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Super Junior Fans To Stop Sm Entertainment From Adding New Members By Buying Their Stocks

Guest winksassy

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Guest winksassy

PM me if this is already posted


With their demonstrations and protests unheeded by SM Entertainment, Super Junior fans have decided to combine their monies and buy into SM stocks in order to have a legal representation as part of the company stockholders.

They released a statement through the media, “To support Super Junior and protest against SM Entertainment from the adding new members at their call, even if there’s a small possibility, even if it’s just one stock, we are going to work towards obtaining a seat. As of today, we have 58, 206 stocks.”



two pics credit ^^ to wowow00 ^^

SM Entertainment has released 160 million stocks to the stock market and the fans currently hold a 0.3% of that total amount.

To faciliate more support, Super Junior fans in Korean have opened a “One Fan One Stock” website for their campaign to obtain a seat and not just in Korea, fans all over the world can also join in to do their part to stop SM Entertainment.

This comes after SM Entertainment sneakily added one more Chinese member named Chou Than Than recently for a special album about sports for celebrating of Olympic Beijing 2008. They were doing it quietly in case something happened like last time when they tried to add Henry to Super Junior.

Something like what Liverpool fans are doing to “save” their football club from their inept owners. But it would take a while for it to come to fruition seeing how young the fanbase of Super Junior is.



username [[cloudy]] @ asianfantastic

i suppose no one will read this.. but this is a reason why we are doing it. and yes it will cause a downfall.


As of today, I am elected as a new board of committee of the Super Junior Fan Alliance (http://sjonly13.com). So... Yesterday, I have gotton an email from a fan in Philippines. Her name was Kathy. The email was basically saying "so what's going on. I'm not sure and don't know what to do." It came to me as a great concern since the fans abroad should not be neglected or felt not a part of us at any time. Hey, I live in America too. So here was my reply. It is VERY LONG BUT PLEASE READ THEM ALL IF YOU WANT TO PROTECT SUPER JUNIOR AND KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH US.

The SM Entertainment wants Henry in Super Junior as a 14th member. Not only that, the SM ent. is planning to put more members in Super Junior. Every Super Junior member is under a contract with the SM so they cannot fully and honestly express their opinion because of the contract. It is very sad that they cannot say much about their issue. That's why we fans have to fight against them.

Since last fall to this January, the Super Junior Fan Alliance had six legal demonstrations in front of the SM Entertainment against letting the 14th member in. However, not only they did not listen to us, they did not even care what we had to day. The six demonstrations with thousands of fans attended did not affect anything. It was sad to know that all of our efforts were affectless to the greedy SM. Moreover, we felt powerless. But recently, we have come up with a new idea and it is very important that it becomes successful not only in Korea but also in other countries. It’s the time for the Super Junior fans to unite.

What I'm going to say is very important to understand this situation and since you are the first fan in Philippines who has contacted me personally, I'm asking you a huge favor here. It is very important to have good communication with the fans in other countries because all of you are also a fan of Super Junior. We need as much as help we can. So please pass this email around to the Super Junior forum you go and please spread this email to every possible Super Junior fan sites, forums, blogs, etc that you know of. Thank you for your cooperation. All the fans in Korea will greatly appreciate it.

The Super Junior Fan Alliance is now on a very important mission that needs not only the fans in Korea, but the fans all around the world. By the end of this week, we'll post a notice in both Korean and English so you can all join to protect our Super Junior 13members. Just to give you a hint, it's going to be about stocks. Yes, we're going to buy the SM's sotcks. They are only about 2dollars per share, which is extremely cheap. So please take some time to learn how to buy a stock in Korea from your country. We won't force you to buy stocks, but even if you buy only one share, it will help us beyond your imagination when it all adds up to. With those collected SM stocks that we have, we can oppose the SM more effectively as a fan, as a customer, and as a share holder.


