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University Of Technology, Sydney (uts!)

Guest Hoon88

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in the maths multiple choice...i didn't remember how to solve majority of the questions...and the english survey was, "write a paragraph about atms that would be in a 20th century encyclopedia"

i was like, 'crap,how in the hell do atms work xD;'...i ended up writing grammatically correct bs.

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Guest raindrops

hehe i'm quite excited about uni now (:

and i enrolled into all business subjects this sem, so hopefully i'll be compelled to study !

if anyone needs a study buddy, i'm always hereeee ! lol

i really need a study mentor ... if i want to transfer

lol <3

still not amused by the camp .. its somewhere in the blue mountains?

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Hahaha, grammatical shiet. I think that's what I write in most of my exams and throw in the technical terms i picked up at some stage and hope for the best.

I hate studying T.T

Just keep thinking about the fact that you want to transfer. That should hopefully give you motivation to go classes and study.

EDIT: Forgot there's censorship on words XD

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Guest johnnypaul

I'm doing some first year business subjects this semester. To transfer I think you need a credit average? That's like an average of 65. So it's not to bad, cos business is relatively easy compared to engineering.

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Guest twilight1412

man i was at uni today did you hand in your assignment?

anyways we still need to meet up on thursday to do some work

bring what info youve got

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The only reason worth going to the camps is simply to make friends. Then on the first day of uni you're not all alone and that, you'll have people to talk to.

I'll be at uni next monday for the official O-day and then the entire 2nd week of orientation.

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Guest heonii_

: D i got innnn for late rounds ~ bus + it ! i wish enrolment was earlier though :/ i'm gonna get a really crap timetablee raagh

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^ DX i wanted to get into bus+it

but noo im stuck in engineering..DX...at least i got a cool engsoc membership card which doubles up as a bottle opener lol

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Guest twilight1412

you had to go meet them afterwards to get it

i got mine like 2 weeks into uni =/

they probably had a stash ready this year

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Guest twilight1412

building 1 - general

building 2 - engineering

building 3 - IT

building 4 - science

building 5 - business/law

building 6 - design

i cant remember the rest

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building 1 - general

building 2 - engineering

building 3 - IT

building 4 - science

building 5 - business/law

building 6 - design

i cant remember the rest

You got building 3 wrong.

Lol... Building 10 is IT, building 3 is arts and social science. Nursing, midwifery and health is at the Kuringai campus.

Building 6 is design, architecture and building.

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