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[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


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Guest dopeyleigh46


I love what you just said. With what they went through, especially SH, I can see their love growing deeper as time passes. By the way, are you voting for SH/YJ?

I do hope too that the writer will not disappoint us because so far, she has been consistent in building up the relationship of YJ/SH not YJ/GP. If you take all the scenes of SH/YJ together including their interaction with members of the family, you will see the unfolding of a romance. Now, if you take all the scenes of GP/YJ together and their interaction with their family, you don't see any romance at all, just two people who became close friends and confidante.


If the writer's intention is to have a GP/YJ ending she should have at least shown a physical indication of a romance between GP and YJ. For example, maybe GP declaring his feelings to YJ, a romantic scene just like the SH's kiss in the garden and YJ's stay in SH's room. But there is nothing of that sort. The only thing I see remotely indicating his feelings was touching YJ's hair but it is not even that romantic because you can also touch a friend's hair that way. I know the GP/YJ shippers will hang me out to dry for what I am saying and I apologize, but I am just following the storyline. A meaningful stare is nothing if there is no follow-up by way of a statement/physical gesture. Compare that to SH's relentless pursuit of YJ and please I don't want to hear that he is selfish because it is one-sided and he should not pester YJ because she has no feelings for him; ISN'T THAT WHAT SUITORS DO, they bring flowers, chocolates, invite the girl to dinner in the hopes that they win her love? SH is doing what a typical male admirer will do.


In episode 13, there is a hint that YJ has feelings for GP. I am still iffy on this; it may be true or she might just be asking out of curiosity because of what the reporter said to her. OK, let's assume that YJ does have feelings for GP and the writer is now shifting to GP/YJ ending. The story now becomes inconsistent because the foundation of an SH/YJ ending has been established. All those built-up romanctic scenes between SH/YJ become meaningless. With only two episodes, for a GP/YJ ending, the writer better come up with an ending that is PLAUSIBLE.


An open ending makes this a so-so drama not worth watching.



I totally agree with you! And to answer your question, I am definitely voting for SH/YJ!


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Guest imogene_af
















You aren't the only one but like Gwan Pil, we're silent but deadly? :lol:



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That's what STALKERS DO!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you, you guys, :D for providing me with the biggest laugh of the week!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You guys can completely crack me up everytime you post. :lol:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the law offices where I work - what you have just described in SH's pursuit































































































































































































































































































































































































































































is enough to get a Judge to issue a Restraining Order!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You're all such a hoot! :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think it'll be a an open ending - which is disappointing.... :blush:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but if you want to get a really HUGE eyeful LJW - you should definitely check out































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Before and After Plastic Surgery - he's the star for sure in that -































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and plays a very cool doctor.... B)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and the subs have already been completed -































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it was 12 episodes only - a Friday show -






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P.S. I'm hard at work editing ep. 12 of this series.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What's laughable is your reaction. You're so opinionated that you think that your comments are the best and to hell with the rest of us who don't agree with you.

































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Guest marley







Was glancing thru while on this forum and am really shock to see personal attacks on comments left by well meaning poster. This is definitely not healthy and unacceptable. We need to be crystal clear about that. Everyone has their right to their own opinion. However,I do understand the frustration of many at the way this drama has progress...


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What's laughable is your reaction. You're so opinionated that you think that your comments are the best and to hell with the rest of us who don't agree with you.





:DYou have my whole hearted respect for your opinion. :)









I actually think we'll all be disappointed by an open ending....as NO ONE gets the girl.









just doesn't seem like so much can be accomplished in 2 episodes to make









everyone happy!! :rolleyes:














we've got some fiery little pistols here in the thread!









keeps it interesting to read -









Press on - B)














actually, i like all the threaders here - we all do...









why else would be working so hard on the subs for this series?














