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[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


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Okay. So here's the deal with screen saver.







I tried to recreate my steps of how i acquired it...











I went to the KBS drama page:






















if you need help navigating that page, PM me,







I'll teach you a great trick to get rid of the gibberish...











When you go to the link above - there's a floating window,







I couldn't get rid of it - so i clicked on it - and it was the SCREEN SAVER.











So I downloaded it and installed it.







when I rebooted my computer - there were all the faces we've all come to know and love!!

























But if you REALLY want the screen saver -







here it is - i THINK!!!






















KBS Screen Saver














I worked for me - it might NOT work for you.


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Guest christyc1995





Hi Auntie Mame, great thoughts! Hack the wars here, but please don't stop posting as I love to read your comments too! I agree, it is just a mere drama or a drama that is not 100% romance links like any other K dramas. I am enjoying it and love how the story goes. I don't expect to see a complete ending, but I am interested to see how the writer wrap everything up in the next 2 epi. I am addicted to soompi stories and already well prepared for the ending. hahaha!



Whatever YJ/GP or YJ/SH whoever she ends up with, will be great to watch or even open ending I don't mind. It is just a story and the writer's thoughts and won't say its worthless... Look at it in another perspective, that's how the writer expresses herself or even her story.



Ignore the wars, just keep posting!


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Guest devylann

wondering if anyone got links to ep11??? i checked aigoo but that site no longer has it and ... wat i d/l from CB is no good...lotsa of glitches on ental and shinhwa version...so... if anyone got another one...i'd be so thankful...dont mind another ental... maybe i gotta bad one...dunno...but if you do..pls.... re-up for me... HQ ver pls.... bigmail...prefer... thanks in advance!!!! :D:D

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Guest acemaverick
















































































































































































































Okay. So here's the deal with screen saver.















































































































































































































































































































































































































I tried to recreate my steps of how i acquired it...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I went to the KBS drama page:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if you need help navigating that page, PM me,































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'll teach you a great trick to get rid of the gibberish...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When you go to the link above - there's a floating window,































































































































































































































































































































































































































I couldn't get rid of it - so i clicked on it - and it was the SCREEN SAVER.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So I downloaded it and installed it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































when I rebooted my computer - there were all the faces we've all come to know and love!!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But if you REALLY want the screen saver -































































































































































































































































































































































































































here it is - i THINK!!!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































KBS Screen Saver






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I worked for me - it might NOT work for you.































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh, it;s not just PO is it? it;s all the recent KBS shows right? i thought it was PO only but i don't mind 3d1m too though. although the rest i;m not that familiar with.

















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Guest caribbeandiva







OMG i want chae rim and the lee jin wook to be together!!! im still at ep 8 tho. im gonna watch the oda eps soon but kinda behind cuz alotta skool work recently


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Guest shearerc
























Episodes 13 & 14 (1.5gb) MU links are available at AIGOO















































Hmm..what's up with Aigoo - i just checked and the PO page is completely missing.









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Guest ameizeing
















































































Ep 15 preview (parentheses my additional comments from trailer at end of ep14)
































































GP decides to send KN to the Blue House every weekend. When KN is not around he feels dejected & lost and YJ goes to comfort him (we see YJ with hands on his shoulder in trailer). YJ confirms GP's feelings for her (another translation says she confirms her feelings for GP - I'm not sure which is correct) and she feels confused. In order to get KN to accept him, SH decides to take part in the dance competition (we see Mr Cha training him in the trailer). Meanwhile, YJ faces danger as she chases after a mysterious man who's stalking SH (looks like senior Nam seeking revenge!)
































































More scenes from trailer:
































































SH looks at YJ's documents. He tells YJ he will not pursue her nor look her up anymore, and begs her to spend one day with him in (don't know name of place).
































































YJ goes on blind date arranged by her father but GP and SH turn up at the restaurant to disrupt the date. YJ confronts SH & GP demands to know what they want with her and says she's confused because of them.
































































GP hugs YJ and says "That's why women won't do")








































































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Guest nicole214

































Ep 15 preview (parentheses my additional comments from trailer at end of ep14)
































































































































































































Every weekend, after GP sends KN to the Blue House, he feels dejected & lost. YJ goes to comfort GP (we see YJ with hands on his shoulder in trailer) and confirms GP's feelings for her. She feels confused as a result. In order to get KN to accept him, SH decides to take part in the dance competition (we see Mr Cha training him in the trailer). Meanwhile, YJ faces danger as she chases after a mysterious man who's stalking SH (looks like senior Nam seeking revenge!)
































































































































































































More scenes from trailer:
































































































































































































YJ dining with a man at a restaurant - seems like blind date. She confronts SH & GP and demands to know what they are trying to do (probably disrupted her date)
































































































































































































We also see GP hugging YJ and GP's voice saying "That's why women won't do")






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So then it is SH that Sunbae's stalking not YJ or GP. OMG i hope the ending won't disappoint us by killling someone or maybe, the one whose life's in stake will win YJ's heart. But what i know, It's YJ's father who knows where YJ heart is.(hahaha)
































































































































































































Then she feels confused, meaning she might have felt something but if she is confused, she have feelings for SH also. Great at atleast.

































