence for the Doyoung theory. Wasn't the Doyoung suppose to have drowned or been lost at sea?

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Guest jbigdog123

HS: I'm sorry, I'll take full responsibility for this mistake.

Soobin: A mistake? You're saying that our engagement is a mistake?

HS: You seem very upset right now, so let's stop here. I'll leave now.

Why couldn't he said YES, IT WAS A MISTAKE and I REGRET IT, therefore, IT'S OVER!!! <_<

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Guest piano4112000

So does anyone know if the Olympic will cause the show to not air at all until the olympic is over or is it just for the opening ceremony. Someone mentioned it in a previous post but I wasn't sure if it was confirmed.

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Guest vballer87

Anyone willing to help translate text preview 69

속초의 고아원을 찾은 새벽은 따라 내려온 호세에게 유년기의 아픔을 이야기하며 마음을 연다. 호세와 새벽이 행복한 시간을 보내는 사이, 수빈은 질투로 불타오르고 연실은 연실대로 반대에 열을 올리며 풍금을 거든다. 한편 태풍은 새벽이를 단념해야 한다는 생각에 하늘이 무너지는데.......

Text translation: When Saebyuk arrives at the orphanage, Hose meets her there. While Saebyuk tells him her childhood sorrows, her heart begins to open up to him. While Hose and Saebyuk have a good time together, Soobin overflows with jealousy and her mom is determined to stop Hose. On the other hand, Taepoong feels like the sky is falling down once he finds out his family is adopting Saebyuk because he will have to give her up.

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Guest piano4112000

Text translation: When Saebyuk arrives at the orphanage, Hose meets her there. While Saebyuk tells him her childhood sorrows, her hearts begins to open up to him. While Hose and Saebyuk have a good time together, Soobin overflows with jealousy and her mom is determined to stop Hose. On the other hand, Taepoong feels like the sky is falling down once he finds out his family is adopting Saebyuk.

Again Thank you so much. You are sooooo fast.

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Guest ambidextr0us

awwww, hose is so sweet. i think they're going to get together pretty pretty soon. he took a day off just to meet her there and let her tell him about her past. awww, such a gentleman.

soobin is crazyy. she's a psycho stalker! now we see her evil side.

i feel sorry for taepoong :[ especially when he was talking on the phone while he was drunk. but in my opinion, i rather see her with hose despite her condescending mommm.

can't wait for tomorrow's episode. (:

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Guest scarecrow

since we don't know or it wasn't indicated in the earlier episodes that Taepoong ever experience being in love before that maybe (just maybe) the feelings Taepoong has for Saebyuk is really a love of a brother but, he mistaken it for love of a man to a woman?

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Guest piano4112000

since we don't know or it wasn't indicated in the earlier episodes that Taepoong ever experience being in love before that maybe (just maybe) the feelings Taepoong has for Saebyuk is really a love of a brother but, he mistaken it for love of a man to a woman?

Good point, that could might as well be. Remember in the previous episode where he took her hand to hit him and he looked into her eyes and he felt something, afterward he said what is this feeling I think he might be really only feeling love as a brother to sister. You raised a good point.

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Guest jbigdog123

since we don't know or it wasn't indicated in the earlier episodes that Taepoong ever experience being in love before that maybe (just maybe) the feelings Taepoong has for Saebyuk is really a love of a brother but, he mistaken it for love of a man to a woman?

Perhaps but I highly doubt it. Taepoong isn't a little kid who can't distinguish the difference between sibling love and love between a man and a woman.

As a man, although I can't speak for other males, even when I was a teenager, I clearly knew the difference of my love for my sisters and another girl.

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Guest scarecrow

What do you mean now we see her evil side? OMG, if that was her good side then HS and SB had better get out of Korea :w00t::w00t::w00t:

beamonkr, what you said is funny. :D

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Guest ambidextr0us

LMAO. i meant she shows her evil side to hose. she willll! hahaa.

Soobin: Kang Hose, I'm going to let everyone know how bad of a person you are.

i don't think that taepoong likes her as a sister. he said all those sweet things to her before. i think they will adopt saebyuk and he'll change by treating her more like a sister.

do you think saebyuk will actually get adopted now? i thinkk its too soon. i really thought it was going to be towwards the end of the drama.

