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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest *alodia*
(Guys I hope u don`t mind if I will speak in my own language)

Hi Sis! kaloka ang kissing scene na yun...grabe! hahaha...she can`t focus!

Puyatan na naman bukas.

Out of topic

Hey, Pilipino fans of Suna we must arrange our schedule by Sept. We have to meet before Suna`s birthday.

I saw the siggy of Alodia and She already have a birthday greetings for our dear Suna, it reminds me of our fan meeting that has been postponed so many times already. I wish this year we could make it possible.

hahaha... we really have the same... hmm... wavelength i should say.

I was planning about this since last week. I was just transferring suna4life forum to another server and i'll make a formal announcement before i return back to work on tues. Yup tonight's my off. I can watch WIAN with you guys.. so excited. catch you on YM later on.

I hope we won't ran out of time this time around... anyway, seems like this time we are planning this earlier...

Been coordinating with Sunaforever too...

kim jo yan, we will really be glad if you can join us.

and mzpakipot too... even if you are not in the Philippines, we'd be glad if you can join us. we'll think of ways to include you. ^^

Anyway... i'll get back with everyone probably tomorrow. ^^

*sorry off topic*

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and mzpakipot too... even if you are not in the Philippines, we'd be glad if you can join us. we'll think of ways to include you. ^^

*sorry off topic*

count me in sis! wish the fanmeeting will be in december,coz that's when i go back there.. :D but that's Okay..

thank you very much for including me..tt7.gif

sorry, i haven't been logging in to Suna4life Phillipines..


hi sis!

don't be discourage, he's probably just stress...i know most smokers are stressed...hehe...i don't smoke when i'm stress, instead i come here! loool.gif


i still can't find the original Kiss NG..i'm sure someone/somewhere has it....wish someone will upload it online..

gaahh! we're so caught up with the censored Kiss, change of topic..i've been wondering about this "hand sign" KSA does, anyone know what it means??


take money?? take money?? tupac? hahaha j/k!!!

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..,sorry guys fell asleep for about 2 hrs...

..,done the back thread already...

to xolee

..,don't be to quiet you are so welcome to join us...

..,know what guys i am really happy to read some post

bout our lively forum, this past few days many of the guest

are posting saying they were enjoying reading our discussion...

glad to know that they were enjoying watching WIAN and enjoying our company :D

..,just wish this forum will last... ;) ;) ;)

to ilikeldg

..,that would really affect his health e.i his lungs, really wish that

he could quit smoking, but even though his a smoker he sure has

a kissable lips :rolleyes:

to alodia

..,pls add me up in your YM and in friendster...


..,looking forward for the details on SUNA's birthday :D :D

..,really salute you on your hard work, :D :D :D

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hi sis!

don't be discourage, he's probably just stress...i know most smokers are stressed...hehe...i don't smoke when i'm stress, instead i come here! loool.gif

..,agree with you sis i quit smoking but still when im stressed can help myself but to smoke at least one....


i still can't find the original Kiss NG..i'm sure someone/somewhere has it....wish someone will upload it online..

gaahh! we're so caught up with the censored Kiss, change of topic..i've been wondering about this "hand sign" KSA does, anyone know what it means??


take money?? take money?? tupac? hahaha j/k!!!

..,think all of us here has a hang-over of that kiss :lol: :lol: :lol:

and as for the pics yeah i think its a sign for more money :lol: :lol: :lol:

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..,sorry guys fell asleep for about 2 hrs...

..,done the back thread already...

..,that would really affect his health e.i his lungs, really wish that

he could quit smoking, but even though his a smoker he sure has

a kissable lips :rolleyes:

only 2 hours of sleep? hahaha adik!!!

u should sleep more..can't get enough of the kiss ba? hahaha

i'm still upset about covering the kiss...we should write to MBC and protest...lol

he does have a kissable lips..




yes, it really makes me happy when someone make a comment here for the first time and i really appreciate them for letting us know how good we are keeping this thread alive..so don't be shy to say anything..if there's anything you don't like about the thread or the way we comment or have any suggestions, let us know..you may also share to us any pictures, MVs, news and information about Every Night/When it's at night.

Thank you!


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to mzpakipot

..,sinabi mo pa adik na talaga ko :lol: :lol: (sorry guys just can my help self to speak in tagalog)

..,yup i think im also addicted to the kissing scene :lol: :lol: :lol: actually i am planning to make

another MV of the kiss jejeje....peeping mode :ph34r: :ph34r:

.., :tongue2: yeah we should protest to MBC!!!!

just wish theres an angel who has a copy of the original NG and post it here...anyone? angel?


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Guest ilikeldg
..,sorry guys fell asleep for about 2 hrs...

..,done the back thread already...

to xolee

..,don't be to quiet you are so welcome to join us...

