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Guest jhessy

Youtube link: Goong ~ Ep23 BTS



Megaupload link: Goong Ep23 BTS

Credit: ribong CB & beidayu @ kdocn bbs

I sure hope they added Bloopers/NGs of the kissing/intimate scenes more, I bet there was a lot!!!! :( If not on-line I sure hope they add it on the DVD release all of the NGs!!! wahhhhhh!!!





All credits to dcinside.com

OMG! :w00t: I love those scenes Dallase dear! You just made my night! puhahahhaa! GoongNyt everyone! :D

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Guest cheli001

wow! thanks for the translation!!!!

If i'm cg i would say YES immediately!!! hahaha he doesn't even need to ask. hell, i'll even grab the ring & wear it! hahahaha!!!! :lol:

why did JJH hook his hands behind YEH's backpack?

just for fun? as in just being really friendly and fooling

around or was there a purpose? :huh::rolleyes::P

Just like you guys, i think he just wants to be close to her. he is taking every chance to flirt with her! hahaha :lol:

watching the bts you can see how their relationship has developed. there's definitely major flirtation between them. :)


I sure hope they added Bloopers/NGs of the kissing/intimate scenes more, I bet there was a lot!!!! :( If not on-line I sure hope they add it on the DVD release all of the NGs!!! wahhhhhh!!!

yeah... i hoped they would include that in BTS of ep. 23 but they didn't. Too bad...

I'm kinda imagining for kissing scene ep 23 NG where the pd's are shouting CUT like soooo loud but JJH and YEH are so into kissing each other that they didn't stopped kissing for like 5 mins. hahaha geez, having pervie thoughts again.... m a baaad girl! tsk tsk tsk

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anyone nice enough to tell me the ending..i haven got a chance to watch cant wait.. so did they got divorce and remarried or what? did CG get kick out of the palace? did shin remains as the crown prince?

Shin n CG didn't divorce, but CG had to leave Korea for Macau as atonement for causing a public scandal by saying divorce in the TV interview. Shin later visited CG in Macau, he proposed to her (as a common man to the woman he loves) n they married again in a Catholic church. CG was not kicked out in the sense that she's still the Bingung mama, but she had to stay in Macau to 'reflect on her wrong-doings" for some time as a promise she made to the nation. It's not mentioned how long she has to stay there. I think Shin is still the crown prince, but the King n Queen had retired to the royal family's hometown, n Shin's sister is now the Queen of Korea.

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Guest linatan

Thanks for the repost! I'm sure YEH hated her CG character that time! Hahaha! She wanted to say YES immediately! lol.

btw, this is my favorite scene in epi 20-21 bts. I call this THE BREAD SCENE! Hahahaha! So cute! I really loved it when JJH was teasing her with the bread, feeding it to her and then pulling back his hand! Hahaha!


may...is the bread scene only in the NG??? cos I felt like nevr saw tat scene before... :(:(

manda...ty for repost the proposal :)

Dallase..thx for the pic...omg in the wedding pic, Shin looks very tall and very handsome..........i wish i was CG..hehehe :P

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I've notice that everyone had notice about shin's and YEH' watch. I must say that the first time I saw it, I was really curious too. :crazy:

Here's my new finding.

In the nearly last scene, when CG 'accepted' shin's proposal in the car and Shin touch her cheek, look at the watch he's wearing! IT'S BLUE!!! (you could also see this the first time he enter the car) Could it be really a set? (but could they really use property of the show after the show is finished? because we saw YEH wearing it in the party)

and possible blooper:

When shin climb up the stair to come to look for CG in his final day in macau, I am sure that his watch was white. Could someone check this out?

Sorry, I don't know how to make a capture, so I could not show the pictures. :blush:

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

it not BREAD.. lOlx..

they are eating some traiditonal korean cakes in bts for epi21/22. lOlx

not bread. LOlx

Oh! Sorry! It looks like bread. Whatever it is, I'll enjoy eating it with JJH! Hahahhaa! Thanks liquidfir! ;)

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

may...is the bread scene only in the NG??? cos I felt like nevr saw tat scene before... :(:(

Yup, that's it but that was taken behind the scene. Wasn't shown in the series. Cute! Hehehe! ;)

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Guest vignette

One more reason for choosing Ep. 24 as my best in the entire Season 1 of Goong is this scene:


Just notice CG leans on Shin while he says something (a poem maybe) just guessing since I do not understand korean. So sweet they can produce an ant colony :phew::P:D

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

One more reason for choosing Ep. 24 as my best in the entire Season 1 of Goong is this scene:


Just notice CG leans on Shin while he says something (a poem maybe) just guessing since I do not understand korean. So sweet they can produce an ant colony :phew::P:D

Vig: they can produce a baby with that position! Hahahaha! Naughty me! :D

Don't we all love epi 24?! *faints*

Work is almost done. Annyeonghi Kyeseyo!

