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Guest coreana

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Guest Pikachu

:D First Goong wallpaper out of the recent episode (16). It was actually supposed to be for an LJ layout (which I haven't coded yet) and decided to expand the layout itself to a wallpaper too. :3

Hope you guys like. XDD

credits: mbc for images, shabbyprincess.com for patterns

Err.. I editted the picture/wallpaper itself a bit. I seem to have forgotten to delete extraneous stuff on the side of the wallpapers. XD This should be fine now. xDDD;;

Thanks for all the comments so far. I'm glad you guys like it. :D

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Guest echoRy

WOW TELLSSS! that's a really tight HUG!

someone's gonna rip it right? :blush:

Pika - nice wallie, ur very talented! ang ganda!!!

pandabear r u still around? J?

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Guest cilik

shenny, it's 8 min 17 sec to be exact :P

and pikachu, such a pretty wallpaper! i envy you <_<

hehehehe :P

Telly YES they sure are part of the preview!!! kkeekeke....*happy*

i'll be back with caps :)EDIT: telly already posted some of the same caps :sweatingbullets: sorry, i didn't realize how long it takes to upload pictures :ph34r:

screenhunter0265en.jpg screenhunter0276ra.jpg screenhunter0288fx.jpg

screenhunter0290br.jpg screenhunter0304xn.jpg screenhunter0310qm.jpg

screenhunter0333jk.jpg screenhunter0350fx.jpg screenhunter0372hj.jpg

screenhunter0388wh.jpg screenhunter0416kh.jpg screenhunter0437eg.jpg

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aw... MBC is so mean to taunt us each week.

they really know how to hook us though!

and pikachu, that wallpaper is gorgeous, great job

heh i keep changing my wallpaper every few hours cuz there's always

nice new ones coming out. you guys are all so talented!

definitely keep them coming, i love the change of wallpapers =p

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Guest Telly

heheh ANGELINE, it does look like such a tight hug; look at chae gyung's expression =o



i hope chae gyung gets to breathe! haha i'm loving her yellow outfit though!

and here's hyo rin + the queen


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Guest essie


hey you guys.. doesn't it look like that Shin is holding CG here??

look a bit far from each other..maybe though.

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Guest Pikachu


hey you guys.. doesn't it look like that Shin is holding CG here??

At first I thought that, but I sorta dismissed it since that part of that image is sooo tiny so I can't confirm. :( We'll see on the episode I guess, whether he really is holding on her elbow... but it sort of looks like it, jsut hard to tell. :o

I tried enlarging then sharpening the image on Photoshop and it jsut seems like his hand on his lap.

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Guest SuiGeneris

(AHAH. 1337 pages. *childish*)

Yul's pink v-neck shirt ... OH, I HAVE NO WORDS. Asian boys and their fruity oufits. xD

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Guest deeism


hey you guys.. doesn't it look like that Shin is holding CG here??

thats what i thought at first too.. but they look a little far apart.. and shins just kind of.. "falling" off the table or something.. and then i was thinking.. wouldnt CG say/do/etc about shin holding her elbow? =S but idk



awww they look so cute. >_< lol @ CG expression.. hmm. i wonder what the hug was for..

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Guest Telly

yippee yay for beetles and hot pink sweaters <3


and i'm thinking these are the clubbing scenes?




>> creds to daum

yay, MANDA, those caps =o thankssss <3

hehe and no need to be sorry, the more caps the better =)

hehehhehehe i want shin to be my driving instructor now >=D

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Guest Brooklyn

hrmm, MANDA, is this picture part of the episode 17 preview? =)

more episode 17 preview caps!


look at the 2 boys showing off their cleavage(s)

and ho-toot wrapped up to the chin... :lol:

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Guest echoRy


hey you guys.. doesn't it look like that Shin is holding CG here??

doesn't it look like there's a chair in between them?

TELLSSS- thanx for all the caps

oh my gosh, that beetle scene looks like it'll be really funny!

and manda for the oncoming caps!

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Guest Pikachu

XDDDDD Ahhh~~~ teaching her how to drive. That's sooooo cute. XDDD!!! Shin looks really pissed and Chae Gyeong just scared. XDD

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Guest sungaaah

^^ oOOh telly : hahahhahaha

those caps of shin and cg in the beetle made

me laugh so loud ! hahha i love shins expressions ..

reminds me of my parents when i was first

learning to drive teehee ~~

and the last cap : what is up w/ hyorin and yuls face ? aigoOo ~

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Guest gebera

thats what i thought at first too.. but they look a little far apart.. and shins just kind of.. "falling" off the table or something.. and then i was thinking.. wouldnt CG say/do/etc about shin holding her elbow? =S but idk

awww they look so cute. >_< lol @ CG expression.. hmm. i wonder what the hug was for..

guess this is the moment when Shin told CG to stay by his side even when he is not the Crown Prince anymore.

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Guest cilik

XDDDDD Ahhh~~~ teaching her how to drive. That's sooooo cute. XDDD!!! Shin looks really pissed and Chae Gyeong just scared. XDD

he's definitely pissed...hahaha. he keeps shouting at her because as i said, he's teaching her to no avail :sweatingbullets:

tells aren't you in the same timezone as me, dear? (・_・?) why aren't you asleep? :P hehehehe

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