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Guest chotloan

Whew, just finished translating ep. 68. Warning: it is super long! I decided to translate directly all of the important dialogues and summarize the side stories. I probably won't translate word-for-word everytime, but since I had time today i thought I might as well Also, if you want translations of the preview for ep 69, scroll back a few pages, i've posted it somewhere. Also, since this one is really long, i decided not to put it in spoilers since it's kind of annoying to move your mouse over such a long thing. So please, if you don't want to find out what happens in ep 68, don't read this post. Thanks. Enjoy!

Ep 68:

First Scene:

*Hose and SB run as soon as they see his mom*

Hose: Is there another door to leave from here?

Waitress: Huh? Yeah there's a back door...

Hose: Thank you.

*Hose and SB leave*

HS mom talks to herself: Jang Saebyuk, is this how you've been meeting with Hose all this time? You evil girl...just watch, when you come, I won't leave you alone.

*Hose and SB run through the kitchen*

SB: Hose!!

HS: Please let me explain later..get in the car.

*in the parking lot*

SB: What are you doing?? What kind of behavior is this as soon as you meet me?

HS: I'm sorry, there was no time to explain. My mom came to this cafe to meet with you.

SB: Huh?

HS: My mom must have seen the text message you sent me.

*SB looks into the window and sees HS's mom*

HS: Get in the car.

*in the car*

HS: If my mom had seen you, there would've been chaos for sure. I thought it was better to just avoid such trouble.

SB: You know why I asked to meet with you, right?

HS: It was an empty room so I thought might as well...

SB: Do you think that makes sense? *returns apartment card to him* I have no reason to accept this from you.

HS: Saebyuk...

SB: No matter what kind of intentions you have, I find this really burdensome, and it hurts my pride. Please don't do this again.

*saebyuk is about to leave the car, but HS holds her arm*

HS: Then you shouldn't make me so worried! At least appear to be happy and laugh in front of me!

SB: If you didn't do this, I wouldn't have had to run away like this and appear like a sinner in front of your mom.

*SB leaves and HS agonizes over her*

*Hose's mom comes out of the cafe*

HS Mom talks to herself: Jang Saebyuk, you didn't show up today, but do you think I'll just let you go?

Second scene:

Ahjumma looks at SB's dark room: Why isn't she home yet? It's scary traveling alone at night.

*HS mom waiting in her car by TP's house*

HS Mom talking to herself: I heard Jang Saebyuk lives near TP's house. Did she come home yet?

*HS mom sees SB walking alone and honks and SB turns around*

HS Mom: Get in the car! What are you doing? Get in the car!

*SB slowly gets in the car*

SB: If you're here because of the text message, please don't misunderstand. I met with HS because I had to return something to him.

HS mom: For a girl like you, why would you need to return something to Hose? If anything, you're probably enticing him again. You thought I wouldn't know? Your heart is crooked.

SB: Aren't your words too severe?

HS mom: Shut your mouth. Since you're a poor orphan girl, that family even let you work at the Lohas firm, but they're all blind. From now on, I want you to act like you're dead and disappear. Don't ever show up in front of me or Hose or hinder him. You got it? If you got it, then get out of the car.

*SB gets out and Ahjumma happens to see them*

*Hose's mom throws SB's white bag out of the car and Ahjumma sees everything*

A: Saebyuk!

SB: Ahjumma...

A: What's going on? Isn't that the wife of Lohas' firm director?

SB: Nothing...there was just a small misunderstanding..it's really nothing

A: Alright, you go inside first. I have to go somewhere first.

*HS mom driving*: SB, that impudent girl.

*HS mom gets a call from Ahjumma*: Taeyoung's mom, why are you calling?

Scene three:

*Ahjumma and HS mom meet*

A: I'll be honest with you. I just saw you throw SB's bag out of the car. Why did you do that?

HS mom: Did you call me out merely to find that out? Do I have to report everything to you?

A: As I've told you before, I think of SB as my own daughter. If it's something I need to scold her for, I'll scold her. But don't torment her just because she has no family. I'll leave now...

HS Mom: Wait, I heard that she received a cornea transplant from Nayoung? If I may say something, I think you're confusing SB as your own daughter as if she's alive.

A: HS mom!

HS: If that isn't the case, then what is it? You don't even know how she grew up, she hasn't been raised properly, and yet you're thankful to a shallow girl like her?