Be back tomorrow! Take care Goongers!

Let's guard the palace well! Hahaha!

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Guest bm05om

I love love love this scene..they love each other soo0ooo much (I felt bad for yul though)

I'm thinking that if Yul still had second doubts about going through the presscon, this scene sealed the deal for him. From his side he had a clear view of Shin's pain and I'm sure just looking at them made him realize with finality that the two are meant to be.

yes..the reason why i love this scene so much,other than for the fact that it was so beautiful and touching and it showcased how much in love they are with each other,is because this was like a clear,closure for Yul.he saw it for himself how they are meant to be,and he would no longer have any doubts in his mind whether Shin would truly loved CG as he did.at least he was consoled that way..a sense of finality.

i cant believe goong is over =( i used to be a bit disappointed and upset that they were gonna make a season 2 for this drama.. but no more! =)

im so excited.

and concerning the whole YEH && JJH being a real life couple... keke. i dunno if its my wishful thinking or not.. but the kiss in epi. 23 was so full of passion that i cant help thinking that they're really enjoying it themselves, hahah. and just how YEH's hand touches JJHs face and goes through his hair so much... seems so natural.. like she wanted to do it .. not that the PDs wanted it.. hehehe.


yes..i was one of those who wasnt sure about Season 2,but now i couldnt be more excited!lolx..you are not the only one who feels that way :blush: it was so full of passion,and considering that it was the first on-screen kiss for the both of them(i believe so,correct me if i'm wrong),i was so impressed and so i couldn't help wondering and thinking that it must've looked that good maybe because of the "realness" :lol: of it?Mr PD seems like one of those directors who likes to go "act this scene and go with the flow..whatever feels right will look right"..so i'd like to believe that other than the fact that they had to be aware of the angles and lightings,they really gave it their all for the kiss,hence the "naturalness" of it.gosh..listen to me :rolleyes:

and how comfortable was JJH with YEH to kinda "tease" her with the rice cake? :P

keep those MVs and artworks and pics coming in peeps..a cure for the withdrawals..those..

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Guest hsinyi069

our crown price will be taking his trip to....??

will YEH be going with him??? :P

hee hee.. dun't know where he'll be going.. but maybe any of us could have a chance to bump into him... :D Maybe... ha ha


'궁' 황태자 주지훈, 5일 출국 '왜?'

박연미기자 change@joynews24.com

2006년 04월 03일


MBC 드라마 '궁'으로 단숨에 스타덤에 오른 황태자 주지훈이 오는 5일 출국할 예정이서 그 배경에 관심이 모아지고 있다.

주지훈은 6박 7일 내외의 일정으로 출국길에 올라 오는 10일 전후로 귀국할 예정이다.

이번 출국은 화보 촬영을 위한 예정된 일정이라는 의견이 힘을 얻고 있지만, 주지훈의 소속사 여백엔터테인먼트 측은 출국 관련 내용에 대해 민감한 반응을 보이며 일체 함구하고 있는 상황.

이에 따라 연예가에서는 주지훈이 단순히 휴식을 위해 동료와 외유길에 나서는 것이라는 '담백한' 시선부터 해외 합작 영화 출연 타진설, '대장금'의 뒤를 잇는 '궁' 한류 개척을 위한 사전작업 등 '일과 휴식'을 넘나드는 다양한 관측이 제기되고 있다.

한편 주지훈은 오는 4월 10일 경 귀국해 이 달 중 차기작을 결정하고 5월 중순 이후 활동을 재개할 계획이다.

the artical is basically saying that he will be flying overseas on the 5th for about 7d6n .. and everyone is guessing why...it mentioned maybe he will be taking rest, maybe he is seeking for overseas opportunity, maybe he is preparing for Goong Two... all kinds of possibilities.. people are just interested why...

it also mentions that he will decide his next project after returing.. however, he won't be taking any action till mid-may

(dun't they think that JJH needs to take a rest after all?? the title of this article is weird... '궁' 황태자 주지훈, 5일 출국 '왜?' "Goong" Princee JJH, 5 days aborad, "Why" :sweatingbullets:b'cos he needs to date YEH and he won't be able to unless they fly outside korea?? ha ha)

credit: news link / koreanwind

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our crown price will be taking his trip to....??

will YEH be going with him??? :P

hee hee.. dun't know where he'll be going.. but maybe any of us could have a chance to bump into him... :D Maybe... ha ha


'궁' 황태자 주지훈, 5일 출국 '왜?'

