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Guest coreana

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Guest safinsgirl

Finally, i got my copy of episode 13 - 24 of goong after 2 weeks of waiting. I'll definitely watch it this long vacation (its holy week here in the Phils).

Can't wait to watch it...i envy my friend who watched it already...she keeps on narrating it to me...so exciting! :P

hey im from the philippines too!!! wer did you bought your copy???


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Guest Devache

Waiting for youtube to come up again, then I can watch my Goong ep 10.

I was surfing through 200 pages of backlog to day..

currently at page 281

What does "S.A.V.E with the silent J" mean?

I seem to see a whole load of pple writing that down in their response, usually used negatively to describe Hyorin or Yul's mom.

It's a korean slang?

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Guest vondunker

need a cure for your goong blues?

head on over to the manhwa thread and get your dose of goong =)

i just finished translating a new chapter =p





chapter includes a lot of jealousy and tension from hyo rin, yul, chae gyung, shin and a mystery woman =o

p.s. comments, suggestions, rants and raves must be directed to the manhwa thread if you don't want to be reprimanded by the mods <3

well. thats so nice of you. will read them when free.

oh and wanna thanks anyone who subbed Goong cuz without them, i wouldnt be able to understand the whole show. Now im waiting for the ep 20 - 24 subs to come out. Work hard subbers.


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hi! :D

ok...nothing new..:D im so crazy with goong right now :lol: ..i dunno how many times i've watched the Happy Time NGs especially the couch scene and the street kiss! :wub:

anyway..i know many of you have noticed or have speculations that the street kiss might have been shot more than once. i just don't know if it's with the same street or crowd though. aside from the the position of CG's hand (underneath Shin's jacket vs over it)...these are some of my observations..*lol* i kinda did some investigation too! ^_^

1. In Ep.23, a second or two before they made their stop, the ajumma in red spotted them. and when Shin and CG faced each other, the ajumma moved to have a better look at them. the crowd behind shin are girls/women. (2nd pic)


while in Happy Day NG clip..no ajumma in red. the crowd behind shin are boys/men


2. when shin took off his bonnet...the crowd in Ep23 and NGclip seem to be different. in ep23, from the angle of the camera, we can still see Shin's whole body coz it's not too crowded. unlike in NGclip, which is more crowded. and the peeps around them...they're not the same people! *lol*


3. and when they kissed, the girl who moved closer (CG's side-ep23 clip) cant be found anywhere near them during the duration of their kiss in the NGclip. same as those people whose taking pictures in ep23 clip, they're not present in the NG clip :D


i don't know..maybe im wrong..but the crowd is really different! :lol: and im sooo giddy right now thinking they've actually kissed more than once, that looong! *squeeeee*

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Guest zaizai_f4_only

guys hope i am not spamming but where can i find hard sub eps of goong

u can find them from D-Addicts :) i think..ahhaahaha not sure

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Guest jeansile

Ohhh well, just a newbie here...! I just watched upto 19 episodes of Goong and it's just really really addictive...

And Gosh...I'm just so in love with Yul now...! I tried to read your posts in the former pages of this thread and after finding out that those who have read the manhwa first thought that Yul is evil, that really hurts for me, and now I don't want to read the manhwa anymore, for this feeling I have for Yul, it's just so good in the heart and I don't wAnt to spoil it...well, you know, I'm just really so in love with Yul, not just the cute, lovable, sexy, hot actor Kim Junghoon, but the character Yul as well...I'm just really really in love with him...GOSH!!! I think I'm too blind to see that he had turned quite bad later on in the series...but I have to admit I was kinda disappointed on parts in which he tells CG bad things about shin...but I just love how he cared a lot for CG and and not wanting her to get hurt, as well as everytime he claims that when CG is hurt, he's hurt too. For me he is just so sweet...GOSH and I'm crazy over him...

Forgive me please...oh darn it...!!!

Am I the only loyal Yul Camper left in this thread?

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i just discovered some pics in my other camera :sweatingbullets: which i'd completely forgotten abt it when i couldn't connect to the CF card when i got back... most of the pics are blurry but sharing them nonetheless...

do not hotlink to my images











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guys hope i am not spamming but where can i find hard sub eps of goong

Frm the 1st post on this thread ,

ENGLISH Hardsubbed Episodes:

Capricious's site

Under Goodies section ~

Credits to xx|outsider|xx


Silent Regret's KDrama section ,

scroll all the way down for Goong hardsubbed eps uploaded onto MegaUpload and SendSpace ~

Thx to maroon_cat for sharing tis info @ the Drama Links For Download Pinned thread ~

All credits go to the subbers & hardsubbers of cus ~~ :D

All eps are currently hardsubbed up till the latest subs being released ~

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Guest hajjah

thanx rebby for shared all those pictures.....GOONG still in my mind and i non stop watching everyday until season 2 come up , and hopefully this thread still alive and thanx goongers for make my day meaningfull...

