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Guest coreana

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Guest andie

I heard this first from panda (liquidfir) this morning and promptly fainted, screamed my heart out, and jst fangirled like crazy. That's a really sweet thing to do, whether or not they're dating or just friends... What a sweet guy. XD

JJH is such a thoughtful guy! :blush: For him to do that, wow! Its true whether they're dating or just really good friends, I'm happy knowing that they gotten much closer during the last month of Goong and that they were "together" in Bali on the same flights and all... I wish that fate would just keep on pushing the two of them together who knows right?! ;)

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Guest FoxxiDork85

I don't care what they say, or what everybody else says. I so know they are going out. Why go through all that trouble when you're just friends. There are too many coincidences. Their relationship kind of reminds me of the start of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's. All this snooping and hiding around. Come one... ^,^ now...

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Guest chigurl

dat was so sweet of him to do dat...

kinda confirms it for me dat something is really goin on between them....

speaking of da bali trip.. found this... :blush:


--credit imbc--

found these pics and i was wonderin does anyone remember these..

i mean i knw for sure dat it wasnt in da episodes...



--credit imbc--

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Guest Pikachu

Lolx. i am going to buy some korean elle magazines. lOlx

and i think JJh is such a gentleman? Using himself to protect yeh? awhhhh

:D Make sure to scan if YEH is ever there. XDDD!!!

I really do think they are going out because usually guys that are on the verge of becoming a superstar like JJH would have not gone through all that trouble for someone unless they are serious about them.

I think guys wouldn't do that type of stuff in general unless they seriously care about the girl. So in some way, JJH cares for YEH on such a high level that he looks out for her welfare.

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:D Make sure to scan if YEH is ever there. XDDD!!!

I think guys wouldn't do that type of stuff in general unless they seriously care about the girl. So in some way, JJH cares for YEH on such a high level that he looks out for her welfare.

Watch out for the Baeksang awards since both of them are nominated. And you are right, guys in general dont really do that unless they are of the following:

1. seriously care for the girl like you said

2. in a very long term relationship

I opt for the first option. Im actually surprised these korean fans were that quick to notice that. in that sbs interview of her with all the ng clips and such, one of her coordinators said that she is generally very sick and i can just imagine her now with all that is going on how hard it must be for her. And that she cries alot because she is sick. i think that since she has been in the business for so long, she never had a serious bf and it looks like now that she is mature, she is heading into her, perhaps, first real serious relationship.

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Guest Saki>^.^<

dat was so sweet of him to do dat...

kinda confirms it for me dat something is really goin on between them....

speaking of da bali trip.. found this... :blush:


--credit imbc--

found these pics and i was wonderin does anyone remember these..

i mean i knw for sure dat it wasnt in da episodes...



--credit imbc--

PUAHAHAHAHHAHAH... Oh man... that is one funny pic! Hahaha... pukku pukku XD Thanx so much for sharing!

And to answer your question, yes those pics on the bottom of your post are not from an eppie. Those pics were taken from a press confrence. I think the press conference was held before goong started? Or really early in the series. Hope that clears up some confusion ^_^

Kekekek... I haven't posted in a while... the new soompi rules scare me :ph34r: How are all my goong lovelies doing?

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Guest mcmug

btw...could anyone post vids and pictures of JJH & YEH running away after their long street scene kiss...thanks a lot

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Guest Pikachu



--credit imbc--

I remember... back before first episode was aired, someone said that when their mother saw those press con pics of JJH and YEH, she thought that they were actaully a real royal couple IRL. XDD

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Watch out for the Baeksang awards since both of them are nominated. And you are right, guys in general dont really do that unless they are of the following:

1. seriously care for the girl like you said

2. in a very long term relationship

I opt for the first option. Im actually surprised these korean fans were that quick to notice that. in that sbs interview of her with all the ng clips and such, one of her coordinators said that she is generally very sick and i can just imagine her now with all that is going on how hard it must be for her. And that she cries alot because she is sick. i think that since she has been in the business for so long, she never had a serious bf and it looks like now that she is mature, she is heading into her, perhaps, first real serious relationship.

are u serious!!!

why is she gernerally sick and she cries because she is sick?

HUH~~ dun understand this?

ehem.. yeah YEH its time for a serious relationship.

pick someone tall, dark, and name JJH.

