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University Of Technology, Sydney (uts!)

Guest Hoon88

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...XD;;; i may need the tut (epic fail in ext maths...got an e2 for hsc DX)

well...im kind of praying to get offered an IT course in main round....im not really an engineering type XD

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Guest twilight1412

oi jp dont diss upass lol theyre my employers

but yea henry just runs through questions and doesnt really answer questions

you might as well download the questions and answers

man reminds me of the epic 4 hour engineering break on monday LOL

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Yay for UTSers!!

I'm doing BBusiness/BComputing (Older version of the BBusiness/BScIT) *coughs*

If anyone here is attending orientation this year, come say hi to me!! I'll be the crazy asian girl in the flood of people in orange shirts (Peer networkers) running around and talking to randoms, my name tag will read Van =) If you're in IT maybe i'll be the one giving you a campus tour!!

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Guest twilight1412

^ that sounds vaguely familiar from last year hhahahaha

i might have seen you

were you the one handing out pink free hug tags?

omg i was going to apply for that but i forgot

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Ah no, that wasn't me. I think that was Eve handing out the tags. I did have a free hugs tag on me though.

I had the parrot puppet last year and was running around with that. Peenuts the parrot (peer network UTS)

You should apply, it's lots of fun and you meet lots of great people.

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Guest raindrops

OMG Syko ! ... I'm doing exactly that lol =P

Except i want to know if i could transfer and just do the B of Business on its own after one year??? OPINIONS i need your opinion :( oh wise one !

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Guest twilight1412

^ couldnt you have applied for straight business? or is the uai higher for straight business?

i dont really know what happens down the road >=]

ahahaha syko i ran into jd and he was like yea man do it i'll get you in ...

and so i was gonna go on and apply but it turned out applications closed the day before

i have friends doing it and they say apps closed earlier because it filled up so fast

i'll be there all week though

class on tuesday and training on thurs/fri

and i cant miss clubs day >=]

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OMG Syko ! ... I'm doing exactly that lol =P

Except i want to know if i could transfer and just do the B of Business on its own after one year??? OPINIONS i need your opinion :( oh wise one !

You can do an internal transfer after the first semester if you get i think at least credit in all your subjects. If you do it half way through the year, you're more likely to get in since there's less people you'll be competing with to get into the course.

i got no other offers from uts...im so crushed...T_T *claws at IT/Business* im stuck with engineering/business...nooo

but...<3 uts?

You can always transfer if you really wanted to? Same with the internal transfer but you might want to try at least a distinction or 2 to increase your chances. But if you want IT/Business, i think credit is sufficient.

^ couldnt you have applied for straight business? or is the uai higher for straight business?

i dont really know what happens down the road >=]

It's higher for straight business. Business is more in demand then the combined IT degrees at UTS.

ahahaha syko i ran into jd and he was like yea man do it i'll get you in ...

and so i was gonna go on and apply but it turned out applications closed the day before

i have friends doing it and they say apps closed earlier because it filled up so fast

i'll be there all week though

class on tuesday and training on thurs/fri

and i cant miss clubs day >=]

Yeah peer network applications fill up really quick, i missed it too the first time i applied too. Once you get it, the group interviews are easy. There's only ever been a small number of people who get rejected and that was because they had some really bad reasons for joining.

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They won't let her do that if she's a first year. They make the first years do 2 subjects from each discipline.

And my last comment up there made no sense for tsujt because i misunderstood. If you dislike it you can always transfer but i've noticed a lot of people from IT/Business tend to transfer to straight business after their first year.

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Guest twilight1412

^ maybe it all comes down to what course you do because last year i was doing 3 eng subs and 1 science sub =/

and someone did 3 eng subs 1 sci sub in sem 1

but in sem 2 he did 4 eng subs =/

maybe theyre more lenient now =)

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Perhaps so. They wouldn't let me do all IT subjects the first semester like i wanted to.

There really doesn't seem to be too many UTSers on soompi =(

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Guest raindrops

^ lol you guys crack me up !

so i should apply for internal transfer after first sem? ... and am i allowed to enrol for all business subjects in the first sem? x__x

and omg, lol what happens at 'orientation camp' ... ? 90$ is like... 10 hours of labour at Diva for me lol

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Guest twilight1412

^ yes you should there are two periods to change courses every year once at the beginning with the little kids

and once in between semesters

i dont know what the IT camp is like but i can go ask for you

the engineering one is ... unique?



lol it was a great experience nonetheless all that beer was <3

i'll let jp fill you in on the details if he ever rocks up

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Guest raindrops

HAHA! .. 'little kids' .. !

ugh it sucks looking like a little kid :'( ......

ummmm... BEER? LOL i'm so lightweight its not funny.....

are any of you guys going to be there at our 'enrolment sessions'

like this friday ?

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Hehh~ I'm entering UTS this year, I'm going to do Science (biomed) & International Studies.

I was going to go for a Biomedical specialist degree but it wasn't available as a combined degree with International Studies.

I enrolled last Friday, and that was the biggest pain in my life since the day I broke my arm. Yeahz I'm exaggerating.

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Guest twilight1412

i dont be =/

i have uni on tuesday but i dont plan on going to uni for a while after that

not till oweek >=]

i think its mainly the admin and lecturers that help out for enrollment =/

its not until oweek that the orange shirts come out to play

i dno if theres beer at yours =/

there was beer at the engineering one ... for cheap too =)

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