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[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


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Guest jtranla
































































































































































































































































































































































































강적들.E14.080527.HDTV.XviD-Ental.avi (687414 KB) PC저장
































































































































































































































































































































강적들.E14.080527.HDTV.XviD-Ental.avi (687414 KB) PC저장
































































































































































































































































































































강적들.E12.080520.HDTV.XviD-Ental.avi (731472 KB) PC저장
































































































































































































































































































































강적들.E12.080520.HDTV.XviD-Ental.avi (731472 KB) PC저장
































































































































































































































































































































강적들.E13.080526.HDTV.XviD-Ental.avi (707670 KB) PC저장
































































































































































































































































































































강적들.E13.080526.HDTV.XviD-Ental.avi (707670 KB) PC저장

































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Guest Ming65sia



Fyi, I'm a happily married woman. so based on their acting, the chemistry that YJ/GP is building up is that of man/woman while what I see in SH/YJ is one sided. Unless it's just bad acting which I doubt so.

So far, it has been SH pursuing YJ....force kissing her and hold her hand even though she wanted to leave.


I hope that I'm not getting any online arguments here. The reason why I seldom post, it's cause that there are shippers on both sides, n it's just not fun having people questioning my views. I watched dramas based on pure entertainment and based on how the characters move in this drama, I much prefer GP/YJ pairing, cause this is how the whole building up. I like the actor protraying SH however i will be disappointed if it is SH/YJ pairing cause so far it is one sided and with a few more episodes to go.....I will find it all wrong if YJ suddenly developed romantic feelings for SH...


If it's not GP/YJ ending, then I would prefer a open end ending.....like that of 3 men and one baby where none got the girl, cause that drama focused on the bringing up baby on most episodes, if they suddenly pair one male lead with Eugene, I will be upset cause it's jsut doesn't make sense.


Anyway, I respect your faithful support for SH/YJ pairing and making so much effort to write about a patient finding love etc :)





Very well said.



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guess what? the c-subs had the key line in the BBQ scene all wrong! it says.....

GN: No way! My dad likes ahjumma more than you do!
























































the correct version is hjkomo's version below....

GN: No way! Ajumma likes my dad better/more!









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Guest Cerise









Thank you for the nice translation! Although I cried while watching in Korean, reading your translation made me teary again. I really like your choice of words!

And I just wanted to add, for those who are still wondering how this drama might end, that unless the car our writer is driving gets into an accident and makes a complete U turn, the direction is leading one way only => towards YJ&GP. Why? Because I think, after 14 episodes, it's pretty obvious who YJ likes... Someone mentioned that she might be just infatuated with GP, but I disagree. YJ's feelings are stronger than just infatuation. As we all know, she is a very strong woman, and one who couldn't afford the luxury of falling in love... So I'm sure she guarded her heart, trying not to 'feel' for anyone. But hard as she tried, there was someone who kept knocking at her heart... someone who unexpectedly was breaking her walls... making her feel vulnerable... bringing so many questions...






















































Did you she her eyes today, while she was talking to GP at the roof-top? Outloud, she reminded him that he owed her an answer (to the question about 'his feelings for her.')~ And silently, her eyes spoke volumes... She was bold when she asked that question before, so he should not pretend he didn't hear it... It wasn't a small question for her... she was still thinking about it... and we know what was the answer she longed for...






















































To be honest with you, I was ready to slap GP right then and there! How can he ignore her question, her emotionally filled eyes? :tears: YJ was opening up to him! The only saving grace was that he was too heart-broken for KN... Otherwise, I would have changed camps... :ph34r: But since he was too preocupied with his daughter, I forgave him that he continued being the stoic brain-head that keeps his heart under control. I just hope that in the following episode, he would gather up the courage to answer her question and be honest once for all! What YJ said about 'saying what's inside the heart' gives me hope... I really hope he is the one who is finally hugging our heroine in the pictures of the next preview... Really, if SH is actually the one hugging her, I would be really disappointed in GP for failing to be a real man... (and the writer for lack of consistency)































I was the one who said YJ's feelings towards GP are probably just an infatuation. :sweatingbullets: Well part of me still do feel that it's just an infatuation (or at least started as an infatuation). I understand she's a bold and all. It's still foolish, she doesn't show much love herself but goes around and ask about his feelings towards her. YJ might be trying to make her infatuation stronger. GP that guy he's making her condition worst too. What is he afraid of I don't understand.. He obviously loves her. he wouldn't have gone around in circles if he doesn't.
















