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Guest gebera

translations for preview 23 in chinese


皇上: 调查进行得怎么样了?


皇上: 已经有可疑的人选么?

调查员:非常抱歉说出这个话,到现在为止,已查明的最为可疑的人就是太子 殿下


彩静: (惊讶),信君是嫌疑者?决不可能。


彩静: 难道是信君说谎了么?


彩静: 不对,一定是哪里弄差了,信君决不会那么做的。


彩静: 到底是谁给信君发的短信呢,不管怎样有点不安。信君是因为我的缘故才陷入困境的。


彩静: 我得去看看。



彩静自言: 头一次了,第一次看到信君如此垂头丧气的背影。一象高傲自信的信君表现得如此沮丧,看到这样的你,我就会不断落泪。


律: 还好吧?真的没事吧,着火了就得赶紧躲开呀。


律: 把我吓坏了,知道么。(沉思片刻)到底是谁放的火呢?






彩静: 没有考虑到所爱的人,光想到我自己了。曾经以为出宫了也许就会幸福了。现在我弄不清楚了,迷茫了也不知道怎样才能找到幸福。真的是搞不清楚了。离婚也好废妃也好都是不应该说的,(泣),我真的是犯了一个大错。





CJ:信君 从哪回来的?



信:以后无论你心里想什么 都要相信我的只听我的!


信:还有...无论听到什么都不要哭(我听见他说wuli jima就是不要哭,不要难过的意思)..跟我保证...


credits to baidu.. hope i copy e rite things in.

translation from the chinese preview:-


King : How's the investigation?

Investigator : There is witness

King: Any suspect?

Investigator: Sorry, till now, the Crown Prince is the prime suspect


CG: (Surprised) Shin is the suspect? How can that be?

Sangoong : The witness had said whatever the Crown Prince had said is not the truth

CG: You mean Shin lied?

Sangoong : I'm afraid that was what it meant.

CG: Is not right. Something must be wrong. Shin would never do that.

Sangoong : All the evidences are not in his favor

CG: Who's the one who sent the msg? I just feel terrible, this has happened to Shin because of me.

Sangoong: The King has already knew of the outcome

CG : I must go and take a look


Shin appeared dejected.

CG talking to herself saying that this is the first time she sees Shin so down. A proud prince has become as such and it ached her to see such a sight


In the hospital. Yul visiting his mum and asked why didn't she run when there's a fire.

Yul asked if she knew who set the fire.

Yul's mum pointed her fingers at Shin.

Yul said Shin would not do such a thing.

Yul's mum just told him to get ready to be the King.


The Granny Queen came to visit CG. CG said she regretted talking about the divorce and leaving the palace. She should have given more thoughts to it.

The Granny Queen consoled her that she is only 19 years old and is an age to make mistakes. But most importantly is to admit one's mistakes


Scene where CG tried to cheer Shin up


Shin appeared when CG was reading a newspapers on some news on the Crown Prince.

Shin hugged CG and wanted her to listen to what he has to say. In time to come, to trust and believe in him, no matter what happen. Not to get sad without his permission.

PS - there's one part missing from the chinese translation where The Granny Queen actually gave some words of comfort to Yul as well. The gist was whether he could let go of his love. Telling him that he is only 19 and should not feel sad because of this... (I think it was some words of encouragement) cos Yul was touched and cried his heart out ....

Hope I get most of the text right.. enjoz

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Guest charles0702

thanx gebera for the translation for eppy 23 preview.. i was touched when the grandmother had that talk with yul.. he seemed so sad.. at least we know that after the fire, shin and cg are getting closer.. :D one more day till eppy 23 :P

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Guest tehliwah

translation from the chinese preview:-


King : How's the investigation?

Investigator : There is witness

King: Any suspect?

Investigator: Sorry, till now, the Crown Prince is the prime suspect


CG: (Surprised) Shin is the suspect? How can that be?

Sangoong : The witness had said whatever the Crown Prince had said is not the truth

CG: You mean Shin lied?

Sangoong : I'm afraid that was what it meant.

CG: Is not right. Something must be wrong. Shin would never do that.

Sangoong : All the evidences are not in his favor

CG: Who's the one who sent the msg? I just feel terrible, this has happened to Shin because of me.

Sangoong: The King has already knew of the outcome

CG : I must go and take a look


Shin appeared dejected.

CG talking to herself saying that this is the first time she sees Shin so down. A proud prince has become as such and it ached her to see such a sight


In the hospital. Yul visiting his mum and asked why didn't she run when there's a fire.

Yul asked if she knew who set the fire.

Yul's mum pointed her fingers at Shin.

Yul said Shin would not do such a thing.

Yul's mum just told him to get ready to be the King.


The Granny Queen came to visit CG. CG said she regretted talking about the divorce and leaving the palace. She should have given more thoughts to it.

