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Is It Strange For Non-christians To Wear Cross Jewelry?

Guest すみ☆

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Guest iyeiluj

Cross jewellery are different to crucifixes.

Anyone can wear what they want. But I believe only Christians should be able to wear crucifixes.

only catholics wear crucifixes....

i dont feel the cross should be some kind of fad or cool fashion item....i think it's very sacriligeous

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Guest Markwinnie


Just wear it if you like it. Jwellery are a very often a personal creation and hold sentimental value. Make your own style, represent who YOU are. Dare to be different!

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Guest yellow.girl

I'm Christian and go to a Christian school.

I dont think there is another particular rule for wearing a cross. I think its particulate up to you

but then i would find it strange seeing another religion wearing a cross

no offence..

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I am a non-practising Christian, I stopped wearing after feeling like an enormous hypocrite T_T gonna burn in hell waaaaahhhhh :'(

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Guest SALLY0reos

I'm not Christian but i personally don't think it's wrong to wear crucifixes. My Mum doesn't like me wear them (or my oldest sister) but we still do.

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Guest lainey025

it depends i think

if you are in a country where a non-christian wearing cross as an accessory is ok, sure go ahead..

but if you're in a place where majority of people are christian, there's no rule, but you better off not wearing as a sign of respect :lol:

i gave my friend a cross necklace and she refused to wear it coz she isn't christian..

and in her religion, they don't believe in Jesus... xDD

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Guest milica1430278274

I really don't think it's strange,but for me as Christian,I wouldn't wear any other crosses than christian,maybe that look like christian,but not total different.Satanist crosses and stuff,i think that stuff is disgusting...

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Guest oopyecoj

A cross ia a cross, I don't think it's big deal to wear cross jewelry

but I agree with that person who said that only christians should wear crucifixes

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Guest AAgurl789


"Also known as the Latin cross or crux ordinaria. It is the most common symbol of Christianity, intended to represent the death of Jesus when he was crucified on the True Cross and his resurrection in the New Testament"

the cross is universally accepted as something of sacrilege..it's one of the most recognized symbol as a religious symbol. making it something of a fashion statement..ehh I'll rather not.

If ppl shouldn't wear the Swastika (symbol of nazi germany and hate) for fun/fashion statements (haha I don't think anyone would besides)..likewise ppl shouldn't wear a cross (symbol of christianity) if they don't believe in it..some symbols just have so much meaning n a rich history that it's just wrong to wear it for "Fun" :vicx:

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

well. personally, if they wear a cross necklace or whatever I assume they're christian/catholic.

not against non religious people wearing it, but it does seem weird.

if people think it wrong, think of it as a t.am i going to go to hell for saying this?


nah dw you'll stay on earth.

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Sure, It maybe a nice fashion acessory, But i dont think people really understand the true meaning of what a cross represent.. Its not there to look cool, It was a type of persecution, So if you wear a cross..You might as well wear An electric chair... Or a Swastika like people said before. All in all... I think its kind of ignonrant to be walking around wearing a cross if you dont even understand its purpose or meaning, Me being a strong Christian and all. But that's one persons opinion.

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Guest epicpwnage

I'm Christian and if I see someone I know for sure is non-Christian and is wearing Cross jewellery, I can't help but question them in my mind. Why would you go off sporting such a beautiful, meaningful symbol when you don't understand its importance and put no faith in it?

It is just offensive.

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Guest yukinohana

its pretty obvious by the answers.

christians are either anywhere from mildly offended to very offended ( for the majority)

Atheist/Agnostics will think its weird to wear it or use it as a fashion statement.

my opinion as a person with no religion? Dont care.

I do assume people wearing cross necklaces are prob christian,

but when i see cross style rings or bracelets i dont think much of it.

It doesnt symbolize anything to them obviously. dont think too much about it

and i agree with people who mentioned crucifix and rosary

Although ive seen a lot of rosary inspired necklaces that fashion bloggers LOVE to wear recently.

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I'm Aetheist and as much I think cross necklaces are damn beautiful my pride stops me from wearing them because I would be offended if someone assumed I am Christian or Catholic.

I think it's a matter preference. If a non-religious person were to wear one some people who are religious may not care but a handful would be thoroughly offended. You can't please everyone.

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Well I think it's just better to lay off if you're not Christian.

I mean, it is a sacred symbol to Christians, and a non-Christian person wearing it kind of devoids the meaning of the cross. If you're not going to own up to the value of it, why bother? I mean Jewelery represents who you are, right? If you're not Christian, why are you giving the false image that you are?

And I don't think I'm only feeling strongly towards this just because I'm Christian.

If the star of David suddenly became a fashion commodity one day, I would still lay off of it. I don't want to be offending a Jewish person and wear what they use to represent themselves when I am not one of them. I feel like if I wear it just because it looks nice, I would be ridiculing them. So I'd rather just lay off.

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