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Guest coreana

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Guest brighterthansunshine

wow i just spent the past 14 hrs watching goong with some in-between breaks to eat, etc. im totally sucked in. right now im dling episode 15 and while im dling im just re-watching again and again those scenes between shin and CG. gosh im totally obsessed with this drama. Im not even tired or anything, watching goong revitilizes me or something lol

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Guest lovedrama

Does anyone have anymore eps to upload? So far I was able to download 1-16 eps. Would greatly appreciated if you can upload the rest.


Lovedrama :)

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Guest echoRy

Does anyone have anymore eps to upload? So far I was able to download 1-16 eps. Would greatly appreciated if you can upload the rest.


Lovedrama :)

nope u have all the eps thus far. 17 & 18 come on wednesday and thursday this week.

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Guest carlavb

Does anyone have anymore eps to upload? So far I was able to download 1-16 eps. Would greatly appreciated if you can upload the rest.


Lovedrama :)

its only up to epi 16..

epi 17 will be shown on wednesday... :)

Oops Angeline beat me to it..

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Guest missy

i'm just praying they are concretely together at the end of season 1!!!

no leaving us hangin'!

~~~<333 hi J PoohBear to u~~~

thats what i'm worried about! no cliffhangers please! @_@ i'll go crazy!

I can say that because of GOONG alot of us have been neglecting our schooling and even work, *raises hand*...the time in between will give us a little breathing room and also time to catch up and rest before the GOONG VIRUS" hits us again next year, :D .

*raises hand too*

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Does anyone have anymore eps to upload? So far I was able to download 1-16 eps. Would greatly appreciated if you can upload the rest.


Lovedrama :)

Lovedrama, Goong is still airing right now (every Wed & Thur) on IMBC.. so ep 1-16 are all we have so far. Next wednesday ep 17 will be aired and you can come back here to see the Goong madness and find some links to d/l *provided by our endless wonderful Goongers* :D

EDIT: Nv mind, Angeline and carlavb just beat me.. You guys are fast.. kekekeke

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awww...so there'll be no sweet scenes of Shin and CG in Ep.17 & 18??? I really don't get Shin. He's cold one minute and warm seconds later. Maybe when the series is over, we can analyze his character, because rite now I'm totally confused. Does he ever ask himself why he's jealous when CG is with Yul or why he's worried when she went missing or why he's sad when she's not around? Just say how much you like CG shin, urgg...how frustrating!

As for Yul, after watching Ep.14 & 15 (thanks to subbers), I fell more in love with him, even though I'm a shin camper. But come on shin campers, don't hate Yul for liking CG :tears: At least he doesn't use underhand tactics like Hyorin. He said straight out that he likes CG, and he's trying to win her love by showing how much he cares for her, not by hurting her. I mean, when he told his mom not to show CG the pictures of Shin and Hyorin cuz that would hurt CG...I'm like omg, how :blush: . I'm sure that if it was Hyorin, she would totally show CG the pictures, just to get Shin. Time after time, he's there for CG when she's depressed/sad, and where was Shin? I feel so bad for him, comforting a girl he loves while she's crying about another guy...aww the pain!

Well, enough of my ranting :P sorry for the long post. Anywayz, here's my contribution, another MV that I made. So enjoy while we're all waiting patiently for subs ;) I have no idea what the song means, since it's in Korean, but I love the melody, so that's why I used it for Shin & CG. The song can be about a guy breaking up with a girl for all I know haha, but for non-Koreans, I guess it's ok rite? If someone knows Korean, please briefly explain to me what the song means, I'd really appreciate it (thanks).


ps>>> Btw, I have a question. the nite that Shin and Cg shared the room together, Yul was saying "Dirty, dirty, very dirty" (something like that) What does he mean? is he referring to the way they force Shin and CG together is dirty? :unsure:

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Twenty-something pages ago, Telly (or maybe someone else? can't remember) posted a pic of Joo Ji Hoon and the monkey trio smoking, so I thought it'd be funny to point out Eun Hye's own colorful past. :D


