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Guest starrysmile

i just finished watching episode 24 and god, i <3 this episode! it's sooo sweet...as for the end, cliffhanger! man...i'm so excited to find out what happens in season 2. i hope all the cast members will be on season too. they were all great.

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Guest limesquash

ep 24 was great, the only thing missing is a kiss scene..guess we're too pampered in ep 23 that we demand MORE! :D

anyway..i still dont understand what went on between yul's mom and the idiot who calls himself king? whats in the letter..does anyone know?why was yul so bitter about it?

Cant wait for goong season 2!!but that means the story wont stick to the manga anymore?but im still curious..(^^)v

Now that my only entertainment is gone..what should i do??!*panic*

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Guest DallasE

lol ne...don't worry you're not alone, i spend 8 hours watching eps. 23-24 for like 50 times trying to look for signs lol i even noted down angles/wayz they could have done it :P . The most reasonable one so far is the hiccups scene where shin stayed in cg's room without leaving :phew: i'm so weird man lol

Good Heaven!! You're so cute, checking out and comparing angles, all goongers turning CSI or what!!! That's why I said MBC's sneaky to have left such a debatable ending. They've succeeded in their objective of leaving us second- guessing them and hungering for Season II.

Personally, I want Shin & ChaeGyung to have more personal time, discover & learn new things about each other, grow together as a couple before they even start a family of their own. Point is, I would hate it if they have gone and done it without letting us in on the juicy details of their first night. Hahaha..


Credit to miclub

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

I agree its signs of craving man hehe...i just noticed sumt! She was wearing a dress during that killer kiss, so if they did it...she doesn't have to take anything off :phew:

They better start season 2 with that MISSING BED SCENE! Hahahaha!

I started watching Goong 1.5. It's quite long. Almost 75 minutes. I don't understand a single word they say but what the heck, I LOVE IT STILL! Hahahaha!

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Guest tinkle

i have no idea what to say...lol maybe i need to decompress!

i loved the ending, IMHO the "bang" was a nice and sweet "bang"

the whole affair was understated and i loved it like that.

the ending sehson or no sehson was really good...

and the BearChae holding a little bear wrapped in swaddling clothes...

even better!

(though i know irc will still be alive and kicking)

just wanna say thank u to everybody for everything,

all the pics, links, articles, trans...just everything.

HOORAY for the SUBBERS for their continuing generosity!

and i am truly looking forward to season 2!



CREDEISCA CB ROCKS! thank u for both the finale and the special.

Hi, just wondering if u could send me the link for the HQ goong 1.5 if u happened to hv it? Tks.

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Guest usyagitntn

Thanks mirae87 for the translation :D

I doubt that it was because she ate too much because if she did then they would not show the shocked expressions of hulma mama and choi sangoong :lol: I'm thinking too much should be back to my original idea which was that the morning sickness scene is the cliffhanger to bring the audience back when season 2 starts!

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Guest MeiLin83

Can ANYONE translate this?!


'궁' 황인뢰PD "채경가족-황실 처지바뀐다"

[스타뉴스 2006.03.31 08:31:36]

[머니투데이 스타뉴스 김수진 기자]


'채경의 가족이 황족이 되고 황실 가족이 평민이 된다?'

지난 30일 인기리에 종영된 MBC 미니시리즈 '궁'(극본 인은아)의 연출을 맡은 황인뢰 PD(사진)가 내년 방송될 것으로 알려진 '궁' 시즌2에 대해 밝혔다.

황인뢰 PD는 이날 마지막회 직후 방송된 '특집쇼 궁 1.5'에 영상 메시지를 보내 팬들의 궁금증을 불러 일으키고 있는 '궁' 시즌2의 특별한 설정을 언급했다. '궁' 시즌2는 2007년 2월 방송 예정으로 알려졌다.

황인뢰PD는 "시즌2에는 가능하면 시즌1 출연자가 한 사람도 빠짐없이 다 출연했으면 좋겠다"며 "제작사와 설왕설래하는 중인데 아직까지 확정된 바는 없다. 게시판에 올라온 가상의 내용중에 채경(윤은혜 분) 가족이 황족이 되며 황족 가족이 평민이 된다는 내용은 재미있었다"며 이 내용을 고려하고 있음을 시사했다.

한편 '궁' 마지막회는 혜명공주(이윤지 분)가 여왕이 되고 왕자의 신분이 된 신(주지훈 분)이 마카오에 머물고 있는 채경(윤은혜 분)을 찾아가 정식으로 프러포즈하고 결혼식을 올리는 것으로 마무리됐다.

특히 이 때 채경이 헛구역질을 하는 장면이 등장해 시청자들 사이에서 궁금증을 증폭시키고 있다. 시즌1의 마지막에서 채경의 임신을 암시함으로써 시즌2에서 두 사람 사이에 2세가 탄생할 것이라는 예측도 나오고 있다. 그러나 '특집쇼 궁 1.5'에 출연한 윤은혜는 "배가 불러 헛구역질을 한 것"이라고 밝혀 더욱 눈길을 끌었다.