Earlier this week I was leaning towards YJ/SH pairing, and now I'm more for GP and what he wants... If he wants YJ... then the writers better give him YJ. If he wants GN to be his and only his... :tears: so be it, let the girl stay home alone as long as she can see her dad everyday.
















I'm looking forward to the hug scene... :wub:
















hjkomo thank you so much dear.. I don't know how things would be without your translations.









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Guest ovette
Ggot-nim is such a popular girl nowadays.. First time I saw her is in KBS daily drama called The Beautiful Days. ^_^ It was so sad seeing her abandoned by her mother. Then she appeared in this drama which is a pleasant surprise. :D Now I see her in Iljimae which is a double surprise for me since she looks so cute in hanbok... :w00t:
LOL she played the young Hwang Jin Yi in the movie.. she's so adorable and her acting is really great. i can level her with the kids in Fashion 70's who did outstanding performances as well.
The scene on the bus reminded me of CR & JDG (in taxi/AAE)

Surely.. I'm gonna miss this dynamic forum....

You guys all are awesome.... ;)

when i was watching it, first thing i remembered was DJ and TB at the back seat of the bus haha
Thanks. GN is sooooo cute here. Kids usually say da darnest thing right? 4 me kids r really very sensitive n much more aware of their surrounding compared with adult. Maybe cos they r still pure n innocent. They usually say as it is. Like what u c is what u get.

YJ face really show her true feeling. It's like showing how da hell did u know kind of face. While GP is more like I better not look at her directly cos I'm not sure how she feel right now. LOL!!! So funny to me. Well as for SH his face like 'y u lil rascal, y r u saying so much stuff now'. LOL just my intepretation here. But I really like small kids who just said what on their mind. Cos sometimes they really do help adult make the decision. Hope the drama ending will be good n not just haphazardly rushed.

i knoww, thank you hjkomo for the wonderful translations... she says what is so obvious even when GP and YJ denies them up to the last minute.. what's funny is GP insisted that they were good friends and yes we again use the term 'colleagues' just as YJ explained it to SH.

i definitely agree that the GP/KN scene was the highlight of this episode.. the scene is so heartwrenching especially when GP said that 'uncle SH is her real father.' and just broke down.. the way he said it with subtlety, it was soo sad.. and KN also broke my heart when she cried at hugged GP.. it was always nice to see GP and YJ open up to each other as well. the way they speak with so much depth, and see the connection getting stronger. YJ's words bring consolation to GP, he was stressed from the visit to the Blue House and seek YJ for comfort.

YJ's voiceover: Even so, rather than not being able to say the words and regretting...even if there are scars, isn't it better to say them and regret?

Because then, you'll be able to take a step towards healing...

this was a great quote from EP14.


SH (103 votes) - salz, fashionista, sheherizade3, arielcc, nicole214, linh27, pcyan, tinapring, kimngoc266, gcris, adir, lvtino99, saranghae<3, *beccas, krngrl3091, bellaangel012, pralee, andloveyelledno, marley, mysuna, ~XoX~, Noel, bluenitesky, vkkkim, babymarzy07, allydally, renni72, vis, luvmygirl, alfredo, gems, kat_joy, kori65, litto_gurl, willyly, hathai, mandyshi, baby1talk, gracemandy, anitawj, zara_ifa, p_cr, sakura_dubai, yanki222, crfan, aegeansea01, baby1talk, justmelody, Aznlilgirl516, naomisumandy, bedethuong12000, mzsmiley, tracycutie, tvmani4, ayie77, aurostica, raine_evenstar, damsel, dee5, serene, Cheago, purpleheart, cushion, angelangie, wen_wen, hoangtrinh81, 2ndComing, msbae77, kpopit, chaesorim, lizy2, lyndia_parker, daysgoby, meteostorm1642, xprinessx824, siwen_sally, EnDlEsS88, jenny_nguyen, Ericku, yusi, Hanjae, Crystallight, glee, adykristinn, happyever, amy0408, Fasiris Fay, jesminder, jess_gallen, antinh85, onni, jas282, SixMyths08, audreysky, chiara, kitty4ever, thienly, YTzEM, nhocsieuquay, hope2008, tstars, breathe521, dopeyleigh46

