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Guest coreana

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but what made me angry is the fact that when she burnt herself with the candle Shin didn't do anything, he didn't even say anything, compared to the time when she bit her tongue during the lunch, and when she felt he didn't even move !!!!!!!!!!!!! :vicx: what the hell is he doing??????????

oooo wake up Shin !!!!!!!!!!

Now i feel like ep 16's trip to the beach was nothing more than a filler.. bcoz i definitely don't see any residue of those sweet moments in this episode *and the preview for tomorrow's*.. Geez, the PDs are really playing tricks on us :angry: We can literally take out ep 16, and skip to this episode and wouldn't miss a thing. After all the holding-hands and hugs and sleeping in his arms and fooling around on the beach.. Arrrgh, where do they go now??? We are back to square one! Even a hug *or should i say a squeeeeeze* from Shin becomes ultimate highlight of today's epi... Come on, PDs, we deserve more than that :phew:

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Guest lovedrama

i just watched it !!!! :D thx for the links !!!!!!!! ^^

it's weird but this episode didn't make me jump up and down like last week .... euh except at the end :phew::sweatingbullets: hahahahahahaha the end of the episode is so hilarous !!!!!!!!!! :lol:

hmmm ^^"" what was i saying? ah yeah i think that the action was a bit slow, a lot of long discussion, betweek hyorin and shin, between the queen and hyorin, with yul'm mum and hyorin (omg so many hyorin scene today ^^^"""""")

and i even pity her coz she finally realises that there was no more hope for her and shin, and it's sad =( i want to say : poor hyorin ** dont kill me for this sentence -_____- ** **hidding**

the car scene is so funny :lol:the face that Shin made makes me laugh so hard, he looks like he's gonna die, sceaming like a fool and yelling at his wife !! yeah his wife !! they really look like a couple !!! im sure at the beggining, i mean before he married and even met CG, i sure he won't teach somebody else how to drive !!! dont u think so???? and now what is he doing? teaching CG how to drive !! it's sweet ^^""""" well it's sweet if you dont care about the fact that it's a funny scene :sweatingbullets:

im happy coz Shin has finally admit that he needs CG !!! no matter what is happening, he wants CG to be next to him !!! it's so sweet :blush:

on the other hand while Hyorin seems to give up on Shin, Yul is getting eviler now -_____- the way he acts, the way he speaks !! omg so scary !!! oo and do u remember the scene when he's having a lunch or dinner i dont know exactly with two guys (sorry i dont understand korean so ... ), maybe one of the guy is he's personnal assistant, the way they were bowing to each other, and at the end of the scene he had this evil smile on his face, like a face of satisfaction, of power .. i dont know how to describe it !! and the way he was eating the fish ! ok it may sounds stupid what i say but it reveals his dark side, it's what i think and i think it was what the PD wanted to say as well, otherwise why would they put this sequence ? ! ^^

on the other hand you know that the old yul is still here, the shy one, the touching one, the sweet one ^^ when he was looking at his CG drawing, i felt sad for him, he looks like he's about to cry :tears: poor Yul !!!!

Now i can't wait for tomorrow !!!! with thenaked scene !!!!!!!!!!!! OMG it's gonna be crazy !!! im imagining all the scene in my head !!!!! hahahah :w00t:

and I totally agree with you all !!!! call me perv too if you want but we WANT more skinship !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :phew:

Why your text is yellow? We have to hightlighted inorder to see it. What's up with that?

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Guest helenou

Why your text is yellow? We have to hightlighted inorder to see it. What's up with that?

yeah it's normal ^^ because some part can be considerated like spoiler and some people may not want to know what is happening before watching with they own eyes so that's why i highlighted it ^^

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Guest lovedrama

all the spoilers are in light colours so that people who dont want to read it dont have to.....

Thanks, now I know why. :P

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Guest echoRy

Why your text is yellow? We have to hightlighted inorder to see it. What's up with that?

it's to keep people from reading spoilers. putting text in yellow gives people the option

of finding stuff out or not wanting to know!

anyways, thanx so much everyone for ALL the links. i can't wait to see it.

had to hurry off to school.

i know i'm gonna love the ep even before i c it!

thanx again guys, c u all later!

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Guest charles0702

is anyone in here korean.. can anyone give me a spot translation for the short preview for ep 18.. the only thing i know is that shin said let's go at the end.. i don't know what yul said to him in the end of preview ep 18.

