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Guest makemyday

okay.. i have a quick question.

i didnt want to be repetitve so i looked back a couple of pages and looked around the links on the first page but i didnt find it so i'm asking here.

i'm just a bit confused about season two.

so season one ends with 20 episodes tomorrow...

and then.. in like october or something, they finish up with season two?

how many episodes..

was it four or something?

and if its four, its barely a season right?

like a mini wrap up?

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

shin confess his feeling through action...

that's was the problem!!!!!! :fury:


I guess that proverb comes in two sides for this drama (or for any other situations in general). That sentence seemed to remain true only for the worst cases. When it comes to showing love and affection, CG looks like she needs words more than action. but when it comes to misunderstanding shin, the slightest action in shin's parts (like meeting hyorin in secrets) speaks volumes, with unintended meanings and causing depressions and whatnot. She didn't even get to listen to the whole conversation, didn't actually get the whole situation (the way we viewers get it) yet it gets to her so bad, while shin's way of showing affection through actions didn't seem to get through her blood at all in the end. What a pity. I guess we can change or modify the proverb a little bit:


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ok crap. shin overheard her saying the word divorce.

CG IS A STUPID................................

arhg.. i dunno wad to say anymore

looking at his shocked face at the end of the preview and also because of manhwa, I guessed he heard the word divorce :tears:

Seems ep 20 will be closely linked to manhwa... yul will brainwash cg to say divorce in the live interview, shin will overhear and becomes sad and yet he will still go on with the live interview because i think deep in his heart, he's betting on whether cg will betray him and mention divorce or not. During live interview, shin will confess his feelings towards cg and cg had to betray his trust and mentioned divorce. my guess is today's episode willl end here.

based on manhwa bk 11, ep 21 will continue to be a depressing one. although shin managed to turn the word divorce around such that the ppl still thinks they are a loving couple, his trust for cg is gone and he's no longer going to be nice to her. at least this is based on the manhwa. cg will continue to look for yul which in turn, angers shin even more. :tears: guess it's going to be difficult episodes from yesterday onwards if it's gonna follow the manhwa. :tears:

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Guest penguinna


season 1 will end with 24 episodes, instead of the original 20.....

season 2 will air beginning of 2007 if i rem correctly......

refer to the 1st post on 1st page of this thread....that'll more informative....

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Guest eatinghappypills

oh how chaegyung and i are in the same position. lol there's a guy

that i THINK likes me and kisses me but then he never says it so i'm

never sure.

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Guest Caroline :)

basically, i want to SHOOT yul, step on him, kick him, and rip his hair out.

he's a weird, freaky, obsessive, rude little boy who is becoming uglier and uglier by the second. why does he KEEP TOUCHING CG? it's gross and obviously, she's uncomfortable with it. if he wants to be king, go for it YAHOO! he has the stupid richard simmons of a king right behind him; however, JUST STICK WITH ONE. don't be so freaking greedy about EVERYTHING in the world freak. god.

why does CG keep going to yul when she has three perfectly fine attendants who watch her and shin from the outside everyday of their lives? she KNOWS yul's in love with her so why would she go to him for support and advice about shin? is she retarded? i think she is. i mean she has her FRIENDS, she has the ATTENDANTS, and she has shin's sister. MAYBE if she stopped going to YUL for all her problems and went to other FEMALES who aren't in love with her, MAYBE THEN she'll get practical answers. maybe CG wants to make shin jealous or maybe she's just RETARDED IN THE HEAD. but still...i get where she gets all those thoughts from but YUL is making them WORSE BY THE SECOND. everytime she thinks that shin might like her, she GOES TO FREKAING YUL And tells him, who shoots the answer down and immediately says "NO HE'S STILL IN LOVE WITH HYORIN" or "NO IT'S ONLY TEMPORARY", or "NO, YOU CAN'T ADJUST TO HIM. YOU GUYS ARE TOO DIFFERENT. RUN AWAY."

