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Guest coreana

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boy!just from the Ep17 caps (trying to dl now!), JJH really used all his experience in modeling

and did a fire hot pose for that forced kiss huh? i <3 it!!!!

hopefully in Ep18 quiet moments of apology and declarations of luv between ChaeShin will come out.

i wont want them to end Season I (like in the manhwa)

on an announcement of divorce at their 1-year anniversary

then have a Season 2 where the story continues with the political struggle and

MoToot banishes CG to some torture training far away

or worse still have Shin fall ill!!! horrors!!!!

dying for more ChaeShin special loving moments!

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Guest x3_katie

OMG nvm. that kiss is soooo not romantic. what he said afterward was so gay and mean. plus she like struggled. alot. -_-

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Y, I will be glad to pinch you and beat you up, but will it be alright if it was through the net? hehe...no probs! You can do the same to me, I haven't seen this eppie yet either.

Rinrin, thanks for the caps! This took me by surprise! Wow, I didnt' expect this at all! I was all for Yul and Kang Hyun, but I do like this pairing too! He looks like he's a goner! Poor Jang Kyung. Ryu Hwan looks like he's taken with Jisu too! Just look at him! What is up with Kang In on the ground there? He looks like he's enjoying himself with the hat! lol, they're all so adorable but hatable at times! Thanks, Rinrin!

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Angel dear, we're not supposed to request for subs *friendly warning here, pls don't get insulted* :).. Requesting can result in delayed release of the subs. Don't worry, when it's out, it's out.. and one of our kind-hearted subbers will post it here too (also on d-addicts).

ohs i didnt realize that :crazy: i take bak wat i said :rolleyes:

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Guest hillz3388



not am happy n relieved! XD

and whatz this epi about..ive seen so many capz...but didnt really get it.....cz i aint been watching the 2 latest epiz cz no subz! >.<

lookz liek theyre having some sort of dinenr party meal thingy!

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Guest mrshyunbin

YAY she slapped him ..silly shin he's so confused

yul you rock:D o gosh he looked so cute in his mask

its funny how shin's freind like chae kyung's freind

she's really pretty n he's so nook ee hae lol

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Guest sophendo

Goong Ep 18 - 140 mb - YSI Links

I own page 1416!!! ;) ...woah, I'm getting good at putting the post at the top of the page. Oh, well! Better navigation for you guys. hehe

If you want the 55mb version of Ep 18, go here: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=1922721



If you still need this episode, find me on IRC. If you know how to use mIRC, you can get the lq versions of Episode 1-20 if you connect to the ircHIGHWAY server and join the #ambrosia channel. heh. I'm usually "sophendo|bot" or "afk|sophe." Just send me a message on irc :D Or ask on the channel. I'm sure 'tenchimal' won't bite you. XD


Hey guys!! I was able to get the 140 mb version. (Thank you soutsada7 for trying to get me a ysi link. ;__; Too bad it was blocked by the time I got to it! LOL) So... here are many MANY MAAAAANNNNYYY yousendit links to Episode 18!! Enjoy <333

Thanks for the comments! *sophendo gobbles them up and gains 20 pounds* @_@

See you next week with Ep 19-20 YSI links! Go, go Goong fever!!!

v Check my signature for archive links (they may have expired...^^;;) and please PLEASE PM me if a mirror becomes blocked so I can scratch it out! Plus, it will tell me that I need to upload more!

GIVE ME LOVE AND I WILL LOVE YOU BACK! It takes me several hours to get these up.


<3 Why? 'Cuz I love you guys.

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Guest IncaStar

i've been lurking in the background all this while

but finally i have to break my silence as i'm getting

too frustrated after watching ep 18 :blush:

btw, annyoung all!! (love all your posts which are both entertaining and enlightening)

am frustrated because :

chae gyoung heard something which she didn't need too hear


she didn't hear the thing which she absolutely needed to hear....

oooh, chae gyoung left too early and missed the important statement

which shin made to hyorin

at least there is a little bit of consolation in the form of jk/kh scenes

---thanks for the pics above/prev page which should describe this --

who made a prediction that these two will hook up eventually...?

you guys are so clever...

i like it when that clueless chaebol son was trying to get close to her

he asked whether she lives in gang nam and she didn't even aswer

way cool girl... ;)

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Guest blue_rose

my 2 cents about the 'kisses'......

I do not think YUL should be slapped at all, his kiss is extremely gentle and innocent (even tho we know his intention is not exactly 'innocent'). Did anybody notice PD cut it short?? it seems it went for a bit longer and it was abruptly 'cut' or maybe I am imagining thing ;)

As for SHIN's kiss, yes it was a 'forced kiss' but for him this thing with YULLY has been building up for a while and this is just the thing that breaks the camel's back. Every time he tried to kiss CG he's got his head hit by her head, OUCH :D

I do not like any form of unwelcomed advances but I think in this case SHIN's action is fully justified. He has this HUGE communication issue early on (unable to explain anything to CG) and he is reaping the fruit now.....unfortunately.

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Guest Pikachu

at least there is a little bit of consolation in the form of jk/kh scenes

---thanks for the pics above/prev page which should describe this --

who made a prediction that these two will hook up eventually...?

you guys are so clever...

i like it when that clueless chaebol son was trying to get close to her

he asked whether she lives in gang nam and she didn't even aswer

way cool girl... ;)

I never predicted this pairing, but it's just one of those ones I randomly (ok not randomly, I actaully thought about it) paired up based on their personalities XDD. so yeah, it was shocking when it actaully sort og came true.

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Guest charles0702

can anyone give me a spot translation of ep 18 when cg and shin were talking, the part she had the towel over her head.. :D

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