Rock on :):D:phew::(:rolleyes:


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I totally agree with you! And to answer your question, I am definitely voting for SH/YJ!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Your name has been added to the list. Just want to up the list here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SH (102 votes) - salz, fashionista, sheherizade3, arielcc, nicole214, linh27, pcyan, tinapring, kimngoc266, gcris, adir, lvtino99, saranghae<3, *beccas, krngrl3091, bellaangel012, pralee, andloveyelledno, marley, mysuna, ~XoX~, Noel, bluenitesky, vkkkim, babymarzy07, allydally, renni72, vis, luvmygirl, alfredo, gems, kat_joy, kori65, litto_gurl, willyly, hathai, mandyshi, baby1talk, gracemandy, anitawj, zara_ifa, p_cr, sakura_dubai, yanki222, crfan, aegeansea01, baby1talk, justmelody, Aznlilgirl516, naomisumandy, bedethuong12000, mzsmiley, tracycutie, tvmani4, ayie77, aurostica, raine_evenstar, damsel, dee5, serene, Cheago, purpleheart, cushion, angelangie, wen_wen, hoangtrinh81, 2ndComing, msbae77, kpopit, chaesorim, lizy2, lyndia_parker, daysgoby, meteostorm1642, xprinessx824, siwen_sally, EnDlEsS88, jenny_nguyen, Ericku, yusi, Hanjae, Crystallight, glee, adykristinn, happyever, amy0408, Fasiris Fay, jesminder, jess_gallen, antinh85, onni, jas282, SixMyths08, audreysky, chiara, kitty4ever, thienly, YTzEM, hope2008,tstars,breathe521, dopeyleigh46
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































GP (84 votes) - counsel05, grumpy23, ovette, canyayasis, JaneSc, Cassandra, cutiepie, elin, jessT, marbella, lovely_witch, slmisfit, imogene_af, hjkomo, pinklover27, hafi, chula, ahs, ai*, lightskies, thunderbolt, jellomocka, vjah05, ompi, dunnie, Phelen, acemaverick, axerine, kjongmin, usachin, ys_jen, Sparkly_Chic, christyc1995, melmel, ameizeing, hanamisg, nalouche, wink, christysg, Patricia, bling2, silverfire302, Partners4Life, Yehbaby, SweetKim, NelielTu, sabchy, k_fanatic, azndgn26, mochi_chan, teileen2, applescelery, joenjwang, stumpy013, Dahee Fanel, YoonHee08, sabchy, mummycow, gie, noblelady777, Camille, caroline, blue_rose, cookii, qtjena13, autumnrain, mandalaywith, Dangermousie, blucrypton16, ladykristinn, knuts, love-yun, harumi_chikamatsu, hanarei, aznlafinbananaxp, mzpakipot, Sam18q, IvyTsui, cookii, leianji, Priscilla, mommie Alice,Debuton, tejung
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't Care Who YJ Ends UP With...as long as I end up with GP (2 votes) - Auntie Mame, ct1234
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Forget who YJ Ends Up With... I wanna be her (1 vote) - puela
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How about a threesome? (1 vote) - queer
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Undecided/SK (South Korea) because YJ is married to the country (3 votes) - pruedish, Cerise, *sayuri2*

































































































































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Big shout out thanks to everyone that has taken the time









to keep a count of the votes...









I read at least once a day to see how GP's doing....









but sadly....he's slipped so far down... :tears:









which is still great news for Auntie Mame!!


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Guest autumnrain

am equllay perturbed by some personal attacks here and there. can't we just enjoy watch peacefully and arguing it for the sake of arguing only ? Peace to all.

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I downloaded a GREAT SCREEEN SAVER for the official KBS website!









If you haven't checked out the P.O. site you really should...









I came back from a meeting today to the sight of our 3 main leads









flashing across the screen.









There are some great individual pictures, especially of LJW for all the SH shippers.









You should have a look.


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Guest atalamarche10
































































it's so sad...
































i just finished epi 11
































can someone tell me if Pyung Wook really dies..??
































i hope not..he's really funny and a really nice person
































that would be so horrible

















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I watched episode 13.


the most heart-wrenching scene between GN and GP made tears swell in my eyes.


I've come to love this child actress a lot, she is so cute! oh, she is in Iljimae too! Very pretty and cute in her elegant hanbok! <3


I can't wait for the following episodes!