uh...if she FREAKING RUNS AWAY she'd go home...hm....i KNOW NO ONE Would be able to find CG at her HOME! that's the LAST PLACE THEY'D LOOK...omg...

i personally don't blame much on shin. yes, he doesn't tell CG his true feelings but that's not all his fault. he grew up in a family and atmosphere where showing affection is not appropriate. no one, including his mother and father, showed him any love or affection andremember when he called his mother "mother" instaed of the proper way, she totally freaked on him. if the boy has never RECEIVED any affection, how can you expect him to show it? he told CG that he doesn't know how to say sorry or solve problems or do this and that because no one's ever shown him. he's slowly trying to open up to her, but she keeps shooting him down. even in shin's relationship with his friends and hyorin, they all beling to rich familes so they are more formal and uptight about things (excpet KH's lover). hyorin never showed her true emotions till the thailand trip and was always uptight and serious even during the relationship. she told shin to be more affectionate to CG because she knew that shin liked her because hyorin had known him for a long time, but CG is jsut lost because shin is just so stale....and cold.

i feel bad for shin. he was really mad when CG was with YUL (stupid...ugly kid) since his dad cheated on his mom and everything...i feel so bad 'cause he can't go to anyone really to talk about the whole ordeal. i say show it to the press, get his father off the throne, die of a heartattack and just go away. ugh.

and BY THE WAY is she RETARDED? why would she CALL A FREAKNG TAXI TO GO TO GOONG? if she was SMART, which apparantely she is DEFINATELY NOT, then she would have called shin, quietly gone to goong, and there owuld have been no problems. she basically BLAMES it ALL on shin in the end internally. .

i'm done with my ranting. basically, i hate all the big characters in the drama except shin. kang hyun and that boy of hers makes me happy...

tomorrow better be a MUCH BETTER DAY.

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looking at his shocked face at the end of the preview and also because of manhwa, I guessed he heard the word divorce :tears:

Seems ep 20 will be closely linked to manhwa... yul will brainwash cg to say divorce in the live interview, shin will overhear and becomes sad and yet he will still go on with the live interview because i think deep in his heart, he's betting on whether cg will betray him and mention divorce or not. During live interview, shin will confess his feelings towards cg and cg had to betray his trust and mentioned divorce. my guess is today's episode willl end here.

based on manhwa bk 11, ep 21 will continue to be a depressing one. although shin managed to turn the word divorce around such that the ppl still thinks they are a loving couple, his trust for cg is gone and he's no longer going to be nice to her. at least this is based on the manhwa. cg will continue to look for yul which in turn, angers shin even more. :tears: guess it's going to be difficult episodes from yesterday onwards if it's gonna follow the manhwa. :tears:

i think so too.. i am So darna afraid that Cg is going to say I WANT TO DIVORCE in the middle of that interview.... this is just so sad.? and i am sure Cg dun have brains if she say that

Don't she know that YUl is trying to snatch everything away from SHIN, the man she love?????

i think she is a nut case. realli.

and SHin is a babo too. his communication skills is like a 3 yr old. i really wanna smack them both awake

even though i have the hard copies of the manhwa.. i read vol 11 ONCE and i threw it aside already because thAT whole Vol was freaking hella despressing. -.-

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ok i might as well post now! i am posting my official 100th POST in the Goong Thread. I'm not very happy with the way things are going but I need to vent! Theres so much I need to say! So ya heres my 100th post.

First order of buisness: I want to punch Yul in the nose, make it bleed and break it permanentley. He is a jerk and he has NO RIGHT to tell Chae Gyung to tell the nation of korea on national television that she is going to divorce Shin. WTF she is married, she has her problems, they arent your problems, get over her! Shin is your cousin who is also like your brother. Yul you are a loser,a pshyco and in my opinion you deserve nothing. You need to grow up, and stop asking for things you cant have. I understand you are "in love" with Chae Gyung but truthfully if you had met her on the street somewhere and never became Bigoong Mama would u have liked her?? I doubt it so LEAVE CHAE GYUNG alone so she can be happily MARRIED TO SHIN! You made her have a scandal? You got her in trouble u jerk! I HATE U and by the way who gives you the right to brain wash people??? You need seriously help...