Hello Super Junior Fans all over the world,

First of all I want to clear my opinion that I want Super Junior (Suju in short) to become a super star not only in Korea but in Asia, and in the world. Because I believe that it is possible with suju's system. Moreover, considering my age, it is very likely that Super Junior would be the last idol in my life. My expectation on Suju is probably as big and ambitious as that of the SM Entertainment.

We have to recognize that there are some fans out there supporting the Rotation system. We also have to respect their different opinion because their arguments have some points. If you say “they are not a Super Junior Fan” I would say “hey, that’s a bit harsh.” Am I just being too nice? It is also understandable that the SM Entertainment’s such view of the rotation system. The SM is not a non-profit cultural business but it is founded based on consumerism. They exist to make profit and it is not a shame for them that they want to make as much profit as they can. In other words, under the SM Entertainment’s rules, each individual in Super Junior has trained to become a super star in Asia. Also, concerning the duty of army, period of contract, average life as an idol group and so on, the SM Entertainment has to make even of what they have invested and make more profit. That’s why they are targeting the Asian market.

Of course it does not make me comfortable to consider my lovely Super Junior as a product. But this is the reality. Truth hurts. Super Junior is extremely promising and talented group with image and strategy that differentiate them from the entertainers before them. It is almost endless to talk about how economically valuable they are, so I am just going to stop here. I do understand the marketing strategy of Super Junior and its precision surprises me. However my heart does not understand it well as my brain does. I am writing this because I want Super Junior to be the thirteen beautiful people as I have known. No more, no less.

When we look at Super Junior’s career since their debut, they have focused in Korean market instead of foreign market to get a concrete and loyal fan base in Korea. Yes, they have shown through the media almost every single day to mesmerize our hearts with their sweet and sexiness. There is a long journey ahead of Super Junior and right now, this moment is significantly crucial for Super Junior that it would constantly affect them in the future. Therefore, now is the one and only chance that we have. I cannot highlight its importance. Before you agree or disagree to the rotation system, you have to think about it thoroughly.

If the Rotation System, Starting From Super Junior-China Becomes Reality; Gain and Loss

Seven Short-Term Advantages

1. Customized Super Junior targeting specifically China will be created

2. Have a fan base in China though HanKyung and other new Chinese/foreign members

3. Speed the adaptability and seize-ability of foreign market

4. Increase in demand and supply of every related goods and services

5. Royalty increases

6. Rebirth of Super Junior as an Asia’s idol group

7. Able to debut a SM trainee in Super Junior without specific marketing strategy

Seven Long-Term Disadvantages

1. Defame the Super Junior premium due to 14th, 15th, and 30th member

2. Defame of Super Junior’s publicity since 2006

3. “Anyone and everyone can be a Super Junior member” syndrome appears

4. Regardless of number of people, members are randomly assigned for a unit because the SM Entertainment has promised them some career opportunities

5. Fans split into before and after the Super Junior we know now

6. The graduation system (group stays but certain member leaves the group) appears due to the termination of contracts, army duties, VISA statues, and other personal limitations and problems. If the 13 members graduate, they would have a good career experience to put on the resume but this impact cannot go further than the original 13 members due to reasons listed above.

7. Between graduation and entrance system, Super Junior would fast become more of an internship opportunity, a “hands-down system” for the promising SM trainees before their real becoming of celebrities

I am sure you can think more reasons than just seven listed above. We are beyond just the Super Junior Fan; we are customers of pop culture. We are not just pushing the number 13 because we are obsessed with the memory and symbolism it has. Thinking in a customer’s shoe, thinking Super Junior’s 10, 20years later from now, what the SM Entertainment trying to do might bring short-term advantages. However, we have decided that in a long term, it is more of disadvantages and loss for both Super Junior and the fan. That is why we oppose the rotation system and having a 14th member in Super Junior regardless whom it would be.

Also, we have come to the theory that Super Junior is the victim of the SM Entertainment’s obstruct business management. Please take a look at the excerpt below. You will understand why Super Junior is facing this situation. Moreover, you will get to know why the current situation is resulted of the SM Entertainment’s absurd and obstruct business management skill malformed from its original plan.