Actually, it's from a BBVox music video. But still, it's different from what some (most??) of you have seen of her.

I think this is another subconscious reason why I'm not a Shin fan. Because contrary to lots of Goong'ers in this thread, I came to this show as a Baby VOX fan. They were my favorite group out of that whole late 90s, early 2000s Korean pop explosion, and Eun Hye was a member I always liked. Now, though, seeing her in Goong, she's so... TAME. It's like, I want my pop star back!!! The one who drank beer and danced beside hot guys in videos!!! Yeah. <_<

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Guest echoRy

aahhhh! well that makes sense now, how much it seems to

bug u that Chae isn't as "tough" as EunHye would probably be in real life.

i've come to accept that's the way the PD's & EunHye have made Chae be,

it is frustrating at times though ur right. sometimes u just want to knock some

sense into her, cause any other girl (atleast the ones i know and myself included),

would have kicked the bejeezers out of Shin by now.

p.s. to whoever reads Korean, on the imbc site, would someone kindly tell me why so

many people are posting pictures of kids in there lately? and some are ssoooo cute too!

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Guest manderley_angel

Just finished in 1 1/2 days episodes 1-12 of Goong given to me by my OC-OC friend Brooklyn.

Cant believe I'm transported back to the Meteor Garden era feeling. :o

It's very entertaining and the production is spectacular. :w00t:

The stars are refreshingly good. You get that "kilig" (giddy is the only term i can think of) factor when you see Shin and CG together tho i also like the cutie Yul. :P

First time I'm watching an on-going series and also eps. 13-16 without subs. (turning adik) :lol: Brook promised eps. 13 & 14 with subs tom. Cant wait. :w00t:

maja sis, chula... you are right, we're back to juvenile delinquency... Aish!!!! :wacko:

Cant believe this thread has 113 people browsing it. Grabe!!!

First time i really went to the goong thread and read just the last page.

So toxic at work cant do any BPs.

I'm glad to read some very interesting conversations.

And, thanks a lot to those who worked hard to give us the eng. subs.

You are truly great goongsters. :D

^ ate ella! so youre here too... ive been seeing ate Brooklyn being a GOONGer herself! (hello nga pala ^^ ate Brook..) GOONg is definitely refreshing..... i personally liked how it had new stars and a breaktaking cinematography...

Ep 17

Shin came back to the palace and CY was very angry with him for leaving without any news. Asked him why he had to bear the burden all alone. Shin hugged CY and said he hope CY could still stay by his side even though he is no longer a Crown Prince.

Next, Hyorin seemed to have spoken to Shin's mum and accepted her proposal of leaving Shin alone.

Yul sought his mum permission to invite the royal couple to his birthday celebrations.

Ep 18

Rumours were flying questioning the suitability of Shin being the Crown Prince. The King felt maybe Yul was more suitable to be one.

credit : koreanwind

^ i'm really looking forward to seeing SHin hug CG like that... it really just shows how much he can't live his life without her anymore...

+ Hyorin staying off Shin??!? the queenmommy really has some convicing power! i agree with what has been mentioned before.... Yul needs to talk more with the Queen and clear his head up....

+ I just wanted to say that I really dislike the King.... how can he be so stupid as to favor Yul over his OWN son >.>;; i mean all becuse of his unrequited past with Yul's mom.. what an IDIOT!

yey.... this page has been pwned!

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Guest echoRy

manderley hello & kumusta,

this is beautiful...



~~~yeah, that's that's KingDaddy IDIOT! i'm wondering where they're gonna go with his

character. whether he'll do a turn around and see MO-TOOT for what she really is,

or if QueenMommy has to give him proof first! the character's so blind!~~~

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Guest mocha_kitty

Hello fellow goongers!

I remember seeing a post where someone put up the screen shots of the teddy bears in the Goong episodes, I can't find the page for that post now! I've tried backlogging but it seems hopeless.... :tears:

Can someone let me know the page number?

Thanx a bunch!

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Guest echoRy

Hello fellow goongers!

