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Guest coreana

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You must be joking, they are thinking of having season 3, 4... Are they nuts? :wacko: The news was saying they are considering following the American drama where they have a couple of seasons


I just read the second last paragraph. It says Season 1 will have a continuing-ending. Meaning it will not have proper ending but will end with something that can continue to Season2. Damn! I think they are going to end it with a cliffhanger!!!! Argh. Someone help me. I am too depressed now. :tears:

O.O Man. And I thought a second season was pushing it. Now an open-ended first season AND a possibility of seasons 3 and 4? Insane... :blink:

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Guest SillyYun

i hope they are not that silly to think that dragging the drama will make more money! I want an ending not a complicated beat around bush ending..now I have a feeling that the last ep of season will be like making us confused..like having no ending and THE END to be continued!

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Guest cilik


I just read the second last paragraph. It says Season 1 will have a continuing-ending. Meaning it will not have proper ending but will end with something that can continue to Season2. Damn! I think they are going to end it with a cliffhanger!!!! Argh. Someone help me. I am too depressed now. :tears:

what? you've gotta be kidding me. we're frustrated enough with things the way they are, and as much as i'd like to stay positive and trust that they'll give us a good ending for season 1, i don't think i can do that after reading that news :( . MBC officials need to visit this thread and see for themselves how much anxiety they're causing with all the season 2 talk :wacko:

does that mean the she-devil's coming back next season too? :crazy:

EDIT: amanda, i don't know how much longer i can trust the manhwaga...

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what? you've gotta be kidding me. we're frustrated enough with things the way they are, and as much as i'd like to stay positive and trust that they'll give us a good ending for season 1, i don't think i can do that after reading that news :( . MBC officials need to visit this thread and see for themselves how much anxiety they're causing with all the season 2 talk :wacko:

does that mean the she-devil's coming back next season too? :crazy:

yes.. the chinese article mentioned that : the 4some relatinship is going to get freakin complicated.

as if it's not complicated enough NOW>



i am going to stop watchin after season 1. arhg.

wad the hel*

i thought after extending 4 darn epis they can satisfy us by giving us a gd ending. but NOOOOOOOOOOo now season 3 and 4 are poppin out.. they are going to make goong into shows like NON-stop, etc.

oMG. some one slap me

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Guest echoRy

basically, we will not have an ending like Meteor Garden 1 where it ended nicely right? Instead, we will get like the American Drama version, for example like Friends. When each season end, it will basically hang in mid air, preparing for the next season right? That is what we are going to get with Goong. :tears::tears::tears::tears:

Someone please tell me I am wrong in intrepreting the news. My chinese is quite rusty when it comes to long sentences. Sigh.


Ah apparently I am right. Since Amanda already confirms the news. :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears:

that's what i'm worried about! i mean in most american/canadian shows, on season finales,

they do end with a cliffhanger but the cliffs are usually about a specific subject...like on Friends when

Ross accidently said Rachel's name at his wedding.

i'm worried that Goong isn't gonna have a good cliffhanger like that, but instead just a filler type ending.

u know one that doesn't really fit the story, but they put it in anyways just to stall.

uughhh i don't even know if i'm making any sense. i'm pissed right now, i'm worried my favorite

drama is gonna end up sucking @ss!!!

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i hope they won't follow the stupid situation of MG1 manga when the couple is abt to make love (censored for the under aged) and then the girl is running a fever :fury: . action comes to a halt.

pls, MBC doesn't know when is a good time to stop. when MNIKSS made such a huge (unexpected) success, their news keep reporting abt it when MNIKSS is already long over... now they are letting their stupidity rule their head with ideas like season 3 and 4... wtf!

