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Do You Guys Make Your Bed When You Wake Up ? (;


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Guest SillyyJenn

hack no. i never do. i'll try to when my room is clean so it matches up with everything. LOL.

yea. probably never. xD

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Guest Jess1430263132

haha . deff not. i dont have time to make it on school days and on vacation/weekends i just leave it there. [too lazy ;p] but on school days its usually my mom who does it . x]

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Guest she leanss

usually no. unless my mom makes me. or if guests are coming to view my room or go into my room. i'm too lazy.

my excuse is that when i come home later, i'll mess it up again so why do it. ahah.

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Guest xLionHeartx

I asked my now deceased grandfather why I had to make the bed all the time. He replied to me by saying, so because you're going to crap later on, do you not wipe?

Yeah, pretty much make the bed after that.

lol i posted this awhile ago, figured i'd make people laugh with the same quote xD

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Guest MiizzHyukiie

barely ^^

my grandma told me before that if you dont fold your sheets snakes and lizards appear in them.

i was scared stiff LOL

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Guest _eccentric

I do! Why? I don't like to see my room messy before I leave the house - makes me feel very very uncomfortable! Haha, one time I tried to just leave but I went back to my room and made my bed! It seriously only takes a minute or even less than a minute!

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Guest wicked_

NEVERRRRRRRR. Until my mom nags or I lose something on my bed. But now that I'm away for college she usually makes my bed FOR me when I come home to visit :lol:

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Guest SquishyJohnny

I never do since there's really no point you're just gonna have it messed up again when you jump back in bed. Usually tho for me, I wake up at 10 and head to school and get back at 6. Then, I have other things to do such as eating and showering etc. by the time that's all over i'm headed back to bed.

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Guest kawaiiai

As soon as Ive got up I make my bed straight away. And if I have friends over and I see their beds unmade I make them as well. I just like things to be tidy and neat. The only time I ease up on things like that is if im unwell and I have a really bad headache. Then I cant be bothered to do much of anything.

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Guest vee.pee

Never, unless my mum tells me off, but she rarely does.

I don't have time to make my bed, I only have a maximum of 15 minutes to get ready for school.

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Guest meiming8

I never used to...but when my boyfriend bought me a stuffed animal for my birthday, I started sleeping with it at night, and now I make my bed every day so my stuffed animal is tucked in so it's comfy while I'm gone ^_^

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