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Guest coreana

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Guest sweet_treats1812

^ hahah well i'm not on the bed scene team but i did randomly realise something XD

I was watching the SBS Good Morning Special and then the closeup of ths street scene kiss when i realised something :x

In the BTS of the kiss scene in the EunHae special; eunhae's arms are over Jihoon's jacket BUT in the actuall episode - her arms are UNDERNEATH JiHoon's jacket...

does that mean they filmed it twice?

and even if they didn't; must have been a really long kiss if she had time to change the position of her arms...since they kissed for awhile with eunhae's hands over and under respectively...

OR maybe i'm just overthinking HAHAHAHA


yeah okay.

i'm a sad case.

i'm turning into one of those obsessive fans -.-;;


bwahaha! omg, i never noticed that! but maybe she switched hand positions coz they had to retake the scene or watever??? gak! i dont care!!! thinking about it is making me giddy~ :w00t:

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^ hahah well i'm not on the bed scene team but i did randomly realise something XD

I was watching the SBS Good Morning Special and then the closeup of ths street scene kiss when i realised something :x

In the BTS of the kiss scene in the EunHae special; eunhae's arms are over Jihoon's jacket BUT in the actuall episode - her arms are UNDERNEATH JiHoon's jacket...

does that mean they filmed it twice?

and even if they didn't; must have been a really long kiss if she had time to change the position of her arms...since they kissed for awhile with eunhae's hands over and under respectively...

OR maybe i'm just overthinking HAHAHAHA


yeah okay.

i'm a sad case.

i'm turning into one of those obsessive fans -.-;;


Love the way you think!! :lol:

I download a HQ clip of their street kiss... .It looks like they were talking before they kissed...

Looks like the conversation went like this : (Me making up what they are saying :lol: )

YEH: Look oppa... so many people are staring at us...

JJH: Yeah, I know...

YEH: This is so embarrassing

JJH smiled and kissed YEH... :wub::wub:

I'm guessing that the passersby thought that YEH & JJH are really having a date... :lol:

Passerby: OMO! OMO! it's YEH & JJH... They are holding hands... Are they on a date? I have to take a pic of this... :w00t:

(Again, me totally making up what they are saying :lol: )

I got the clips from this clubbox --> Run Gong

There are 2 versions of that street kiss... :lol:

me shutting up :ph34r: me plain goong crazy :lol:

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Guest jennxxness

goong news?

'궁' 황인뢰PD "채경가족-황실 처지바뀐다"

[스타뉴스 2006.03.31 08:31:36]

[머니투데이 스타뉴스 김수진 기자]

'채경의 가족이 황족이 되고 황실 가족이 평민이 된다?'

지난 30일 인기리에 종영된 MBC 미니시리즈 '궁'(극본 인은아)의 연출을 맡은 황인뢰 PD(사진)가 내년 방송될 것으로 알려진 '궁' 시즌2에 대해 밝혔다.

황인뢰 PD는 이날 마지막회 직후 방송된 '특집쇼 궁 1.5'에 영상 메시지를 보내 팬들의 궁금증을 불러 일으키고 있는 '궁' 시즌2의 특별한 설정을 언급했다. '궁' 시즌2는 2007년 2월 방송 예정으로 알려졌다.

황인뢰PD는 "시즌2에는 가능하면 시즌1 출연자가 한 사람도 빠짐없이 다 출연했으면 좋겠다"며 "제작사와 설왕설래하는 중인데 아직까지 확정된 바는 없다. 게시판에 올라온 가상의 내용중에 채경(윤은혜 분) 가족이 황족이 되며 황족 가족이 평민이 된다는 내용은 재미있었다"며 이 내용을 고려하고 있음을 시사했다.

한편 '궁' 마지막회는 혜명공주(이윤지 분)가 여왕이 되고 왕자의 신분이 된 신(주지훈 분)이 마카오에 머물고 있는 채경(윤은혜 분)을 찾아가 정식으로 프러포즈하고 결혼식을 올리는 것으로 마무리됐다.

특히 이 때 채경이 헛구역질을 하는 장면이 등장해 시청자들 사이에서 궁금증을 증폭시키고 있다. 시즌1의 마지막에서 채경의 임신을 암시함으로써 시즌2에서 두 사람 사이에 2세가 탄생할 것이라는 예측도 나오고 있다. 그러나 '특집쇼 궁 1.5'에 출연한 윤은혜는 "배가 불러 헛구역질을 한 것"이라고 밝혀 더욱 눈길을 끌었다.

source: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shel...&newssetid=1729

you'll probably know about this if you watched goong 1.5 (the talk at the end of goong)- but it's just basically saying that during the PD's interview he said one interesting suggestion which did come up was that CG's family would become royalty and Shin's commonfolk. lmao. I don't know how that would work- but meh- I don't like the idea too much. What do you guys think?

