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Do You Guys Make Your Bed When You Wake Up ? (;


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Guest Refinnejam

I only do it when my mum tells me to or when people are visiting and are going to see my room (which is rarely, if ever)

I like to just leave it the way it is after I've woken up and I'm not bothered with leaving a pile of clothes on it.

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Guest ShiroPetal

I don't make it straight from when I wake up, but I'll do it eventually later in the day. I can't sleep with a messy bed!

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OP by your logic, it's like saying "Why wash your hands? They'll just get dirty again right away" The reason your parents want you to make your bed is not functional, they are trying to ingrain in you a sense of responsibility and organization skills - ones that you will need later in your life.

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Guest yasmie

I really see no point it in, but it's a habit now since my mom gets mad whenever it's not made.

And I'm also OCD about my room being out of order so it HAS to be clean or else I'll end up cranky or something whenever I look at it lol.

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Guest reemiii.bbyxD

Usually I don't, I concentrate on getting up and getting ready on time instead.

Sometimes my mom freaks out though and then I have to.

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Guest yunsuh

Ah.. it became a habit for me to make my bed..

usually takes 20 seconds since I don't move that much in my sleep xD

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Guest luviyu

Yes, i'm a bit weird when it comes to neatness,

My brain functions in that way that when I see things that aren't proper,

I get annoyed and unsatisfied.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Julie92

I never did but now I do it every single day after I wake up.... It dosent get messed up only when I go to sleep so I do it every morning.... Me and My brother are the only two in the house who makes our bed....

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Guest cannotfindserver

i always make my bed. the only times i don't is when is my sleep gets interrupted and it sets me into a crappy grumpy mood.

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