Next order of buisness: Chae Gyung dont wait around for the guy to confess their love. STOP assuming things without getting the full story. SHIN loves you why cant you see it? You are acting like a five year old and its getting annoying. You think you're hurting, think about Shin? Hes a person to and just like you he gets jealous when he sees you with Yul. And why are you taking his advice ne ways? Hes not your husband, Shin is? Are you stupid? You dislike Shin because he cares about Hyo Rin thats so hypocritical. Well your making your husband feel the same way by always being with Yul. You dont owe Yul anything and must I remind you, Yul is your cousin and law. Dont take advice from him, hes just doing this to break you too up. If he really cared about you, he would try to keep you and Shin together because he knows you love Shin! Princesses dont date their cousin in law. And you are setting a terrible example for girls everywhere! Just stop being an idiot and so oblivious. Shin loves you and doesnt want anyone else but you to be his wife ok!

And finally my love, Shin: You need to learn how to communicate. If you dont tell Chae Gyung you love her soon, U WILL LOSE HER! Your losing her rite now! I hate seeing you so sad and defensive. Open up to her and just confess. You have changed so much because of her. Your warmer, kinder, you smile more, its wonderful to see you like this. Even though you do get mean, we all know it is because you never recevied love growing up. But now you have Chae Gyung to fill your heart. Dont let her go Shin! Fight for her, TELL HER THAT YOU LOVE HER! Its just three little words that will bring her back to you!

I love Goong, but its so hard watching the previews. Like i said before I AM GOING to murder the PD's for doing this to us. Insted of making it 24 they should have just stopped it at 20. It wouldnt of dragged and a happy ending may have happened. Anyways CHAE GYUNG and SHIN 4-EVER! hopefully....

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i want to shoot yul in the face.

OMG he makes all the perspectives that CG has of shin liking her go down the toilet, into the sewers, and become dissolved by rats. everytime CG says what if....he's like NO. DEF NOT. IT;S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.

CG is just being a girl (YEH isn't too great at acting these sad/pissed off parts too well....i like her happy acting much better) and i totally understand what she's feeling...but YUL is destroying ALL OF HER HOPES.............................I HATE HIM!

Sigh, you are right on the dot. He's destroying all her hopes. :tears: He became a scheming and revengeful person like his mom. I wish CG would open her eyes and heart to see who is really worthy of her love and concern. a husband who loves her and supports her, albeit silently or a guy who is so consumed by his love her that he did not even consider whether cg will be happier with him or with shin. :fury:

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Guest jobogae

This drama is soo fun to watch! Whoever posted the episodes online via youtube, thank you much!

Just my guess about the person getting the throne: <_<

I'm watching Goong and I always wondered what the role of the sister of Shin Goon is. Then I realize she is always the calm and voice of reason... kinda setting herself up as a future queen. Plus, there's this conversation between the King and the Queen about how the palace should move forward with times ...etc.

I think it will be a happy ending though between Shin Goon and CG. Producers just want to play with our heads in their previews! :D

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Guest CherryMoonPrincess

i guess we can't really blame it on CG, 'cause from the start she IS NOT a smart girl. That is CG's personality. For all the time she always talked to Yul, so when this happened, she had nothing else to do other than turn to Yul. But still, I'm mad! Shin and CG are both stupid, Yul is even more stupid, wanting the Crown Prince position just because he was mad that he couldn't have CG (I said so because if until this time he still thinks after the divorce, CG would go to him, then Yul is a total idiot!).

I'm so mad, but I still want to watch tomorrow epi. I want to see what happened next, and how they end it up. Grr grr...