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Guest kirakira<3

this is the first time that i will be posting in this thread despite me always reading posts around here :P lol.

so here it goes, where are all you guys getting ngs?? lol. i went back from the most recent for about ten pages and i still have no idea where you guys found it *tear* and you guys are all talking about the couch scene over and over again but i have no idea where you guys got it! lol. its torture! *tear*

so if anyone will tell me a link i will be extremely grateful.

also, my favorite scene is when they were throwing rocks at each other, which was really cute, and i also thougth taht the part where shin took cg off to the woods and talked about the divorce was rather nice too, but it seemed funny to me probably because of the subtitles.

which was translated into something like this, 'you non-biological cell animal' or something like that. lol.

and shin was all going roundabout too and i thought that was sweet cuz he went like

'i can't live without' than later on he went 'than again i did live without you for seventeen years' lol. i liked how he was so uncomfortable with saying how he feels. lol.

but maybe this is just me. and for those of you who are confused by my weird post, i just had a lot of sugar and now i'm super hyper :P lol.

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Guest lekhatuazon

I like the 2,500 years analogy that Shin told CG too because CG later used that to tell Yul that she will forever be in love with Shin no matter when they will meet again or where they are. The rock scene showed after is a cute moment between them too :D

I like this scenes also. It made that even how many cycles of lifes, they will love and belove each other. It's very touch me.

And when CG told to Yul. It means that even how Yul tried to catch CG, she will not love him.

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This is the latest working link for the NG

Re-upping the latest must-see Happy Time NG, in case needed:


Credit to Lapampam & Ailin

There are also other links scattered in the last 10-15 pages.

And for those who are interested in watching the NG with english subtitle specifically on the couch scene (translation by sunyuh), here's the srt files.


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hey guys! sorry for bothering you. do you know where i can download the BTS where ji hoon and eun hye were both crying after a really emotional scene? i read the translation somewhere here but i realized that i haven't seen the scene itself. i don't think i have the energy to look through the different pages again... thank you for your help! :)

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hi! :D

ok...nothing new..:D im so crazy with goong right now :lol: ..i dunno how many times i've watched the Happy Time NGs especially the couch scene and the street kiss! :wub:

anyway..i know many of you have noticed or have speculations that the street kiss might have been shot more than once. i just don't know if it's with the same street or crowd though. aside from the the position of CG's hand (underneath Shin's jacket vs over it)...these are some of my observations..*lol* i kinda did some investigation too! ^_^

_shin_, this is exactly what i've been investigating with some of us Goongers here. What we have concluded are:

1. The street kiss scene (BTS & ep 23) are shot at different locations (this is rierie bitterkoekjes' observation). On the BTS, the street was narrower, while on ep 23, the street was much wider. Not to mention, the different people on the background.

2. It was shot multiple times, which explains YEH's hands which were outside and inside his jacket on different pics and vids.

3. Some of the crowds, are actually extras hired by the PDs(this is my&Pikachu's observation) or part of Goong staff. Why? One of the guy who was standing behind CG on ep 23 street kiss was also riding the same bus that CG&Shin were on, during the date. Also, the unnie in pink jacket (also behind CG during the kiss on ep 23) ALWAYS had the same movement (walked from the right side of the screen towards CG) EVEN THOUGH the clip showing obviously different shots of the kiss (one with YEH's hands outside JJH's jacket, and the other with her hands inside). The reason why they use these extras is possibly to "fence" JJH&YEH during that shot, so they'll be protected from crazy fans who could've jumped in and done what crazy fans do.. kekekkeke..

4. JJH's assistant doing his "crowd-control" action in the midst of shooting (liquidfir's observation). Can we say that it was his shot of 5-seconds of fame? kekekekeke.. Poor assistant want to appear on the screen too!!

So yeah, that's the report from the headquarter of Fruities Bureau of Goong Investigation :D


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hey guys! sorry for bothering you. do you know where i can download the BTS where ji hoon and eun hye were both crying after a really emotional scene? i read the translation somewhere here but i realized that i haven't seen the scene itself. i don't think i have the energy to look through the different pages again... thank you for your help! :)

they were crying IN an emotional scene.. and not after.

JJh just could not stop crying when the director said cut. he was very into the character.

-> it is found in the SBS Star interview of YEH.

i think u can get it off cred's clubbox

and mango dear. u slay me with that

"So yeah, that's the report from the headquarter of Fruities Bureau of Goong Investigation"

lOlx.. i am the watermelon.

i notice JJH's assistant was in there too lOlx

This is watermelon reporting live Fruities Bureau of Goong Investigation

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