박연미기자 change@joynews24.com

2006년 04월 03일


MBC 드라마 '궁'으로 단숨에 스타덤에 오른 황태자 주지훈이 오는 5일 출국할 예정이서 그 배경에 관심이 모아지고 있다.

주지훈은 6박 7일 내외의 일정으로 출국길에 올라 오는 10일 전후로 귀국할 예정이다.

이번 출국은 화보 촬영을 위한 예정된 일정이라는 의견이 힘을 얻고 있지만, 주지훈의 소속사 여백엔터테인먼트 측은 출국 관련 내용에 대해 민감한 반응을 보이며 일체 함구하고 있는 상황.

이에 따라 연예가에서는 주지훈이 단순히 휴식을 위해 동료와 외유길에 나서는 것이라는 '담백한' 시선부터 해외 합작 영화 출연 타진설, '대장금'의 뒤를 잇는 '궁' 한류 개척을 위한 사전작업 등 '일과 휴식'을 넘나드는 다양한 관측이 제기되고 있다.

한편 주지훈은 오는 4월 10일 경 귀국해 이 달 중 차기작을 결정하고 5월 중순 이후 활동을 재개할 계획이다.

the artical is basically saying that he will be flying overseas on the 5th for about 7d6n .. and everyone is guessing why...it mentioned maybe he will be taking rest, maybe he is seeking for overseas opportunity, maybe he is preparing for Goong Two... all kinds of possibilities.. people are just interested why...

it also mentions that he will decide his next project after returing.. however, he won't be taking any action till mid-may

(dun't they think that JJH needs to take a rest after all?? the title of this article is weird... '궁' 황태자 주지훈, 5일 출국 '왜?' "Goong" Princee JJH, 5 days aborad, "Why" :sweatingbullets:b'cos he needs to date YEH and he won't be able to unless they fly outside korea?? ha ha)

credit: news link / koreanwind

AHHAHAHAHA!! yeah i juz saw that news article as well.

because in the SBS morning star interview..

YEH did mention that she wanan take a holis when goong ends.

so well they are speculating that YEh and JJh are meeting somewghere overseas. lOLx..

but well.. we never know.. fansgirls keeping the mood up lOlx



friendly reminder2 : PLS DO NOT PM ME for SPOT translation. i am subbing episodes now. i dun think i have the time to do that.. so dun think i am unfriendly if i ignore ur pms.

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Guest cheli001

AHHAHAHAHA!! yeah i juz saw that news article as well.

because in the SBS morning star interview..

YEH did mention that she wanan take a holis when goong ends.

so well they are speculating that YEh and JJh are meeting somewghere overseas. lOLx..

but well.. we never know.. fansgirls keeping the mood up lOlx


OMG!!!!!!! :w00t: I do hope they meet somewhere. If this is true, i wonder where they'll go.. hmmmm maybe they'll do their own gone with the wind (ep. 16) haha.


Just an addition, if they ever think of pulling a gone with the wind thingy... i hope they go to Punta Fuego (Phils) its an exclusive resort by the way this way they get to spend quiet and sweet moments together. *sigh* hahaha Or they could go to Maldives hehehe

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MBC Happy Time (01-15-06) Low Quality

with Behind the Scenes + Interviews + NGs with the cast of Goong/Palace

taken from: creidesca's CB


enjoy :phew:

:lol: Thanks for the eps 2 subs Subbers and Timers

Can anyone be so kind to reupload this please?????

I tried to download them form creidesca for a few day already but it doesn't download. :tears:

Sorry if i'm to much trouble. :blush:

I found the translation for this, that's why I want to see how they look when JJH said to YEH about her eating habit.

Ah...., I want to see more of JJH and YEH......

I found JJH kinna cute in the NG for ep 23, when dealing with the kids... Look fun. They seems great together. :D

Is there any NG for they kissing???? yes?????? :P

Thank you.......... :)


I got them now (the jan NG)...... thank you. Still looking for kissing NG.

Hopefully MBC will share them with us. :P

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Can anyone be so kind to reupload this please?????

I tried to download them form creidesca for a few day already but it doesn't download. :tears:


Is there any NG for they kissing???? yes?????? :P


hmm no ngs for kissing YET~ let's pray that mbc will release it.

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