A: Be careful of what you say. She didn't grow up well? She's shallow? Before you criticize another child, pay attention to your own son. He's a grown up man, but because you pressure him so much, look at how he's chasing after a weak girl like SB and making you feel anxious!

HS mom: Taeyoung's mom!

*Ahjumma is about to leave but comes back*

A: Listen to my words carefully. I'm going to make SB my daughter.

HS mom: What??

A: I'm going to make SB my daughter. Her receiving a cornea transplant from NY is fate, and her finding our home is fate as well. So from now on, don't say that she doesn't have a family or that she isn't raised well.

*Ahjumma leaves*

HS mom: What is this? She's going to be her daughter? *scoff*

A by herself: Yeah, why not? My heart is telling me to do this, so why not?

Scene four:

Soobin is angry because Hose just left her suddenly. Then she gets a call from Hose.

Soobin: Hose? Where are you? How could you just leave me there?

HS: Soobin, let's meet now.

*HS and Soobin meet*

Soobin: Did you wait long?

HS: I'm sorry for calling you out so late.

Soobin: That's ok, I also made you come out late too b/c I missed you. But I'm angry you left suddenly, please don't do it again.

*HS returns teddy bear and ring to her*

Soobin: What is this?

HS: I'm sorry, I can't lie to you anymore. This engagement, let's take care of this.

Soobin: Take care of this engagement? What does that mean?

HS: I'm sorry, I'll take responsibility for this breakup. Even to the adults...

Soobin: Break up? Did you get engaged alone? You did it with me! I can't do it. For whatever reason you're doing this, I can't accept it. You think being engaged is a joke?

HS: I'm sorry, I'll take full responsibility for this mistake.

Soobin: A mistake? You're saying that our engagement is a mistake?

HS: You seem very upset right now, so let's stop here. I'll leave now.

Soobin: Hose!

*Soobin stops Hose while he's driving*

Soobin: We need to talk more!

HS: Soobin, please don't this!

Soobin: How could I not? You're the one who made me like this!

HS: I'm sorry..

Soobin: You said you like me! You said I was a good woman! Is this because of Saebyuk?

HS: This is not because of SB! It's because I don't love you.

Soobin: Fine, we'll talk again tomorrow. Our engagement involves our parents too.

HS: I'll tell the parents about this.

Soobin: No! I will tell the parents. Promise me this - that I will tell the parents about the breakup. Don't you at least owe me this respect?

*Hose leaves*

*soobin cries in car and looks up scarily*

Scene Five:

HS mom remembers her convo with Ahjumma.

HS mom: Unbelievable! Does this mean she's going to adopt her?

*HS dad comes in drunk*

HS dad: I'm the one who's drunk, but what's with the sad face? Who did it this time - Hose or Yuri?

HS mom: Oh be quiet...

Scene six:

Ahjumma tells Ahjushi that she wants to adopt Saebyuk. She says that she hated her when she first came in, but now when she doesn't see her, her heart aches and she wants to take care of her. Being a daughter and being "like a daughter" is a different. If she becomes her official daughter, people will stop treating her badly and grandma will stop telling her to leave. She wants to be by her side until she finds a good husband. Ahjushi thinks that this is too sudden, and this decision involves everyone in the family, and they need SB's consent too. Ahjumma asks him if he agrees to it, and he says he does. Ahjumma decides to ask SB first and then let everyone in the house know about it.

Scene seven:

Ahjumma tells SB about adopting her.

SB: Ahjumma...

A: Why? You don't want to be our daughter?

SB: No it's not that...I just can't believe it....

A: I want you to be my daughter and be there for me whenever I'm upset. I only have two sons now, and they don't know when I'm upset. I want to be by your side, and you can be by my side. Since you're all grown up now you probably won't need our help anymore, and it would've been better if you had met a family that is far richer than us...

SB: No no...I love you Ahjumma and Ahjushi. I want to do it. If you're willing to accept me, I want to be your real daughter. *hug* This seems like a dream, Ahjumma.

Scene Eight:

Soyoung is really happy to be home, but her mom pressures Taeyoung about what he's going to do about his future career. Her mom is really angry that he doesn't plan on moving out from his home and getting his own place eventually. Soyoung overhears and yells at her mom. Soyoung storms out to Ahjumma's house and fights with Taeyoung. Taeyoung doesn't like how Soyoung yelled at her mom and that she's being immature. Ahjumma asks them what's wrong, and they both stop fighting immediately.