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Guest ameizeing









So then it is SH that Sunbae's stalking not YJ or GP. OMG i hope the ending won't disappoint us by killling someone or maybe, the one whose life's in stake will win YJ's heart. But what i know, It's YJ's father who knows where YJ heart is.(hahaha)

Then she feels confused, meaning she might have felt something but if she is confused, she have feelings for SH also. Great at atleast.































































































































YJ said in early episode that duty of bodyguard is to take punches, pelted eggs and bullets for the protectee. She's already taken the first two for SH, so maybe she will end up taking a bullet fired by senior Nam at SH. Whatever it is, I hope the scriptwriters don't let her die and have an open/tragic ending :tears:









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Guest blucrypton16



Brava! Well said, Auntie Mame!

Your insights are always greatly appreciated (by me, at least :D ).


I had been feeling sorry for those that had been scared away, or the ones, like me, who were getting sick of all the nonsense in the thread. :P


Thank you!



I really enjoy Aunt Mame's posts...she's a very keen observer...I admire her for her analysis...



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Guest ovette
Wow. Maybe I'm the only one that wants GP to get YJ. :)
LOL you're definitely not alone. just that GP shippers are quiet and rather stay in the background just like him.
You aren't the only one but like Gwan Pil, we're silent but deadly? :lol:
totally agree with imogene_af haha
Okay, EVERYONE can hate me now because I'm going to say what I've been feeling.

To be perfectly honest, one of the reasons that I stopped posting was because my opinions and explanations were not respected by a few of the SH-YJ shippers, who were so adamant in their interpretation of the SH character. Each time that I tried to explain or offer an alternative interpretation of the characters' action(s), I sensed personal negative feedback from subsequent comments.

Fortunately, these aren't real people, just characters in a television drama. So, I simply stop posting because I didn't want to participate in a useless tug-of-war over something that isn't even real.

As for the cast, I like CR's acting in DJS better. As I've previously stated, I think LJW's acting in "Someday" was far superior. And, this is my first encounter with GP (whatever is his real name), so I don't have much to say about him, except he was stellar in that one scene outside the church with CR. With the exception of GN, it has been typical day-time soap opera acting for the rest of the cast. One can predict exactly when the sigh was coming, when the eyebrows would furrow, when the neck veins would pop and when the look of constipation would occur. :wacko:

So, right from the start, this was not a show to be taken seriously, worry over or even, to think too much on. Please consider the last two episodes as nothing more than entertainment. :)

finally one brave soul.. very well said. im a strong GP/YJ shipper but i have been fed up with arguing and defending him since i expect a ready attack coming right through. not that i want to offend anyone, but as much as possible, i want this thread to have healthy conversations. and of course, for people to voice out what they feel without feeling hindered. i have been keeping hold of my bias and tried posting caps of both GP and SH so as not to be unfair but some just dont get it.

looking forward to more of your posts!

i have loved CR in every drama she is in, but i think DJS was her best. she ventured into a new role. it was totally different from her past roles and she executed it perfectly.

i also like LJW in Someday. i also think he was best there.

as for LJH, i liked him in Hello God, i can see the GP stiffness in his character there that's why i like him hihi

is there a direct link to where to dl the wallpaper? i can't read korean so i've no idea where to load it from
you can download PO wallpapers here : http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...t&p=8882371

just find the wallpaper category. i also made some.. take a look at it :P

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Guest usachin

































































Okay, EVERYONE can hate me now because I'm going to say what I've been feeling.

