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Do You Guys Make Your Bed When You Wake Up ? (;


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Guest honeyboo.

nopeee [x but then mom would nag D: but i have my little sister, and she's a neat-freak, she always makes my bed XD HAHAH ♥ ~

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Guest karikami

Big fat no.

In the words of Jim Gaffigan,

"I don't believe in making the bed,"

My wife's always like "Why don't you ever make the bed?"

"For the same reason I don't tie my shoes after I take them off, doesn't make sense. Hell, I'm hoping to come back in a couple of hours."


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Guest wasabee__

nah. if it's just gonna be messed up later, why do it?

my parents used to nag me about it all the time.

then they just gave up & accepted the fact that i won't do it.

but there are still times when my dad's being a neat freak & starts up again.

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I don't make my bed when I'm at my parent's home but I have a justification: it's bunk beds and my bed is the upper one @_@

That's not a big deal because nobody pay attention to it. People understand me haha.

Contrariwise I make my bed when I live in my flat...I have to. It's not bunk beds and when I invite friends, I like the place to be clean and in order.

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Guest tea-light

Nope, never. I used to when I lived with my parents, but now that I'm by myself, I don't really see the point.

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Guest Leni1430265175

i never make my bed.. my mom always used to yell at me to make it when i lived at home.. but now theres no one to yell at me.. if i have time and im not feeling lazy then ill make my bed.. but other than that.. nope never

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Guest JaePi

I never make my bed when I wake up

but mostly I do it later

after school

...and sometimes I don´t make it

when my mum says I have to make my bed

I say why? there´s no need in it. You´ll sleep in it and will mess it again

so she gives up ^^

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