The Granny Queen consoled her that she is only 19 years old and is an age to make mistakes. But most importantly is to admit one's mistakes


Scene where CG tried to cheer Shin up


Shin appeared when CG was reading a newspapers on some news on the Crown Prince.

Shin hugged CG and wanted her to listen to what he has to say. In time to come, to trust and believe in him, no matter what happen. Not to get sad without his permission.

PS - there's one part missing from the chinese translation where The Granny Queen actually gave some words of comfort to Yul as well. The gist was whether he could let go of his love. Telling him that he is only 19 and should not feel sad because of this... (I think it was some words of encouragement) cos Yul was touched and cried his heart out ....

Hope I get most of the text right.. enjoz

thank u so much for the spot translation... cant wait till tomo

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Guest Ailin*

hi! i'm a fan of Goong! i want to ask a question regarding the instrumental song in episode 22......

in the scene that CG refusing Yul's love...(about the stars n planet thing...) the music in the background....is totally awesome! does the music include in the OST of GOONG? do anyone know the music's title n where can i get it? please help! the instrumental song is so touching.... (TT - TT) so sad~ so touching~

p/s:the music also in the flash preview of Goong episode 20&21...

thank you very much! (^-^)

See my previous post below...

Here's an instrumental music that's been playing quite a lot in recent episodes, especially in today's episode (epi. 21...Shin's teary love confession to CG after the interview; and Yul's love confession for CG to the entire royal family at the end), with the recent turn of events from light-heart, happy to sad, serious drama. I'm not sure what it's called in Korean. The online translators came up with "Ice Pond." Perhaps someone who can read Korean can confirm.


Credit: moonchen @ Koreanwind.net

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Guest KissMe-ImContagious

Does anyone know what time Goong will be out in America?

Anywayy the preview for ep. 23 sounds pretty good...I hope it comes out soon! :D

Will Goong 1.5 be like a whole long show type thing? Would anyone be able to post it up here? Sorry I'm not sure abut the details so....

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Guest muimui86



律: 奶奶,我的心已经被丢掉了,所以也没有什么可以再放弃的了。


律: 真的会有那么一天么

太皇太后:会的。19岁的胸怀会觉得生不如死,但是对于义诚大君来说,还有29岁、39岁的人生在等着你不是么。(感动)(亲切的抱着律) 律呀,这就是人生呀。看到从你眼中留下的泪,我体会到了男儿有泪不轻弹,只因为到伤心时。(这句也是我的理解~~呵呵~~)

sorry sorry here is e missing part between e great queen and yul...

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Guest aoiyuki291

thanks for the previews on ysi and the pics!!!

btw, is the actor who plays yul going to appear in season 2 as well?

and thanks for all the links!

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hi! i'm a fan of Goong! i want to ask a question regarding the instrumental song in episode 22......

in the scene that CG refusing Yul's love...(about the stars n planet thing...) the music in the background....is totally awesome! does the music include in the OST of GOONG? do anyone know the music's title n where can i get it? please help! the instrumental song is so touching.... (TT - TT) so sad~ so touching~

p/s:the music also in the flash preview of Goong episode 20&21...

thank you very much! (^-^)

Here's the YSI link for the instrumental song ~ Ice Pond.


It's not included in the OST.

It's only an extra song which has been used in the episodes.

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Guest gebera



律: 奶奶,我的心已经被丢掉了,所以也没有什么可以再放弃的了。


律: 真的会有那么一天么

太皇太后:会的。19岁的胸怀会觉得生不如死,但是对于义诚大君来说,还有29岁、39岁的人生在等着你不是么。(感动)(亲切的抱着律) 律呀,这就是人生呀。看到从你眼中留下的泪,我体会到了男儿有泪不轻弹,只因为到伤心时。(这句也是我的理解~~呵呵~~)

sorry sorry here is e missing part between e great queen and yul...

thanks muimui, i'll try to translate :-

GQ : i know best how to let go of the person in one's heart

Yul : Granny, my heart has already been thrown away, there's nothing to give up now.

GQ : Though it may be painful now, but one day it will be gone just like the wind.

Yul : Will there be such a day?

GQ : Yes, there will be. A 19 years old heart shouldn't feel it is worst than death. You must still look forward to 29 years, 39 years, life is waiting for you. (Hug Yul), Yul, this is life. Seeing tears in your eyes, I understand that man don't cry, unless it is really hurting...

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Youtube link: Shin & CG MV


Credit: dotoo & example @ baidu forum

I got this MV from the chinese forum...really nice & meaningful MV :wub: .....like the song too...but not sure who's the singer...might be Lee Soo Young (i might be wrong) :lol:

Ok..thanks DallasE for the info. Went over to the OST thread and found the song under King & clown OST.