Scene Nine:

While the family eats breakfast, Ahjumma and Ahjushi asks everyone to have a family meeting during lunch. Everyone's curious about it.

Scene Ten:

TP: Hey SB, I'm going to deliver something to Lohas, should I give you a ride?

SB: I'm not going there today.

TP: Why? Where are you going?

SB: Sok-Cho (a city in south korea)

TP: Why there?

SB: I'm going there to visit the director of the orphanage I grew up in. I'm late now, so I have to go. I'll talk to you later!

TP by himself: Orphanage? Why there all of a sudden?

Scene 11:

*Bokju gets a call from SB*

Bokju: Saebyuk! Did anything happen? Oh thank god... I was so afraid you might get caught by HS's mom. Huh? Sok-cho? Why there all of a sudden? I can't go with you now...yeah have a safe trip.

*HS overhears her*

HS: SB is going to Sok-cho?

Bokju: Yeah, she said let's go together, but I can't go now. But I'm worried, SB only goes to the orphanage whenever she has a problem. What's the problem this time?

HS: Where is the orphanage located in Sok-Cho?

Scene 12:

Soobin's mom pleads with her husband to talk to her and tell her what's going on in the office, but he's afraid she'll mess things up again.

Scene 13:

Soobin finds out that SB and Hose both took the day off from work. She suspects something, so she calls Hose. Hose tells her that he's driving so he can't talk now and he'll talk to her tomorrow. Soobin freaks out that they're together again.

Scene 14:

Saebyuk arrives at Sok-Cho and Soobin calls her to find out if she's with Hose. When SB replies that she's alone, Soobin hangs up and talks to herself about how desperate she's become.

Scene 15:

Taepoong tells himself that SB needs a man who will anchor her, and before she gets hurt more from getting involved with HS and Soobin, he should be her man. He arranges a flower/balloon thing for her. Taepoong asks Taeyoung about what Dad will say today and he doesn't know. Soyoung gets scolded again for cutting out all of the seeds from the melon, and for the ugly berries. The family gathers together for the meeting, but Soyoung points out that SB isn't back yet. The grandma says of course, she's not part of the family so it's ok. Then Ahjumma and Ahjushi tell them that they plan on adopting SB, and the whole family is shocked. The end.

Excellent.THANKS Veballer87.

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Guest scarecrow

Soobin: Kang Hose, I'm going to let everyone know how bad of a person you are.

In the process of letting everyone know how bad Hosea is, people (co-workers, family and friends) will realized that Soobin is the bad person instead of Hosea.

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Guest scarlet430

Whew, just finished translating ep. 68. Warning: it is super long! I decided to translate directly all of the important dialogues and summarize the side stories. I probably won't translate word-for-word everytime, but since I had time today i thought I might as well Also, if you want translations of the preview for ep 69, scroll back a few pages, i've posted it somewhere. Also, since this one is really long, i decided not to put it in spoilers since it's kind of annoying to move your mouse over such a long thing. So please, if you don't want to find out what happens in ep 68, don't read this post. Thanks. Enjoy!

vballer87! thanks a lot! I appreciate!

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Guest TOP_jaejoong

im LOVING this drama!

i started watching 2 days ago.

But im already on episode 50!!


i watch it like ALL DAY.

its wasting my day alot.

but it's worth it! :]]]]

in my opinion,

i seriously want SAEBYUK and HOSAE to marry.

im really disliking SOOBIN.

she seriously cant act either.

just having her eyes open widely looking mad isnt a goood acting. LOL

i hope the ending is how i want it :]]]

OH and!

thankss for the links!

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Guest ellabel

^^ Been continuously enjoying eppy translations here. :)

Thanks vballer87 for all the detailed and excellent eng. trans and to all other generous peeps for the quick translations, answers and discussions. Keep it up! :D

We're several eppies late at KBSWorld and since i cant wait, i read spoilers here. Hahaha!

We just finished the ep. where HS told Soobin to start over.

So glad to know that HS will eventually break up with her and fast!

Looks like HS and SB relationship is getting clearer.

Poor TP.... i also like him for SB but i knew that HS is the male lead (based on name billing) so i guess he'll get SB in the end. :lol:

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