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Guest coreana

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When this episode ended, I kept thinking it seemed incredibly short. Maybe it's because nothing really happened?

I think my favorite part was the, um, artist's corner? :D Up until this point, you really just see Yul with CG and company in regular class, never actually doing anything that artsy. Kinda like how we have yet to see Shin and company actually doing something filmy or theater-y. But that still-life insert was a nice touch. And I really like how Yul kept blocking CG from his drawing. That was really cute. For a few seconds, there was no more drama! Everything was just fun and playful and peaceful! But of course Shin had to ruin the moment.

And that preview! Specifically the last shot. Daggumit, I've been waiting in AGONY for someone to finally put a stop to Shin's endless dragging around of Chae Gyung. How many times has he done it now? Five? Six? And he seems to think that every argument can be solved with a hug. wtf

Kang In had some serious chest going on in this ep. Did anyone else rewind that hotel check-in scene just to watch him? :D I like how he's finally standing up to Shin too, that mofo needs a man-to-man bashing.

You knew it was coming. I saved Yul and Kang Hyun for last, with a brand spankin' new editorial!


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Ahhh, snowapple, it was a bit dull except perhaps for CG driving her friends with Yul following behind and chuckling to himself. Oh, and when Shin asks him why he's so late, my interpretation of his expression would be "you'd have to be there!" Seems like he's still laughing over CG's driving method!

Alas, it seems like most of this episode is lost on me since I don't know Korean. Will just have to wait for the subs to find out what all the political maneuvering is, etc.

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Guest Crystallight

I am so glad that HR is gone after the 20 episodes. I think that shin looked absolutely gorgeous with the suit on at the beginning of ep.17. Shin looked really skinny in the preview for episode 18. Do you guys think that there will be more action between CG and Shin?? I am getting really impatient for more togetherness from the main characters. :D

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Guest s2.baboxx

omgg 1379 pagess??!?!?!?! 27,517 posts?!?! :blink: this is WACKK.. lols just thought i'd point that out to u guys! anyways i dont know if anyone is gonna read this since its soo far bakk! but i recently started awtching this drama! and I LOVE IT!! omgg.. this drama is a really big hitt.. teehee.. shin goon lol is starting to become a sweetheart.. yahh im just on the 10th ep.. so yah! im gonna keep going!

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Guest Pikachu

Snowapple, that was brilliant! I didn't even realize the scnee you were talking about in ep 11 when Kang Hyun wiped something off Yul's hand.. XD Now I have to watch it again just to see. And I dind't really think about Kang Hyun being positioned on CG's right till you mentioned it, and now that you pointed this out, I like this symbolism. XD (along with the other things that you said on the editorial that will probably make the non-Yul/KH believers believe) :phew:

can someone post a link so i can watch #17!!!!! PLEASSSEEEE


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Guest yoonho

i want to download in clubbox, but some of the clubbox link need to login... How to get the ID???

Anyone can help me??

Thank u....

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Guest samtly

i think hyroin is leaving and not extending the extral 4 epi mayb because it will only make people hate her more. cause they will have to make her more evil. she leaving now people will actually pity her more. i think this let her leave as a more respectable women.

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Guest tannyc

if HR to be out from episode 20, probably the pd want to make her go overseas to study and kang in will follow her and then hr finally find out that kang in love her... and that's a good ending for this couple.

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A thought went through my mind when news of hyorin leaving from ep 20 onwards: what if they find a replacement for her? a girl even more evil and cunning than hyorin? with this new girl in the picture, season 1 will end with a cliffhanger between shin, cg and new girl *pulls hair* :blink:

i will so kill the PDs if they end season 1 with a cliffhanger :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


I don't think they can find a new person to take over the antagonist role so fast eh? so maybe it's just me thinking too much. maybe the last 4 episode will be focused on yul and his evil evil mom. :phew:

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Guest missy

A thought went through my mind when news of hyorin leaving from ep 20 onwards: what if they find a replacement for her? a girl even more evil and cunning than hyorin? with this new girl in the picture, season 1 will end with a cliffhanger between shin, cg and new girl *pulls hair* :blink:

i will so kill the PDs if they end season 1 with a cliffhanger :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


I don't think they can find a new person to take over the antagonist role so fast eh? so maybe it's just me thinking too much. maybe the last 4 episode will be focused on yul and his evil evil mom. :phew:

don't speak of such things! you're making me nervous!

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Guest edwin012290

which plan's been officialized? immediately after season 1 of 20 episodes is season 2 with 4 episodes? or season 1 with 24 eps and a whole other season a year later?

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Guest HomelessBird

No matter how I hate Hyorin , Goong will miss something w/o her ! I actually feel lil sad over the news ! I think her ending is kinda rush ! I would like to see her with and good ending , like having Kang In escort her study overboard !

I dont think there will be new character coming in for the last 4 eps though ! It is too short to creat a character and everything else ! I think the PDs, if they are in the right mind, would concentrate on Yul-Shin confrotation, as well as the love triangle between them ! ( Ah, I forgot the Mo-Toot and that King !) hmmmm thinking hard ! I guess the sickness inside the King brain really has been eating his brain off ! That is why he is acting like a JERK now !

P.S: the thread seems so quiet !

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A thought went through my mind when news of hyorin leaving from ep 20 onwards: what if they find a replacement for her? a girl even more evil and cunning than hyorin? with this new girl in the picture, season 1 will end with a cliffhanger between shin, cg and new girl *pulls hair* :blink:

i will so kill the PDs if they end season 1 with a cliffhanger :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


I don't think they can find a new person to take over the antagonist role so fast eh? so maybe it's just me thinking too much. maybe the last 4 episode will be focused on yul and his evil evil mom. :phew:

-.- :ph34r:

dun worry if that happens... i will fly over and kill them.

let's do it together.

i dun think that will happen right?

but MBC has a history of DARN LOUSY endings for dramas..

let's just pray

edwin012290 : yes. it has been finalized. the extension of 20-24 episodes is to enable the Pds to continue the story for the season 2 of goong. season 2 of goong winter of 2007

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Guest donilpark

A thought went through my mind when news of hyorin leaving from ep 20 onwards: what if they find a replacement for her? a girl even more evil and cunning than hyorin? with this new girl in the picture, season 1 will end with a cliffhanger between shin, cg and new girl *pulls hair* :blink:

i will so kill the PDs if they end season 1 with a cliffhanger :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


I don't think they can find a new person to take over the antagonist role so fast eh? so maybe it's just me thinking too much. maybe the last 4 episode will be focused on yul and his evil evil mom. :phew:

4 episodes before the end?

Do you think anyone will accept it?

It did take 20 episodes to develop Hyorin's character to some depth.

There's no way a new character introduced now can gain any life. There's just no way.

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