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i think so too.. i am So darna afraid that Cg is going to say I WANT TO DIVORCE in the middle of that interview.... this is just so sad.? and i am sure Cg dun have brains if she say that

Don't she know that YUl is trying to snatch everything away from SHIN, the man she love?????

i think she is a nut case. realli.

and SHin is a babo too. his communication skills is like a 3 yr old. i really wanna smack them both awake

even though i have the hard copies of the manhwa.. i read vol 11 ONCE and i threw it aside already because thAT whole Vol was freaking hella despressing. -.-

amanda, i am afraid she's going to do that. at least she did that in the manhwa and you know how closely the scriptwriter for this drama follows the manhwa. :tears:

let's all cry together for the two babo person. :tears::tears:

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I've been watching GOONG for the past couple of weeks. I've been a silent reader in this thread. ^^V

BUT ANYWAY. I couldn't stalk the thread anymore and not state my opinion so here it is... (I'm sure many of you GOONG-ers feel the same way as I do)

1. First of all, Yul, Yul's mom, and Hyorin need to seriously get out of the picture and leave ChaeGyung and ShinGoon ALONE. It's getting quite old. T_____T''

2. I am EXTREMELY disliking the fact that the PD's are dragging this drama. It's making me frustrated and GOONG is almost starting to be a typical sappy tragic drama (not that there's anything wrong with that) but I actually started liking GOONG because it was so different from all of the other dramas. At the beginning there was so much humor and lightheartedness. Now everything's so heavy and so serious. ChaeGyung, come back to your senses! Do another one of hilarious, embarrassing scenes. (:

3.ATTENTION PD'S. STOP MAKING IT SO THAT ONE SIDE ONLY EAVESDROPS ON PART OF A CONVERSATION!!! it's getting a bit redundant, no? (especially in episode 20 since i just saw the preview)

4.Yul is getting on my last nerves. a;wlefja;wleufjawef

He makes me want to wring his neck. GAHHHHH. I used to be a Yul camper, but now he's getting so annoying. STOP BRAINWASHING CHAEGYUNG!! LEAVE HER ALONE!! :angry:

5.ShinGoon. Stop trying to act all manly in front of ChaeGyung. BE there for her. Say 'I Love You', please? :tears: Everything will be resolved as soon as you do. ChaeGyung will know that she has your heart and then she can ditch Yul and go back to you.

6.On a different note, I find KangHyun and the other guy's relationship to be so cute and funny. :D Haha.


The PD's have a LOT to fix and work up to for the ending. Best of luck to them.

Oh and I find it absolutely ridiculous how we have to wait until January 2007 for the sequel. Maybe they're going to change settings? I dunno. I heard for GOONG it took them a LONG time to build all the palace settings and such. I wouldn't blame them. It looks great. ^^;;

So that was my 2 cents on GOONG. I doubt anyone will have the time to read this since this thread is growing so fast every day, but I just had to let out my opinions. See you later, fellow GOONG-ers. :P

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Guest echoRy
let's all cry together for the two babo person. :tears::tears:

