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Guest coreana

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:tears: helooo i'm a new addicted-goong ...

can someone kindly reupload this clips pleassse .. :rolleyes: *begging*

coz all the sendspace link already expired ..

many-many thanksss ...

hello welcome to the goongers club but we are not allowed to request for things.



sowhat : OMG. that scenario is SO damm funnie!

i kinda agree with you, even though i really want him to come back but IF it happens that he make the decision of not coming back in the fture for season2, i kinda hope they find a GD replacement and the show will be 100X more successful than wad it is now. i mean that is like a SLAP.

I hope all this statements are made by his management company and not him.

coz if itz him, he is travelin down my list at the speed of light.

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Guest mizzlinhie

I hope JJH will soon at least confirm to us whether if he is goin to participates in goong 2. YEH alreadi confirmed that she will be in Goong 2, so JJH please come back for us and your wifey heheh xD Goong 2 cannot start without our royal couple . I hope that JJH won't dissappoint us . :(

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Please come back for Season 2 JJH!!! It wont be Goong without him!!!! Oh yeah...i just ended ep 24. Than episode made me cry alot esp when CG cried in front of the Queen Mother, it proves how much she loves Shin and all of them and how the Empress finally considered her as her daughter-in-law...

and yeah the last few scenes I was guessing where CG was I thought it was Venice at first..then it looked familiar..its Macau right?

I love the way CG surprise Shin that she agreed to marry him and the ending..she must be pregnant coz the teddy bears? She was holding a small one!!! I hope!!!! :P :blush: and yeah Yul did save them..his really a kind prince.. :P

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Guest hsinyi069

hello welcome to the goongers club but we are not allowed to request for things.



sowhat : OMG. that scenario is SO damm funnie!

i kinda agree with you, even though i really want him to come back but IF it happens that he make the decision of not coming back in the fture for season2, i kinda hope they find a GD replacement and the show will be 100X more successful than wad it is now. i mean that is like a SLAP.

I hope all this statements are made by his management company and not him.

coz if itz him, he is travelin down my list at the speed of light.

Can't Agree More!

IF JJH decided not coming back for season 2, I would like to see a GOOD replacement.

However, with the success of Season 1 and JJH playing Lee Shin, I wonder who would dare to take the role... sigh....

Oh well, everything is unsure now... let's wait and see how things turn out.. :D

our prince is now crying cause he knows he is WRONG WRONG WRONG!!


credit to baidu

Great Wallpaper.. tho it's PSed


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Guest mayetlovesjisung

I hope JJH will soon at least confirm to us whether if he is goin to participates in goong 2. YEH alreadi confirmed that she will be in Goong 2, so JJH please come back for us and your wifey heheh xD Goong 2 cannot start without our royal couple . I hope that JJH won't dissappoint us . :(

Here's another wish, I hope JJH will release a statement soon if he's returning or not. I would totally be heartbroken if he won't return but at least I'd know right away. It's better than waiting in vain. And I'd have more time to heal my broken heart too. I mean I can start soon! Hehe.


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Guest safinsgirl

well i guess so many news have come up these past few days...hmmmm JJH not confirming well i guess we'll just have to wait and see. I think in a safer way he is thinking for his future career but I guess returning for season 2 is not a bad idea and most of the famous actors of today became famous to something they did in the past...hell that's why they are famous today right??? and as for JJH Goong is the main reason why he is so in right now...

well if he doesnt come back which im praying that he will oh pls pls...

why dont they use Jo In sung cause I've heard that he is one of the first actors who was chosen to play this role hehehe I think he can pull of the conceited but charming prince like he did in Memories of Bali though he is not a prince there. plus he is a cute actor too... that's just my opinion

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Guest mizzlinhie

Here's another wish, I hope JJH will release a statement soon if he's returning or not. I would totally be heartbroken if he won't return but at least I'd know right away. It's better than waiting in vain. And I'd have more time to heal my broken heart too. I mean I can start soon! Hehe.