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Guest kimtoa

i just watched it !!!! :D thx for the links !!!!!!!! ^^

it's weird but this episode didn't make me jump up and down like last week .... euh except at the end :phew::sweatingbullets: hahahahahahaha the end of the episode is so hilarous !!!!!!!!!! :lol:

hmmm ^^"" what was i saying? ah yeah i think that the action was a bit slow, a lot of long discussion, betweek hyorin and shin, between the queen and hyorin, with yul'm mum and hyorin (omg so many hyorin scene today ^^^"""""")

and i even pity her coz she finally realises that there was no more hope for her and shin, and it's sad =( i want to say : poor hyorin ** dont kill me for this sentence -_____- ** **hidding**

the car scene is so funny :lol:the face that Shin made makes me laugh so hard, he looks like he's gonna die, sceaming like a fool and yelling at his wife !! yeah his wife !! they really look like a couple !!! im sure at the beggining, i mean before he married and even met CG, i sure he won't teach somebody else how to drive !!! dont u think so???? and now what is he doing? teaching CG how to drive !! it's sweet ^^""""" well it's sweet if you dont care about the fact that it's a funny scene :sweatingbullets:

to teach someone drive is putting yourself in danger--(trust me I know how it feel since I'm in CG's position before, and feel bad for my bro who taught me to drive, but I think I'm better than CG a little) and since he is a prince, his live is more precious, but He went through all that just for her---He already accept her as his wife that why he taught her how to drive...You only do that to the important and close to you

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Guest rainy_summer

Very nice thread, soon enough it'll reach 240983093840 pages! XD

I accidentally saw this show on tv, and I enjoyed watching it! Unfortunately I forgot when I saw it, so I can't really go watch it again. Does anybody know when it's on in KSCI (So. Cal, CH 18)?

I dont know if your question has been answered.. Goong is on every Wednesday and Thursday at 950-1050 but sometimes it goes past 11 because it seems that KSCI isnt editing it much so we get to see it pretty much complete.

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omg, the last scene!!! But there's something I don't get...at the end of ep.17, when they were showing the preview of ep.18, there was a scene where CG grabs his legs, and then there was another scene where she sees *everything*...how is that possible? I mean, if the scene where she grabs his legs (and he screams..haha so funny) comes first, then wouldn't he know she's in the room, and therefore the second scene where she sees from top to bottom wouldn't happen? u know wut i mean?

just a little :huh: on how they would do that....

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at the end of ep.17, when they were showing the preview of ep.18, there was a scene where CG grabs his legs, and then there was another scene where she sees *everything*...how is that possible? I mean, if the scene where she grabs his legs (and he screams..haha so funny) comes first, then wouldn't he know she's in the room, and therefore the second scene where she sees from top to bottom wouldn't happen? u know wut i mean?

just a little :huh: on how they would do that....

Wow... you put a lot of thought in this particular scene, don't you!!! Bwuahahaha.. who doesn't, right?! Hmm, I think you're right.. so probably, one of the two is CG' perv imagination of what would happen if Shin found her *and he actually does*. Waddya think everybody? Let's put our mind and soul to think about Shin's naked body and its consequences... :sweatingbullets:

EDIT: You're back, Ririe? Thanks for the PM! :)

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Guest lil_azn_wannabe

[LQ] Palace EP17 (159MB)

[HQ] Palace EP17


Thx a lot for the download link :D

I can't wait to see it after reading all the posts and Spoilers hehe^^

I made a MV, it's a Tribute to Shin Chae-kyung our Hwang Taejabi ( if u write it like that...)

Hope you all like it, I just wanted to share it with all the Goong-Lovers ^____^

Tribute to Shin Chae-Kyung

Enjoy :P

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Wow... you put a lot of thought in this particular scene, don't you!!! Bwuahahaha.. who doesn't, right?! Hmm, I think you're right.. so probably, one of the two is CG' perv imagination of what would happen if Shin found her *and he actually does*. Waddya think everybody? Let's put our mind and soul to think about Shin's naked body and its consequences... :sweatingbullets:

EDIT: You're back, Ririe? Thanks for the PM! :)

hahah...u're rite :blush: but my god, what a body! not too muscular, not too skinny, just perfect! haha (i think i need to keep these thoughts in my head :P) . The only thing that bothers me is his model walk. It looks kool on the runway, but in real life, he walks funny...

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Guest charles0702

hey lil _ azn _ wannabe.. your video tribute doesn't have any pictures.. can anyone in here pm and give me directions how i can upload ep 17 on ysi link.. i downloaded mine from a club box. :D

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Guest missy

Wow... you put a lot of thought in this particular scene, don't you!!! Bwuahahaha.. who doesn't, right?! Hmm, I think you're right.. so probably, one of the two is CG' perv imagination of what would happen if Shin found her *and he actually does*. Waddya think everybody? Let's put our mind and soul to think about Shin's naked body and its consequences... :sweatingbullets:

EDIT: You're back, Ririe? Thanks for the PM! :)

i agree one of them has to be her pervy imagination!

i have no problem putting my mind and soul into thinking about it, in fact i could think about it aaallllllllll daaaaayyyy ^_^ hehehe all for the cause of course!

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Guest lilcuteeguh

what happen at the mask scene? cuz i remember someone posting a pic of hyorin, shin, cg, yuu; wearing masks. it seems like they are at a fancy party?

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