I remember seeing a post where someone put up the screen shots of the teddy bears in the Goong episodes, I can't find the page for that post now! I've tried backlogging but it seems hopeless.... :tears:

Can someone let me know the page number?

Thanx a bunch!

well here's one, i know there was a better one but i'm not on my comp

at the moment so i can't post it. maybe someone else has can for u.



:excl: ~~peeps, talk. i'm stuck in a boring lab lecture and going nuts from boredom!~~ :excl:

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Guest beauwhale

Hi goong fans,

This topic is getting big. i get lost among the pages. i cant follow the conversation in here even though i access to soompi 5 times/day. cant belive that Goong has big fans.

Anyway, does anyone know where can i find the preview for ep.17 and 18? please help me. i am dying to watch it. please give me the page number. big thanks

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Guest mocha_kitty

Angeline , thanx for the teddy bear pic!

btw, I have a question....I noticed that in epi 15 and 16, Shin can come out and drive himself, like in the beginning of epi 15 when he was mad at her and also when he brought CG out to the beach :D but how come he can do that now? In the beginning, he needed so many bodyguards and also he was driven then.

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Guest manderley_angel

manderley hello & kumusta,

this is beautiful...

~~~yeah, that's that's KingDaddy IDIOT! i'm wondering where they're gonna go with his

character. whether he'll do a turn around and see MO-TOOT for what she really is,

or if QueenMommy has to give him proof first! the character's so blind!~~~

^ hellow din Angeline btw, u can call me Viel ^^;;

ano nga pala ang lecture mo? kung meron lang class about GOONG edi hindi boring!

Angeline , thanx for the teddy bear pic!

btw, I have a question....I noticed that in epi 15 and 16, Shin can come out and drive himself, like in the beginning of epi 15 when he was mad at her and also when he brought CG out to the beach :D but how come he can do that now? In the beginning, he needed so many bodyguards and also he was driven then.


i think that he's just recieving much more freedom now since he's a "married" man.... plus in those scenes he was kinda driving fast that the bodyguards weren't able to catch up with him... (at the scene after he punched Yul)

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mocha kitty, I think he's able to go off on his own cause he's got the power to tell off his guards. He's done it before like in eppie 1 how he told off the guard and then was told that they had orders from the Queen, but when Shin gave the guard that look, the guard backed off. So I would say that it's cause he's got the power.

I don't know...it's what I think.

Gee, hun, I'm here, I'll keep ya comfy.

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Guest echoRy

^ hellow din Angeline btw, u can call me Viel ^^;;

ano nga pala ang lecture mo? kung meron lang class about GOONG edi hindi boring!


hahaha, oh yeah! if there was such a class, i'd get an A easy! lolxxxooo

:wacko:INBU 3307 - International Trade Law :wacko:

kitty, here's another bear collage, but the other looks better...


J, hi hun! aawww that's so little sleep! :( got coffee around?!

and manda too, hi yah! and everyone else who's logged on right now...Annyong ha shimnikka !

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Guest cilik

mocha kitty, I think he's able to go off on his own cause he's got the power to tell off his guards. He's done it before like in eppie 1 how he told off the guard and then was told that they had orders from the Queen, but when Shin gave the guard that look, the guard backed off. So I would say that it's cause he's got the power.

yeah i think he does it just 'coz he can. and i was thinking maybe him not wanting the elders to know about it (both regarding CG's disappearance and the trip to the ocean) had something to do with it too. because if he took the driver & guards with him wouldn't the elders wonder what he's doing outside the palace when he's not scheduled for an outing...?

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Guest manderley_angel

hahaha, oh yeah! if there was such a class, i'd get an A easy! lolxxxooo

:wacko:INBU 3307 - International Trade Law :wacko:

kitty, here's another bear collage, but the other looks better...


^ reminds me of my 6 hour class -- UNRS212 Nursing Care of the Adult & Elderly: Medical Surgical Nursing x_______x;;

oh, if there was a class on GOONG... i'd be like the straight A student lolz.... XD

wanna shoutout a hi to jun ji hellow there!

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