The title of the song is In Yun & sing by Lee Sun Hee

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Woot... the pay_preview is out ^^ gebera, thank you for the translations sweetie ^^

Hmm having to watch the preview, I just had the feeling of relief and it's just, it's about time! lol!

Reconciliation. That's the word I'm looking for and have been waiting for the past 3-4 eppies.

Looks like ep 23 and 24 will be just awesome-awesomeness between our Royal Couple. :lol:

It's really such a touching scene to see both Halma Mama & CG + Halma mama & Yul.

That's what a grandma is for, isn't it? :) Halma Mama is just too sweet and nice. <3 her alot.

I hope to see her more in Season 2, wanting to have some sehson! hihihi.... :D


^ This is just b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l :wub: *happy sigh*

I'd like to extend my gratitude to all you Goongers who have contributed to the max :tears: *happy tears*

Those caps, BTS caps (Rebby, welcome back! hiehiehie), songs not included in OST, spot translations, news translations, beautiful wallies (Dee, wuv ya! ^^) , etc etc etc.... it's amazing how much contributions one drama can get you involved!

You guys all have made watching this series extra special that no words can't really describe what I'm trying to say now lolz... Thank you. Truly. Really. I <3 Goongers!

Lastly, I'd like to share this beautiful MV by mmmlove (thank you for making this hehe)

youtube link

*beautiful song by Erik Santos.... the lyric is just.... aaaaaaah~~ :wub:^_^ *

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Guest DallasE

Rebby, thank you for sharing all your pics with us.

You were the envy of all of us here, just so you know! :D

joeyclaire, thanks for the beautiful MV! I love this song to bits.

It's not by Lee SooYoung but Lee SeonHee (hopefully I'm right).

It's the theme song for the red-hot blockbuster hit,King's Man starring Lee JunKi.

In case, anyone is interested in the song, here it is.








22b0231yk.th.jpg 22b0249xb.th.jpg22b0252us.th.jpg 22b0270nv.th.jpg22b0285xb.th.jpg




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Guest leechunsa

REBBY! :x You are finally back! heard so much about you. lol~ Thanks for sharing the pics ^^ SHIN / JJH looks really good :x

I'm excited! Today is wednesday in the philippines! lol~ *goes crazy* I will see the episodes soon~ wohohohoho~

GAH. I want to see it but I don't want it to end :(

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I'd like to extend my gratitude to all you Goongers who have contributed to the max :tears: *happy tears*

Those caps, BTS caps (Rebby, welcome back! hiehiehie), songs not included in OST, spot translations, news translations, beautiful wallies (Dee, wuv ya! ^^) , etc etc etc.... it's amazing how much contributions one drama can get you involved!

You guys all have made watching this series extra special that no words can't really describe what I'm trying to say now lolz... Thank you. Truly. Really. I <3 Goongers!

Shenny, you just brought tears to my eyes... The fact that it's finally coming to an end *for the 1st season anyway*, is kinda hard for me to swallow.. Not seeing you guys every single day and reading all of your *emotional* posts, laughing and crying together week after week, over analyzing scene after scene, character after character, finding the PDs flaws in each scene, praying for JJH&YEH to be together in real life, re-upping links, and most importantly desperately waiting for the next episode together with you Goongers.. I think I'm just gonna die.. and wake up on January next year. Geez, sorry for my rants, I don't mean to be spammy, I just have to let it out...

Anyways, here's ep 23 long preview, re-upped:


credit to hsinyi069 , the original uploader :)

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she didnt said that my dear.. she said his acting is improving so fast and she sometimes cannot match up to his acting.. not compatible in acting sense..

liquidfir, thanks for clarifying to SixMyths08; I've edited my translation to make it more understandable.

Latest d/l from MBC:

Gung Ep 22 BTS.avi


I've 2 questions to ask:

1) I remember reading that there's a way to make YSI links last longer. Could someone pls PM on how to do it?

2) How do u post a thumbnail instead of one big image?

TIA for any answers :) .

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I've 2 questions to ask:

2) How do u post a thumbnail instead of one big image?

TIA for any answers :) .

Use ImageShack hosting http://imageshack.us/

After uploaded ur pic...a new page will appear with all the links which u use to post the pics, select the one heading Thumbnail for forums (1). Copy the link & paste it to the forum.

The pic will appear as a thumbnail.


Did YUL's mom set the fire, so thats why she's in the hospital?

It was her idea to set the fire, but the real culprit who lit up the fire should be someone assigned by Yul's mum. I'm suspecting the bodyguard which follow Yul goon.

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Guest tian82

just watching the preview of 23...OMG ! i love the way Shin hugging CG!!! so natural~so loving~ (*O*) i wan to be hug by shin too....

Ailin* , joeyclaire n lala - THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing the song.THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! Thank you!

and also thanks for the person who sharing the pay-preview...thanks a lot!


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