GP (84 votes) - counsel05, grumpy23, ovette, canyayasis, JaneSc, Cassandra, cutiepie, elin, jessT, marbella, lovely_witch, slmisfit, imogene_af, hjkomo, pinklover27, hafi, chula, ahs, ai*, lightskies, thunderbolt, jellomocka, vjah05, ompi, dunnie, Phelen, acemaverick, axerine, kjongmin, usachin, ys_jen, Sparkly_Chic, christyc1995, melmel, ameizeing, hanamisg, nalouche, wink, christysg, Patricia, bling2, silverfire302, Partners4Life, Yehbaby, SweetKim, NelielTu, sabchy, k_fanatic, azndgn26, mochi_chan, teileen2, applescelery, joenjwang, stumpy013, Dahee Fanel, YoonHee08, sabchy, mummycow, gie, noblelady777, Camille, caroline, blue_rose, cookii, qtjena13, autumnrain, mandalaywith, Dangermousie, blucrypton16, ladykristinn, knuts, love-yun, harumi_chikamatsu, hanarei, aznlafinbananaxp, mzpakipot, Sam18q, IvyTsui, cookii, leianji, Priscilla, mommie Alice, Debuton, tejung

Don't Care Who YJ Ends UP With...as long as I end up with GP (2 votes) - Auntie Mame, ct1234

Forget who YJ Ends Up With... I wanna be her (1 vote) - puela

How about a threesome? (1 vote) - queer

Undecided/SK (South Korea) because YJ is married to the country (3 votes) - pruedish, Cerise, *sayuri2*

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Can anyone translate the voice over of SH in the bus while YJ is sleeping. Looks like he's saying I love you and goodbye. huhuhu!!!
































































































































































































































SH is saying that he always wanted to ride a bus beside someone who he has feelings for. Can't translate word for word but that is the gist.
































































































































































































































That was my impression too because SH saw GP and YJ talking.

































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Just by reading your comment, it gives me hope! I have also been watching the voting and will final give my two cents in. I would love to see SH/YJ together. It is always a big deal when a woman can change a man for the better. Every moment between them has some signifance to how deep their relationship is and how it is continuting to grow. I just hope that the write will not disappoint.
































































































































































































































I love what you just said. With what they went through, especially SH, I can see their love growing deeper as time passes. By the way, are you voting for SH/YJ?
































































































































































































































I do hope too that the writer will not disappoint us because so far, she has been consistent in building up the relationship of YJ/SH not YJ/GP. If you take all the scenes of SH/YJ together including their interaction with members of the family, you will see the unfolding of a romance. Now, if you take all the scenes of GP/YJ together and their interaction with their family, you don't see any romance at all, just two people who became close friends and confidante.
































































































































































































































If the writer's intention is to have a GP/YJ ending she should have at least shown a physical indication of a romance between GP and YJ. For example, maybe GP declaring his feelings to YJ, a romantic scene just like the SH's kiss in the garden and YJ's stay in SH's room. But there is nothing of that sort. The only thing I see remotely indicating his feelings was touching YJ's hair but it is not even that romantic because you can also touch a friend's hair that way. I know the GP/YJ shippers will hang me out to dry for what I am saying and I apologize, but I am just following the storyline. A meaningful stare is nothing if there is no follow-up by way of a statement/physical gesture. Compare that to SH's relentless pursuit of YJ and please I don't want to hear that he is selfish because it is one-sided and he should not pester YJ because she has no feelings for him; ISN'T THAT WHAT SUITORS DO, they bring flowers, chocolates, invite the girl to dinner in the hopes that they win her love? SH is doing what a typical male admirer will do.
































































































































































































