According to him (Soo Man Lee; Mr. Lee in short, the man who created Super Junior and many other SM idols), the SM’s business extension to China breaks down to three big steps. When the first generation is a Korean star advance into China like H.O.T., and the second generation is consisted of TVXQ and Super Junior, which are planned to target China. Continuously, the third generation star, which would debut soon, is consisted of Chinese people only. The reason the SM will put a new Chinese member in TVXQ and make HanKyung of Super Junior debut alone in China is parts of bridge work for the third generation stars. (Excerpt from Han Wool Woo reporter of SaeGaeIlBo. Published in June 1st, 2006)

As shown above, Mr. Lee claimed that he will take over the Asian market by the Korea’s Culture Technology. According to the strategy, Super Junior belongs to the 2nd level and Jan Ri In (Zhang Liyin), who debut recently would be the example of the 3rd level. As we all know two years from now, Mr. Lee did not put a new Chinese member in TVXQ. What we have to look carefully is that Super Junior does not need a 14th or 15th member, especially a Chinese one since we already have Hankyung in Suju. It seems they are trying to put the unwanted Chinese trainee in Super Junior. What a tactless movement.

When you look at the YeonHapIlBo’s article in 2006, at Harvard Business School, Mr. Lee mentioned that the third generation is going to be “an all-Chinese group that is sponsored by China, Japan, and Korea.” Speaking of that, the SM Entertainment of Korea, Avex of Japan and Chengtian of China established a joint-ventured company called SMAC. The prime and ultimate goal of this company is to debut the 3rd generation stars, the all-Chinese idol group. We all know that the Sm has a lot of Chinese trainees. It is time for us to take a good look at the new company SMAC.

Have you ever seen the SM Entertainment’s financial statements for past couple years, you can clearly notice that the company is having some serious financial problem. It is red figured. With some big financial problem in their hands, the SM is now a part of SMAC. All they dream of is have their all-Chinese stars debut in China and sweep all the money out of it but the 3rd generation all-Chinese group has not debut yet. What takes it so long? You need more money? Are you lacking in real life experience in China? It is difficult to take over the Chinese market, isn’t it? Because it takes a lot of money from marketing to whatever fee to debut a new group and enter a new market and the SM is going through a financial problem now and the SM’s stock graph is hitting the floor. I can only see this situation that the SM is late in their original schedule with the all-Chinese group and putting that Chinese trainee into Super Junior for a market experimental cause. In that way, when the SM’s dream group debuts, they will make a maximum profit out of it without any problems. Don’t you think this is absurd and obstruct? ^^ Do you think Super Junior is some lab mice? Your greedy eyes can only see what is right in front of you. Your blindness will defame Super Junior’s brand image. I and the media are awfully familiar with the SM Entertainment’s notorious consumerism for about ten years so please do not deny that you aren’t.

There are indeed a lot of things to learn from Mr. Lee’s culture management strategy. In fact, it made him to give a speech to the Harvard MBA students. However, if the SM Entertainment goes blind by immediate benefit and takes advantage of Super Junior can injure Suju’s premium and defame suju’s original image in a long run. In result, it will bring more loss than gain. Super Junior’s Asia Tour Concert will begin very soon and I do know that all the profit going to the SM will be spent to train the trainees, especially the Chinese trainees for the third generation super idol whatever. It makes my blood pressure strikes up just to think about the money Super Junior makes from their concert will not be spent on the team or an individual’s advance training fee. I can only understand what the SM Entertainment doing an utterly absurd, stubborn, and obstruct business management by using Super Junior as some lab mice into a new market. Super Junior is very much able to make a lot of money in Asia. They will bring the money to you. So can you please keep the Chinese trainees safely until their glorious debut as all-Chinese super duper idol group? I’m sure they don’t want to be bundled but desire to have their official debut.