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Guest usyagitntn

I think it's an interesting story line but I don't like that one too much. Can't imagine CG's dad as King (how will the country turn out to be ^^; ), CG's mom as Queen would probably OK but CG's bro with his "stripping" show as a prince :lol:

Shin's family as common folks, that'd be a new experience to them all except CG and the great Queen (seems like she knows a lot about the world of commoners through TV dramas :lol: )

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Guest AznGrlz

Yo everyone! This is CSI A from GSIT aka GSI aka PERVERTS....anywayz, we just want to assure you that we've just made some new additions in our inspection of their love-making scene or the IT as some would call, that's making our goongers lining up in heaven. Plz be patient as we will put together the infos and post it in 5 :actually i'll be doing the posting, 'cause the rest are either sleeping from stress or putting ice on their eyes for staring at the screen in hours searching for clues :sweatingbullets: : oh...the things we do for goong :faints: so brb in 5...:in the meantime, plz watch the killer kiss in ep. 23 again...just to bring the hot mood on :phew: :

c ya in 5! :jumps out of window, land on SUV, and drove off: :P

edit- btw, thank you subbers! We Love You! :hug/hug:

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I got the clips from this clubbox --> Run Gong

There are 2 versions of that street kiss... :lol:

It's like we have this scene with so many versions.. *confused, but EXCITED!!* These two are definitely clearer than the one we've seen before..

Okay, i'm re-upping the two HQ street-kiss scene: *warning for the weak-hearted: watching these clips might cause sudden faint* :sweatingbullets:

version 1 HQ

version 2 HQ

Credits to Run Gong's clubbox and Winny for pointing that out ;)


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Love the way you think!! :lol:

I download a HQ clip of their street kiss... .It looks like they were talking before they kissed...

I'm guessing that the passersby thought that YEH & JJH are really having a date... :lol:

Passerby: OMO! OMO! it's YEH & JJH... They are holding hands... Are they on a date? I have to take a pic of this... :w00t:

(Again, me totally making up what they are saying :lol: )

I got the clips from this clubbox --> Run Gong

There are 2 versions of that street kiss... :lol:

me shutting up :ph34r: me plain goong crazy :lol:

WOW, you are so right, they really are having a conversation before the kiss. too bad i cant read lips because im dying to know what they said to each other.

i think someone mentioned in here that the PD probably said, ok just go out there and kiss and i seriously agree with them.

That picture where ep23street7.jpgEH and JH were touching each other were fan pics taken in the streets right? because i see no film crews there at all. Wow what a great shot!

And someone should do a slo mo on that kiss because it looks like there was some serious kissing action between those two, especially on JH's part.

I still dont see where the hand movement is coming from but maybe they did film it twice and did it on a blue screen and edited the people in there.

ok officially i must be crazy if im analyzing all this with you guys. :phew:

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Guest gebera

does anyone know the name of backgroung music that was played at ep 3 during the wedding ceremony? It was played again at ep 24 at the church wedding. thanks a zillion

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you'll probably know about this if you watched goong 1.5 (the talk at the end of goong)- but it's just basically saying that during the PD's interview he said one interesting suggestion which did come up was that CG's family would become royalty and Shin's commonfolk. lmao. I don't know how that would work- but meh- I don't like the idea too much. What do you guys think?

Hmm... that might be kinda interesting cuz right now I can't imagine Shin being a bubbly energetic character like CG was. That would be kinda cool though to see him acting as a total opposite type of character.

But would that mean there would be another princess to replace the Yul-type character? (And I guess Yul would play the Hyorin type character?) That would be kinda weird! But maybe good for those who wanted CG and Yul to be a couple...

Actually, now that I think about it, that type of storyline doesn't sound all that bad. I think I'd rather watch this twist rather a sequel just about raising kids. :P

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Guest AznGrlz

Hey everyone sorry! The infos took longer than i thought :sweatingbullets: anywayz...before i go back to gathering them from the rest of GSIT...we just have one thing in mind for all of you :gosh, why am i the only one posting these...lazy GSIT! :P : have u ever consider that they could've done it before eps. 23-24?

They slept together more than once...in reality, if we're to sleep with a guy/grl that's not blood related and in this case even *married* wouldn't u have an urge to go farther? :phew:

Next, we know this isn't in our position's job, but we're just wondering...

why would shin set the fire and wait there to be arrested? Doesn't that question ever pop up into the other's brain? Come on, isn't that like logical and common sense right there...okay me back to work now!