Yeah i know, JJH should just confirm it. I felt like my hope was ripped apart when i read the news about JJH stated that YEH is not his type of girl :o Well no matter what I would still hope to see Shin & Chaegyung together again in the Season 2 . JJH please don't tears our hopes apart again . :tears: We, goong campers, must be patient and wait for his confirmation :rolleyes: Aja aja fighting guys!! WAtch Goong again to bright up the mood okay... :blush:

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Guest ruthie08

omo! *punch the chest* im reading the thread...while eating my favorite adobo when i saw this...HORRIFYING, RIDICULOUS, SHOCKING..whatelse HEART ATTACKING...news!!!

common people! if JJH will not be in GOONG 2 then thats the end of GOONG! i mean, what will they do if one the main character will not be there...ahhh kill him (SHIN's CHARACTER) ?! if that will happen then they should just stop with the season 1...that is soo PATHETIC! *kneels down...JH comeback! comeback! comeback! whistle comeback!* eheheheh i just watched titanic awhile ago.....

yeah! we all understand that "damage control thing" how will their future roles will be affected or associated with their roles in GOONG... well, u cannot be consider as a good actor/actress if you'll be stuck up with ur previous roles...must be versatile...this what JJH maybe thinking. wow! JJH has been thinking a lot of things lately...wonder what he'll say next??? hmmmmmm

abt YEH not JJh's type...ehehhehe who wud believe that! even if they are continuing denying their relationship...in the end the public will still be the one who'll decide if they will believe if or not...just a thought "action speaks louder than words" . and who sees that action??? hello! *wave wave* its us! who are u fooling around??!! we're CSI (Cg..Shin INVESTIGATORS). ehehehheh Evidence speaks for themselves!!! NICE!!!! *this is the effect of watching CSI every single damn day, try it! it wudnt hurt u that much...*

im not worrying too much of JJH fot not confirming yet his participation in GOONG...he'll probably do it. or else! i'll hunt him down and ...and...and....and... force him to marry me! then, that would be scary! ahahahah

aigoo!!! i think i'll be having an indigestion...tsk! tsk! yahhh...worrying and thinking too much is bad for ur digestion (JJH beware) ....hmmm i love banana cake! *wink wink*


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Guest safinsgirl

well so many news came up these past few days...hmmmmm JJH not confirming for season 2 i guess we'll just have to wait and see until he finally made up his mind. for me he is very much thingking for his future career and I guess confirming for season would not do any harm and infact it will do him great!!! many of the actors of today became famous for a movie or a series they did in the past. they all have their trademark movie that will remember them forever. hell that's why they are famous now right???

well if he doesnt come back which I do hope that he will come back oh pls pls... i think Jo In sung can play the part, i've heard that he is one of actors who got chosen to play the prince and he can pull of the conceited but charming prince plus he is cute as hell... that's just my opinion

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I hope all this bout JJH&YEH "Not my type" things...NOT TRUE...en it's just a covered...bside...from ma experience...saying sumone as not ur type...en dun want to b with that sumone...U'll end up with that sumone u said "not my type"...(i've been there done that...hehehe)

All i want is to c JJH&YEH back for Goong 2!!!!! THAT'S ALL!!! GIVE ME BACK MY SWEET DREAM BOUT SHIN&CG...more to JJH&YEH actually...hahaha

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omo! *punch the chest* im reading the thread...while eating my favorite adobo when i saw this...HORRIFYING, RIDICULOUS, SHOCKING..whatelse HEART ATTACKING...news!!!

common people! if JJH will not be in GOONG 2 then thats the end of GOONG! i mean, what will they do if one the main character will not be there...ahhh kill him?! if that will happen then they should just stop with the season 1...that is soo PATHETIC! *kneels down...JH comeback! comeback! comeback! whistle comeback!*

LOLS. That's what I thought when I read that he didn't confirm it yet. What are they going to do with the main? -___-; We're all used to JJH as Shin so changing actors would be so awkward. LMAO, but I hope they wont kill Shin in GOONG 2, god forbid, JJH decides NOT to do it. [if] JJH should be in GOONG 2 or else I'll kill him myself! T__T;

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Guest gloryjc

Hello Goongers,

We should just forget about JJH. He think he is hot stuff and he is acting arrogant.