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Guest linatan

PUAUHAHAH! I SO agree! they wun consumate their marriage ever in this sense.. TELL me they are kiddin right? season 3 4? :crazy::crazy::blink:

i think the author Park must be laughin in her bed countin the cash.

i thot of pinning my hopes for a GD endin for goong on the MBC drama.. but heckk as if season 2 is not bad enough. :tears:

now i pin my hopes back on the manhwa.. pls.. pretty park dUN disappoint the fans

omg this is the things that I hate most. why dun they just make happy ending for season 1 at least CG and Shin confess their feeling to each other. season 2 can just talk abt their life or talk about Yul's life.

why PD is very unproffesional??? i am wondering whether he did finished his degree as an drama writer or not.....dammmnnn...

i am very depressed nowwwwwwww...someone please tell me how to relieve my stress, should I stop watch this drama...so annoying when the ending is hanging. :fury: :fury: :crazy:

will you want to send petition to MBC so that they will have sweet ending of GOONG??? hhehe...my crazy ideas.

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Guest echoRy

oMG. some one slap me
:excl: SLAP :excl:

now slap me for heaven's sake!

if it really does end up like we all fear it does..then i'm not going to follow the series like

i am now. i will wait till the official DVD comes out and watch the whole thing in one solid

weekend or something.

season 1 is killing me...my enthusiasm...and my patience!

i'm not sure i could do the same thing for season 2!

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omg this is the things that I hate most. why dun they just make happy ending for season 1 at least CG and Shin confess their feeling to each other. season 2 can just talk abt their life or talk about Yul's life.

why PD is very unproffesional??? i am wondering whether he did finished his degree as an drama writer or not.....dammmnnn...

i am very depressed nowwwwwwww...someone please tell me how to relieve my stress, should I stop watch this drama...so annoying when the ending is hanging. :fury: :fury: :crazy:

will you want to send petition to MBC so that they will have sweet ending of GOONG??? hhehe...my crazy ideas.

I am going to finish season 1 and that's that. not going to follow up to season2 Until it ends..

this is freakin killin me. the blasted PDS. I hope they can read english eh?


:excl: SLAP :excl:

now slap me for heaven's sake!

if it really does end up like we all fear it does..then i'm not going to follow the series like

i am now. i will wait till the official DVD comes out and watch the whole thing in one solid

weekend or something.

season 1 is killing me...my enthusiasm...and my patience!

i'm not sure i could do the same thing for season 2!

AND ANGELINE~ the worse thing is.... they official announced that season 1 of goong is going to have an OPEN ENDING whatever that means is that the ending is probably going to make us all go ??????????????

i mean does goong have like 50% of the ratings now?

it's only 27% pls.. what is MBC thinking.... JUSt gimme the PDS'job and i will do us all a flavor and end the miseries of those 4 poor characters..

i bet in season 2, hyorin is going to think it thru and go after shin again and yul apparently is never going to give up etc etc etc.. omg..

* i AM GOING NUTZ :crazy:

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Guest ArashiSuki

sould we start writing complain and reject the idea of having season 2,3,4 etc to MBC? I think its annoying to have another season. This drama is complicated enough .... and I want the ending soon!!! Sooo frustating!

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Guest _yinsyung*--


you know, originally i had nothing against the thought of a season two - i was going to keep an open mind about it...

but having watched ep 17 and 18 i think they're desparately running out of ideas and they're not even using common sense anymore. it's like they're just thinking up randomy scenarios to place the most memorable scenes in the manhwa. ._.

i don't know what i'll do if they leave me with a really bad ending for season one; and knowing i'll have to wait a year... jfdlksa;jflkas

can we start a petition? :x

a petition from fans to tell them to stop? hahha that must be unheard of. but i fear that they may take Goong too far - the idea of season 2+ irks me. i know the sets are expensive; but can't they use the set for some other show T_T

{EDIT} IT'S SO TRUE!! goong's ratings aren't even that good..when compared to some of MBC's other successes...or are they making huge profits from selling Goong merchandise like alfred??