In episode 13, there is a hint that YJ has feelings for GP. I am still iffy on this; it may be true or she might just be asking out of curiosity because of what the reporter said to her. OK, let's assume that YJ does have feelings for GP and the writer is now shifting to GP/YJ ending. The story now becomes inconsistent because the foundation of an SH/YJ ending has been established. All those built-up romanctic scenes between SH/YJ become meaningless. With only two episodes, for a GP/YJ ending, the writer better come up with an ending that is PLAUSIBLE.
































































































































































































































An open ending makes this a so-so drama not worth watching.

































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Guest nicole214
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did anyone noticed or just me, during the dancing scene when SH stopped and just keep staring on YJ, that was the first time that the look from YJ towards SH is different unlike before that she will get into a distance right away. I'm just happy with this scene and just like one who posted about SH just thought that maybe YJ liked GP but actually she liked SH, i'm kinda feeling that way too. Go SH-YJ fighting!!!

































































































































































































































































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Did anyone noticed or just me, during the dancing scene when SH stopped and just keep staring on YJ, that was the first time that the look from YJ towards SH is different unlike before that she will get into a distance right away. I'm just happy with this scene and just like one who posted about SH just thought that maybe YJ liked GP but actually she liked SH, i'm kinda feeling that way too. Go SH-YJ fighting!!!
































































































































































































































Yes, yes, yes, a girl will not be that self-conscious if the stare did not affect her. She would have just brushed if off the way she does with her other admirer in the office (forgot his name).
































































































































































































































To the subbing team a big MUAH!!!! for episode 11.

































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Guest blucrypton16



I love what you just said. With what they went through, especially SH, I can see their love growing deeper as time passes. By the way, are you voting for SH/YJ?

I do hope too that the writer will not disappoint us because so far, she has been consistent in building up the relationship of YJ/SH not YJ/GP. If you take all the scenes of SH/YJ together including their interaction with members of the family, you will see the unfolding of a romance. Now, if you take all the scenes of GP/YJ together and their interaction with their family, you don't see any romance at all, just two people who became close friends and confidante.


If the writer's intention is to have a GP/YJ ending she should have at least shown a physical indication of a romance between GP and YJ. For example, maybe GP declaring his feelings to YJ, a romantic scene just like the SH's kiss in the garden and YJ's stay in SH's room. But there is nothing of that sort. The only thing I see remotely indicating his feelings was touching YJ's hair but it is not even that romantic because you can also touch a friend's hair that way. I know the GP/YJ shippers will hang me out to dry for what I am saying and I apologize, but I am just following the storyline. A meaningful stare is nothing if there is no follow-up by way of a statement/physical gesture. Compare that to SH's relentless pursuit of YJ and please I don't want to hear that he is selfish because it is one-sided and he should not pester YJ because she has no feelings for him; ISN'T THAT WHAT SUITORS DO, they bring flowers, chocolates, invite the girl to dinner in the hopes that they win her love? SH is doing what a typical male admirer will do.


In episode 13, there is a hint that YJ has feelings for GP. I am still iffy on this; it may be true or she might just be asking out of curiosity because of what the reporter said to her. OK, let's assume that YJ does have feelings for GP and the writer is now shifting to GP/YJ ending. The story now becomes inconsistent because the foundation of an SH/YJ ending has been established. All those built-up romanctic scenes between SH/YJ become meaningless. With only two episodes, for a GP/YJ ending, the writer better come up with an ending that is PLAUSIBLE.


An open ending makes this a so-so drama not worth watching.



From the start of the drama, I really watched in an objective view but the writers made too many hints that it is indeed about YJ and GP. The first three episodes suggest that the main leads are YJ and GP. Why would they name the show Powerful opponents if it's not the case...anyway, it's just my thought. SH's is pretty much one-sided. It seems that YJ doesn't feel anything for SH.

