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Guest coreana

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Guest cheli001

wooow, the one who saw same cellphone and accessories is really good! paying attention to every little detail...

i've been watching goong 1.5 over and over again... i love how jjh looks/stare at yeh... it's like on his mind he's saying... gosh, she's so beautiful. hehehe :blush:

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Guest zaizai_f4_only

OMO O_0 this is the first time i saw goong thread in the second page OMG....

yeah i miss goong soo much too :( today is wed :CRY: NooOOOoo Goong 2 day!!! huikzzz....

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Guest zaizai_f4_only

hhahahhaha i luv Goong 1.5 soo funny eps the NG part...eps the Yul part when he is singing..eheheh

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does anyone here noe wat happend to yul in goong 1.5 i didnt c him :(

Kim JH was admitted to hospital on that day. he wasnt feeling well.

and pls. do not spam the thread with 3 different posts.

place everything u want to say in the same post.

and PLEASE for heaven'sake CUT DOWN ON THE ONE LINERS.

*fans myself*

compile all ur questions in one whole chunk or back log before asking questions with 10 words. thx

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Guest jeansile

Uhhhmmm, excuse me...I've heard so many times about that Goong 1.5 but I really don't have an idea about it...may I ask what that is all about?

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Guest bluenitesky

Well it's a Show , like all the cast from that movies come and they talk about everything that happen and yeah, you should watch it , it's totally hilarious, but i wish there was sub, it'll b more funny

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Guest milkyway_sushi


those shoes are really cute btw.

jeansile: the Goong 1.5 is just an "extra episode"

where they go through the NGs with the actors present.

you should watch it. it's really good. haha

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Guest jeansile

OMG, I'm so excited. I've finally had my "Goong shoes".

And I did it myself. Just wanna share my joy with Goongers :w00t::w00t:


Hahaha....these shoes are so cute...you're very creative...i Hope I could have shoes like that too...

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Guest wagws

Hahaha....these shoes are so cute...you're very creative...i Hope I could have shoes like that too...

Actually I'm not that creative :D:D . I just coppied CG's shoes :phew::phew:

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JJH's sexy back in Bali:


Closer look:

[ B9DFB8AE28BCF6C1A429.jpg

Credit: dcinside

can you post a direct link to where you got the pics from and where in the world are YEH pics too? im surprised they didnt attack her at the airport or something?

Are those pics from part of his photoshoot or his down time?

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Guest hsinyi069

can you post a direct link to where you got the pics from and where in the world are YEH pics too? im surprised they didnt attack her at the airport or something?

Are those pics from part of his photoshoot or his down time?

>>>>>>JH and EH arrived at the airport together.


>>>>>>EH's condition was too bad to meet her fans.


>>>>>>So JH came out earlier than her, and walked around the outside of airport with fans.


>>>>>>After EH left the airport, JH came back to airport with fans...


>>>>>>The only reason we have no photoes on her is JH's thoghtful consideration...l


>>>>>>p.s. I'm sorry about my poor english...I wish you understand....--



>>>>>>credit to http://dcgung.u.to/

One of the CHN fan left a msg to Korean fans if YEH went back to Krrea or not.. and the above was the msg one Korean fan replied...

Okiedokie.. not we know that they DID come back together....

and that's why the fans got the chance to take many pics of JJH....


(I also post this msg in YEH's thread...)

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>>>>>>JH and EH arrived at the airport together.


>>>>>>EH's condition was too bad to meet her fans.


>>>>>>So JH came out earlier than her, and walked around the outside of airport with fans.


>>>>>>After EH left the airport, JH came back to airport with fans...


>>>>>>The only reason we have no photoes on her is JH's thoghtful consideration...l


>>>>>>p.s. I'm sorry about my poor english...I wish you understand....--



>>>>>>credit to http://dcgung.u.to/

One of the CHN fan left a msg to Korean fans if YEH went back to Krrea or not.. and the above was the msg one Korean fan replied...

Okiedokie.. not we know that they DID come back together....

and that's why the fans got the chance to take many pics of JJH....


(I also post this msg in YEH's thread...)

So let get me this straight, pretty much he came out earlier than her so that he can deflect attention away from YEH and let her get away without any press coverage. That is awesome! im impressed.

And i do feel bad for her being sick. I think im looking forward to the Baeksang awards tomorrow. They are both nominated.

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Guest V A L XD

from daddicts:

Episode 20: Translation: 80% Done

Episode 21: Translation: 60% Done

Episode 22: Translation: 80% Done/Timing:50%

Episode 23: Translation: 50% Done

Episode 24: Translation: 80% Done

thank u With <3 subbing team sooo much for all the hard work,

the time, the diligence, the dedication! endless thank u's!!!

Thanks A! So that means the rest of the subs will be released at the same time! I WILL try to be as patient as I can...=T Haha, it's funny how some are being subbed faster than some.

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Guest Pikachu

>>>>>>JH and EH arrived at the airport together.


>>>>>>EH's condition was too bad to meet her fans.


>>>>>>So JH came out earlier than her, and walked around the outside of airport with fans.


>>>>>>After EH left the airport, JH came back to airport with fans...


>>>>>>The only reason we have no photoes on her is JH's thoghtful consideration...l


>>>>>>p.s. I'm sorry about my poor english...I wish you understand....--



>>>>>>credit to http://dcgung.u.to/

I heard this first from panda (liquidfir) this morning and promptly fainted, screamed my heart out, and jst fangirled like crazy. That's a really sweet thing to do, whether or not they're dating or just friends... What a sweet guy. XD

I hope to see the result of YEH's photoshoot in Bali though.. (if that was the real reason she was tehre *cough*)

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I heard this first from panda (liquidfir) this morning and promptly fainted, screamed my heart out, and jst fangirled like crazy. That's a really sweet thing to do, whether or not they're dating or just friends... What a sweet guy. XD

I hope to see the result of YEH's photoshoot in Bali though.. (if that was the real reason she was tehre *cough*)

we need to exchange real email addresses when this sort of news come out. he is really sweet and in a way im glad that there are no pics of them together that has shown up yet while they were in Bali. They definitely do need the privacy to nourish what they have so far.

I really do think they are going out because usually guys that are on the verge of becoming a superstar like JJH would have not gone through all that trouble for someone unless they are serious about them.

Judging from YEH in interviews and shows, you can tell she is very honest to the point of being blunt. She doesnt hide behind stupid round about answers but comes straight out. Of course she would be a little bit more careful now that she is becoming very famous.

Just like how it was mentioned that both of them were not close in the beginning alot of people would have said that they got along the first time they met instead of stating that there really wasnt much between the two except for a professional relationship.

he really is a gentleman. B)

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Thanks A! So that means the rest of the subs will be released at the same time! I WILL try to be as patient as I can...=T Haha, it's funny how some are being subbed faster than some.

Hmm there is no other way except to be patient my dear.

some are translated faster than others because different subbers are subbin it my dear.

try to to ask for the subs. they will be out eventually

I heard this first from panda (liquidfir) this morning and promptly fainted, screamed my heart out, and jst fangirled like crazy. That's a really sweet thing to do, whether or not they're dating or just friends... What a sweet guy. XD

I hope to see the result of YEH's photoshoot in Bali though.. (if that was the real reason she was tehre *cough*)

Lolx. i am going to buy some korean elle magazines. lOlx

and i think JJh is such a gentleman? Using himself to protect yeh? awhhhh

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