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University Of Technology, Sydney (uts!)

Guest Hoon88

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Guest johnnypaul

i see johnnypaul procrastinating

does anyone do textiles and fashion design? if so how is it? or if u know anyone who does it =|

Sif, I'm like a model student =P

Oh man I can't wait to do business subjects this semester, so much easier than engineering. I remember one time I went to a communications lecture and understood more of that than any maths statistics.

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Guest twilight1412

at least you should be able to get out of stats again

because engineering stats > business stats

gg open book lol that was so gay we had to do with with a dodgy forumla sheet which was missing half

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Guest amanda.pocky

engineering camp trivia was awesome humilation central!

p.s my group: Jesus and the Apostles won trivia XD...beer bribes to happy ftw

mathletes brah!

and bull brah!

and sausage fests brah!

cold showers and 6am wake up calls.

fo sure im going next year! ;)

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Guest johnnypaul

Yeah I hated the camp too. The showers were so dirty it and the camp leaders were annoying too. Was a dude named Warnie there??

Whats the ratio of girls to guys this year? Last year there was like 17 girls on my camp.

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Guest amanda.pocky

Yeah I hated the camp too. The showers were so dirty it and the camp leaders were annoying too. Was a dude named Warnie there??

Whats the ratio of girls to guys this year? Last year there was like 17 girls on my camp.

ahaha the camp leaders were AWESOEMEEEEEEEEEEEEE this year (only cause theres a camp leader on soompi ;) JKS JKS JKS)

and i dunno warnie, im not good at names. ahaha

yeahh! there were i think 17 girls in the camp this year as well!

whats the figure for the drop out rate this year?

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lol....the cold showers were just INSANE

and the group leaders being drunk was lols, doosh doosh from they're cars at 3am in the morning. tin shed cabins....6am wake up calls from an amplified horn....i don't want to go back for the location lol

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Guest amanda.pocky

lol....the cold showers were just INSANE

and the group leaders being drunk was lols, doosh doosh from they're cars at 3am in the morning. tin shed cabins....6am wake up calls from an amplified horn....i don't want to go back for the location lol

shutup soompi ;) LOL

hehehe yeah this is the online dating service we met on :P

ey linda, are you doing Mathematical Modelling 1, Engineering Communication and Physical Modelling first semester?

and for some reason im not in Surveying lecture 1, but it's stupid because im in Surveying lecture 2 wtf mang

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shutup soompi ;) LOL

hehehe yeah this is the online dating service we met on :P

ey linda, are you doing Mathematical Modelling 1, Engineering Communication and Physical Modelling first semester?

and for some reason im not in Surveying lecture 1, but it's stupid because im in Surveying lecture 2 wtf mang

yea, when does engineering communication start XD subjectactivity on the uts site doesn't have a start date for it, all i noe most of the lecs start next week. pre requisites for all majors u noe lol

haha, i got dissed by someone at the anime@uts club booth. the notsosecretly'ihateucauseuwereinarelationshipwithmygoodfriend' monster came out and yea, i got mentally scarred at the age of 17 by a 20 something year old woman.

to that woman who also goes to uts doing law, "just wait till i go insane one day and either commit suicide or mass murder. im going to stick it to ur concience"

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Guest twilight1412

hhmm 20something girl at the anime booth?

was that young? or yung? lol dno how to spell her name

quite sad just got home hmmm

joined anime club egg and engsoc LOL


she was close to twitching man lucky i told her where to find energy drink freebies or else she would have been gg'd at the eng soc desk

edit* eng com will start in the first week

i just did it over summer .. it was pretty gay =(

not too hard to pass though just gay

i see that amanda is a civil engineer what about you tsujt

i'll be at the maths mod lectures LOL

JP remember those guys who were advertising UPASS? LOL

im gonna advertise at the first math lecture on tuesday <<

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Guest amanda.pocky

setting: we're sitting in the chinatown cafe

*my friend opens her free uts showbag*

her: hey! cool! whats this?! :D

me: hm, is it what i think it is

her: *looks more closely* "banana..."


ahahah i wonder who was distributing the condoms :P

twilight1412, civil AND ENVIRONMENTAL ftw

+ business

i'm pretty iffy cause i didn't get any scholarships :S

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Guest twilight1412

iffy? well you cant get scholarships when youre in a double degree

all the engineering scholarships were for engineering only sorta things

ahhh those free condoms that was the student association

some of my friends stuffed some into my bag last year when i went to camp

from memory they were chocolate and banana flavoured hahahaha

but yea it was the student association that was handing them out

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im an ict engineer, didn't pick a sub major yet.

i feel emo yet angry, can i get free conselling?

i joined egg and anime today too lol, badminton was too expensive for me (not advantage member...too poor to afford that too)

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Guest johnnypaul

The worst part about the camp was that I live like 20 mins from where the camp is, but had to go all the back to the city

Antony: Yeah I remember those guys, they full bugged us every lecture to go to those Upass classes.

tsujt: If you do Intro to ICT and have Tim, you're lucky. 2nd easiest subject you'll ever do. I think I went to like 2 or 3 lectures and ended up with a Distinction.

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Guest johnnypaul

In terms of sub-majors for ICT, don't do Telecommunications. It's hard cos you have to do Signals which is basically GG.

Example of signals:

"GSM is digital transmittion of an audio codec. It's also require two way communication between the handset and tower receiver to enable it to roam and basically change towers, frequencies and channels within these frequencies. You can't simply pin point a user and pickup their transmission, it's impossible. Even if it was, it would be an extremely specialised and expensive bit of kit"

I have no idea what any of that means.....

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Guest twilight1412

all its saying is that its a special sender/reciever device

which is hard to haxzor unless you have some expensive tech

anyway i agree with jp lol

ffs signal theory and its 10U math

i'll tell you how it is one day when i do it for nanotech

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