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Guest fashionista




i wouldn't mind if YJ ends up alone because it wouldn't make sense for her to end with anyone at this point in the drama. 2 episodes aren't enough to convincingly show a romantic relationship between YJ/SH or YJ/GP when 14 episodes showed diddily squat. the perfect ending had already happened for me. it was when YJ/SH/GN/GP were at the beach. they were all happy. i think the scenes between SH/YJ were all cute and usually saved for couples in korean dramas but for some reason, KEY (the writer of PO) aren't using them the same way. her intentions are different. she's including those scenes to play with ppl's minds...to bring attention to the drama. there were even articles on "the 2nd kiss"...as if it was going to be a big deal...please, it's a forehead kiss and we all know it was a goodbye kiss from SH. <_< this writer is making me as upset about this drama as i was with OPSBSY. :ph34r: thank god i stopped watching after ep 7 or else i'd be even more upset. just reading the comments from both sides of fans are enough to drive me crazy wondering what the heck is going on in that little head of KEY.

it's so sad...

i just finished epi 11


can someone tell me if Pyung Wook really dies..??


i hope not..he's really funny and a really nice person


that would be so horrible



don't worry. he didn't die. :) the actor who plays PW or BW is also in spotlight. in PO, he has scenes with CR and in spotlight, he has scenes with CR's brother.


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i wouldn't mind if YJ ends up alone because it wouldn't make sense for her to end with anyone at this point in the drama. 2 episodes aren't enough to convincingly show a romantic relationship between YJ/SH or YJ/GP when 14 episodes showed diddily squat. the perfect ending had already happened for me. it was when YJ/SH/GN/GP were at the beach. they were all happy. i think the scenes between SH/YJ were all cute and usually saved for couples in korean dramas but for some reason, KEY (the writer of PO) aren't using them the same way. her intentions are different. she's including those scenes to play with ppl's minds...to bring attention to the drama. there were even articles on "the 2nd kiss"...as if it was going to be a big deal...please, it's a forehead kiss and we all know it was a goodbye kiss from SH. <_< this writer is making me as upset about this drama as i was with OPSBSY. :ph34r: thank god i stopped watching after ep 7 or else i'd be even more upset. just reading the comments from both sides of fans are enough to drive me crazy wondering what the heck is going on in that little head of KEY.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will be disappointed if YJ ends up alone. This is supposed to be a romantic drama and as far as I can remember the lead always falls in love or has a romantic experience, be it a happy one or not. If YJ is to end up alone, not even experiencing love, then they should advertise this series as a comedy/drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With regards to what you mentioned that 2 episodes are not enough to convincingly show a romantic relationship between YJ/GP, I agree with you 100%, but with SH/YJ, after all the romantic scenes they had and that is why I am not complaining about this writer up to this point, it is not a stretch for them to end up together (by the way you should watch all the episodes because you missed a lot of romantic scenes).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Too bad if the writer lost her focus. Chae Rim is just so lovely in this series. She said she worked out everyday and it shows because she has a great figure. Also, I like her role here more than any other role she has tackled. I like roles where women are strong just like Kim Sun Ah in Kim Sam Soon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Regarding the forehead kiss, I dont mind that; I think it was very sweet and tender. I do hope that they have real kiss again...ha..ha..ha..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Up to this point, except for the long-winded tale of the boys' past, I am still happy with the way the drama is presented, especially the romantic scenes of SH/YJ. When the series ends, I will rewatch all the sweet moments of SH/YJ.

































































































































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Okay, EVERYONE can hate me now because I'm going to say what I've been feeling.
































































































































































































































































To be perfectly honest, one of the reasons that I stopped posting was because my opinions and explanations were not respected by a few of the SH-YJ shippers, who were so adamant in their interpretation of the SH character. Each time that I tried to explain or offer an alternative interpretation of the characters' action(s), I sensed personal negative feedback from subsequent comments.
































































































































































































































































