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Guest coreana

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Guest ___cee

I have 21 all downloaded and ready to watch.

But the thing is, why do I not want to watch it? After reading everyone's opinions and comments on it, I have decided that it's not worth watching, because after, I might come in here and start ranting (more like excessive use of inappropriate words).

I want to rant right now, actually. But there are no words to describe this frustration I have with ALL the characters. It's pissing me off. Really bad.

I think from now on I'll stick with reading your guys' comments. Keep me updated, guys . . .

P.S. Can someone elaborate on the fire scene, please? I've never read the manhwa before.

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I started watching ep 21 and it's just annoying me again! Sorry, Shin just doesn't have any expression when he tells everyone on TV he loves CG. I understand he's mad at her in the car, but his anger only makes things worse. CG looked SOOO miserable throughout the whole interview, I can see why Yul wants to see her leave the palace!

I think I'll wait till we find out how it all ends before investing more time in watching.

However, I was thinking, in regards to things that Yul has said about strengthening the monarchy vs. the other things he's said about the royal family being a waste of the taxpayer's money and that the rules should be done away with: shouldn't we take into consideration WHO he said those things to and WHEN? Did he say he wanted to see the royal family have more power to his mother's allies? If so, I think he was lying to them. Ever since the beginning I've thought that he has a different agenda than his mother, and that he was going to throw a wrench into all he schemes. I don't think that deep down inside what he really wants is power. That's his mother speaking...

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Guest Pikachu

However, I was thinking, in regards to things that Yul has said about strengthening the monarchy vs. the other things he's said about the royal family being a waste of the taxpayer's money and that the rules should be done away with: shouldn't we take into consideration WHO he said those things to and WHEN? Did he say he wanted to see the royal family have more power to his mother's allies? If so, I think he was lying to them. Ever since the beginning I've thought that he has a different agenda than his mother, and that he was going to throw a wrench into all he schemes. I don't think that deep down inside what he really wants is power. That's his mother speaking...

Hmm Well, maybe, but he also said it in front of the whole family. In a serious, non-joking matter. *shrugs* I guess we'll se later on whether he's lying or not. :3

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I was hoping for a nice ep of today, but I guess not. For some reason I feel like Goong is really dragging and I like lost interest it in kinda. I hope that they won't leave us with a cliffhanger for Season 2. Why can't Goong be happy again, like it used to be? :crazy:

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Guest danbi

i was wondering... i want to watch esp 22 live where would i get that information (sorry in advance, if this was asked before) and also what time would it be for east coast time?

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P.S. Can someone elaborate on the fire scene, please? I've never read the manhwa before.

I was wondering the same thing: is Yul's mom going to start it out of desperation b/c he gets kicked out of the palace b/c of his love confession?

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Guest Caroline :)


i don't know who to be more upset with: CG, Shin, Yul, or the stupid king.

okay i HATE the king so he's the ultimate winner. I HATE THAT GUY. he's so ugly and stupid and rude and gross. he looks like a freaking rapist and he should be shot in the face. i wish someone would just reveal his past with the ugly mofo and make him and the stupid mofo go away. ARGH

CG is stupid for thinking that after what she did to him and the royal palace, that shin would forgive her/come to her. i mean she's spent SO MUCH FREAKING TIME with him so far and she should have REALIZED by now that he doesnt know how to love someone and he doesn't know how to do anything that she wants him to do. i mean it was harsh for shin not to go check on her but uh...i think she deserves a week of that treatment. personally. i mean she goes off and i must say FLIRTS around with yul when she CLEARLY knows that he's in love with her...like psycho crazy, and then REFUSES to tell the king that it was yul. i mean now it's going to look as if they're lovers. had she told them before he had then she would be able to explain, but since YUL told everyone and confessed his love for her, it's going to seem as if they both love each other. CG IS REALYL STUPID. and how COULD SHE EVEN ASK FOR SHIN'S FORGIVENESS LIKE TWO HOURS AFTERWARDS? he tells her CRYING that she's the first person to ever make him feel like crap and then trampled all over his heart and she expects him to get over it. omg. shin has NEVER CRIED. not even for hyorin and she expects him to forgive her for telling the entire korean population that she wants a divorce. and SERIOOUSLY why do the goong people just keep their mouths shut like stupid idiots? i mean the lady who gave the food knows, and the old man knows that shin is abso.utely in love with cg. what good does it do if it's all kept within them????????????????/



now i just want this drama to end because her stupidity makes me want to shoot myself and i just want to see the happy stupid CG and the happy smiling shin..................and can yul go jump off a bridge and commit suicide for not being able to marry CG? CAN HE PLEASE????????????/

ranting finished :D

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i don't think cg is stupid.. i'm more of cg being confused with everything thats happening around her.. for me, she's vulnerable in a way that yul can brainwash her easily... she needs shin's guidance and there are times when she gets such guidance from yul instead who continues to brainwash her...








credits to sophendo :)

REMINDER: We are not allowed to ask for uploads anymore.. please pm the person who provided the link.... they might close our thread if we do... as for the subs, don't ask for subs.. they delay the release of the subs if we continue to ask for it.. please be patient... read the first post before posting :)

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Guest Caroline :)

Shin really needs to work on expressing his feelings...aigo...why did he have to secretly go to where CG was kneeling. Why didn't you help her...you know you wanted to.