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Guest songjc

I've been a lurker in this thread because I just started watching this drama in Hawaii (we just watched ep. 6 tonight). Anyway, those that contributed to this thread, thank you. You guys are awesome. Though I've been completely spoiled, I am still excited to watch it every week. The chemistry between the two lead actors are so awesome and I hope they both will return for season 2 because if not, I don't think it will be the same, imho! anyway, i love the videos that everyone made and so far my fave song from the OST is the song by Stay. I love it.

Though the drama is done, I hope this thread will still be alive as the people in Hawaii just started the roller coaster ride. Aza!!!

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Guest donilpark

why would shin set the fire and wait there to be arrested? Doesn't that question ever pop up into the other's brain? Come on, isn't that like logical and common sense right there...okay me back to work now!

Well, if you found someone at the scene of fire, and someone who's not supposed to be there in the first place, of course you'd suspect the person.

You would think that the person set the fire and failed to run away before fire got big and others found out.

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Hey everyone sorry! The infos took longer than i thought :sweatingbullets: anywayz...before i go back to gathering them from the rest of GSIT...we just have one thing in mind for all of you :gosh, why am i the only one posting these...lazy GSIT! :P : have u ever consider that they could've done it before eps. 23-24?

They slept together more than once...in reality, if we're to sleep with a guy/grl that's not blood related and in this case even *married* wouldn't u have an urge to go farther? :phew:

I was thinking of the same thing... when i saw the family picture shown at the end of epi 24... it was taken before Shin and Cg went to the beach at epi 16... I thought maybe they did it when they were at the beach... hahah...... it's just the two of them... no interruptions at all... :phew: I think that would be enough time for CG's craving to start...

but when they went to Yul's b-day... they were all shy about dressing infront of each other... (I'm lost...haha)

I'm kinda contradicting myself... hahaha :lol:

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Guest donilpark

Hmm... that might be kinda interesting cuz right now I can't imagine Shin being a bubbly energetic character like CG was. That would be kinda cool though to see him acting as a total opposite type of character.

But would that mean there would be another princess to replace the Yul-type character? (And I guess Yul would play the Hyorin type character?) That would be kinda weird! But maybe good for those who wanted CG and Yul to be a couple...

Actually, now that I think about it, that type of storyline doesn't sound all that bad. I think I'd rather watch this twist rather a sequel just about raising kids. :P

I would love to see the princess, or now the empress, becoming the main character in season 2.

She was my favourite character hands down, and I would just love her to get the spot light in season 2.

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Guest AznGrlz

Well, if you found someone at the scene of fire, and someone who's not supposed to be there in the first place, of course you'd suspect the person.

You would think that the person set the fire and failed to run away before fire got big and others found out.

True...hehe thank you for answering, GSIT was kinda lost right there. Gosh, i feel so sorry for them :tears: So i hope everyone wouldn't mind if i thank them outloud for their hard work! Jessie, Kimi, Theresa, Lisa, Bao Bao, Ngoc, Nhu Le, Ngoc Linh and Steph! :waves: Thank you so much GSITs for not leaving me alone in my perverted club :P

but when they went to Yul's b-day... they were all shy about dressing infront of each other... (I'm lost...haha)

I'm kinda contradicting myself... hahaha :lol:

lol maybe they did it afterwards...somewhere around there :phew: I don't know...something just tells me, it may happen before the last eps. lol now everyone is mad at me 'cause they have to watch the whole series over now to figure out if i'm right or not hehe :sweatingbullets:

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Guest echoRy

aahhh FINALLY! it's a pic of them close

together at the party (well atleast somewhat)

wish there were more <_<



Angelina- u r making me think the dirtiest thoughts

right now lol...aigoo!

gnight everybody...*waves*

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Guest Pikachu

Hey everyone sorry! The infos took longer than i thought :sweatingbullets: anywayz...before i go back to gathering them from the rest of GSIT...we just have one thing in mind for all of you :gosh, why am i the only one posting these...lazy GSIT! :P : have u ever consider that they could've done it before eps. 23-24?

They slept together more than once...in reality, if we're to sleep with a guy/grl that's not blood related and in this case even *married* wouldn't u have an urge to go farther? :phew:

I don't think it happened before the hot kiss in ep 23 or during the ontop of Shin on the sofa scene. Manda-panda did a spot translation of that scene on IRC when ep 23 aired.. and from what I can remember, it pretty much confirmed that they haven't slept together yet.

Based on panda's TL, after they were talking about having babies/family/sex, when it went back to real time, CG said "cannot!" and Shin was like "Why cannot? You peep on me while I was bathing." (something like that) XDDD

(thanks liquidfir for TL)

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