Yes, yes, yes, a girl will not be that self-conscious if the stare did not affect her. She would have just brushed if off the way she does with her other admirer in the office (forgot his name).

To the subbing team a big MUAH!!!! for episode 11.



I think that if somebody stares at me that way, even if it is someone whom I don't like, I would most likely feel the same. Anyway she doesn't have a choice, she offered help.



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Guest nicole214

































I think that if somebody stares at me that way, even if it is someone whom I don't like, I would most likely feel the same. Anyway she doesn't have a choice, she offered help.
































































































































































































Great!!! You make my day. <_< Just kidding :P

































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Guest yusi









I think that if somebody stares at me that way, even if it is someone whom I don't like, I would most likely feel the same. Anyway she doesn't have a choice, she offered help.
































Hi :rolleyes:
































I don't know about your personality, but from what we have seen in this drama we can expect what YJ's reaction in such cases, simply she will give him a cold look and ask with confidence why he is staring at her or may be saying somthing funny. That's what we used to see from this character
































Do you remember YJ reaction when he ask her for a date the first time while doing community work :rolleyes:









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Guest ovette

lol i have been looking for hints from YJ. the date from the rooftop, YJ's face looks shocked, wondering why SH was there. just like how she reacted at the party and the same goes for the dancing lesson haha

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That's what STALKERS DO!











Thank you, you guys, :D for providing me with the biggest laugh of the week!!











You guys can completely crack me up everytime you post. :lol:











In the law offices where I work - what you have just described in SH's pursuit











is enough to get a Judge to issue a Restraining Order!











You're all such a hoot! :)











I think it'll be a an open ending - which is disappointing.... :blush:











but if you want to get a really HUGE eyeful LJW - you should definitely check out











Before and After Plastic Surgery - he's the star for sure in that -











and plays a very cool doctor.... B)











and the subs have already been completed -











it was 12 episodes only - a Friday show -






















P.S. I'm hard at work editing ep. 12 of this series.


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Guest nicole214
































































































































































































































































Oh my this is getting really serious. I hope for an open ending so that no one's gonna win or lose for YJ's heart battle.

































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Guest yusi









Oh my this is getting really serious. I hope for an open ending so that no one's gonna win or lose for YJ's heart battle.
































:w00t: Ha ha haha ahahah......... :ph34r:
































But I really like it, I have to admit :
































I've never enjoyed in my life a drama and all the talking around like I do here, it sounds like we are talking about world cup final :w00t: wwwwoooooooowww
































I believe no one here is taking anything personal, we're just talking, arguing and joking :w00t:
































Keep it up guys B)

lol i have been looking for hints from YJ. the date from the rooftop, YJ's face looks shocked, wondering why SH was there. just like how she reacted at the party and the same goes for the dancing lesson haha
































thanks for these hints, coz I think they prove her changing atittude towards him
































it started with showting & beating, then shocking, after that confused & ombarrassed, finaly and hopefuly melting :blush:B)









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Guest fashionista

ppl, plz try to be careful not to make any personal attack(s) on your fellow poster(s). play nice. words can hurt. (i'm sure it wasn't done intentionally)


there are several articles out on LJW. in one, they asked him for his ideal ending. here's what he had to say.



what's your preferred ending?

LJW: GP becomes my brother. that way, GN will naturally becomes my daughter, GP is then the uncle? YJ and I get married (laughing)...


updated pics from kbs (there are more on the site)







i love these scenes :wub:











they look like a happy little family in this pic.


CR looks so pretty.







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Guest gems








^ The pics are so cute! I can't wait to see this episode when the subs are out!




Okay, please don't take offense but I have been wondering for a very long time....does Gwan Pil wear lipstick? I have never seen anyone's lips look that color without cosmetics before.



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Guest imogene_af
















His lips has always been that way in every drama I see him in. I remember being totally bothered by it in "Green Rose". :lol: But even in offcam interviews, his lips look that way.



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