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Guest cilik

Paid preview for Ep 17 is out!


Anyone who watches it, please let us know what is in the preview :D:unsure:

thanks for letting us know, rainbowbrite! :D

i'm watching it right now but i just had to pause it because of what they're showing in the first few minutes of the preview. HUAHAUHUAHUAHUHAUAHUAH they seem to be in a disco/club type of thing and shin looks so out of place! :ph34r::lol: LOL. i just can't stop laughing. i'll come back to edit this post with the details later...(though i'm pretty sure someone else here is going to beat me to it :P)

EDIT: description of ep 17 long preview is included in my next post (next page) instead

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mjo7 I think there's another chair between them... *trying to grab any glasses* I'm rather blur though... so I might be wrong... ~_~

ya, it does look like there's an extra chair between them, but WHY??? did he get there late? who could possibly be sitting there, all of the friends are already seated? and look closely, it's like his placemat is ready to fall off the edge of the table! looks like he's being a poopy-butt to me!!!

ghrrr... I think we need to start a "beat some sense into Shin-Goon" camp!

Ignore your wife — get a beating

Meet with/have long convos with the HO-TOOT — get TWO beatings

Yell at your wife and make her cry — get THREE beatings and no dinner

commit all of these offenses one more time, forfeit the right to be married to her and banish yourself to antarctica...

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thanks for letting us know, rainbowbrite! :D

i'm watching it right now but i just had to pause it because of what they're showing in the first few minutes of the preview. HUAHAUHUAHUAHUHAUAHUAH they seem to be in a disco/club type of thing. i just can't stop laughing. i'll come back to edit this post with the details later...(though i'm pretty sure someone else here is going to beat me to it :P)

ah cilik... tell us please!! :w00t: good or bad preview?

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MJ, then can I build an igloo for Shin and I? I'd move to Antarctica for him!

YES! then, maybe with all the cold and proper training you can teach him how to be a good husband. To you, of course, b/c by then CG will have realized that Yul is really her true love, that she should be with someone who treats her well and respects her!

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Guest Telly

oooh, previews are out =o

wahh, i wanna know what happens! but MANDA can tell us all about it >=D

hehe, speaking of clubbing; i hope chae gyung gets drunk and then one thing will lead to another [insert continuation here] =D

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Ignore your wife — get a beating

Meet with/have long convos with the HO-TOOT — get TWO beatings

Yell at your wife and make her cry — get THREE beatings and no dinner

commit all of these offenses one more time, forfeit the right to be married to her and banish yourself to antarctica...


OMG, you've created the perfect punishment for our Shinny.... spanking by wifey!!! :lol:{edit} do I sound pervy again??

But not the last two please... not the last two... *faithful ChaeShin shipper*

{edit} It's CG's chair, she didn't lean in to the chair So, I think they're both upset with each other... Why can't they just make up and have loads of sesons...?? WHY...?? WHY...????

I didn't see the placemat though... it lsure ooks like it's going to fall off... ~_~

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how much do we think these episodes are going to follow the manhwa?

so far we have all the friends gathered (like on the school trip) and we know CG will overhear Shin and Hyorin talking about their plans to study abroad and feeling all heartbroken... sniff sniff.. too much sadness...

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YES! then, maybe with all the cold and proper training you can teach him how to be a good husband. To you, of course, b/c by then CG will have realized that Yul is really her true love, that she should be with someone who treats her well and respects her!

MJ, I'm not giving him back though... :P , I don't plan on it!

First off, from seeing the pics, how the heck did Chae and Shin's friends become all ... friendly towards each other? Did they notice a drift between the lovely couple and joined forces to "reunite" them? Do some mending? lol, I can't wait!

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Shin's GF :ph34r: ?

Anyone can translate the captio belowphoto_256_1_1_no_6610_1.jpg

본좌가 보기에는 맞는거 같은데 확신이 안 서 여기에 물어보오.

인터넷 여기저기 신군사진중 이 사진과 중복 된거 있는지 찾다가 지쳤오.

아니라면 바로 삭제 할 거요.

더불어 맞다면 무슨 사진인거요?


it doesnt look like JJH in the first place? :vicx:

no? i thought it does? :ph34r::lol:

its not JJH. his arms were never so rough looking :ph34r:

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Guest Pikachu

:D First Goong wallpaper out of the recent episode (16). It was actually supposed to be for an LJ layout (which I haven't coded yet) and decided to expand the layout itself to a wallpaper too. :3

Hope you guys like. XDD

credits: mbc for images, shabbyprincess.com for patterns

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Guest cilik

the preview translated by gebera pretty much sums it up...i don't speak korean, so i'm sorry that i can't do more than give you the description of the scenes...