<사진제공=MBC 홈페이지>

머니투데이가 만드는 리얼타임 연예뉴스

제보 및 보도자료 star@mtstarnews.com<저작권자 ⓒ 머니투데이 스타뉴스>

What the article basically says:

Goong Season 2 is scheduled (planned on) to broadcast on February 2007.

Hwang In Rwe PD "I hope for Season 2 all of the actors/actresses from Season 1 will appear with no omittion. " There is nothing that is confirmed.

One of the storylines discussed is-CG's family becomes the Imperial family and the Imperial family becomes commoners. Hwang PD thought it was a fun storyline.

They also talk about CG's 'queasy' scene. Like Goongers from here, the korean audience wondering about that particular scene also. They are predicting that CG iis pregnant and the couple will have a 'sehson.' However, when YEH appeared on the Special Goong 1.5, she revealed that she was vomiting because of a full stomach...causing more attention.


Too early to tell how Season 2 is going to be. It's still in production, but nothing, not even the actors/actresses are confirmed. I'm not too sure about the storyline... :mellow: But...nothing is confirmed so....

I am hoping for a great S2~ ^_^

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Guest AznGrlz

Good Heaven!! You're so cute, checking out and comparing angles, all goongers turning CSI or what!!!

Yup! lol not only me, but also my friends hehe we're aiming back and forth gathering clues and exchanging info/pics...debating what scenes are the most reasonable and hottest for doing it lol and since we're planning to write a ff about s2 for goongers while waiting, we even came up with how they did it :blush: what they said...wild :perverted thoughts floating through the air: :P

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I'm happy that is was a good ending. Talk about a cliffhanger to leave us wondering if they indeed have a surprise gift coming. That will leave us to wonder and speculate. So now we have to wait for part 2 in order for us to find out what really happens.They better make the next season so worth the wait. Can't wait...in the meantime we have the DVD release to look forward to. I hope there is a Directors cut of the series and make it soon...before the pirates get their hands on the goods....

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Though most of 24 just went way over my head, I can say wholeheartedly that this series finally succeeded in riling some emotions. First, we got FAMILY stuff, which I loved seeing. The Queen and Chaegyung, Grandma and Chaegyung, Yul and his mom, etc etc. All of the family scenes in this one episode hit me more than all the romantic scenes from episodes 1-23 COMBINED, for Christ's sake.

I won't watch season 2 unless there's good shipper action, but there's always that .00000000000000000000000000001% chance. :D

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굿바이! '궁'..시즌2 벌써부터 궁금

[스타뉴스 2006.03.31 11:38:47]


[머니투데이 스타뉴스 유순호 기자]


갖가지 새로운 시도로 화제를 모았던 MBC 수목미니시리즈 '궁'(극본 인은아, 연출 황인뢰)이 지난 30일 막을 내렸다.

'궁'은 같은 시간대 드라마는 물론 방송 3사 미니시리즈 중 최고의 시청률이라는 결과가 말해주듯 시청자들의 눈길 잡기에서도 성공을 거뒀다. 비록 30% 돌파에는 실패했지만 지난 30일 마지막회에서 기록한 28.3%(TNS미디어코리아 전국기준)는 지난해 7월 종영한 '내 이름은 김삼순 ' 이후 미니시리즈 최고 시청률로 '궁'은 MBC 드라마의 부활에도 큰 역할을 담당했다.

시작단계에서 주지훈 윤은혜 김정훈 송지효 등 드라마에 첫발을 내딛는 연기자들을 주인공으로 대거 기용해 인기만화 '궁'의 팬들로부터 원성을 듣기도 했다. 그러나 '궁'은 이들을 2개월여만에 일약 스타덤에 올려놓으며 국내 드라마 시장에 톱스타 없이도 성공할 수 있다는 긍정적인 선례를 남겼다.

또 '궁'은 파격적인 대사, 실험적인 화면구성, 화려한 세트와 감각적인 미술 장치 등 기존의 획일적인 드라마 타입에서 벗어났다는 찬사도 받았다. 언어파괴라는 논란에도 불구하고 청소년들의 인터넷 용어를 대사로 사용해 시청자들의 눈길을 끌었으며, 화면처리 또한 만화의 기법을 시도해 원작인 인기만화의 재미를 더했다. 세트 설립 및 소품 장식 비용에만 50억원 이상을 투입해 사실감을 더했으며, 전국에 흩어진 고궁을 답사한 끝에 담아낸 화려한 궁궐 영상은 '궁의 미학'이라는 찬사까지 들었다.

'궁'은 국내 드라마로는 최초로 시즌제를 도입했고, 종영을 앞두고 결말에 대한 여러 의견들이 쏟아졌듯 시즌2의 내용에 대해서도 벌써부터 궁금증을 유발하고 있다.

