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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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if HCH is not going to end with anyone? How would you all feel about it? *don't throw things at me* :tongue2:

Not sure who i think she should end up with, they're both good for HCH......but i can take them both.. :lol:

..,bad ending, want to see wedding event ;) KBS-HCH here! but i do want to see HCH-TL Kang kissing scene :P

good observation there about the kiss....maybe because it was meant to be like that, KBS is not sure how HCH will response to the kiss, so he took the easy route, take it slow till he get the response from HCH...naks! *giggles* hahahaha!

..,oohh your like a pro explaining about their kiss :P:D

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..,bad ending, want to see wedding event ;) KBS-HCH here! but i do want to see HCH-TL Kang kissing scene :P

..,oohh your like a pro explaining about their kiss :P:D

i want to see a wedding too.... someone mentioned here on earlier posts that they haven't seen KSA in wedding dress..i believe i've seen her wearing one, it was a telephone commercial...

me, being a pro? heh! i get that from watching too much kdrama or is it? oh geeh, :blush: :blush: you put me in a spot there...not sure anymore...

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i want to see a wedding too.... someone mentioned here on earlier posts that they haven't seen KSA in wedding dress..i believe i've seen her wearing one, it was a telephone commercial...

..,yes its me never seen her wearing one, never seen that commercial either :)

me, being a pro? heh! i get that from watching too much kdrama or is it? oh geeh, :blush: :blush: not sure anymore...

... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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from korean fans..bts..not sure where this is..or is it even for the next episodes?


credit dcinside

a scene of KBS with Gyoon! :w00t:

looks like they are at some place like a bus terminal or the airport

those are ticket counters behind..

Gyoon is getting out of the country (town) and KBS is there to stop him?


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Guest ilikeldg

whoops! i missed one more picture!

this one is so goofy looking!


credit to cyworld,tsxz.com,and as labeled

************lurking mode*************


hi ilikeldg! :)

fiona1111's Music Video is up!!!!!GO and watch it Streaming now! Thank you fionna1111!


Thanks Fionna1111....well done.....

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Guest kanshu

a scene of KBS with Gyoon! :w00t:

looks like they are at some place like a bus terminal or the airport

those are ticket counters behind..

Gyoon is getting out of the country (town) and KBS is there to stop him?


Or KBS trying to ship off Gyoon so that he's in safety? But that would mean that Gyoon's identity was discovered...

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Or KBS trying to ship off Gyoon so that he's in safety? But that would mean that Gyoon's identity was discovered...

..,no i dont think

KBS can do that, think he'll find some other way to hide GYOON safely if GYOON's identity was to be revealed. KBS know HCH going to feel if ever GYOON tried to go out of the country, he would rather turn GYOON over to HCH than helping him or advising him to go out of the country to hide


..,yeah i think so, KBS told TL Kang that HDG is not HCH father, because the HDG that he encounter was so flexible.

and TL Kang was doing the investigation,and since it has to do with HCH and GYOON father he must first investigate the people involved to HDG family, friends even enemies, and based on KBS description GYOON is the possible suspect so far and maybe some of his proof was proves that GYOON is HDG..

..,that could be possible right?


..,what do you think would happen if TL Kang knows that GYOON is HDG?

..,do you think he's going to tell HCH about GYOON being HDG?

..,does he has a guts to capture GYOON?

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Guest mead33

wow, i was gone for 3 hours and there are so many new pages! you guys are amazing... :w00t:

East of Eden, which is supposed to takeover WIAN is scheduled to start showing in beginning of sept... so what is going to happen in the mean time between the ending of WIAN and the start of east of eden?

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Guest merela

I have translated the ep. 12 scenes people have requested between CH and KBS. Go back to the previous page and take a look.

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wow, i was gone for 3 hours and there are so many new pages! you guys are amazing... :w00t:

East of Eden, which is supposed to takeover WIAN is scheduled to start showing in beginning of sept... so what is going to happen in the mean time between the ending of WIAN and the start of east of eden?

hmm...i wonder!? how many weeks in between? one week? i hope they extend the episodes, or show all the BTS and NGs..that would be so awesome..

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In the truce scene, KBS went to CH's place for the sole purpose of apologizing to CH.

Here is the translation of that scene:

[KBS tells TLKang that the burglar/HGD he met the night before is a young man, not a man in his 60s. Kang asked KBS whether he told CH about this, KBS said "no, you are the only person I've told."]

[CH is pacing back and forth in her bedroom looking at the cell phone in her hand. She sits down and calls Gyoon, but he was unavailable. CH is obviously distressed.]

CH: Why isn't he answering his phone?! Look at the time! [i guess it's late enough for her to worry. Then she hears the metal gate opens...] Gyoon, is that you?! [she opens the door and it's KBS.] Kim Bon Som!

[next scene, they are sitting down in the living room and I think she's flipping around a stuffed animal--was that the stuffed animal that TL Kang got for her in a previous episode?]

KBS: [Looking around the living room] Gyoon....he is not home yet?

CH: Uhn..[meaning yes.]

KBS: That boy, he should be home earlier.

CH: Is there something going on with you? [meaning what are you doing here?]

KBS: Oh that...well...let's make peace/make up/resolve our problem.

CH: Make peace/make up? Didn't we apologize to each other earlier?! Why do we need to make peace?

KBS: Aren't there things still bothering you? [aren't you still thinking about it?] Your opinion of me is still biased, isn't that so? [KBS is still worried that CH thinks badly of him because of what he said to her before.] I don't know what you are thinking now, but I can't stand it anymore. I don't like the cold treatment I get from you....I don't like to see you interrupt me in mid-sentence abruptly and then just walked away. Let's make peace/make up! [louder he said] I SAID let's make up/make peace!