FINALLY the secret is out. Gosh...took long enough. I hated how they ended 23 like that...such a cliffhanger. What's going to happen now that Yul's secret is out? Dunno...gotta wait for tomorrow...

Don't they have the Long previews for ep 24?

how can shin express his feelings when he doesn't know how to? even he says so himself. he's never experienced it and barely ever WATCHED it so how would he know what to do or how to love? if u've never seen or been taught how to show affection for someone, how would u know what to do or if what you're doing is right? shin was brought up in an environment of strict rules and YES or NO kind of rules. like YES u can drink milk but NO you can't eat cake.

expressing emotions or love has strange rules that differs per person. of course he wanted to. he was restles for the entire day and looked at a random page in his book for like....hours...........poor shin :(

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sorry, I don't feel sorry for Shin anymore. Again, if he can express how he feels for CG on national television, he could have expressed it to her privately before that. It all looks like a big fake setup when he does it that way. I don't blame CG for continuing to be confused. I'd doubt his sincerity if I were her!

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Guest poopoo

i think that before goong came out everyonee was so excited about it and had high expectations but i think it sucks now and even in the beginning to me, i dont tink it was as good as the other dramas out that time. example MY GIRL..but the eye candyy is good haha

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i missed most of goong last night

managed to watch the last 20-25 minutes

i was getting frustrated with shin and also yul

and then when yul told everyone that it was him who was with chaegyung

i was like OMG OMGO MG nonstop for like 5 mins

as much as he annoys me when he keeps telling CG false truths, it takes a lot to do what he did even though he knew the consequences

and shin is going to get blamed for the fire?

omg that is so wrong.....and CG is not going to believe him?

that's really crazy.....omg 3 more eps left, what are they going to do to the audience

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Guest AznGrlz

for those who wants it, here's episode 19 ----> http://s14.yousendit.com/d.aspxid=0311L0AJUXE4C05R33YQNBVWJ5

now me and Jessie both feel really stupid 'cause we just cried over a drama :one that we can't even understand: :blush: but actions speaks louder than words and for me, shin crying is way better than him saying "saranghayo"? 10 times in a row :D , 'cause words can be fake, but tears :can be fake too: are real and i don't think anyone wants to fake them in this kind of situation :except for mo-toot and maybe the two-times-player kingdaddy, but he's probably too dense to figure out how to fake cry :phew: : glad everyone is opening up now...i think even mo-toot is feeling a bit sorry for cg. I was sobbing the most when Shin was alone in his room looking back at pics of Cg and him at the beach :tears: you should have seen me and Jessie, we were holding on to each others hands like freaks chanting outloud :CG sneak in, hug him, CG sneak in, hug him: for like 50 times :sweatingbullets: if she would've done that :especially at the moment when he misses her the most: they would have kissed :maybe a lil bed scene :sweatingbullets: : and everything would've been solved! then all of us would've cheered, dance, or hug our computers. Sometimes i really feel like killing the PDs, got my grenades ready! Who's with me? :ph34r: j/p hehe

:maybe shin should watch more dramas...maybe that would help him know how to express feelings:

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Guest echoRy

Chae has never and will never be RETARDED!!!

and as for Yul jumping off a bridge...sure he can if he wants and TELLY and I will be at the bottom to catch him!

She knelt for forgiveness for 2 days...let's see u do it!

and yes it was horrible for Shin not to have gone to his wife, he should have been there for her.

she needed him and god knows he needs her!

Chae is confuzzled and lost...she's been tugged at so much how can she not be.

i don't blame her at all for her feelings, she's responsible for them ofcourse,

but Shin also needs to step up!

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Guest grrly

I've only watched 10 episodes of this drama but i've been reading most of everyone's comment about the episodes. It seems like it made a complete turn around. I mean, up until episode 10 everything is funny, happy and few 'sad' scene but now it seems like that comedic part of the drama is gone...

I hope it makes a complete turn around one more time to compensate all these heavy dramatic part of it... :unsure:

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