Talking about a GD replacement, what about Lee Ji Hoon. The guy is tall and charming too when he smile.... remembered him in Wonderful Life. There is some resemblance to JJH.

Just a funny thought... since you guys mentioned about a GD replacement....

Agreed with Liquidfir...a GD replcement that will make Goong 2 100 x better than Goong 1...


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Guest sowhat

common people! if JJH will not be in GOONG 2 then thats the end of GOONG! i mean, what will they do if one the main character will not be there...ahhh kill him?! if that will happen then they should just stop with the season 1...that is soo PATHETIC! *kneels down...JH comeback! comeback! comeback! whistle comeback!* eheheheh i just watched titanic awhile ago.....

Ah...I think killing him is way way too harsh, after all I believe that we, as goongers, have totally completely falling in love with prince Shin. Remember those mushy, dopey acts that he did for the crown princess. Face transplant is much better, at least we still have the same person, with the same attitude and personality, just a different face, right? :D Don't kill off prince Shin, just kill JJH, seriously. What's with the "not my type" comment. JJH is at the bottom of my list right, I almost kick him out but I think I will give him another chance to ammend my and other goongers hearts. He better acts soon though :fury:

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Guest joeknee

im seriously DISAPPOINTED/SADDENED/SHOCKED/PISSED with JJH. all these rumors are breaking my heart, slowly and torturously. us GOONGERS have become so attached and in love with this drama and we've been so committed and borderline obsessive (but in a good way :P) that i dont believe JJH would do something so heartless as say those things. we're dedicated fans and HOPEFULLY he's not the kind of guy who would disappoint us this way. i mean, really, if you think about it, WE'RE the reason he's as successful as he is. am i right? so maybe i shouldnt be mad at him, but rather his management company. it HAS to be them behind all these rumors b/c I WOULD DIE if it was JJH and my death will be in his hands. GRRR!!!!

he HAS to come back for GOONG 2. is he doesn't, i don't see how it can be a success. you all agree with me that GOONG 1 was as successful as it was b/c of our connection and love for CG and SHIN right? i mean, there is no GOONG without our royal couple? please tell me im not just rambling nonsense.

JJH! do whats right and CONFIRM!!! SOON!! and then fix what you said about YEH cuz that wouldve hurt me if i was her.

JJH I BELIEVE IN YOU! I KNOW YOU'RE A GOOD GUY!!! just make these corrections and all will be well!

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Guest suzukey

Hello there all Goongers

I guess all of us still couldn't relax untill JJH confirming his participation in Goong 2.

Am i right?

My mom told me that i am sooooooo addicted to this series.

She's even complaining about me playing the same goong songs.

I am not addicted to Goong but I am already Goonged like all you guys.

Yeah I am having a very hard time to stop myself from keep watching all these goong stuffs.

GOONG virus has attacked my computer now!

Can't wait untill JJH give us the answer.

Let's pray for the positive one.

Aja aja fighting Binggung Mama and Jeonha!!

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Guest mcmug

RELAX EVERYONE....no official statement has been released by JJH yet

eveything is juz hearsay and news report of him pops up everwhere becoz the reporters finally has someone to exaggerate on when JJH is back from bali...(its like HK reporters saying HK singer Sammi Cheng (hope you know who she is)has cancer when they see her weak and thin last year)...believe in yourself and have faith in JJH...he's not stupid to break away from what makes him famous.

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RELAX EVERYONE....no official statement has been released by JJH yet

eveything is juz hearsay and news report of him pops up everwhere becoz the reporters finally has someone to exaggerate on when JJH is back from bali...(its like HK reporters saying HK singer Sammi Cheng (hope you know who she is)has cancer when they see her weak and thin last year)...believe in yourself and have faith in JJH...he's not stupid to break away from what makes him famous.

hmm hong kong press are different story.

hong kong press are like piranhas

korean press seldom blow up lousy news like this.

i think korean press shows more respect to their actors and actresses

but still it's a possiblity.

i wish he would clear this up on some live interview before it drives us all nutz

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