To be perfectly honest, one of the reasons that I stopped posting was because my opinions and explanations were not respected by a few of the SH-YJ shippers, who were so adamant in their interpretation of the SH character. Each time that I tried to explain or offer an alternative interpretation of the characters' action(s), I sensed personal negative feedback from subsequent comments.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Fortunately, these aren't real people, just characters in a television drama. So, I simply stop posting because I didn't want to participate in a useless tug-of-war over something that isn't even real.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In case, anyone is unaware, I have no vested interest in whether it is a GP-YJ or a SH-YJ coupling because I've always had my own separate category in the poll. And, if forced to change my vote, I'd changed to YJ-SK (South Korea) because I do believe her job is important enough to her that she'd turn down any guy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As for this drama, at best, it has been entertaining. It is not great in any category. The beginning of the drama was down-right laughable. There is no way that anyone shooting 30% would be even considered for any law-enforcement training academy, let alone a Presidential Security Force. (Personal knowledge of law-enforcement hiring standards.) The reactions and response tactics of the security force were totally inept. They failed so many missions that I would be surprised if the real-life Presidential Security Force didn't file a complaint with KBS for insulting them with such poor character depictions. :angry:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Perhaps, that's why the viewers had to embellish the importance of one issue, i.e., who gets the girl. It's kind of sad that the cast and production team, who put in so much effort, is rewarded by viewers heavily centering on just the romance. (At least, for this thread, romance seems to have been the most popular topic.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As for the cast, I like CR's acting in DJS better. As I've previously stated, I think LJW's acting in "Someday" was far superior. And, this is my first encounter with GP (whatever is his real name), so I don't have much to say about him, except he was stellar in that one scene outside the church with CR. With the exception of GN, it has been typical day-time soap opera acting for the rest of the cast. One can predict exactly when the sigh was coming, when the eyebrows would furrow, when the neck veins would pop and when the look of constipation would occur. :wacko:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The one thing that I thought was innovative was how the director shot the flashback scenes. I do like how he juxtaposed the current and past images in the flashbacks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So, right from the start, this was not a show to be taken seriously, worry over or even, to think too much on. Please consider the last two episodes as nothing more than entertainment. :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i like your thoughts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've been very silent in this forum for so long, i like reading everyone comments and analyse if the show is wothy. This is the first thread i've post so much oO i wanned to wait til this show end up so i could watch, cuz i hate sad ending, but the firsts eps was so entertaining that i couldnt resist, it truly went down fall after that, but i guess i felt this way mainly for not understanding cuz it didnt had subtitles, i was just following everyone point of view and some translation, since i was cheering for GP i read everything so i could catch what was going on.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Up in the middle of the show GP's caracter was labeled as such a bad guy and ppl start wonder what as his motivation, so i tried showing that the drama didnt put it that way, guess i didnt help that much XD since i notice that i've been only trying to comment on scenes and such.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i like your comment on law-enforcement training academy, this show really was hillarius.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i also liked CR more in DJS than this, i even like her hair better before, about SH i never saw him before, i only saw GP in movies...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now finally watching with subs i can see that the show isnt that bad, nor is changing its concept, is just that the romance everyone wants it is just too slow and i wont make comment about is and isnt romance anymore, is too late for that, right now i am enjoying the show only and waiting next monday to come...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so plz keep on posting, i like all your comments....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































about the poll... if is really a open end... can we share GP? :P

































































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This is for all SH/YJ shippers. I found these two mvs by Dejavu (big thanks to you). It is a 2-part interview of LJW. Did not understand a word he was saying but I watched it anyway because he is such an eye candy.









































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest nicole214

































































































































































































































































This is for all SH/YJ shippers. I found these two mvs by Dejavu (big thanks to you). It is a 2-part interview of LJW. Did not understand a word he was saying but I watched it anyway because he is such an eye candy.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Here is another creation of Dejavu. An interview of Chae Rim (making 17). She is so cute and she does not look a day older than LJW who is 2 years younger than her.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest autumnrain


finally one brave soul.. very well said. im a strong GP/YJ shipper but i have been fed up with arguing and defending him since i expect a ready attack coming right through. not that i want to offend anyone, but as much as possible, i want this thread to have healthy conversations. and of course, for people to voice out what they feel without feeling hindered. i have been keeping hold of my bias and tried posting caps of both GP and SH so as not to be unfair but some just dont get it.

looking forward to more of your posts!


yes, like you, i am totally fed up fr about 25 pages back. reading some posts here make you wonder if there is any form of campaign going on. I just do not get it. romance comes in many forms, right ? GP's type is too silent and subtle, so maybe not many can see/feel it.

am eagerly waiting for surprises in the next eps.........

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Guest Cerise

































































Ep 15 preview (parentheses my additional comments from trailer at end of ep14)

GP hugs YJ and says "That's why women won't do")































































































































































































































































First of all thank you so much for your translation.
































































































































then.. allow me to faint... *faint*
































































































































Now why don't they have two twins of YJ.
































































































































SH will get one and GP get the other. :blush:

































































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Guest fashionista


First of all thank you so much for your translation.

then.. allow me to faint... *faint*

Now why don't they have two twins of YJ.

SH will get one and GP get the other. :blush:

hahaha.........yeah, why don't they? both camps would be happy. no matter what the ending is, there are going to be many unhappy campers....


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Guest usachin

















Now why don't they have two twins of YJ.

SH will get one and GP get the other. :blush:































































































































































































































funny XD but this would make the show more clicher than ever XD

















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