Ep 17 preview (spoiler alert!)

the three stooges are at a disco/club, and shin goes to meet them. i don't know what they're talking about, but kang in gets angry at shin (he grabs shin's collar) while mentioning hyo rin.

i think this happens right after shin visits hyo rin at the hotel.

then they show the palace attendants talking about something, and then the scene moves to chae talking to shin in shin's room. chae looks upset (probably at his little disappearing act) and starts to walk away before shin stops her and hugs her real tight (i think he's suffocating her with the hug :sweatingbullets:).

the next scene is of the queen talking to hyorin, and the queen actually looks really kind in this scene.

next is shin trying to teach chae how to drive her new beetle (to no avail) :lol: they're both screaming like mad hahahaha.

after that, chae is driving with her friends in her car to this place where shin, the three stooges, and hyorin are already waiting there (if i'm not mistaken, yul's driving his car right behin chae's car and they arrive at the same time. i think this might be the place where yul's having his birthday party (it looks like a villa of some sort). the pictures that someone (i forget who...sorry :sweatingbullets:) posted with shin outside chae's car refers to this scene i think.

and that's all folks!

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Guest piano4112000

Episode 17 sounds like at least there will be some fun moments. Thank Cilik for the sneak peek.

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Guest Telly

moohahahha wow, MANDA, it seems like it's going to be one blast of an episode =) thanks a lot <3

and PIKACHU, your graphics are always nice! thanks for that =D

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:D First Goong wallpaper out of the recent episode (16). It was actually supposed to be for an LJ layout (which I haven't coded yet) and decided to expand the layout itself to a wallpaper too. :3

Hope you guys like. XDD

credits: mbc for images, shabbyprincess.com for patterns

it's so pretty!! ^^

I luv it :wub: thank you for sharing.... :)

i love those beach pictures, and love how you arrange them like that & those lil bows also.... :wub:

ahhh~~ pretty wallie... :D

Manda, the paid preview (is it 9 mins or 7 mins?) sounds interesting like usual :sweatingbullets: 2 more days to kill! AJA! *giggles*

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:D First Goong wallpaper out of the recent episode (16). It was actually supposed to be for an LJ layout (which I haven't coded yet) and decided to expand the layout itself to a wallpaper too. :3

Hope you guys like. XDD

credits: mbc for images, shabbyprincess.com for patterns

very nice. love this. make more please ? :w00t:

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Guest essie

the preview translated by gebera pretty much sums it up...i don't speak korean, so i'm sorry that i can't do more than give you the description of the scenes...

Ep 17 preview (spoiler alert!)

the three stooges are at a disco/club, and shin goes to meet them. i don't know what they're talking about, but kang in gets angry at shin (he grabs shin's collar) while mentioning hyo rin. i think this happens right after shin visits hyo rin at the hotel.

then they show the palace attendants talking about something, and then the scene moves to chae talking to shin in shin's room. chae looks upset (probably at his little disappearing act) and starts to walk away before shin stops her and hugs her real tight (i think he's suffocating her with the hug :sweatingbullets:).

the next scene is of the queen talking to hyorin, and the queen actually looks really kind in this scene.

next is shin trying to teach chae how to drive her new beetle (to no avail) :lol: they're both screaming like mad hahahaha.

after that, chae is driving with her friends in her car to this place where shin, the three stooges, and hyo rin are already waiting there (if i'm not mistaken, yul's driving his car right behin chae's car and they arrive at the same time. i think this might be the place where yul's having his birthday party (it looks like a villa of some sort). the pictures that someone (i forget who...sorry :sweatingbullets:) posted with shin outside the car refers to this scene i think.

and that's all folks!

thanks!! wow...hopefully there is some more love btwn SHIN & CG soon.

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Guest rose7969

the preview translated by gebera pretty much sums it up...i don't speak korean, so i'm sorry that i can't do more than give you the description of the scenes...

Ep 17 preview (spoiler alert!)

the three stooges are at a disco/club, and shin goes to meet them. i don't know what they're talking about, but kang in gets angry at shin (he grabs shin's collar) while mentioning hyo rin. i think this happens right after shin visits hyo rin at the hotel. then they show the palace attendants talking about something, and then the scene moves to chae talking to shin in shin's room. chae looks upset (probably at his little disappearing act) and starts to walk away before shin stops her and hugs her real tight (i think he's suffocating her with the hug :sweatingbullets:). the next scene is of the queen talking to hyorin, and the queen actually looks really kind in this scene. next is shin trying to teach chae how to drive her new beetle (to no avail) :lol: they're both screaming like mad hahahaha. after that, chae is driving with her friends in her car to this place where shin, the three stooges, hyo rin are already waiting there. i think this might be the place where yul's having his birthday party (it looks like a villa of some sort). the pictures that someone (i forget who...sorry :sweatingbullets:) posted with shin outside the car refers to this scene i think.

and that's all folks!

thank you cilik for the preview.. I think kang in angry with shin because Shin has been ignoring Htoot..Previously the three stooges, Shin and Htoot are "best friend"

About CG, sometimes I feel frustrated with her...Why is she so slowwwwwwwwwwww in picking up that Shin really like her... She has been living with Shin for these past few months...She should understand Shin by now...He was brought up like that to suit as a future king... What more she wants from Shin, at every single opportunity, Shin will hug her and "kiss" her...If I were CG, I will just kiss Shin back and ensure that Shin will stay by my side....Ulaaaaa ha...ha :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Guest Telly

hrmm, MANDA, is this picture part of the episode 17 preview? =)


ooh, it's a surprise/sudden/stolen HUG =D

more episode 17 preview caps!


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