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It was sweet of JJH to do that for YEH *cough cough*. And I hope if any fans did get any pix of YEH at the airport they don't post them because JJH did ask them not to. Such a sweet guy and such a great girl should just get together already.

To keep this post from being just a SPAM. I wanted to say again how grateful I am to the With <3 subbing team who take time out of their busy lives to provide us non-korean speaking fans w/ subs.

Remember everyone, please do not ask for subs or when subs are even going to be out. Just go to d-addicts or the subbing thread for that info.

Also by far ep 23 was my fav fav ep throughout the whole ep. There have obviously been scenes in other eps that I have loved such as the scene at the beginning of ep 16 etc. But our sweet couple finally admitting to their feelings and actually voicing them to ONE ANOTHER followed by that hot, sizzling kiss sealed ep 23 as my fav. Loved the date at the end of ep 23 also as well as the public kissing. LOL Hopefully more ngs will come out for ep 23 also. Loved the ngs for YEH lying on top of JJH so much, rewatched it like so any times.

~ Anyways this fruit has spoken too long :P. Kiwi out ~

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Guest babygurldoc


That pix of them in bed...caught my attention...definitel wasnt in the series...could it be that's how she got pregnant?...

He is such a sweet and thoughtful guy.

I noe none of my guy friends would do except maybe my boyfriend.

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Guest echoRy

:excl: WB SAKI! missed ur posts :excl:



this is one of the manhwa pics i wish they would have recreated :D YEH would have looked amazing!


:excl: long live FBGI! :excl:

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Guest bluenitesky

Wow Yeh is sick i didn't noe dat, is it a cold are sumthing, JJH is so sweet, can't help but falling in love w/ him ^^ . Hopefully they will announce soon that they are going out, dat would be the greatest news ever

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I remember... back before first episode was aired, someone said that when their mother saw those press con pics of JJH and YEH, she thought that they were actaully a real royal couple IRL. XDD

LOLX! u slay me pika.

well they are really very royal to us anywayz.

and i hope jJH and yeh quickly release news of what they are gonna do for the next 4 months until the filming of goong.

and i also wanna hear some confirmation that they all will continue in goong2

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are u serious!!!

why is she gernerally sick and she cries because she is sick?

HUH~~ dun understand this?

ehem.. yeah YEH its time for a serious relationship.

pick someone tall, dark, and name JJH.

Like i said above, her coordinator said that she is very kind but i think taht she meant that her body is worn down. she does things that she doesnt want to but does it anyway. And because she is so worn down, she cries because of that.

She sure does have alot of patience to deal with that because when im like that, i throw the biggest fit and wont do anything at all.

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Guest miserable

i hope YEH feels better and i'm really looking forward to seeing them in the award thing (dont know what it's called). i'll be watching out for them for sure ;)

Man that is so sweet of JJH. If they're going out or not doesnt really matter right now. for him to do that is just good enough to show that he is a gentleman. that's awesome!! i was suspecting something like this when JJH's airport picture came out. but i thought YEH sneaked out in a back exit or something.

in my opinion, i dont really want them to announce their relationship in public, if they really are a couple. why? well because doesnt it seem like most of the couples that announce their relationship in public are usually the ones who ends up breaking up?? since the media's eye is on them all the time. and especially since they're getting famous then rumours will start arousing and things like that will happen. so whether they're going out, im glad that they're keeping it on the down low. maybe later on when they're really "settled" in their relationship then they can announce it.

and anyways, dont you guys love the suspense of trying to figure out if they really are going out or not? i mean if they just come right out, what's the fun in that? and our investigation team won't have any work to do!!

:D till next time!

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Guest safinsgirl

finally i got in!!! hopefully soompi will be back to normal. they have different rules now but its for the better and its all for the site to remain so we could talk about goong more... and a lot of shin and cg i might add.

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Guest Pikachu

I know we have seen a couple of these pictures seperately but I dont think it's been put together before.


*Reporting from FBGI!*

WHOA. I didn't know there were 4 different pics of this shot. I just know the one they showed in one of the commercial inserts. wow. XDDD CG beat JJH in uhh.. fencing. sort of. :3

and nice icon jul. XDDDDDDDDD

Agent Peach reporting! (tho I've been posting since half an hour ago lol)

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