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Guest cilik

yeah. the PDs should know it's better to stop when you're on top!!! {EDIT: not that they've gone that far either...rating-wise, i mean}

i wonder if they're planning to stay true to the manhwa or if they're going to take a completely different approach instead. if season 2 is going to stray from the manhwa, then i'm almost positive that i won't be following it, since my fandom originates from the manhwa after all.

EDIT: i'm all for petitioning!!!

EDIT2: i just noticed that amanda's pose in her avvie is somewhat similar to chae's pose in nancy's avvie ^o^

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Guest beautifulxmess


so basically, 7 more episodes to go, nothing will be resolved, relationships complicated further??

considering a 3rd, 4th season? is MBC crazy? havent they thought how this could be suicidal?????


if the 3rd/4th season is true, i fervently hope YEH and JJH will pull out of the project..so then we have entirely new cast and then we can just boycott the drama all together! haha...no reason to watch if the cast don't remain the same...


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Guest sesami

basically, we will not have an ending like Meteor Garden 1 where it ended nicely right? Instead, we will get like the American Drama version, for example like Friends. When each season end, it will basically hang in mid air, preparing for the next season right? That is what we are going to get with Goong. :tears::tears::tears::tears:

Someone please tell me I am wrong in intrepreting the news. My chinese is quite rusty when it comes to long sentences. Sigh.


Ah apparently I am right. Since Amanda already confirms the news. :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears:

I think it says that MBC will use Goong as the first Korean drama that has "seasons". Each Season (actually is each series) will be produced by different writers and producers and thus will have a different storyline and concentrating on different characters. For example, it could be a story on the new-couple : KangIn & Shin's friend etc.. It could be a comedy theme, school theme etc.. Basically MBC is following those Taiwan drama series format.

As what Liquidfir has translated earlier... they said that the ending for season 1 will NOT have a ENDED "ending" and the relationship bwteen the 4 main characters will get even more complicated..

I think the main reason is becasue GOONG will official end when the 4 main characters' relationship ends or finalised. Who would bother to watch or follow the show if there's no more CG, Shin or YUL.

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Guest Brooklyn

i'm thinking...they might do a dawson's creek (or other american series) type w/ the two leads getting involved with other (not just yul and hyorin) guys/girls...

and in the end-est ending, it would be like either dawson's - did not end up w/ each other

or friends - rachel and ross ended up together and even had a kid...

but for sure...no one's gonna wait 10 years for that...not even the PD's mom, i think...

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i mean if they conclude Cg and shin's love story like forexample they let them consumate their marriage and the next season will be about how they get along as a REAL COUPLE. and then they will focus on how yul finds new love.. etc etc..

then perhaps i will continue the drama else i will boycott all MBC dramas altogether arg. they keep disappointin me. first with Lovers in paris and NOW with MY FAV MANHWA IN MY LIFE?

they playin with me?

go to @#$%^&*()

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Guest sylpha

guys that really sucks.....argh now i' m depressed...i can hardly wait for the episodes to come out now....how am i supposed to wait for a proper ending maybe a year or even more....? what´s wrong with those people? *argh* :tears:

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Guest echoRy

but they could just write new scripts and storylines for goodness sakes!

why don't they?!!!

ChaeShin can end up together and still, if they have good writers, they would have

lot's of viable scenerious that could happen in season 2!

and they can bring back ALL the characters that they want to come back.

Like on FRIENDS!!! all six castmembers came back till the end, but their stories didn't stall,

they progressed really nicely!

i mean how many times did Ross and Rachel get together then break up, get together and

then break up again! lots!

they don't have to have a frustrating open-ended ending!


i'm done, i'm frustrated enuff! i'm going to bed.


"right now, PD's I HATE U ALL!"

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Guest beautifulxmess

i think this is the right moment for all those 'crazy' korean netizens we keep hearing about to actually step in and cause a riot in the MBC Goong boards...

if there's so much opposition, they should have sense not to continue.

anyone who visits those baords and understands the posts, could u tell us what the general 'response' is to this piece of news? Or is it only us that is against this?

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