..,know what guys i am really happy to read some post

bout our lively forum, this past few days many of the guest

are posting saying they were enjoying reading our discussion...

glad to know that they were enjoying watching WIAN and enjoying our company :D

..,just wish this forum will last... ;) ;) ;)

to ilikeldg

..,that would really affect his health e.i his lungs, really wish that

he could quit smoking, but even though his a smoker he sure has

a kissable lips :rolleyes:

to alodia

..,pls add me up in your YM and in friendster...


..,looking forward for the details on SUNA's birthday :D :D

..,really salute you on your hard work, :D :D :D

Kinikilig ako!!!!!!!!!! yup...he's got some lips...naku!!!!!!!!!!patay ako sa kanya...(sorry folks..talking in my native language)

only 2 hours of sleep? hahaha adik!!!

u should sleep more..can't get enough of the kiss ba? hahaha

i'm still upset about covering the kiss...we should write to MBC and protest...lol

he does have a kissable lips..




yes, it really makes me happy when someone make a comment here for the first time and i really appreciate them for letting us know how good we are keeping this thread alive..so don't be shy to say anything..if there's anything you don't like about the thread or the way we comment or any suggestions, let us know..you may also share us any pictures, MVs, news and information about Every Night/When it's at night.

Thank you!


Okay...Mrs Wizzard..Get your Magic wand and get that heart out of there so we could see their lips...ha haha

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Kinikilig ako!!!!!!!!!! yup...he's got some lips...naku!!!!!!!!!!patay ako sa kanya...(sorry folks..talking in my native language)

Okay...Mrs Wizzard..Get your Magic wand and get those lips out of there...ha haha

.., :lol: :lol: :lol: OMO LDG now i wish im the cigarette your smoking waaahhhhh.....

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Guest jastinel

Good day Bambamers!

I wish all of us are in good health and happy!

Tonights episode might be the end of all the suspense and mystery and I hope we can laugh and giggle again with

KBS and CH romance.

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..,ellow guyz!!! :) want to share this MV that i made all night

can't sleep so i just made some MV na lang ...

..,call me freak but i just can't get enough of kissing scene jejeje....

i hope you like it.. :P;):D


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Guest fiona1111
..,ellow guyz!!! :) want to share this MV that i made all night

can't sleep so i just made some MV na lang ...

..,call me freak but i just can't get enough of kissing scene jejeje....

i hope you like it.. :P;):D


thanks for the MV! :D i have a hangover on that kissing scene too. :D

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Guest mead33

Good morning guys! :lol: was back-threading... you guys are so cute... :P


omo! thank you so much sis! that's really sweet of KBS to take HCH around,instead of taking her home first.....haha! n_clap.gif

so lucky you have a full understanding of what their dialogues are..hehe Thank you again! tt7.gif

you are welcome, mzpakipot.

Finally managed to watch the c-sub version of Ep 11 till 14. I can appreciate the show more. Although there is no passionate love scenes, but there are very subtle scenes of the love triangle KBS-HCH-TL Kang... I think I am liking TL Kang more now... starting to feel sorry for him that he probably will not get HCH's love in the end.... :tears: and the way that all the guys in the show are protecting HCH is very touching, except that they are all so male chauvanist! keeping things from HCH and thinking that she would not notice...

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Guest kanshu

I have the perfect song for that love triangle situation... "Say it to me now" by Beth Nielsen Chapman. :)

Home again... Still catching up on episodes, just finished downloading everything... So i hope i can join into the discussion again soon. :)

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Guest fiona1111

and the way that all the guys in the show are protecting HCH is very touching, except that they are all so male chauvanist! keeping things from HCH and thinking that she would not notice...

yeah i agree with you. :D although i understand what they're doing, coz i'm quite sure that HCH would be very hurt if she finds out that Gyoon is HGD. The hurt from her father's death will only worsen. poor HCH. :(

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Guest mead33

I have the perfect song for that love triangle situation... "Say it to me now" by Beth Nielsen Chapman. :)

Home again... Still catching up on episodes, just finished downloading everything... So i hope i can join into the discussion again soon. :)

Welcome back Kanshu! Looking forward to your analysis :)

ha ha, that's an apt song...the male leads here somehow just cannot get the "love" word out to HCH. They keep confessing their love to the wrong person instead of HCH (KBS confessed his love for HCH to TL Kang and TL Kang vice versa) but HCH is pretty dense too....

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Guest mead33

so quiet here .... :ph34r:

just food for thought... :tongue2: regarding the kiss NG... KBS seems more "passionate" than in the final take shown. For example, there was more head movement (in the final take, there does not seem to be much, I think). Also, KBS seems to be going for a deeper kiss, with his hands pushing HCH's head towards him (as what Kim Jo Yan noted) and also his grip on HCH tightened in the NG after HCH responded... ha ha ha... just food for thought

BTW, LDG's smile seems very forced when KSA broke off and giggled?

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