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Is It Strange For Non-christians To Wear Cross Jewelry?

Guest すみ☆

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Guest Sycho1ogY

personally, i think it's all right to wear it..

i'm an atheist and i love to wear cross earings...

but although i'm an atheist, i believe in Jesus though...

You mean you're agnostic? unless you mean you believe in Jesus in the sense that you believe there was an ordinary man named Jesus

The cross only symbolizes something, only if you think it means something. Like if your Christian.

Well a swastika only provides the connotation of hitler, but that doesn't mean you should go around wearing it because as long as it means something to other people you will be judged, be it justified or not. in the same way, the cross only provides the connotation of Christianity you can wear it without reservation as a mere "shape" but the fact that it has meaning to other people you will be judged.

personally, I think would find it weird for a non-christian to wear a cross only because there's a general understanding amongst all people of what it symbolizes. I think its about respect because you know that its something very meaningful and dear to some people. Yes, theres a diff between and cross and crucifix technically, but its accepted that a cross is associated with the core and most sacred part of christianity. to say "its just a cross i wear it because i like the shape" automatically rings ignorance to my ear, only because i would never wear a symbol of someone's religion and say "i wear it because i like the way it looks". I have all the right to do so, but it doesn't mean i'm not undermining someone's spiritual beliefs. I really would not be offended if i saw someone wearing a cross and said that, I would just think it sounds ignorant and think its odd.

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I personally wear my cross necklace to remind me of Christ and what He did. Some people wear cross jewelry as a fashion accessory, not as a representation of their faith. I don't think it's BAD, it's not a CRIME. However some people might find it disrespectful because they recognize the deeper meaning of the cross and consider it a holy symbol. They don't think that the cross should be worn as some ordinary necklace or earring but worn as a statement of faith because the cross is sacred. I understand this but I don't think we should judge or criticize non-believers who wear cross jewelry. Everyone has a right to and I think it's nice. Besides a lot of cross jewelry is really pretty. This is another reason why I wear cross earrings or necklaces. However I do think it's a little strange that people don't wear other religious jewelry than the cross as a fashion accessory.

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Guest studentgirl87

The cross is the most used design in accessories, just like the Bible is the most referenced book in literature.

So cross design accessories are pretty much available everywhere.

Before anyone would wear it though, you should know where it comes and what it means to Christians.

In the beginning, God created us to be obedient to Him and to walk with him, however our naturally sinful nature causes us to be separated from God --to be disobedient to Him and to fall in our own sinful lives -- leading to death in Hell. Even 1 act of sin is enough justification for God to send us away. Yet God offers another way, through his one and only son Christ Jesus. Just as it was prophesied Christ Jesus came to earth, lived amongst the people, was persecuted, and ultimately was nailed to the CROSS. Then 3 days later, he resurrected and took his rightful place next to God in Heaven, just as God planned. This act of God's sacrifice is His act of mercy and grace to his people. Christ's death was --and is-- meant to pay the penalty for our sins, so that when we choose to believe this and accept Christ as our personal Saviour and Lord, we may be granted salvation from our sins and given the eternal life --Heaven-- that God had planned for us.

So a cross is not just a simple design, it is a symbol of our salvation granted to us by God's grace.

This is its true origin.

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Well, why wouldn't it be "odd"? o_O The cross represents a symbol, not just an accessory.

If you saw someone wearing a buddhist necklace or other symbols, but they didn't believe in that religion or such, wouldn't that be weird?

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Guest dawoniee

i dont think theres anything wrong with wearing cross jewelery...

even though i'm christians, you see crosses everywhere for no particular reason so...

its just a a fashion item, i see no big deal.

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Guest touche`

Yes, I do think it's strange and it is wrong when it is used as "fashion." I don't mind them wearing cross, but I'm offended that fashion these days are using symbols as it's nothing, and cross in Christianity term is an important symbol. You're changing an important symbol that means a lot to Christians into something that is useless and make profits.

i dont think theres anything wrong with wearing cross jewelery...

even though i'm christians, you see crosses everywhere for no particular reason so...

its just a a fashion item, i see no big deal.

Your reponse kind of makes me mad becuase you're saying that the Cross means nothing to you but another fashion item. Are you going to let the world define what the Cross means to you? I don't want to assume your response but this is how I interpret it by reading it.
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Guest すみ☆

i wouldn't.. it would be short of a betrayal to Buddhism? LOL

well i have a jade/emerald pendant and i think it would be awkward if i wore a cross since it represents jesus.

or that's what i've been taught.. XD

Lol, I'm Buddhist too.