:(:tears: :fury: <_<:(:tears:

~~~we can't blame Yul 100%. he's doing a lot of manipulating, but Chae is the one letting him.

i love CHAE, i love her, i love her and i love her..................but she needs to wake up to reality.

Chae needs to open her eyes and see what Yul is doing.

i mean the guy's good! he's there at Chae's most vulnerable moments, he's there

whispering in her ear and confirming her worst fears...he's that little voice of bad


and Chae needs to realize and stop it. if she chooses not to listen, then he looses his influence,

he looses his power~~~

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My GOD! I'm gettin friggin' pissed at yul <_< I feel as if I'm no longer a Yul supporter but a Shin XD. Even though Yul is his mom's toy to help her in the palace, he's pissing me off where his love for CG has turned into a daily obsession which is freaky. I feel like I don't want to watch goong anymore. CG is pissing me off. Goodness, she can't clearly see Shin's love for her. Just totally friggin' pisses me off :crazy: Ok, I shall calm down. I shall announce my Goong Awards XD

Most Hated: Yul's mental mother

Went from Nice to Crazy, Obsessive: Yul

Most pitied characters: Hyorin and Shin's mom =\

Most Lousy: The Blind King

Most Funny: The King's Mom (forgot her name)

Most gullible: CG

Fitted to take over King/Queen: Shin's Sister XD

I seriously don't know where Shin goes xD. Mind's blank =x

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Guest kdrama_luv3r

screencaps will be posted up once there are kind people who take time to upload them =)

it takes a lot of effort, so please be patient =p

hehe i'm glad you like them =)

i haven't watched the most recent episode yet [yes, shame on me] hehe but i don't think i'll be happy either =|

i'm 'yul's lover' haha, but i actually want chae gyung and shin to be together because that, for me, is the main point of the story in the first place =D

hehe, from what i can infer from other people's comments, they have a BIG miscommunication problem--man, they should know by now how they feel about each other =|

ANYWAYS, i just found these, and they look like the news conference =)

PERHAPS chae gyung will announce their divorce? *dun dun dun*


hee, lilshinhwafreak beat me to it =D

i predict even more heartbreak to come. prepare yourselves, shin campers =D


>> daum

i like what Chae Gyung wearing! they matching sort of !! ^-^

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Guest valandy

Don't worry!!! :)

From what I can remember from an article from the PD, this will be a happy ending, like what they had planned before the extension from 20 episodes to 24 episodes. The extension just means more torturing before the sweet endings....... ;)

It just hurt to see CG hurting Shin over and over again just based on what Yul said. Right from the start, she knew that Yul wanted the throne and her, then how could she trust his words totally???? Yes, he was your first friend in the palace but he had changed. She can still be friends with him but must also guard against him, right???

Shin might not have said it out about his feelings but the fact that he wanted to stay married to her and his change in attitude towards her should give her some hope, right??? Maybe CG was still not sure about his feelings but at least it was no longer as depressing as the starting. That's the problem with people, when you finally have someone's attention, you want something more, some actions and some words. :rolleyes:

CG, give Shin some time. You used to be very magnanimous with him, do it again for the two of you. Just a smile from you would be able to change the relationship around.............

Give us something to hope for...............

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Guest CherryMoonPrincess

hix, who wouldn't miss them? This epi made me so mad, I fast-forwarded it, a thing I've never done with Goong.

hix, the only fun moment for me in epi.19 was when Shin's friend waved at Kang Huyn (sorry, forgot his name). They are such a cute couple!

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:(:tears: :fury: <_<:(:tears:

~~~we can't blame Yul 100%. he's doing a lot of manipulating, but Chae is the one letting him.

i love CHAE, i love her, i love her and i love her..................but she needs to wake up to reality.

Chae needs to open her eyes and see what Yul is doing.

i mean the guy's good! he's there at Chae's most vulnerable moments, he's there

whispering in her ear and confirming her worst fears...he's that little voice of bad


and Chae needs to realize and stop it. if she chooses not to listen, then he looses his influence

his power~~~

but but but angeline... cg IS a silly girl. even kang hyun said it herself during the hallway scene, she said cg's brain is simple so should not think such deep stuffs (cg was going on and on about her confusion on whether she can continue staying in the palace).

plus she's very vurneable now. with yul being there for her all the time whenever shin gives her the cold shoulders, i guess she can't help but gravitate towards him.

so the only way to break this horrendous cycle, is for shin to open up to cg so there's no more misunderstanding between these two. once cg confirms shin's feelings towards her, i can assure you she will go back to the 'ming liang bing' cg that she used to be.

so screenwriters, i wanna see how you are going to clean up this messy situation. i put it as huge font, just in case the screenwriters decided to pop by here :lol:

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