CH: Are you here to get angry or are you here to make up/make peace?!

KBS: Do you have any intention to make up/make peace or not?!

CH: You are really being noisy there....this is my home you know!

KBS: You will make up with me, right?

CH: I have to see how you behave...

KBS: I will be on my best behavior. Really, I should have been here sooner. [He's relieved that she seemed to have forgiven him.] I've talked so loudly that my throat hurts now. Hurry up and bring me something to drink.


KBS: I need something to drink. Something that will get cold fast [NOTE: the c-sub is not too clear--maybe it was "bring me something cold quickly"]....it's so hot today.

CH: Huh!

[next scene, KBS is drinking tea. I don't know if CH is trying to be funny, but she brought him a hot drink when he probably asked for a cold drink because of the hot weather. KBS drinks his tea without complaint and CH still looked worried and kept looking at her cell phone.]

KBS: Why don't you just tell me that it's getting late and I should get going?! Why do you keep looking at the clock?

CH: That's not it.

KBS: I AM going...I will leave. OK? [He takes another sip of his tea.]

[CH's cell phone rings and she answers.]

CH: Wait a minute! Yes, Uncle, by the way...is.....are you with Gyoon right now...that's a relief! Then, take care of him for me, Uncle....yes...yes...Uncle." [she hangs up happily.] Aye...really! [she lets out a big sigh of relief!]

KBS: You...you had a fight with Gyoon earlier?!

CH: Yes...[she looked down a little embarrassed.]

KBS: Do you know how much he cares about you....and you still fought with him?

CH: Aye...what's there to fight about?

KBS: He told me that the most important person in his life is his sister.

CH: Is that so?

KBS: I am so jealous. Having a sibling is wonderful.

CH: But you have your grandma and grandpa too...I was very jealous when I went to Grandma's house that last time.

KBS: Yes, indeed, that's definitely something for you to be jealous about. [being his cocky self again!] Well, this unexpected guest will take his leave now. I'm going.

CH: Uhm...are you leaving now?

KBS: Yes, I'm leaving. [He gets up.]

[next scene, they are outside. The metal gate opens and KBS walks out first and CH stands by the door.]

KBS: Gyoon is not coming home tonight, will you be OK by yourself?

CH: Of course it's OK.

KBS: Make sure you lock the front door and check all your windows. OK? Just in case, go to sleep hugging your cell phone [i guess he meant sleep next to your cell phone] Understand?

CH: Geez, no one will grab me. Don't worry.

KBS: Who is worried about you?! I simply feel bad for Gyoon who worries about you everyday.

CH: Go home quickly and rest.

KBS: Alright. I'm going. Make sure your door is closed, OK?

CH: OK. Hurry up and go.

[she looks at him as he walked up the steps and then closed the door. He then stopped and looked back at the door as if to make sure the door is closed properly.]

KBS: Sleep well/Goodnight. [He leaves]

.., OMG..OMG..OMG.. :Dmerela thank you for the translation!!!!!!!

..,wow that was so sweet, its so obvious that they are some kind of a couple now right they just need to say the 3 words OMG

.., "i have to see how you behave", so sweet...

..,i hate KBS when he say "who worries about you" he should at least say yes i'm worried about now go and lock the door

crazy KBS trying to confused a girl by acting like that he really is acting weird, he already told TL Kang that HCH was mine

why not tell that to HCH, in fairness i really love it when he said that to Kang its like back off that girl is mine :D

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[next scene, they are sitting down in the living room and I think she's flipping around a stuffed animal--was that the stuffed animal that TL Kang got for her in a previous episode?]

thank you merela! you're so awesome..

no, the one she got from TL kang is a small pink teddy bear..

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..,no i dont think

KBS can do that, think he'll find some other way to hide GYOON safely if GYOON's identity was to be revealed. KBS know HCH going to feel if ever GYOON tried to go out of the country, he would rather turn GYOON over to HCH than helping him or advising him to go out of the country to hide


ahh we think the same!! :lol:

i think KBS knows how CHC's father missing act worries affect her so much

i don't think KBS will allow Gyoon to do the same thing to HCH

he will probably ask him not to run off.. maybe they can find a solution together so something along that line..


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Guest kanshu
..,no i dont think

KBS can do that, think he'll find some other way to hide GYOON safely if GYOON's identity was to be revealed. KBS know HCH going to feel if ever GYOON tried to go out of the country, he would rather turn GYOON over to HCH than helping him or advising him to go out of the country to hide


True, true. I still think that one possible option is for KBS to draw attention to himself... So perhaps it's him who's "fleeing" and Gyoon trying to hoild him back?

-..,yeah i think so, KBS told TL Kang that HDG is not HCH father, because the HDG that he encounter was so flexible.

and TL Kang was doing the investigation,and since it has to do with HCH and GYOON father he must first investigate the people involved to HDG family, friends even enemies, and based on KBS description GYOON is the possible suspect so far and maybe some of his proof was proves that GYOON is HDG..

..,that could be possible right?


..,what do you think would happen if TL Kang knows that GYOON is HDG?

..,do you think he's going to tell HCH about GYOON being HDG?

..,does he has a guts to capture GYOON?

... TL Kang would feel very bad about it... then... I think he'd inform HCH, unless he is mislead into believing she'd hide Gyoon. But I don't think he'd let her be part of the arrest. As for capturing Gyoon, yes, he'd sack him. It might break his heart because he knows that HCH will hurt, but he does take his job serious.

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