Fortunately, these aren't real people, just characters in a television drama. So, I simply stop posting because I didn't want to participate in a useless tug-of-war over something that isn't even real.
































































































































































































































































In case, anyone is unaware, I have no vested interest in whether it is a GP-YJ or a SH-YJ coupling because I've always had my own separate category in the poll. And, if forced to change my vote, I'd changed to YJ-SK (South Korea) because I do believe her job is important enough to her that she'd turn down any guy.
































































































































































































































































As for this drama, at best, it has been entertaining. It is not great in any category. The beginning of the drama was down-right laughable. There is no way that anyone shooting 30% would be even considered for any law-enforcement training academy, let alone a Presidential Security Force. (Personal knowledge of law-enforcement hiring standards.) The reactions and response tactics of the security force were totally inept. They failed so many missions that I would be surprised if the real-life Presidential Security Force didn't file a complaint with KBS for insulting them with such poor character depictions. :angry:
































































































































































































































































Perhaps, that's why the viewers had to embellish the importance of one issue, i.e., who gets the girl. It's kind of sad that the cast and production team, who put in so much effort, is rewarded by viewers heavily centering on just the romance. (At least, for this thread, romance seems to have been the most popular topic.)
































































































































































































































































As for the cast, I like CR's acting in DJS better. As I've previously stated, I think LJW's acting in "Someday" was far superior. And, this is my first encounter with GP (whatever is his real name), so I don't have much to say about him, except he was stellar in that one scene outside the church with CR. With the exception of GN, it has been typical day-time soap opera acting for the rest of the cast. One can predict exactly when the sigh was coming, when the eyebrows would furrow, when the neck veins would pop and when the look of constipation would occur. :wacko:
































































































































































































































































The one thing that I thought was innovative was how the director shot the flashback scenes. I do like how he juxtaposed the current and past images in the flashbacks.
































































































































































































































































So, right from the start, this was not a show to be taken seriously, worry over or even, to think too much on. Please consider the last two episodes as nothing more than entertainment. :)

































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Guest hjkomo
























Brava! Well said, Auntie Mame!
















Your insights are always greatly appreciated (by me, at least :D ).
















I had been feeling sorry for those that had been scared away, or the ones, like me, who were getting sick of all the nonsense in the thread. :P
















Thank you!





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Well said, Auntie Mame!









Your insights are always greatly well articulated.









That's why I always look for you in forums!









I think the constipation remark is brilliant!









It's why I like following you around!





Now, I'll return to editing the subs for EP. 12









so that we can release them as soon as possible....









so i'm back under the radar working on English subs...





:ph34r: (who's that? - not me - poof - i'm gone!) B)


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Guest marley







Hi Auntie Mame thanks for insight. I do understand how the emotional outburst is coming from though. Most of it is bad script writing. Any story telling begin with a main focus and theme.people only react naturally when they follow your story telling. If you do not stick to it and sway here and there to gather attention as someone rightly put it, you only do more damage by playing up people's emotions and expectation. It is like playing both camps and pitting them against each other for their finale scene .It is still ok if it is done during the early eps while the story is being built. But to do that at such a lat e stage is just not right.Frustration will certainly step in and the outlet will burst with ugly consequences. let this be a lesson for the writer that it is a dangerous game she is playing with just to get more attention on the drama. it will backfire in the end..





CR-love her since AAE.Great on screen with JDG.Miss JDG. It has been more than 8 yrs since he was in AAE ... He should have a series soon. I Hope!!





LJW- Very good at air city. showed lots of potential in that drama.





LJH- great as a villian in Green rose. good acting .Ko soo is just brilliant with his emotional and painful protrayal as the lead actor..one of my favorite drama.This series forum is still active and alive after so many years.It shows that good storyline will always be the winner at the end.( Shown in 2005)


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Guest blue_rose
























Finally, somebody said what I feel needed to be said for a while...........here here...........VERY well said Aunti Mame. I concur with everything you said.






















I hope we can discuss things passionately without getting too obsessed about stuff.






















enjoy the ride for what it's worth, if you don't like it no more..........tune out.
























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