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a message at "Opinions Overseas" board in the Super Junior Fan Alliance aka. Only13 website (http://sjonly13.com). If you want to personally contact me with any questions or concerns, please e-mail me to businesself@gmail.com

Yours Always,

Business E.L.F on behalf of the Super Junior Fan Alliance

credit coolsmurf.wordpress & asianfantastics

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Guest Nab1lah93

Korean fans must be VERY, VERY rich. First, MUTIPLE birthday presents and now buying of stocks?! WOW. how i wish i was a celebrity. [lol, ignore my last comment]

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Guest wowow00

oh my....oh gosh...


i'm getting very tired of all of these FANS stuff

kind of getting boring now

oh by the way, wouldn't u get a warning if you don't follow the news article rules??? anyways here are some screen shots i took of the news thingy you can use the pics if u want ^^





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god.. will the world end when sm adds a new member

i understand they love the boys... a lot

but gosh... business is still business

this world that we indulge ourselves in is called the show BUSINESS you know

its not just some playground

the johnny entertainment boys are going through this and they're fine...

of course sm won't disregard the other boys for heaven's sake

they invested a lot of money to each of them...

sorry about it.. i guess i'm just fed up with this..

i don't know if i'm the one being narrow-minded or they are the one being so

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Guest lilf4ntasy

y is dis sooo big, i dun see the big deal of adding a new member coz sj is already big soo it doesnt matter with just one more member

and if they dun like the idea, when the new guy join the group just outcast him and dun support him, bash him and he'll get tired and will quit the group LOL

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Guest misspinky

haha i read this on asianfanatics and i think this is very sad, how could you have that much time and money to protest, go to school or go to work, do something productive with you friends and family or best of all give the money to charity. dear dear!

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Guest purple.loves.kibum

at least it's a good investment.

protecting the people you care about.

and earning money at the same time. haha

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Guest Mirae-chan

Is it bad I don't see the big deal of them adding another member.. ? o_o whatever, 13 members is already a lot, if they add more whatever lol..

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Guest photodaisy

obviously, the e.l.f members care. :) i'm happy they're so caring!

though i'm pretty sure they could've used the money to save lives...rather than keep super junior 13. o__o;;

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Guest vitamins

first, i didn't know that fans could have so much money to buy stocks and its like they are only holding 0.3%, they could have spend that money on stocks for other meaningful stuff

second, its very obvious that SM wants to enter the China market, with all the rumours flying ard about new Chinese members in various groups. China is one of the top 5 largest country in the world with 1.3 billion people, and its only next to Korea, and if SM succeeds in China, they will surely be earning lots and lots. So of course, to enter the China market, you will have to have Chinese trainees

lastly, i think there is no point those fans can stop SM from their marketing plans, they are the ones running and constantly making your fav singers/ boybands/ girlbands popular

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Guest purple.loves.kibum

uhmm. one stock cost $3.00

that's roughly 3000 won

i don't think you need to be rich to buy ONE stock

the campaign is about ONE FAN ONE STOCK

so yeah.

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Guest Snakes10

I personally think ELF needs to just sit down and act smart for once. Where will Super Junior be in 20 years?

Honestly, I saw this on the news like a week ago and just muttered to myself how stupid it is.

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Guest ulynn

really nice of fans to do so much for their idols.

korean fans really spend alot on them ^^

but honestly. if sm wants to add more members, i dont think anything will stop them =/

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i have never been so disappointed with SJ fans as of late. who are we to say that WE KNOW BETTER what the boys are thinking? maybe they hate the idea of new members, but there's also the very real possibility that they don't mind -- that they know things that we don't about their future careers.

no matter what the fans do, in the end it all comes down to what SM wants to do. you can buy all the stocks you want, protest all you want, cry all you want... but in the big picture your say is insignificant.

i'm a huge SJ fan, & no matter what happens i will support Super Junior as a group and individually :D

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Guest pwenzi

They are so freaking rich...

To think they managed to think of this. Hurhur. =x

It's smart. Honestly.

But the things fans do... -sigh-

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