제작사인 에이트픽스의 송병준 대표는 "오는 9월 시즌2의 제작에 들어가 내년 1월 시즌2를 방송할 예정이다. 시즌1을 제작한 전 스태프들이 그대로 시즌2에 참여하며, 협의를 거쳐야 겠지만 모든 연기자들이 그대로 시즌2에도 출연했으면 하는 바람이다"고 밝혔다.

지난 30일 마지막회와 특집쇼 '궁 시즌 1.5'를 통해 암시했듯 황태자 부부의 2세 탄생, 사돈간의 신분 교체 등 시즌2의 예상 내용들이 거론되고 있는 가운데 송 대표는 "대학생으로 성장한 주인공을 중심으로 시즌1의 재미를 뛰어넘는 다양한 설정과 요소들을 투입할 것이다"고 말했다.

비록 종영을 앞두고 대사 일부의 무단도용 등이 아쉬움으로 남기도 했지만, '궁'에 대한 시청자들의 관심은 시즌2에도 이어질 것으로 기대된다.

머니투데이가 만드는 리얼타임 연예뉴스


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Guest lenakeem

hmm i was thinkging maybe the baby making uh process took place after the part where shin wanted to kiss CG but she got the hiccups.. i mean we never OFFICIALY say shin walking out of her room.. ... hmm


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Guest donilpark

It feels kinda like they rushed at the end, but hey, it was good.

Good ending for a season 2. I didn't think I would have a hangover, but I think I will. :P

About pregrancy thing, even if it happened, how can she show signs of it so fast?

It can't be.

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

What the article basically says:

Goong Season 2 is scheduled (planned on) to broadcast on February 2007.

Hwang In Rwe PD "I hope for Season 2 all of the actors/actresses from Season 1 will appear with no omittion. " There is nothing that is confirmed.

One of the storylines discussed is-CG's family becomes the Imperial family and the Imperial family becomes commoners. Hwang PD thought it was a fun storyline.

They also talk about CG's 'queasy' scene. Like Goongers from here, the korean audience wondering about that particular scene also. They are predicting that CG iis pregnant and the couple will have a 'sehson.' However, when YEH appeared on the Special Goong 1.5, she revealed that she was vomiting because of a full stomach...causing more attention.


Too early to tell how Season 2 is going to be. It's still in production, but nothing, not even the actors/actresses are confirmed. I'm not too sure about the storyline... :mellow: But...nothing is confirmed so....

I am hoping for a great S2~ ^_^

Dear, thank you so much for the translation! :hugsandkisses: I'm actually thinking about not having a second season. I mean let's leave it at that. CG is pregnant for sure and they'll live happily ever after. Hihihi! Just crazy thoughts. I just want to preserve the sweet ending. One of the best endings that I've seen too far! I love the flowers on CG's head! I wanna get married like that! Aaaaah!

Anyway, I hope all the cast will return on the next season! Goong will not be Goong without them! Nothing is certain about season 2 yet.

Once thing is sure though.... WE WILL ALL HAVE TO WAIT FOR 10 AGONIZING MONTHS and we don't have a choice! Hahahaha!

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Guest donilpark

The thing is, now I wonder what Shin's status is.

He is still the second in line when it comes to succeeding the throne, but when her imperial majesty gets married and has a son (or daughter for that matter,) then I wonder what will happen.

Because they wanna make use of the set in season 2, and if Shin and Chaegyeong can't go back to the palace, they can't really use the set, unless they have someone else live in it, and I can't think of anyone. There's no more of immediate imperial family to occupy the Prince's residence.

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Guest xradman

So... I havne't heard a lot of people's reactions about this but... what do you make of this?



In Ep24, King wanted to abdicate the throne to Shin. Shin then makes a special request which isn't revealed in the drama. Later Shin and CG are talking and former King and Queen have abdicated the throne to Shin's sister who IS now the Queen. Shin is no longer the Crown Prince. They did not say in the drama who is next in line to the throne. Yul and his mother are apparently living in exile (he has sent a letter to CG, but Shin has not heard from him). I think Shin may have made a request to pass the throne to his sister so that he and CG can pursue their dream outside the palace. I am sure that in S2, Shin may regain the throne or become Crown Prince again.

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Guest donilpark

In Ep24, King wanted to abdicate the throne to Shin. Shin then makes a special request which isn't revealed in the drama. Later Shin and CG are talking and former King and Queen have abdicated the throne to Shin's sister who IS now the Queen. Shin is no longer the Crown Prince. They did not say in the drama who is next in line to the throne. Yul and his mother are apparently living in exile (he has sent a letter to CG, but Shin has not heard from him). I think Shin may have made a request to pass the throne to his sister so that he and CG can pursue their dream outside the palace. I am sure that in S2, Shin may regain the throne or become Crown Prince again.

Yeah, that's what I think.

I also wonder what the grandmother should be called now, now that she's the wife of the Emperor 3 generations ago. Is there even a name for that? (people back in the days didn't live too long, so this must have been an extremely rare instance)

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