A thing about Buddhism is that it accepts the practice of other beliefs, and whatnot.

So Buddha would forgive you for wearing something you thought was nice, no?

If you wore it BECAUSE it represents Jesus, then that's something else.

When we go to temple and whatnot, I don't wear my cross jewelry because I know my family would get offended.

I do understand where the offended crowd makes their arguments from, though..

Though, if I were Christian/Catholic, I wouldn't be offended if a non-believer were to wear the cross.

Regardless of its importance to a religion, it is a symbol, a character. Because it's made as a cross doesn't mean it was made to be a representation of Christianity, right? O.o;

But like someone else has said, if it were a crucifix, then that's different. o.o;

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Guest Sujatmi

I do think it is strange..

I'm Catholic btw..

I remember this one time a friend of mine who wasn't Catholic/Christian worn one.

I was like ''hey are you religious too? I didn't knew that.''

And she was like ''No'' XD.

And I was like ''Huh then why do you wear it?''

And she was like ''Oh I'm sorry, should I take it off?''

And I was like ''Nah, but ya did fooled me there ya know''

Something like that XD!

I don't think it is wrong or that ppl who aren't Catholic/Christian shouldn't should be forbidden to wear it.

But it is a tiny bit odd to me XD, automatically I will just think those people are Catholic/Christian x_X.

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Guest kissmyface

Yes, i find it very Strange for non-Christian to wear both crosses

and crucifixes. I also find it disrespectful since non-christian are

wearing crosses as a fashion statement. But then again people

are free to wear what they want.....^^;

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Guest kinkonkan

You know, I wondered about this too. I can wear cross earrings but I can't wear a rosary as a necklace. I'm a Catholic but I'm not VERY religious however, I do feel some disrespect when people wear the symbol of faith as a fashion statement if you don't practice Christianity because it seems like it's nothing but a piece of jewelry to them.

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Guest binjoo

i'm not religious and i still have cross earrings and stuff.. i don't think it's weird to wear them, but other christians might find it odd if you wear it and your not christian

(once my friend thought i was really religious because my earrings had 2 crosses on them :B)

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Guest kiyomiX

i dont think theres anything wrong with wearing cross jewelery...

even though i'm christians, you see crosses everywhere for no particular reason so...

its just a a fashion item, i see no big deal.

i find it kinda weird that as a christian you find no offense to the degradation of your most sacred object to merely a "fashion" icon.

whenever i see someone that i know isn't christian wear cross jewelery...i tend to take that opportunity to teach them about what the cross means to me...and by educating them about the importance of the cross to my religion...i, then, give them the decision to either keep wearing it or to stop wearing it.

i don't mind either way...the most important part to me is that they know what the cross means.

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Guest anecia

I wear it but I hide it with my hair.Please do not be mistaken...i hide it cause I know it could be offensive to some christians out there,i wear it cause...I find it...pretty and...full of meanings?And of course I know what the cross means...I watch documentaries on tv(cause I'm curious) about it and my best friend is a christian herself.

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Guest Simply_M3

It's kinda like when celebs were wearing Buddhist mala prayer beads as bracelets. If you know what's up with the religion and the meaning behind it, you seem really cool/cultured/knowledgeable.

But if someone asks you about the seemingly religious accessory and you giggle and say, "Oh I dunno, it's for fashion!" You might look a little silly.

To those who do not practice in the religion, sure, it's just a symbol or a fashion accessory. But please, remember these things mean something profound to certain people who hold these symbols VERY close to their heart.

Really, it depends on how culturally sensitive you are to how other people will feel about it. Some people might think you are trivializing something that has been around for thousands of years that people take very seriously.

Wear it with respect for the people who hold these things sacred. With that, I wouldn't wear a cross with saaay, something anti-Christian, you know?

I agree.

I don't mind it but I sometimes find it odd. What I absolutely hate is when people wear rosary beads. I HATE THAT!! alekdfjakjdfk aioj :fury: It's not meant to be worn as a fashion accessory for goodness sakes!!

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Guest XDinnocent

i personally didn't think

it would be a problem to wear

them, but you should at least know the meaning

behind it; ya know?

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Guest CandyRain

i dont think it's strange

but depends on the style of the jewelery

isn't cross also looks really gothic and many cosplayers use it?

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Guest p a r q u e.

I'm Christian and I think it's okay...I mean, it's not like our whole religion is based on just that accessory.

And I remember my friend was at a jewelry store and she saw this lady who was looking for a cross with jesus on it but she wasn't Christian.

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